Wandering Mercenary in an Open World

Chapter 18: CH 18

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Amelia quickly caught up to Luon, who was moving forward without hesitation.

“You seem to be worried about me?”

“What nonsense. Why would I care about someone who can kill a devil’s minion with their bare hands?”

Luon shrugged his shoulders.

“Then why don’t you just watch from over there with Kyle?”

“But I can’t let you go alone. Kyle also wanted to come, but I left him there because I thought someone needed to protect the horses in case of an emergency.”

Meanwhile, the troll was getting closer. He was an adult, and he was a really menacing bastard. As if the troll had also noticed the two approaching, he made a growling sound and turned his head. The red eyes that looked like they had no reason to pretend didn’t seem like they could communicate.

Amelia said,

“Make a wound somehow. I’ll put a flame in between and slow down the regeneration.”

“Do as you please. Just don’t get in my way.”

While answering, Luon pulled out the holy sword. The sword, which escaped with a soft sound, shone brightly in the sunlight. Perhaps taking it as an obvious provocation, the troll twisted the bridge of his nose and hit the dragging wooden club hard toward the floor.


The sand on the floor was scattered wildly due to the club, which the troll struck as if showing off his power.

Ha, ha, ha!

Leon stepped forward, leaving behind the sound of the frightened horses running, and tightly grabbed the handle of his sword, looking up at the troll much larger than himself. It was the first time that he had faced a monster of that size, except for the Wyvern, which he had dealt with a long time ago.

“I’d like you to give me the same experience as a Wyvern.”

He said, staring at the red eyes that showed madness.

“Come on.”

“Waaa! -waaa! -waaaa-waaa!”

The troll roared and swung his club as if sweeping the floor. It was a threatening attack that made Luon feel like a whole tree was flying towards him. Luon was confident that he would never be pushed back in strength, but he could not ignore the difference in weight class, so he jumped high in place and avoided the club.

Although he jumped quite high, the wind pressure that brushed past his toes was still transmitted.

It can be dangerous if not done right.

Luon, who landed on the floor, immediately dug through the troll’s legs.

Aiming at the artery on the inside of the troll’s thigh and raising his sword to strike, he hurriedly backed off three steps to avoid the troll’s crazed footsteps. Because he didn’t want to become a meat paste by being too greedy for nothing.

Instead, he had a bow in his hand, widening the distance. Loading with an arrow from a barrel fixed to his thigh, Luon drew the bow without delay. His fingers, holding the tip of his arrow, opened and the arrow split the air.


The troll screamed and closed his eyes. The troll who was about to pull out the locked arrow, when that didn’t work, frantically slashed his club in all directions. A fist-sized pile of stone soared up every time a bombardment of clubs hit the floor.

It was an attack with no order, but the power contained within it was so great that it was difficult to approach him easily. However, Luon did not care and narrowed the distance, avoiding the trajectory of the club. From his left, the heel of a house-sized troll flew in at great speed.

In response to the unexpected attack, Luon instinctively raised his left hand wide and grabbed the man’s huge ankle through his armpit. The moment his feet, firmly fixed on the ground, slid into a deep furrow, the holy sword in his other hand flashed and scattered blood.


When the human, who he thought would be hit by his foot and fly away, grabbed his foot and cut off his ankle, the troll spit yellow saliva in terrible pain.

‘It’s so loud’. Luon jumped up on the knee of the troll who had fallen down, and rolled up the handle of his holy sword with both hands.

Concentrating for an instant.

He felt a pulsating force in his holy sword. Controlling the force that flowed through his sword like a waterfall, he slammed the sword down.

The sword that cleaved the troll’s wrists, who reflexively raised his hands, fell at the top of the troll’s head.


A vertical red line appeared on the face of the troll, who looked down at Luon, who had landed on the floor, with a stupid expression, and then quickly split apart. The intestines, spewing hot steam from the split body, poured down to the floor.

In the bloodstream pouring down like rain, Luon smiled as he felt the exhilaration (Tl note:- Experience) that had accumulated inside him spread out to his entire body.

The level up is definitely fast this time.

Certainly, except for the sluggish time in Relyzan, it was a growth that was incomparably faster than the previous level-up.

‘From Salvetor and the man and woman who were aiming for the monument, to another minion and a troll. It was all thanks to these guys who gave me huge experiences.’

Raising his concentration, Luon distributes his bonus stats evenly between his strength and stamina.

Feeling the strong power swirling inside him, he clenched his fists, then suddenly realized that he was fine even in the pouring blood, and lifted his head. Blood was falling to the floor, blocked by a translucent yellow force field.

Amelia said, pulling back her arms that were stretching forward.

