War of Auras

Chapter 8: Chapter 6 – The challenge

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Someone opens the door and enters Ian's office.

"Hello! Oh, Ian and Tartus having a discussion this early in the morning. Am I interrupting anything?" The one who enters is king Willian.

"No, we were already done. Just wanted to visit an old friend." Says Tartus.

"And what are you doing here at my office? Don't you have anything to do in the capital?" Asks Ian.

"The Tartus problem, let's say it that way, is more important now. And I knew Tartus would definitely be here." Says Willian with a smile.

"Tartus, I really need you to choose someone. I'm afraid you won't keep your word."

"I will. No worries. If that's all, I'm leaving now." Tartus starts walking towards the exit.

Before Tartus could leave, Willian, still in front of the door, puts his hand on Tartu's shoulder and whispers.

"Please, just make sure this new apprentice doesn't end up like the other."

Tartus stops and whispers back.

"The tongue of a fool is his biggest threat."

"Is that a threat?"

"More like advice."

Tartus resumes walking and leaves the mansion.

Tartus walks in the streets of the south of Erex. It is so early in the morning that there is almost no one to be seen. While walking, Tartus thinks.

So the mutants were exterminated? Why? And how? Either way, I don't have business here anymore.

Suddenly someone screams from behind.


The person screaming runs towards Tartus and gets close to him. Tartus stops and looks at the person who is panting from running.

"I finally found you." Says the person.

"Who are you?"

"What do you mean who I am? I'm the one you saved."

"I've saved a lot of people. You have to be more specific."

"Yesterday, from the thief."

"Oh yeah, I remember. You were that crying kid."

Akin makes an annoyed face after hearing that.

Tartus continues.

"Since you're here, you might be helpful. You were born here, right?"

"Yes." Says Akin confused.

"Do you know what happened to the mutants?"

"What are mutants?"

"Forget it. You're just a stupid kid." Says Tartus with a disappointed face.

Akin is even more annoyed. Tartus starts walking again.

"Wait!" Screams Akin, stopping Tartus.

"What do you want?"

"I have great news for you! Your problem with the new apprentice is over!"


"That's because your new apprentice is right here!" Says Akin with a big smile.

"What? That's a joke, right?"

"No, no joke. You inspired me. Now I'm sure I will become the strongest knight ever!"

What is wrong with this kid? Is he even the same person from yesterday? Thinks Tartus.

"Sorry, but no. You're too weak."

"Huh? But you said it was possible to become stronger, even though I was born weak."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're weak. Actually, thinking about it, I was probably wrong. It's probably impossible."

Tartus turns his back on Akin and starts walking. Akin runs and stops in front of Tartus.

"I won't train you, kid. Get out of the way."

"It's too late to change your mind now! I'm telling you, I will become the strongest knight ever!" Says Akin with a severe face.

Tartus gets surprised.

What are those eyes? How did he change so much? Are those eyes... No, it can't be. Only a few get them. Thinks Tartus.

"Get out of the way. I'm not training you."

"You want me to prove it, right? When are you leaving Erex?"

"I don't know, in a week or so."

"Great, before you leave Erex, I will show you how serious I am. In a week from now, I will fight you, and if I win, you have to take me as an apprentice."

"Are you serious?"


"What is your name?"

"I am Akin."

This face. He is serious about it, but sorry, Akin, I'm not here to get an apprentice. Thinks Tartus.

Tartus passes Akin and keeps walking.

"You're fighting me, right!?" Asks Akin from behind.


After hearing that, Akin leaves Tartus and runs to the forest.

I will definitely beat him. Thinks Akin while running.

Tartus keeps slowly walking.

I would actually just leave now, but... I guess staying here one more week is fine too. Thinks Tartus.

Willian stays in Ian's office and discusses some other things with him. After a couple of minutes, he leaves the mansion. Eiden was outside, leaning against the mansion's wall, waiting for Willian.

"Did you solve your problems?" Asks Eiden.

"More or less. Did Tartus see you here?"

"Probably, but he didn't really care."

"I see. I will stay here in the south a little longer. I have to keep an eye on Tartus. He won't leave here without choosing someone. Either way, why did you want to come with me?"

"I miss here. It was where I grew up, after all."

"Is that all?"

"Yes. I'm also curious about who Tartus will choose."

