
Chapter 48: Chapter 47: I Mean the Bare Necessities

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Sophia slammed the front door of their house behind her, dragging a smiling Ursula along with her into the bedroom.

“Strip.” The blonde commanded, starting to divest herself of her clothes but making sure to keep an eye on the woman in front of her.

Ursula did as she was told, flashing her partner a smug grin as she languidly pulled off her shirt letting her large lightly tanned breasts swing free and showing off her toned midriff. Turning around she pulled down her pants, inch by tantalizing inch, gradually showing off her heart-shaped butt and the barest glimpse of her weeping nethers.

The pants fell the rest of the way with a soft whump as they hit the wooden floor although the pair could barely hear it being so focused on each other.

Sophia padded up to her partner, her head directly opposite the rhythmically twitching one of Ursula’s dick. One hand came up to feather across the sensitive skin, occasionally lightly scraping it with her nails. The other gently pushed the tall woman back forcing her to fall onto the bed.

Crawling with feline grace, the blonde moved over the pillar of flesh, then the small mountains that were Ursula’s boobs, and planted her rear directly on the teen’s face. Her back quickly arched as a tongue began to tease at her sodden lower lips.

“This is a much better use for your mouth.” Sophia quipped, making sure to plant her arse down hard to stop a retort. While that worked, her cheeks quietly clapped against Ursula’s upper ones, and she quickly felt the smirk forming on the mouth that was supposed to be hard at work.

Sophia squeaked as she then felt the strong mouth muscle focus its attention on her butthole, teasing the wrinkled ring of muscle with soft tender strokes. One of the blacksmith’s hands also reached up and began to fondle her fully erect dick, spreading the pre around the shaft to lubricate it as she jacked her off.

The enchanter reached out a hand to reciprocate but any thought about moving her arms fell to the wayside as the tongue fully inserted itself inside her pussy while a few fingers from Ursula’s other hand toyed with her backdoor. Crackling surges of pleasure arced through her as she could feel them wriggling and bumping against each other inside her holes.  With what little movement the girl on the bottom could do with her mouth she was doing it, quickly to the point of exhaustion her tongue already feeling like a small lead weight as it waggled.

Their eyes tinged each other’s colours as their souls aligned sharing the sensations, the heartbeats quickening as they felt the intensity of each other’s lust. Pulling herself off of the magical mouth, Sophia shifted back a couple of centimetres until the tip of her dick was poised at the entrance to Ursula’s mouth, the puckered lips begging for the fem cum slicked rod.

The blonde let a centimetre of her dick sink in and moaned at the sensation and the feeling of satisfaction from her partner. The sensitive skin sided against the slightly rough tongue and slick inner cheek walls.

The blacksmith, whose mouth was burning with exhaustion from the earlier exertions let her mouth go limp, accepting each hot inch until it was fully seated within her, and a gushing pussy sat before her eyes.

Sophia forced their connection open, and Ursula shivered as she could feel her warm moist mouth slather Sophia’s cock and massage it with her tongue, her dick now jutting out proud from her waist with rivulets of pre cascading down the sides like molten lava down a volcano.

Feeling her partner’s enthusiasm peak Sophia crouched over, sent a quick mental warning, and then fucked Ursula’s mouth with reckless abandon. The green-eyed elf could feel a ghost-like version of her dick sliding down her gullet as the sensations were sent to her, but it only spurned her on, loving the way the throat hugged her dick which each powerful thrust. This was accompanied by a loud wet smack as her pussy also collided with Ursula’s face leaving it shiny with juices.

Between her moans and frantic pounding of her hips, a small mischievous glint appeared in Sophia’s eyes, one of her slender hands reached over and scooped up a dollop of pre from the dick before her. Placing it into her mouth, the sweet flavour rolled over her tastebuds and was soon joined by a rush of magically induced pleasure. Instead of shunting that waves down, Sophia let it all flow over the link straight into Ursula’s unprepared body.

