
Chapter 1: The Escape

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In the middle of a rainy night, a teenage boy was running away from the pursuer. His body is tattered and have a bullet wound on his stomach.

(Now keep moving straight until you get to the fork on the road, then choose right) a woman voice can be heard.

The boy obediently followed the voice.


A man yelled while chasing the boy.

“I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP WHEN I GET YOU” the man yelled again

The boy ignored him and continued running while holding his wound.

(Hey brat you see that trash can ahead, drop it to the ground once you pass it) now a man voice can be heard, he sounds like a gangster.

The boy saw the trash can ahead, once he gets near the trash can, he drop it. The trash can hit the man who chased the boy and fall down face first to the ground.

“FUCK!!!” the man yelled.

Not wasting the opportunity, the boy ran faster and finally reach the fork on the road and picked the right path.

“where to next?” the boy whisper.

(Follow along the path but don’t run) the woman voice told him.

The boy is confused but decided not to complain anything.

He breath heavily as he walk through the ally. Shortly, he saw housing in front of him and decided to walk closer to it.

He continues walking until an old man stopped him.

“boy what happened to you?” the old man said

“I was helping a girl being harassed by an old man, when I helped her, I got beaten and shot” the boy replied to the old man, showing his wound.

The old man saw it and suggested that the boy get inside. The boy obeyed and follow the old man to his house.

“hey boy, did the man who chased you still after you?” the old man asked the boy, and prepping his gun that is hidden by his jacket.

The boy saw it and said “I just barely got away from him, he is not far”

The old man nod his head, “boy, get inside, I’ll take care of him”.

The boy only nod and get inside.

After a few minutes, gunshots can be heard. a few moment later, the old man came back.

“Hey, let’s get you stitched up” the old man said.

Few minutes ago

(Gangster PoV)

“That little shit, you can run but you can hide” the man who looked like a gangster, the man who chased the boy, closed his eyes and began to sniff around.

“hehehe, looks like you haven’t made it far yet you little shit” the man laugh and prepare his gun. The man has the power of enhanced smelling.

He followed the scent of the boy’s blood and arrived at the housing.

He walk closer to the boy’s scent and he know he is getting closer. He kept walking and stopped when he saw an old man in front of him

“What would a mutt from The Gancio family came here to the Mardia territory?” the old man said.

The man is a bit surprised because the old man knew where he came from but quickly regain his composure.

“It’s none of your business, now stand aside old man?” the gangster said.

“Don’t be stupid, run away now or else” the old man threatened.

Cocking his gun, the gangster make a smug smile of his face, “or else what?” he sneered.

The gangster lift up his gun to aim and…

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A loud gunfire can be heard and the gangster fell with two bullet hole in his body, one on his head and one on his chest.

The gangster body is now lifeless and the blood spilling on the ground.

“or else that” the old man whispered.

(The old man PoV)

Tch, I need to report this to the head, the Gancio’s has become very bold as of late, they need to be taught a lesson.

He grab his phone and called somebody, after a short delay, someone answered.

“hey I need a cleaner to come near my house, I need someone to clean a corpse, also report to the boss one of Gianco’s dog is in our territory, don’t worry it has been taken care of” the old man said to someone on the phone.

“Roger that…” someone said on the phone before the phone hang up.

The old man checked the corpse but then he then remembered about the boy and walked back to his house.

When opened the door, he saw a bow sitting on the floor, clutching his stomach, trying to contain the bleeding coming from his stomach.

He walked to the countertop and grab a medical kit. He walked to the boy and said " hey, let’s get you Stitched up".

He lend his hand to be boy, the boy grab a hold of his hand weakly, then the old man brought him to the table.

“open you shirt and Lay down on the table” the old man told the boy.

He saw the boy obediently follow his order and lay down on the table.

The checked the boy, and saw the bullet wound alongside many scar on the boy upper body.

“Boy, turn around I want to see your back” the old man order the boy.

The boy turned around slowly while groaning.

The old man saw the boy’s back, no exit wound was found but he did find more scar on the boy’s body.

“no exit wound, boy lay on your back, I’m going to fish out the bullet”

The old man grab a tweezer, “hold on, this gonna sting” the old man warns.

As he pulled the bullet, he notices that the boy didn’t scream at all unlike most people and only groan and breath heavily.

“The bullet didn’t get in far, what happened” the old man asked the boy.

“I was wearing a jacket before I use it as a distraction against the man who chased me. I placed my phone on the front pocket, the bullet hit the phone and it protected me.” The boy answered slowly.

The old man stay silence, and kept cleaning the wound, he grab the suture kit and prep the wound for stitching. He grab the alcohol and told the boy “this is going to sting a lot more that before”

The boy nod and the old man proceeds to rub the alcohol first. The boy groaned more than before, then the old man began the stitching process. The boy manage to not scream during the process and endure it the whole time.

After a few second that felt like eternity for the boy, the old man finished the stitching process.

“all done, say, what’s your name boy?” The old man asked.

After a brief pause the boy replied.

“My name is Arthur”

Author note:

Hi, Hex here, This is my first time writing this kind of stuff, so any feedback and suggestions is welcomed.

Also English isn't my native language, if there is any error, please let me know.

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