“This should count as help even though you finished everything on your own…”

Luon stretched out his index finger and pointed to the force field.

“This is enough. I avoided bathing in blood.”

Amelia laughed and shook her head.

“Thanks to you, I knew that trolls could be killed instantly. I’m telling you; I have nothing to say.”

“Is that so?”

Luon shrugged his shoulders and stepped toward the party. As he approached, Colin said, in a voice that was enraptured.

You are reading story Wandering Mercenary in an Open World at novel35.com

“Oh my God… what did I just see?”



His bald brothers were also speechless, and their mouths were still twitching. Then, when he made eye contact with Luon, he seemed scared in a different sense than before to shrink his shoulders without realizing it. ‘Anyone who sees them will think I’m hitting them.’

Even Kyle, who had seen a lot so far, was really surprised this time, so his mouth was wide open as if his jawbone was missing.

“…does this make sense?”

Amelia said to the distraught men.

“I know everyone is surprised, but we have to take care of things here.”

She rummaged through the backpack hanging next to her saddle and pulled out a few empty glass bottles.

“Have you all heard of the troll’s blood being the ingredient for potions?”

Having said that, Amela threw the empty bottle without notice. Kyle, who was standing with a stupid expression on his face, barely caught the bottle flying towards his face, then belatedly nodded his head and ran towards the troll’s corpse.

Colin, who was looking at her, politely clasped his hands and approached Luon.

“Excuse me, Mr. ….ah, no, Mr. Luon.”


“Can you give us a bottle of troll’s blood too…”

Luon smiled as he looked at Colin, who suddenly started to use honorifics, and said,

“With bare hands?”

Colin, who was embarrassed for a moment, gulped down and said with a grim face.

“As soon as we get to Britten, I will say that I saw a warrior who killed a troll by himself! Also, the warrior’s name is Luon. The blood of the trolls we will receive will prove to be the backing of that statement. Didn’t Archduke Carlos also get the title of knight by spreading the story that he hunted for Ogres alone, and then ascend to the present position? Luon is also obviously…”

“What are you talking about?” Luon crumpled his face.

“Then what do you want?”

Colin and the bald men looked at each other at his stern eyes.

“Then maybe…”

“Just take a bottle. And stop spreading useless rumors.”

At that, Colin rejoiced and ran back. Luon let out a small sigh as he looked at his back and turned his head. He saw Amelia putting her hand on the forehead of her horse. As she licked her small lips, a faint light flowed from her pure white hand, seeping into the forehead of the horse. Then, the eyes of the horse, which had been quivering with an anxious look, calmly subsided. Amelia, who had stabilized all the horses, said.

“The horses are a little soft because they are not fighters.”

“Seeing things like this makes me regret not choosing a wizard.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing. It was amazing that you calmed the horses so easily.”

Amelia, who laughed silently, muttered, throwing her eyes into the air in the distance.

“It’s a spell my sister gave me when I couldn’t fall asleep when I was young. The effect is pretty good…”

She raised her voice as if to evoke the atmosphere while blurring the end of her words.

“I think your sword skills feel more magical? How about a body that can take a troll’s kick without any armour or protection? I’m sure even knights with strength spells can’t do that. It is through this incident that I know for sure that you did not receive the favour of Tibella for nothing.”

Luon shook his head.

“Enough with the praises. Let’s just cross the bridge.”

He turned around without waiting for her to speak, and Amelia followed him with a shrug.

Kyle, who was licking the blood on his hand, coughed and hid his hand behind him, with Luon and Amelia staring at him.

“Hmm, I heard that trolls’ blood is good for men…”

Amelia asked with a small smile.

“Did you gather enough blood?”

Kyle shook his head as he looked at the floor soaked in the troll’s blood.

“I only managed to fill two bottles, but I think it will be difficult beyond this. As you can see, most of it has already been spilled on the floor.”

“No, that is enough. You did a great job.”

Leaving behind the conversation between the two, Luon approached the bridge.

Following the chain connected to the end of the bridge with his eyes, he was able to find rusty winches with the chains rolled up at both ends. A large wheel was connected to the end of the winch, which seemed to be fixed by laying a cylinder sideways, and it seemed to be used to pull or loosen the chain by turning it.

As soon as he finished his judgment, Luon grabbed the wheel without delay.

Colin, who looked at him from afar, murmured.

“Are you going to spin that big wheel by yourself? Aren’t we supposed to help?”

“He killed a troll by himself. Do you think he needs any help?”

As soon as Kyle answered, the chains were released with a rattling sound, and the bridge began to slowly descend. He added,

“···Look at that.”

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