"Yeah, I get it. He is a hero, after all."

Willian and Eiden start walking together away from the mansion. After walking for a couple of minutes in silence, Willian speaks.



"You have great potential. I honestly think you're gonna be the one who will surpass Tartus. I expect a lot from you."

"Thank you. I hope I can live up to those expectations."

One week passes.

Tartus is walking in the forest. He is leaving Erex.

What a troublesome week it has been. Every day Willian asks about the apprentice. He is really annoying. Luckily he didn't see me coming here. I will just leave Erex now and get back to work. Thinks Tartus.

"Oh, you're here! I was about to go look for you!"

Tartus redirects his gaze to the person who said that.

"Akin, right?"

Akin is standing next to a tree with a big smile. It is visible that he has been training there. His clothes are much dirtier than before, and his body has several wounds. 

"So. Let's fight now!"

"Akin. I know you trained hard, but..."

"No buts. We are starting now!" With that, Akin runs toward Tartus with his fists close. A mighty wind comes when he is about to punch him, throwing Akin away.

Akins falls and rolls on the floor.

"What was that wind?"

"My aura power is related to wind. Anyways you can't beat me. You can't even beat someone at your age like that."

"Damm. Next time I will hit you!"

Tartus sighs.

"Ok, if you want to fight so much. I will train you if you can land a hit on me. A single hit."

Tartus continues.

"And more. I won't move one arm."

He underestimates me but thinking about it, he didn't even have to move to throw that wind. Thinks Akin.

Akin runs again and tries to punch Tartus.

"That again?"

Again a mighty wind comes and throws Akin away.

"This time, the wind was stronger than before. Every time you come at me, the wind will get stronger. You better hit me quickly."

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Damm. How am I supposed to hit this guy? Thinks Akin.

"This time, I won't be thrown away."

Akin runs again toward Tartus, and the wind again comes stronger than before.

"Making those pointless attacks won't help. Huh?"

Akin is not getting thrown away this time. He stands firm and fights against the wind.

"You can actually resist that? Impressive, but you can't come any closer to me. I will just make the wind stronger."

The wind gets much more potent. Akin, unable to stand, is again thrown away.


"I'm telling you. You can't land a single hit on me."

Akin looks around and holds the thickest stick he can find.

"What are you going to do? Throw it?"

Akin starts running again toward Tartus with the stick in his hands. The wind comes again stronger. This time Akin stakes the rod in the ground as deep as he can and holds it. 

"I see you're holding it, so you will not be thrown away. But I can always make the wind stronger."

The wind is much more powerful. But Akin keeps holding the stick.

"Damm, I won't be thrown!"


The wind comes stronger. The leaves and the rods of the trees nearby all fly. The ground itself starts getting destroyed. It looks like a terrible storm. The rod Akin was holding breaks; quickly, Akin sinks his hand into the ground and holds on to a root.

"Ok. I'm going to end it all." Says Tartus.

The wind keeps getting stronger. The trees nearby start to fly. A tree trunk wings in Akin's direction and strikes his head at a breakneck speed. Akin can't keep his hands on the ground. It appears that he is going to fly away.

"I won't be thrown!!!!!!!!!" Screams Akin as loud as he can.

Akin trying to stand, holds the flying trunk, sticks it on the ground, and grabs it as hard as he can. The winds continue, and the tree trunk that Akin was holding also flies away; there is nothing else for Akin to hold on to. Without being able to grab into anything, It appears it is over. After that wind, no one would be able to get up.

"I guess that's enough." After saying that, the winds stop.

"Even a knight would fly away after that. You did well, kid, but as I said..." Tartus stops after feeling something hit his stomach.

"It counts, doesn't it?" Says Akin, panting.

A hit is landed on Tartus. In normal circumstances, it would not be considered a punch. It is more like Akin touching Tartus' stomach with his fist.

"Damm. I can't even strike you properly. But it counts, right? If it doesn't, I will try it again. The next one will be stronger, I promise." Akin can barely speak. Blood is dripping from his body, and his shirt is completely torn.

"How can you stand like this?" Asks Tartus, surprised.

"I told you I was serious. Do I have to hit you again now or what?"

"No. This one counts." Says Tartus, still impressed with Akin.


After saying that, Akin falls to the ground, unable to hold his body, and passes out.

