
Chapter 3: 3 — Into the Murder Den

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A cold and grainy sensation brushed against Noah’s body. His eyes fluttered against the feeling, before he opened them. Solid gray rock met his sight, as Noah came to, trying to understand where he was.

He pushed up his body, looking around. He appeared to be in some sort of underground chamber. Raising his body, he looked down and saw himself wearing his old shirt, the giant hole cut through it still present on both sides. He saw dark cloaked figures standing in a circle all around him. Noah looked down and saw that he stood on some kind of altar, with a dark red circle with little runes carved into it.

Something gave him a bad feeling about all of this.

“What is a human doing here?” One of the robed figures whispered.

“Look carefully, its void affinity is something only a creature from the Abyss could possess. And it can talk. A creature of the abyss that can talk! Perhaps this is some ancient elemental, testing us,” the other robe wearing man replied. After a while of whispering and mumbling, one of them stepped forward and bowed deeply towards Noah.

“O’ great being of the Abyss, we feel humbled by your presence,” the man said, in a language Noah did not know but somehow could still understand.

Soon after, the man was joined by the other members, chiming in as well, as they all chanted the words together. Noah saw red light starting to emanate from the circle beneath him.

“O’ ye creature of the Abyss, ye wise immortal, accept this offering of blood, and hear our plea,” the figure said. From below the altar, they dragged an unconscious woman up the stairs. Her mouth was gagged, hands and feet tied with weird metal contraptions that glowed dimly in the dark.

A man at the end of the chamber began to walk closer, a long sword held upright in his hand. Noah swallowed.

“I need information. Anything. Give me anything I can use,” Noah whispered under his breath. As if responding to his words, words appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Noah Brown
Race: Human (Primordial Vessel)

Level: 0
Rank: Unawakened

Paths: None


Power: 0
Agility: 0
Constitution: 0
Mystic: 0







“What…?” Noah muttered out loud, caught off guard by the words in front of him. The cloaked figure stirred nearby at his words.

His distraction caused the words to fade from his vision, and Noah wanted to curse out loud. Why of all places did he have to land in the cult’s summoning circle?

Before he could process the information he got, another new screen floated in front of him with a chime.


New Quest generated!

Quest: Run! Run! Run!

You’re in an unfamiliar place, with unfriendly faces around. It’s probably a good time to start running. Be quick, before it’s too late.

Objective: Escape the Abyssal Cultist hideout.
Difficulty: Medium

Reward: A Map.

“Is this some kind of prank?” Noah mumbled. The cultists stirred, as if unsettled by his words. Noah glanced around, at the various people standing nearby, before fixing his gaze on one particular cultist.

“You. Answer me. Where am I? Last I remember, I was still in the endless void.”

The cultist jumped at his words, surprised at having been singled out. “O’ great eternal being. This realm is called Erandir. We have summoned you here, to ask of you a boon in exchange for the life of an Awakened.”

Noah processed the information as rapidly as he could. It seems like I got summoned by these cultists after the void monster forced me into my rebirth. Fricking void tentacle monster, knew I couldn’t trust it.

Keeping his thoughts to himself, Noah stood silently. The cavern was dark and big, the altar beneath him having red stains that did not look recent. So this was far from the first time they’d been sacrificing people to summon eldritch monsters. While he felt sorry for the victims, he couldn’t risk dying right after he got his second shot at life.

They think I’m an elemental or something don’t they? Perhaps I can use that. Cultists are almost never people who have a good grasp on reality.

“So, what you mean to tell me, is that some mere humans disrupted my sleep and called me here from the void, just for a favour?” Noah said, trying to mimic the indifferent distaste of the void beast, when it had talked to him.

The cultists looked around, surprised. He noticed concerns on the faces of some. “Is the communication spell still working?” A voice mumbled.

The cultist Noah had pointed at, walked forward. “O’ great creature of the void, you misunderstand. This realm is material, beyond the void, and with this pact, you will be free to enter this realm.”

Not sure how to reply, Noah decided to settle on a frowning face, as if he was contemplating over something. In the meantime, he tried to bring back the first page that he’d gotten.

At will, Noah found himself capable of summoning an overlay in front of his vision. A little circle at the top left with his body displayed, two bars to the immediate right. He moved his head around ever so slightly, and found the displays moving around with his gaze, but never preventing him from seeing things.

Focusing on the image of his own body, Noah found himself capable of selecting various items. The page from before opened up as he selected himself from before, and Noah began to look through the options.







