VRMMORPG: Freestyling Class Crafter

Chapter 6: 5: Stylish Infodump Part 1: [Combatstyler]

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Smiling at the expression of pure amazement on Gab’s face, Aurula motioned for Gab to follow her to one of the newly arisen plinths.


~Since you were unaware of what Styles were, I’ll take you through what each one entails before you make your decision.~


Gab was more than a little relieved to hear that since Classes were the only thing you needed to consider in addition to picking a name and distributing your attribute points.


~So you won’t object to my notion? Good! In that case, I’ll start with the most popular of all three Styles: [Combatstyler].~


As the Facilitator finished speaking, Gab found herself in front of one of the plinths.


Focusing on the plinth itself first, she found that it seemed to be made of solid gold as opposed to typical marble. But what disturbed her was that the bottom half of it was splattered with a mix of fresh and drying blood!


At first, Gab wondered why the substance was on there in the first place, before remembering something.


“Blood” always comes before “glory”


~I’m aware that it’s more than a little morbid,~ Aurula said, having seen a similar reaction to the plinth on almost every Player thus far, ~but it’s meant to remind those who just want to get into the shit that it’ll stink for a fair while.~


Although finding that last analogy more slightly revolting, Gab tore her gaze from the blood to the escutcheon that was resting on the plinth.


The shield itself was shaped in a “Square Iberian” shape, whilst the coat of arms was split into four sections with colours of red, blue, green and yellow.


Although Gab was tempted to make a Harry Potter reference due to the similarity of its layout, she noticed that the heraldic animals that were displayed were vastly different;


Red-An armoured elephant 

Blue-A will-o’-the-wisp

Green-A honey bee

Yellow-A panther


Turning to Aurula to ask what these symbols were meant to represent, Gab found the Facilitator shaking her head.


~I know what you’re going to ask, but I’ll answer that question as soon as you read the General layout of this particular Style.~


With a flourish of Aurula’s hand, a text box appeared in front of Gab, with the following details:






Attribute Focus: Attributes that are more suitable for the user’s chosen fighting style.


Style Benefits:

-Players starts with 25 free Attribute points, 20 fixed Attribute points and two random Class-related skills

-Player gains 5 free points per level up

-All Class-specific items, equipment and skills can be used  

-The Player has a chance to generate a new Class-specific skill during intense periods of combat based on the Player’s actions 


Style Demerits:

-Players are unable to engage in production activities unless they find a Lifestyle Profession Trainer and possesses the bare minimum amount of free attribute points to learn successfully 

-To undertake bounties that necessitate combat, Players must register with either the local adventurer guild or mercenary guild, and they can only take bounties that are equal to or less than their current ranking within said guilds and the amount of Acclaim they possess 

-Quests that require Lifestyler Classes can not be taken




The Way of the Battlefield; Players that chose this Style will seldom have moments of peace, but the awards, reputation and admiration from the masses will make this blood-mired path worth it in the end.

As those whom the gods wish to be defenders of the world they watch over gain strength and powers as a result of every battle they participate in, they are given just enough attribute points to ensure that they can at the very least leave a mark on their current foes.




Reading through it quickly, it was pretty much what she expected of something related to combat; a decent amount of attribute points to both start with and to gain for each level up, starting with skills related to a player’s chosen Class (which are undoubtedly the more basic ones), gaining new skills during a battle of certain conditions are met and a condition that requires one to register with certain related to fighting (although she wasn’t yet aware of the difference between the two in this game’s context).


However, the RPG Class Otaku needed to ask the more important questions (for her)!


“So, there are Classes that specifically fall under the particular Style?”, Gab asked, earning a nod from her companion, “In that case, how many are there? Four?”, she said whilst gesturing to the four sections of the coat of arms.


~No, not four Classes. Twelve.~


Gab felt both her eyes pop up and her throat dry up as a result of hearing such several Classes to choose from. And that’s only the number for ONE Style!


But, hang on…


As Aurula gauged Gab’s reaction, she had to suppress a giggle as the Player started whipping her head back and forth between the Facilitator and the escutcheon that only shows four symbols on its face.


~ To answer both the question you have now and the one you had on the tip of your tongue earlier, due to [Combatstyler] having the largest amount of Initial Classes associated with out of all three of the Styles, the gods who had a hand in this Style’s creation decided that the usage of four subgroups was required to help both denizens of my world and Players from yours narrow down their choices to make the selection process easier.~


As if resonating with Aurula’s desire to help Gab, the escutcheon suddenly segmented into four pieces, with each heraldic symbols representing the subgroups on their piece.


Just as the escutcheon finished segmenting itself, three of the pieces lined up in an orderly fashion a few centimetres above the plinth.  The only piece that didn’t follow the movements of the other pieces was the one depicting an elephant, which was floating towards Gab and the Facilitator.


