Waiting for You in a City

Chapter 22: 22

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Song Yan stood at the end of the corridor smoking, and Xu Qin reminded him on the side: “Reporting criticism is not a small punishment, do you really want to tell the school?”

Song Yan’s finger flicked the cigarette ash, and he didn’t say anything.

Xu Qin speculated: “You want to scare her, let her say that the mastermind is the one named Ye Zi?”

Song Yan looked at Xu Qin: “You can tell?”

Xu Qin: “Hmm. I think something is wrong with her.”

Song Yan said, “I hope that Zhai Miao will explain this matter clearly and draw an end. It is her responsibility, she cannot escape. But she shouldn’t carry it, she shouldn’t take the fall for it.”

Xu Qin knew what he meant, he was a person who was upright to death, but he was also protective to death. Xu Qin said: “It’s useless for you to think about this, Zhai Miao refuses to expose her.”

“I guess she still expects to continue doing this.” Song Yan sneered, “If she really has this kind of thought, it is considered light to let the school know……. You saw her like that just now, she was clever and unrepentant, using the police to deceive sympathy, and she would not come clean.”

Xu Qin said, “If you are her parent, it doesn’t matter, let her be expelled from school. But your uncle and aunt—”

Song Yan frowned, looking a little tricky.

Uncle and aunt were honest and kind people, and if this happened, they would definitely teach Zhai Miao a lesson. But after all, the child was too grown up to control. Besides, it was related to academics, and parents were afraid that their children’s files were not clean and innocent, and they were bound to be lost.

Xu Qin raised her eyes to look at him: “Let me talk to Zhai Miao. You continue to pressure the police to make Ye Zi speak, I just observed, she has someone she wants to contact, and she was still hesitating. Anyway, find a way to make these two break today.”

Once the two sides are opposed, the cooperative relationship between Zhai Miao and Ye Zi will naturally disperse.

Song Yan looked at her for a long time, and suddenly asked with a smile: “Are we two playing good cop, bad cop?”


The two returned to the office, and Zhai Miao looked at Song Yan vigilantly, sincerely fearful.

Xu Qin said: “Zhai Miao, come with me.”

Although Zhai Miao didn’t like Xu Qin, for the sake of her speaking for her just now, she obediently went out with her.

There were only three people left in the room. Ye Zi looked down and did not look at Song Yan.

Song Yan didn’t care about her either, and looked at the police: “This classmate was with Zhai Miao?”

“Yes, together.”

Song Yan asked, “The primary and secondary responsibilities are clearly divided?”

Ye Zi bit her lip.

The police hesitated slightly: “Not yet-”

Song Yan: “Didn’t ask?”

Police officer: “I asked, she just didn’t speak.”

Song Yan didn’t talk nonsense, turned his head and asked Ye Zi: “Are you the shipper for Zhai Miao?”

Ye Zi pinched the phone and did not say anything.

Song Yan didn’t bother with her, looked at the police, and said, “We will definitely bear the mistakes made by Zhai Miao. But this classmate can’t fool us. If Zhai Miao drags her into the water, we are responsible. But if she lures Zhai Miao into the water, we will also seek accountability. She is alone now, can’t make it seem like we are bullying her. Please inform her to contact her relatives and friends. If she still doesn’t speak, call her teacher over. I know which school she belongs to, and it is not difficult to find out which department.”

When Song Yan said this, he didn’t look at Ye Zi from beginning to end. Ye Zi lowered her head, her fingers trying to crush the phone.

Outside the door, when Zhai Miao heard this, she was afraid and ashamed, and her face was red and pale. On the one hand, she hated Song Yan for being stern and needing to dig into the bottom of the matter, on the other hand, she knew that he himself was really hurt.

Xu Qin signaled her to go with her, and when she reached the end of the corridor, Xu Qin turned around and put her hands in her pockets: “Did you hear what your ge said just now?”

Zhai Miao looked away, not at Xu Qin.

Xu Qin asked, “Do you know what you did wrong?”

Zhai Miao was originally feeling a mess inside, but seeing her showing off, she was even more annoyed: “Don’t think that just because you help me just now, I will look at you differently, and stop pretending to be a good person here. Stay out of my  business.”

After saying that she was about to leave, Xu Qin suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Zhai Miao almost fell down, slammed into the wall, she looked at Xu Qin in disbelief, about to attack.

Xu Qin’s tone was cold: “Zhai Miao, if you don’t have the capital then don’t do it.”