Alright. Some kind of a game system. The fact that I’m level 0 and have 0 in every attribute doesn’t seem very good, but I don’t have time to worry about that yet.

Scanning the menu, Noah selected the Perks menu.


- System Interface

- Universal Language Comprehension

- Identify

- Inventory

- ???

Noah’s eyes immediately jumped to the three question marks, as he selected the option.


Something mysterious.

He stared at the description, not sure how to even react. Deciding to deal with it later, he moved on and selected the System interface option, as a description popped up.

System Interface

A spell cast on your soul lets you comprehend and access the Astral script of this realm in a format you are intimately familiar with.

And… that’s a game system? I suppose that’s fair. He moved on to the other options.

Inventory caught Noah’s eyes, and he moved back to open the [Items] menu to see if there was anything in there he could use. The display changed to show two rows of four item slots. With the one on the top left containing something that looked like a letter.

Wondering how to take the item out, he moved his hand towards the display and found that he could simply grab it out of the inventory.

“Teleportation with not even a hint of space magic. A master of the Abyss itself!” one of the cultists cheered, and Noah continued to ignore them.

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A seal marked with swirling tentacles covered the envelope, which Noah promptly broke, taking out the letter inside before he began to read.

Welcome to Erandir!

This letter is to inform you that you currently possess the Diamond Premium stay package provided by the Incarnation of the Void. Your stay on Erandir will be terminated under the following conditions:

  1. You break the Pact.
  2. ???
  3. Your soul is corrupted or destroyed.

If you have any complaints, please direct it to your provider. If you’d like to upgrade your package, please reach out to the Astral Space to learn more.

Hope you have a wonderful stay!

Noah stared at the letter in his hand, before his gaze drifted at the tied up woman in front of him and then up to the cultists looking at him with reverence.

Yup. I’ve definitely gone mad.

Putting the letter back into his inventory, once again with a wave of reverence and awe from the cultists nearby, Noah moved on to the other perk he thought was useful. Identify as a perk means I can get more information about things right? Let’s see what I get.

Mentally triggering the perk Noah looked at one of the cultists, as words popped up in front of his eyes. [Abyssal Cultist - ?]

I can see they’re cultists on my own, Goddamnit! Noah cursed underneath his breath, before his gaze went to the man with the sword, now slowly climbing the stairs to the altar. Another display popped up.

[Abyssal Executioner - ?]

Noah felt the hair on his arms beginning to rise. He looked down at the woman in front of him, and found words pop up in front of him once more.

[Flame Warden -  ??]

Okay… that’s something. Two question marks on her and two descriptions. I’m arbitrarily gonna assume that means she’s stronger. She probably isn't very thrilled about this situation either. Maybe if I can get her free she can get us out of here.

Smoothing out his features, Noah spoke once again, in as commanding a voice as he could. “I have decided. I am willing to grant your plea, but I want this woman alive. She shall serve as my servant,” Noah said, impressed by how absolutely ridiculous he sounded.

The cultists turned towards one another, whispering.

“What is the matter? Do you refuse?” Noah asked, his voice going deep and cold.

“N-No O’great one. We just… this is unprecedented. All pacts in history have been made by the ritual of blood and soul. To change that now…”

Noah scoffed at the words. “Your customs are nothing to one such as us. Mere blips in the eternal cosmos of the universe. Make your choice now, humans. Do you refuse?”

Noah’s eyes went to the Abyssal Executioner, now almost at the top of the stairs. “Speak!” he shouted.

“N-No… we do not, O’ great one,” the cultist stammered.

Noah nodded, his eyes briefly glancing down at the woman nearby. Idly, he noticed her finger pressing under the metal shaft. Stepping forward, Noah walked outside of the circle. The cultists stumbled back in a hurry as he made his way towards the woman, before kneeling near her. I really hope that the universal language thing works.

Reaching out, Noah grabbed the woman by her chin, lifting her up. Her light brown hair swayed behind her back, but she continued to remain limp. Leaning in, he whispered in her ears. “This is probably strange to hear but I’m not from this world, I have no idea where I am right now and I need your help to get out of here. And for that, I need you to cooperate. Pretend that I’ve taken over your mind and that you only listen to me now. When I drop you, slowly open your eyes and rise from the ground.”

Promptly, he let go of her, slowly standing up. “She is my vessel now. I have claimed her soul, and it is mine to command,” Noah said, feeling his heart starting to race. This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

But to his surprise, the woman below stirred, opening her eyes. The cultists stumbled back, as if in disbelief. “S-she is awake!” one of them exclaimed, before bowing down his head towards Noah.