~This big softy represents the [Frontliner] subgroup of Classes, the ones that are normally the ones who find themselves in the thick of it.~




Subgroup: [Frontliner]

Associated Initial Classes: Armed Combatant, Barefist, Bastion 


Primary Attribute Focus: Strength


Description: Whether it’s being on the offensive or acting in a protective capacity, Frontliner classes have a strong focus on Close Quarters Combat. 

When those who choose this group of Initial Classes are recommended to focus their stat allocation towards more physical attributes such as Strength and Vitality, it is to ensure that the users who face enemies head-on will both last long enough to protect their less physically able allies and make sure that their opponents suffer heavy damage in the process.




~Sounds tough, right? Well, how bout you read for yourself just how tough each of these Classes is.~


Suddenly, three flashes of red light burst from the [Frontliner], blinding Gab for a few moments. 


Blinking furiously to get the bright spots out of her eyes, Gab found that the three red light transformed into what looked like cards. They currently had their backs towards her, each depicting a stylised red elephant with a black background.


Seeming to sense that her vision was no longer impaired, the cards turned to face her, showing both the illustrations adorning their fronts and the descriptions regarding each of them.




Class: Armed Combatant


Class Type:  [Frontliner] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A bloodied warrior with tattered armour holding his zweihänder at the ready, no fear appearing on his face.


Attribute Focus: Strength and Dexterity 


Potential Advanced Classes: Templar, Berserker, Spearmaster


Description: Ones who live and die by the sword with no regrets, Armed Combatants represent the pinnacle of close-quarters weapon mastery, their chosen weapons acting as extensions of their limbs.



Class: Barefist


Class Type: [Frontliner] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A lady wearing an elaborate ball gown, holding up a velvet-gloved fist covered in blood, but not her own…


Attribute Focus: Strength and Agility 


Potential Advanced Classes: Monk, Psychokinetic, Grappler


Description: Except for necessary items to prevent “tempering” from becoming “self-harming”, Barefists tend to disdain the use of external weapons in favour of their primary one: their own body and martial skills.



Class: Bastion


Class Type: [Frontliner] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A young boy standing firmly in defiance, sheltering his younger sibling.


Attribute Focus: Strength and Vitality 


Potential Advanced Classes: Steel Plate, Barrier Master, Teetotaller 


Description: Despite being called derogatory terms such as “meat shield”, Bastions are considered an essential component of any defensive strategy.



If Gab were a character in an anime, her eyes would have stars sparkling on them!


So these are what some of Arbitrium’s Classes look like, and these are just the starter classes!


Although a little surprised with Gab’s rather peculiar reaction to the first set of Class Cards on display, Aurula disregarded it in favour of keeping the ball rolling.


~Have you finished with these Classes for the time being?~, she asked, getting a nod in response, ~In that case, let’s take a look at the subgroup that specialises in more offensive magic, [Force].~


With that, as the three red Class Cards returned to their subgroup’s symbol, the [Frontliner] escutcheon segment floated back to the others, only to be replaced by the blue piece with the will-o’-the-wisp on it.



Subgroup: [Force]

Associated Initial Classes: Caster, Caller, Medium


Primary Attribute Focus: Intelligence 



Although they are traditionally kept at the back of an armed force due to their lesser bodily constitution, the amount of devastation a Force class user can bring to the battlefield even at a long distance is not to be underestimated.

Unlike their Backup counterparts, whose purpose is to keep their allies survivability at an optimum level, Force users primary purpose is to drastically reduce their opponent’s chances of survival via explosive magical force.

By increasing their magical capacity and improving their spellcasting skills, those who follow this path will find themselves indispensable in regards to ending their allies enemies without needing to truly enter the fray.




Class: Caster

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Class Type: [Force] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A baby hidden within a crib, creating fire with their outstretched hand.


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Dexterity 


Potential Advanced Classes: Pyromancer, Illusionist, Almamancer


Description: If the damage a soldier inflicts is comparable to scratches on the frontlines, and an archer pokes holes in an enemy’s defences, then a Caster is the equivalent of several cannons waiting to be fired at a distance.



Class: Caller


Class Type: [Force] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A elderly woman sitting in a meadow, surrounded by various farm animals 


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Agility 


Potential Advanced Classes: Summoner, Necromancer, Sworn Ally


Description: Even if a Caller finds themselves separated from their allies and are surrounded by enemies, anyone with half a brain would never forget that they’re never truly alone



Class: Medium


Class Type: [Force] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A genderqueer person surrounded by a dark aura shaped in the of a likeness large, horned demon


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Strength 


Potential Advanced Classes: Warlock, Shaman, Haunted


Description: Power gained through ones own efforts may be the most gratifying feeling one can get, but gaining such power with the help of another’s assistance, like a Medium does, can be just as great.