Zhai Miao was extremely angry and stepped forward: “You have that capital—”

“I can get you out of here with a word now, or I can make you unable to leave with a word, do you believe it or not?” Xu Qin asked.

Zhai Miao choked.

Xu Qin knew her personality, so she simply didn’t say any good words: “You think you’re so amazing, right? Where’s that little bit of cleverness of yours, huh? The thing you committed today is small, and your ge can save you by paying a fine. Another day, if the victim is ruined in the face and asks you to go to jail, it is useless for your parents to kneel and beg.”

Zhai Miao shook for a moment: “Although those are not real name brands, they are all regular-”

“Are you still arguing with me?” Xu Qin asked.

Zhai Miao gritted her teeth.

“To be honest, I don’t care about you at all.” Xu Qin said, “But don’t cause trouble for Song Yan. You’re an adult, be responsible for everything you do.”

Zhai Miao had nothing to say back, and replied in vain: “Xu Qin, you are really hypocritical.”

Xu Qin said lightly: “I know this, I don’t need you to tell me. It’s you, you can’t see what position you are in. Your ge said that you are smart, but I think you are stupid.”

Zhai Miao was about to get angry again, Xu Qin interrupted: “Your school is so talented, you have unlimited prospects after graduation, and a lot of money is waiting for you to earn, but what about you, you don’t study well when it’s time to study, waste your time on these fake goods, and be blinded by the small profits and small benefits in front of you, are you stupid?”

Zhai Miao was struck in the head.

“Go over and admit to your ge your mistake.” Xu Qin looked away and said, “He doesn’t want to ruin your life. But if you don’t own up to your mistake, he can do it.”

Zhai Miao’s face was still not very good, but trying to stay calm.

Zhai Miao went to Song Yan again, admitted her mistake, and admitted to him that she had taken the goods from Ye Zi, but since she was in the same school, it was difficult to expose it to the police. Song Yan didn’t care about Ye Zi’s affairs and didn’t force her.

Zhai Miao apologized to the police and gave assurances, and finally came to an end.

“Okay.” The officer said, “Pay the fine.”

The fine slip was handed over, two thousand.

Zhai Miao saw the amount written on it, stunned, stopped talking, and clenched the list tightly.

Song Yan didn’t say a word, took the list out of her hand and took a look, then reached into his pocket to take out the money, took twenty red sheets and handed them to the police.

The police took it and counted it.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, Xu Qin glanced at Zhai Miao, her lips pursed, and suddenly she didn’t dare look up. Afraid that it’s at this moment that her heart really knows the pain.

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To earn that two thousand dollars, how many times did her ge had to rush into the fire and jump from a tall building.

The policeman who counted the money did not know the blood and sweat behind the banknotes, so he put the money away after counting it and said, “Okay, it’s okay. Don’t commit it next time, it won’t be so easy if you commit another offense, and you will be detained.”

Zhai Miao pinned her head and didn’t say anything.

Song Yan patted her and instructed, “Talking to you.”

“Got it.” Zhai Miao sounded, not looking at Song Yan.

“It’s good to know.” After the policeman finished speaking, he looked at Ye Zi, “You also pay the fine. – If you don’t have it, call your friend to send it.”

“I’ll go make a call.” Ye Zi finally spoke, and when she got up, she glanced at Xu Qin.

Xu Qin probably guessed who she would call. In a moment, she returned.

The police asked: “Finished calling?”

“Finished.” Ye Zi said, returning to the chair and sitting down.

In less than a minute, a man in his thirties hurried to come in, the police immediately got up: “Director.”

The director quickly glanced at the three girls present, and seemed to not see who it was, and turned to the policeman and asked: “Xiao Chen, which one called Chief Meng just now?”

Police officer Xiao Chen looked confused, and pointed to Ye Zi sitting at the end suspiciously.

The chief walked over, bowed his waist and stretched out his hand towards Ye Zi: “Hello, I am Liu Ziguang, the director of the Qi Ye Tan Police Station. Hello hello hello. ”

Ye Zi glanced at his outstretched hand, shook it briefly, and smiled slightly, which was quite polite.

Seeing all this, Zhai Miao frowned incomprehensibly.

The director said to Xiao Chen: “This is a misunderstanding.”

Xiao Chen naturally understood what was going on, the director had said so, what kind of strength he had as a small officer.

“I’m delaying your time, I’ll send you out.” The director said to Ye Zi. Ye Zi sat quietly for a second before standing up, and the director made way for her, bumping Xu Qin when she retreated.