“Raise your heads, and free her from her chains,” Noah commanded.

The cultists stood around the circle, looking at each other hesitantly. Slowly one of them began to walk closer, with a strange circular object in his hands. Noah assumed it was the key.

“What in the depths name are you doing!” a scream erupted in the distance, echoing through the chamber.

Noah looked ahead and saw a tall man with pale skin wearing flowing robes walking closer. Two massive men walked behind him, wearing dark plated armor and giant curved blades at their waists. Noah used Identify on all three of them quickly.

[Abyssal Executioner - ?]

[Abyssal Executioner - ?]

[Abyssal Cult Chief - ??]

Uh oh, double question mark chief.

“Chief! The… great elemental has enslaved this woman and made her his servant. We- we were merely following his instructions,” one of the cultists shouted.

The man at the centre turned its eyes towards me, looking at me with a cold piercing expression. I felt a shiver run down my back.

“That. Is. A. Human,” the chief said, each word intoned with vibrating fury. “You buffoons! Capture him immediately!”

“Well, there goes my plan,” Noah said, dashing forward.

The ground shuddered beneath Noah as he tackled the cultist, to the ground. Tearing the key out of the man’s hand, he threw it towards the woman. “Free yourself!”

Words flashed in front of his eyes once more as a new prompt appeared.

New Quest generated!

Quest: Kil! Kill! Kill!
The time to sneak around has passed. Now it’s time to fight or die.

Objective: Kill an Abyssal Cultist.
Difficulty: Medium

Reward: Awaken Crystal.

Before Noah could react, the cultist beneath him shoved him aside, a dark tendril rising near his leg dragged him towards the summoning circle.

With a roar, the Abyssal Executioner dashed towards Noah, before stabbing him through the chest with his sword.

“Motherfucker!” Noah cursed, as he pushed back against the Abyssal executioner, but the taller man did not budge an inch no matter how hard he fought. He screamed as the executioner pulled the blade out of his chest spraying blood all over his clothes.

On instinct, Noah ducked beneath, the sword slicing through his hair instead, as he rolled to the side, trying his best to not be chopped up into pieces.

A woman’s scream tore through the cacophony of noises, as Noah felt a wave of something hot and bright pouring over him. Clutching the hole in his gut, he watched a river of flame flowing right above him.

The fire swept through the cultists, burning the Abyssal executioners to a flaming crisp before sweeping through the circle of cultists. One by one, the cultists fell, flames spreading and consuming any that came even close to where the woman stood.

“Step aside you fools! She’s a D ranker. Let me take care of her,” the Abyssal chief shouted, rushing the woman.

“Oh, you’re going to regret bringing me here!” the woman screamed, as flames coated her body, swirling in little infernos around her fist. Despite his heart racing at the magical battle, Noah did not have the time to sit around and watch.

A cultist nearby leapt towards him, trying to tackle him to the ground. Rolling to the side, he reached out for the blade lying near the burnt executioner’s corpse. Crawling over as blood continued to pour from his chest, Noah grabbed the weapon, spinning around towards the cultist trying to jump him.

With a thud, The blade pushed itself through the cultists gut with little resistance, as the man slumped over. Briefly, Noah’s eyes met the cultist’s wide gaze, surprise and pain mixed in with the horror that one felt once they could sense their approaching death.

In a jerking motion, He pulled the blade back out, thick red blood spraying all over him as it entered his mouth and covered his body. The cultist fell onto him, body limp and eyes wide with shock. Pushing the cultists body aside, Noah lay on the ground, blood pounding in his ears, as a loud ringing sensation echoed. Through the corner of his eyes, he saw red spreading through his entire body, as the top bar slowly but surely continued to drop.

In the distance, he could hear the screams and shouts of the battle, with the distinct smell of burnt flesh filling his nose. After what felt like hours lying on the ground, slowly bleeding to death, Noah heard a chime ring in his ears as new words appeared in front of his eyes.


You’ve defeated [Abyssal Cultist - F]

Experience points obtained.


Quest: Kil! Kill! Kill! Complete.

Objective: Kill an Abyssal Cultist, complete.
Reward: Awakening Crystal obtained.

Secret Objective: Free Aurelia Fauster, complete.
Reward: [Unmarked Tome (Common)] obtained.

Would you like to use the Awakening Crystal to awaken a Path?



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