~Like the sheer amount of firepower that being a [Force] user offers, then I hope you like how encouraging a user of the [Backup] subgroup can be to potential allies!~, Aurula says as the blue segment was dutifully replaced by the green one with the honey bee adorning it.


In equally short order, three green lights emerged from the segment before coalescing into Class Cards with a green and black bee on the backs of each of them.




Subgroup: [Backup]

Associated Initial Classes: Supporter, Saboteur, Surveyor 


Primary Attribute Focus: Vitality and Intelligence 


Description: Although armed conflicts require people with offensive capabilities to end an enemy force, those very same people need assistance to ensure that they’ll survive to see the results of their contribution.

That is where the Backup class users come in.

Due to their priorities lying in keeping their allies at peak condition and subtly debilitating the enemy’s own, they will strategically position themselves in locations where they can do the most good 




Class: Supporter


Class Type: [Backup] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: An old man with a concerned expression on his face holding up an injured woman 


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Vitality 


Potential Advanced Classes: Priest, Witch Doctor, Fortifier 


Description: A vital role on any battlefield and adventure, a Supporter lifts both the morale and mortality of their allies to their maximum level. Though they themselves aren’t typically aggressors, the allies they help typically are.



Class: Saboteur 


Class Type: [Backup] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: An intersex woman holding various handheld traps 


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Causality 


Potential Advanced Classes: Debilitator, Trapper, Poisoner 


Description: Ensuring an ally goes well beyond their best might be seen as a noble task, but bringing about an enemy’s downfall by dismantling their overall power could be be considered a more pragmatic act. Doing the latter tends to fall to a Saboteur’s discretion.



Class: Surveyor 


Class Type: [Backup] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: An obese man sitting cross legged; various maps, telescopes and reports strewn in front of him.


Attribute Focus: Intelligence and Comprehension 


Potential Advanced Classes: Advisor, Feng Shui Master, Spotter


Description: Although investigating any resources an enemy possesses is key to working out various countermeasures, a Surveyor focuses more on how to use the surrounding environment to their allies advantage, both naturally and unnaturally.




“So far, you’ve shown me the soldiers, the heavy artillery and and the support,” Gab observed, as the [Backup] segment floated back to the others, “now, what the more…“secretive” roles?”.


Aurula simply smirked, as the yellow segment with the panther started floating over.


~I thought you’d never ask about the [Skirmisher] subgroup. But now that you have, feast your eyes on those who don’t want to be seen in action!~


Prepared for the now yellow lights bursting out of the segment, Gab read through the information on what could be considered a more dastardly subgroup, presented on the cards with a yellow panther on the backs



Subgroup: [Skirmisher]


Associated Initial Classes: Projectiler, Killer, Ransacker


Primary Attribute Focus: Agility and Dexterity


Description: Whilst Frontliners find that they operate best when facing their opponents head on in battles of attrition, Skirmishers prefer to dispense with impractical notions of honour and glory by engage in hit and run tactics from the back, sides and higher elevations.

By focusing on disrupting the enemy’s flow of battle and delivering short but explosive bursts of physical attacks, Skirmishers heap additional pressure on the enemy who are struggling enough as it is. 




Class: Projectiler


Class Type: [Skirmisher] Initial Class 


Class Card Illustration: A teenaged boy holding up a toy bow and arrow 


Attribute Focus: Agility and Dexterity 


Potential Advanced Classes: Gunner, Slingshotter, Pebble Tosser


Description: The masters of airborne weaponry, anything that can truly stay on the ground forever is seen as simply another piece of ammunition for a crafty Projectiler.



Class: Killer


Class Type: [Skirmisher] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A cloaked person crouching on top of a tree branch, holding several glass vials


Attribute Focus: Dexterity and Strength 


Potential Advanced Classes: Assassin, Hitman, Humanoid Monster


Description: Without training and proper authorisation that are used by those who take lives as job, people who reap lives for mere personal and monetary gains are just simply called either murderers or Killers



Class: Ransacker


Class Type: [Skirmisher] Initial Class


Class Card Illustration: A young girl whistling as pinched an unsuspecting mark’s back pockets 


Attribute Focus: Dexterity and Comprehension 


Potential Advanced Classes: Thief, Graverobber, Gentleman Thief


Description: Why spend time making or earning something honestly, when you could simply take what you want or need without paying a coin. That’s typically the line of reasoning a Ransacker adopts.




~Well, that does it for this Style, and the Classes it offers.~, the Facilitator announces, as the four segments start to reform into their original state, ~Now we only have two Styles and one set of Classes to go!~


As they walk towards the next plinth, Gab couldn’t help but notice a discrepancy in what Aurula just said.


“Two more Styles, but only one more set of Classes?”, Gab questioned under her breath, before realising what type of playstyle one of the two remaining Styles offers.


With a amused smile on her face, she just couldn’t help but saying:


“Well, at least I know what Style I WON’T be using.”


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