Wacky Mage

Chapter 5: 5. Transmigration and the denial stage (1)

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Name: Wacko Wally LEVEL 100

Class: Wizard

Gear: World Wizard armor set/ Wisdom Wand

Techniques: Wizardry+/Arcane Research+/Wagic+/Martial Magic+/Rouge+

Talents: Innate Magic Capacity/Double Cast/Multi Cast/Noble Prestige/Charm/Lucky/Arcane talent/Wagic affinity

Titles: Slaughterer/Dragon Slayer/Beast Slayer/Arcane Champion/Pain in the ass/Sole Victor/Scholar/Item Savvy/Merchant/Foodie

My character panel was the last thing I saw after the damning vortex swallowed me. A drowsy feeling overwhelmed my mind, then I fell asleep.


I don't know how long I have slept, but when I woke up, I felt a sense of immense clarity— I can describe the experience to be liberating as if an invisible weight was taken away from me.

When I woke up, my eyes met the green forest that reminded me of the Easter Egg.

Transmigration, is it? That's crazy. I am already mentally ill, I don't want more convincing reasons as to why I should be sent to a mental hospital.

A head poked from the tall grasses in front of me. It was green, and have long ears. It is a goblin, a typical fantasy monster.

I am tense. The idea that I have been kidnapped is slowly going down the drain. Wait, maybe this is a prank?

"Fancy costume you have there. Enough with the pranks. Do you know that kidnapping is illegal?"

But the goblin didn't pay any attention to what I am saying. It lunged at me with feral glee waving an arm-length rusty sword in its grip.

I felt something in my hand, holding a stick the length of a ruler, its top has a pointy edge, like a stake, while its base is of thicker wood that can be used as a grip.

"Come at me, you're too short. I will trample you with my size advantage." You see, it is in my personality not to back out from fights. Even if what I only have is a stick, I will fight. Even if my foe has a threateningly rusty sword that can inflict tetanus, I will fight.

I swiftly evaded the goblin to the side and then stabbed my hardest. The tip of my stick met the goblin's head with an oomph!

This is self-defense, so it works just fine. A stab from a stick won't kill anyone anyway.

I am not John Wick. I can't kill a person with a pencil!

But whatever I am doing, I have exceeded my own expectations. Blue light started to escape from my stick, then like an erupting volcano— a pillar of pure energy was unleashed on the poor goblin.

The goblin itself was turned to dust, not a speck of its existence remained to be seen.

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Trees were blown apart making a trench of 2 meters thick, and a length that I can't get an estimate.

I didn't kill the goblin.

It was annihilated, damn it!

Maybe, they used a special effect to make that burst of light, then somehow got the goblin to vanish. Or maybe the goblin has been a hologram from the beginning, and this is all an intricate light display, just for the sake of pranking me.

All of these must be optical illusions! Is it?

Fuck that, I stared at my unassuming stick. The longer I stare at it, the more I realize the odd familiarity I am getting from it...


After blasting the poor goblin to oblivion, a sudden headache assaulted me. The chaotic fluctuations of emotions started to clash. I feel tumultuous thoughts arising from within. Emotions that came in pair with what I believe are foreign memories.

Memories from a different perspective, my game character's perspective. Specifically, the memories of Wacko Wally, my alter ego. His first adventure, the most often harassment he performs on his fellow players, and the most recent six hours of the final event. Everything.

The stench of blood from the first goblin we have slain. The first quest we made. The life of a very different version of me~ in a world filled with magic.

It took me some time to find a pond that can reflect my image with great clarity. The sun is up in the sky reflecting the perfect image of a wizard in the said pond, this further concludes the factuality of my transmigration.

But as a sane and NOT delusional man, I am. I won't be stepping down from my denial stage yet. The stick that I am holding is the Wisdom Wand, a legendary grade weapon I got from pilfering the dead. Taking advantage of the rouge-related skills I luckily learned in the chaotic free-for-all final event of the game, I was able to improve my gear with every kill I accomplished.

Remembering the warlock, my last enemy in the final event, I felt that luck kind of pulled a big role in my victory.

The pond reflects the image of a young wizard. Brown hair, black eyes, and pale skin. His face possesses an intimate resemblance to my original face except for the lack of glasses.

My legendary armor set, the World Wizard is just a plain hooded robe, its color is dark blue with a hint of black and gold. It is as unassuming as my legendary weapon. Is this really me? I stared at my reflection for a moment aghast of the implications of whatever is happening to me.

I walked my way forward, while my hood properly covers my head from the sun.

Some goblins blocked my path, so I gently sent them off with an arcane bolt, a much milder version of the arcane pillar of light that I initially used against the first goblin I met prior to my transmigration.

The arcane bolt as its name suggests is a shimmering bolt made of pure magical power. The magic points used have barely any effect on my magic resource, so I won't be experiencing symptoms of mana deficiency any time soon. This is how I remember it from the game. If the game mechanics also work in this world, it is yet to remain to be seen.

This expanse of the forest must be the wild forest, a unique area for noobs. The numerous low-level wild beasts and goblins are a dead giveaway. Monsters in this place range from level 1 to 10. There are also stray wild bosses on rare occasions. As a casual gamer who stayed as a level 12 for some time, this place is very familiar to me.

"Help! Someone, please! I need help!"

Hearing the cry for help made my nerves tense. This might be my first human interaction since coming to this world.

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