How? No one, not even a knight, would be able to stand after that. The way he was talking just now, his eyes. He would strike me again if I said the punch didn't count, even with no force left. I guess it is true, then. Akin really got those eyes. He is now a beast.

Tatus holds Akin's body and walks towards Erex. He starts walking slowly, but then Tartus gives a huge jump and keeps running really fast.

Now, Willian is in front of Ian's mansion with Ian and Eiden.

"That Tartus he left! He didn't choose anyone! That guy!" Says Willian angrily, after being told by Ian that Tartus was gone.

Everyone there suddenly feels a wind passing by.

"Hey, I'm back." Says Tartus, holding Akin's body on his back.

"You're back? Who is this person on your back?" Asks Willian.

Everyone there gets confused, wondering why there was a body on Tartus' back and who that person was.

"Wait, why is Akin's body on your back!?" Asks Eiden, realizing who that person is.

"Who is Akin?" Asks Ian and Willian, still confused.

"He is my... My brother."

"But why are you holding his body? Is he fine? What happened?"

"Calm down. I'm just here to say that I chose someone to be my apprentice. It's this boy here on my back."

"What!?" Everyone is now more confused than before.

"Well, if he is Eiden's brother, then... Is he powerful like him? Did he get on the knight academy?" Asks Willian, trying to understand Tartus' choice.

"On the contrary." Says Tartus.

"My brother could not pass the knight academy. He has a deficient level of aura." Says Eiden.

"Then why him!?"

"I felt like it."

"You felt like it? Are you kidding me, Tartus!? What do you think you're doing!?" Willian is now irritated with the situation.

"What are you talking about? You said I could choose anyone I wanted. I chose him."

"I meant someone powerful, not a nobody like him."

"Thanks for your opinion on the matter. But I made up my mind. I'm choosing Akin."

Willian gets more irritated.

"Whatever, Tartus!"

Willian starts walking away, followed by Eiden. Eiden stops and stares at Tartus for a couple of seconds.

"What?" Asks Tartus.

Eiden turns his back and starts following Willian.

Only Tartus and Ian were left there standing.

Ian starts laughing.

"Did you see his face? Hahaha, it was amazing! You really like surprising people don't you?"

Ian continues.

"But what does this kid have of special. He lacks aura, but does he have something to compensate for it?"

"Well, I thought about that possibility too. That's why after he passed out, I examined him."


"This kid is the unluckiest person I've ever seen. He has nothing, nothing at all. Of course, he is not completely out of aura; there is something there. But no, he has no hidden talent."

"Then why him?"

"I liked his eyes." Says Tartus with a smile.

"I see. I think I get it. Well, good luck training him."

"Thanks. Of course, while training him, I will search more about that threat."

"If there is anything I can do to help, just contact me."

"I will."

Tartus leaves Ian and walks toward the forest. He leaves Akin's body lying on the floor.

I will be back, Akin. I just have to talk to one more person. Thinks Tartus.

Some hours later.

Akin finally wakes up.

"Huh? Where am I? Wait, I'm in the forest. Where is Tartus?"

Akin looks around, but no sign of Tartus.

"Damn it! That guy! He said the punch counted!"

"I'm here, idiot."

Akin turns his back and looks at Tartus.

"What? You were not there just a moment ago!"

"Well, now I am. Let's go."

"Go where?"

"What do you mean go where? Didn't you want to get trained? Come, let's go."

Tartus starts walking away.

Akin stays still for a couple of seconds and makes a huge smile. The biggest smile he has ever made in his entire life.

"Wait! I'm coming!" 

Akin runs toward Tartus and starts walking on his side.

"Are you really prepared? It will be hard."

"Are you kidding me? Of course, I am!"

Tartus makes a small laugh. After some seconds of walking, Tartus speaks.

"Akin, do you remember when I told you that people who tell you to give up either hate you or are losers?"

"Yeah, I do."

"There is another possibility too."

"Another possibility, which?"

Tartus stays quiet for some seconds.

"You will find out later." Says Tartus with a smile.

"If you weren't gonna tell me, why did you bring this up?" Says Akin, with an irritated face.

Akin and Tartus kept walking for a while. Akin's training will start. And he will get stronger, but the more powerful he gets, the harder the challenges ahead will be.

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