The reaction was instantaneous.

The horse-like dick throbbed with needy intensity as nearly a cupful of pre gushed out of the tip and was scattered across the room as Ursula’s body spasmed.

“Fuck!” The blacksmith tried to groan, but the word was muffed by the dick stuffed in her throat.

Her large hands blindly reached out to jerk off her pulsating member, but Sophia just directed them to her massive mammaries letting out another whorish moan as they mauled her soft doughy boob flesh and shifted the near-bursting milk within.

Ursula bucked again at the frisson of pleasure that jolted through her chest kneading her lover’s breasts even harder to keep the continual whitewash of pleasure consuming her thoughts. She could feel the cock in her mouth get harder and harder as the lust looped into and out of their bodies building to a crescendo.

Sophia’s hips were a blur jackhammering her length in and out of the warm hole, the magic in her breasts partially activated and then was diverted to her dick. With a howl, the blonde slammed her body down one last time trying desperately to somehow impregnate the hole she was fucking. The red fleshy walls were painted a solid white as they were hosed down with a glazing of white cream.

Stimulated by the pleasure flowing through their mental link, Ursula squeezed down roughly on the soft sacs in her palms and thrust up hard into the air. Like a volcano erupting, hot white lava spewed forth shooting wildly across the room putting the cleaning enchantments to hard work as a liberal coating of white was spread across the surfaces. Sophia, at the base of the explosion, moaned as the smell of sweet cum invaded her senses and covered her body in hot gooey warmth.

The blonde, who was still shooting seed into her lover’s mouth, lapped up a few more mouthfuls of sweet cream and forced the ensuring pleasure across the bond once again.

Ursula moaned incoherently as a renewed wave of jizz erupted out of her horse dong, her arms tightly gripping the hips slamming into her face for some semblance of maintaining mental stability.

Eventually, Sophia’s orgasm came to an end, and she wearily slumped over to the side to dislodge her spent dick from her partner’s mouth. With tired eyes, she looked up to see the cum fountain still going strong, the large rod rhythmically squeezing from base to tip to send out giant spurts of viscous fluid.

Checking internally on the link all she could find was a mental radio static.

“What the?” She mumbled, closing her eyes and ignoring the sensation of another long rope of cum gracing her skin.

She soon found that she had inadvertently prevented Ursula’s sensations from reaching her while foisting all of her pleasure onto the tall teen. With a quick mental command, she removed the block.

Sophia’s already dilated pupils nearly went to the edge of her iris as a low steady moan built within her chest, fem lube gushing out of her pussy and cum racing from her dick and onto Ursula’s face.

Both women lay there for several minutes, bodies spasming, before finally calming down their muscles strained and eyelids heavy.

“What the fuck was that Soph?” Ursula slurred out.

“Cum.” The blonde returned simply, her brain too overwhelmed for higher thought.





 Ursula woke to the sound of something clattering onto the earth.

“Get up, there’s someone outside.” She whispered to her partner jostling her awake.

A cleaning spell from Sophia whisked across them both, sending the veritable cake of dried fluids spattered across their bodies onto the floor for the automated cleaning runes. Their armour then appeared on them followed by their weapons, Ursula readying her shield and Sophia knocking a conjured arrow.

They raced into the other room and slammed open the front door earning a gasp of surprise.

“What do you think you’re–” Ursula shouted only to see an array of stout men blinking owlishly at them both. “Oh… you’re the builders.”

A small uneasy smile flittered onto the teen’s faces, “We’ll just head back inside.”

When the door closed behind them, they both let off relieved sighs and headed back into their bedroom to be greeted by the nearly overwhelming smell of their lovemaking. Their fluids travelling glacially across the floor and disappearing into the corners of the room.

“I guess we overtaxed the runes,” Sophia said sheepishly a light pink dusting her cheeks.

“So last night, that’s the pleasure you get from eating, uhh… it?” Ursula asked.

The short teen nodded.