Xu Qin didn’t mind, so the two went out. She looked back at Song Yan, they should also go, but saw the police take out the two thousand yuan from the drawer. Xu Qin’s face changed slightly, hoping that the next moment would not happen, but – the officer said: “You can take this money back. The director said it was okay. ”

The officer was fighting for the last bit of fairness in his heart.

Song Yan answered: “She made a mistake, she should be punished. My mei1 is not with her.”

Xu Qin didn’t speak. The police officer was also a little embarrassed: “Oh. Not together. Good.”

Song Yan’s two words, Zhai Miao heard it clearly. She glanced at the two thousand dollars, her eyes were red, and she lowered her head.

Song Yan rubbed her head and said, “Let’s go. Taking you to school.”

Two thousand yuan to buy her repentance, it was worth it, even if it was twenty thousand, he would not blink his eyes.


When she arrived at the door of the police station, the director was still sending Ye Zi and accompanying her to wait on the side of the road.

A Mercedes came and pulled up on the side of the road.

When Xu Qin saw the car, her steps slowed down unconsciously, but Song Yan and Zhai Miao walked in front, and she couldn’t fall too far. Moreover, Song Yan also knew that car. Didn’t matter if she walked fast or slow. Only blame her for not expecting Meng Yanchen to send a car to pick up people.

The director opened the car door for Ye Zi, she sat in, and before the director closed the door, he shushed Ye Zi in the car again before closing the door and waving goodbye.

The car didn’t drive, as if waiting for someone.

Xu Qin finally walked to the door.

The window on the driver’s seat dropped, and the driver Lin in a suit asked politely: “Miss, do you need me to give you a ride?”

The director turned back in surprise, not understanding why a young lady popped up behind him.

Xu Qin said, “No need, my car is in front.”

Zhai Miao had long been suspicious of Ye Zi’s phone call, and now she had a luxury car to come and pick her up, and she was also involved with the Meng family, she was even more puzzled.

She looked back at Song Yan, and Song Yan’s face was shocked. Xu Qin too. The two did not look at each other, as if they had reached some kind of unspeakable tacit agreement, and as if they knew that they would not pick on some embarrassing reality.

At the door of the police station, an invisible line was clearly drawn between them.

At this end of the line, Song Yan used two thousand to get Zhai Miao out of the police station; on the other end, the director nodded and walked Ye Zi to a luxury car.

Zhai Miao’s heart suddenly hurt to death, she ran to take Song Yan’s hand, and couldn’t help but say: “Ge, let’s go.”

Song Yan’s feet did not move at first, but she had pulled him for a while before taking a step, glanced sideways at Xu Qin, and said briefly: “Leaving.”

Xu Qin: “Hmm. ”

Zhai Miao pulled Song Yan and walked quickly, before turning around and tears fell. Remorse herself for dragging Song Yan to this humiliating situation.

Ge, the world was really unfair. It was true. You are a hundred times better than those people, really, a hundred times better.

Zhai Miao gritted her teeth fiercely: “Ge, I will no longer be troublesome. I promise.”

Song Yan knew that she felt uncomfortable in her heart. In fact, he didn’t care, just—if it weren’t for the person he liked standing on the other side of that line……

He smiled and rubbed her head without saying a word.

Zhai Miao looked up and saw his side face, well-defined, full of silence, his eyes seemed to be still determined, but he didn’t seem to see ahead.

Zhai Miao’s tears were even more fierce, she wiped her tears, and made up her mind hard: “Ge, don’t fall in love and get married so early, when I graduate and find a job, I’ll buy you a Porsche wedding car, buy a big-name bag for your wife, absolutely authentic. When I get married in the future, I will also move the good things of my in-laws’ family to my mother’s house, and give you everything.”

Song Yan cried and laughed: “Bullshit.”

Zhai Miao said, looking back, Xu Qin was still standing in place, the director was also standing, and the car was still parked there.

Zhai Miao was inexplicably afraid, and immediately looked at Song Yan carefully, afraid that he would turn back, so she tightened on his arm and quickened her pace.

Her careful thoughtfulness, Song Yan could see it clearly.

And he didn’t look back.

Xu Qin kept watching Song Yan go farther and farther on the path of ginkgo, she knew that he would not look back, but she kept watching. Until he reached the corner, the tall figure flashed and disappeared, leaving a golden world.

There was no turning back.

Autumn was really wonderful, it was clearly so warm and warm gold, but the yellow leaves were so dead and withering, so bleak.

1 妹 mèi – younger sister. We’ll use it similarly to ge and jie.

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