“Fuck. Every time?”

Another nod.

“Fuck… Want to do it again?”

Sophia rolled her eyes and trod off to the bathroom.

“Is that a no?” Ursula called after her.

“We’ve probably got school today.” The enchanter replied from the bathroom.

A smirk grew on the blacksmith’s face, “That’s still not a no.”

Sophia’s answering sigh was nearly loud enough for the builders to hear it.




“Good afternoon students of the Trond Academy of Titillating Arcane.” The headmaster’s voice resounded through the hall in a slow measured cadence.

“Is that really the name?” Sophia whispered incredulously.

“Hush,” Ursula replied though a smile twitched at the corners of her lips.

“Over the last few days as most of you no doubt know,” The eagle animan continued, “The city was attacked by an Alpha Ent. Once again, this city remained stalwart against the encroaching monster menace but I must specifically congratulate those here who assisted in protecting those around them.”

One student near the girls puffed up their chest, winked at them, and then pointed to his crotch.

“Our school has been fortuitous in receiving the mana gem from within the manamal and consequently, we will be hosting our sister and brother schools, Einar Academy for Salacious Youths and Dagrun the Institute for Commendable Killers-”

“Well, we know what was on their minds when they made those names,” Sophia whispered out the side of her mouth.

You are reading story Vivimus at

“-for a tournament. The students at each school will have the chance to demonstrate their talents on the field of battle – the winner receiving a prize I can guarantee will interest you all.”

The headmaster paused dramatically for a moment, leaning slightly over the podium to echo the crowd doing the same in their seats as the few whispers died down.

“First, your name will be recorded and last for eternity in a new trophy cabinet for hundreds of students now – and into the future – to see. And a generous prize pool of one hundred gold coins!”

A din of feverish whispers descended on the hall, the golden gleam of greed shining brightly amongst the students.

The old animan waited for the crowd to calm down before resuming, “Additionally, I have a missive from the council which I have been asked to read out for you all.” The eagle-eyed man opened a piece of paper on the lectern and his eyebrow twitched, “For this auspicious event the council is offering a tour of the council rooms and an interview with a councilman or woman of your choosing.”

This time even the noble children perked up, their normally straight backs even straighter as they focused intently on the speaker.

“The tournament will be a single-elimination or knockout in which every student has the option of participating.” His gaze swept the room as his eyes seemed to pierce every student in the room, “There will be no killing. There will be no maiming. There will be no humiliation. I am personally seeing to it that my prior statements will not occur with the mana supplied by the gem. If any of those three rules are attempted to be broken, I will personally escort you out of the school and the city. Do I make myself clear?”

A stone-cold silence answered him.

His tone lowered and his mana flooded the room, “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Headmaster Arne.” The students chorused their heads bowed.

The mana retreated into his body, and he smiled genially at the crowd, “Good. Any questions?”

“When is it Sir?” A third-year called out.

“You will have one hundred days until the initiation of the event. To those without training facilities, the staff, in addition to myself, have magnanimously offered their time after hours to assist.”

A quick glance at a few teachers sitting in their seats and glowering behind him suggested that the decision may not have been entirely voluntary.

Seeing as no one raised their hands afterwards the bald animan waved his arms and the doors to the amphitheatre swung open.

“You may all return to class. May your learning be swift and fruitful.” He announced, inclining his head in the imitation of a bow.

“Ursula, Sophia please stay behind.” A voice carried by magic was whispered into the two elf’s ears.

When the rest of the school had filtered out of their hall with their teachers following closely behind them, the headmaster stepped up to the pair.

“I trust you two realise what the council is doing with this move?” The headmaster asked.

“Trap.” They both stated.

“Indeed. There’s no telling what nefarious magics they would prepare for your arrival. Death would be preferable over some of the darker more insidious mind magics.” The headmaster scowled. “If you two or one of the commoners were to win, I fear for the person’s safety and yet we can’t have the nobles win, this event is too important.”

“Based on my reaction to Tartok’s alchemy we can guess that the same thing might happen for other mind-controlling magic.” Sophia supposed.

“There is no room for assumptions.” The eagle-like man replied curtly, but his face abruptly fell, “But I must ask one of you to win. I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety.”

“Can’t we just ask to meet one of the commoner representatives on the council?” Ursula asked, “That would be safer. Or we could just forgo the visit altogether?”

“If only it was that simple,” The headmaster sighed, “Refusing a gift from the council would be seen as disrespectful and the resultant kerfuffle would be… tiresome to an extreme degree to say the least.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out Sir. We’d better head off to classes.” Sophia said reassuringly giving the man a wide smile.

As the pair ran off the eagle animan sighed for perhaps the hundredth time that day, “I hope I figure something out as well.”




Sophia and Ursula arrived home to an unexpected sight.

The builders were gone, leaving what looked to be a small extension to their house behind.

“How is that going to fit both our workshops?” Ursula asked, her tone betraying a sense of disappointment.

Sophia, however, was undeterred, “She said no expenses spared Ursy.”

The blonde raced through their front door, green eyes gleaming, as she opened the door to a somewhat familiar but still breath-taking sight.

A room the size of a football field made of stone slabs and fitted large glass windows that towered up to a vaulted ceiling that glowed with arcane light that suffused the area with a bright glow that enhanced the shimmering magic that infused every surface.

Looking to her right the enchanter inhaled and let out a pleased sigh as the scents registered, “The smell of old and new books always brings a smile to my face.”

“There’s enough books here to fill up nearly half the space!” Ursula groaned, “I’ll never see you again.”

“Yeah right, you’re going to be no better.” Sophia jerked her thumb towards the back lefthand corner, “Looks like you’ve got some new sparring partners.”

Standing on a slightly raised platform were several sets of armour, the metal gleaming with reflected light and mana, their heads shifted to follow them as they wandered around to inspect the room further.

A few meters away from the training field, arrayed along the lefthand wall closest to the exit was their professional equipment.

“It’s just like Axia’s.” Ursula muttered as she stepped into the bright orange flames that ensconced the anvil that was shimmering with heat, a small film of magic protecting her clothes and skin. Ingots of various common metals sitting in neat piles just outside the flames flickering with reflected light. Several large stonework benches holding engraving tools and simple small hammers for finer work.

Sophia was also in a world of her own, her assigned area was not too dissimilar to Tartok’s workshop. There were several barrels full of iron daggers and simple fabrics with a human-like t-posing simulacrum sitting along the wall while the centre was dominated by a large workbench.

“Now I just need to fill it with various knickknacks and gizmos to really look like an enchanter.” the green-eyed elf said.

When they went to meet back together, they noticed that a row of lighter colour bricks shining with magic delineated the boundaries of each section.

“Hopefully there’s an instruction manual or something of the like somewhere…” Ursula muttered.

Sophia knelt next to one of the bricks and her eyes began to sparkle as she began to inspect the enchantment.

“Hmm, there are no protections against viewing… Simple sound obscurement… Protections and a linking…Verbal? Intent?” The girl mumbled.

As she stood a frown creased her face, “How the hell does it work?”

Sophia gingerly placed a foot and one of the bricks and uttered, “Sound.”

A thin film of transparent, blue-tinted fog appeared around her designated workshop area. Looking over to Ursula she could see the tall girl’s mouth moving but nothing reached her ears.

“Sound off.”

The film disappeared.


A thin yellow fog appeared.

She took a few steps back into the room, “And finally, the enchantment mentioned something about needing help?”

The second she said those words, the yellow barrier dropped and the stones around her feet began to pulse with bright white light, a shrill ringing resounded through the hall. It continued for over a minute before it finally died down.

Despite Ursula’s crossed arms and upset expression a wide smile bloomed on Sophia’s face.

“This place is so fucking awesome!”


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