Warframe Punk

Chapter 2: Additional Information, and training

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Sitting back in his quarters at the small dining table was a large meal set out before him. Aimed to give him the energy, and nutrients along with multiple different types of shakes and a few pills that would give him the max efficiency during his training, the only downside is the taste wasn't the best.

Ethan however didn't complain at all as he began to eat while Ordis continued to talk.

''A few things to note operator, as you know. You are currently weak, with the suit you would be stronger than normal people in multiple worlds, however as you gain mastery over the abilities of a proper Tenno I will be administrating a serum that will help you gain your abilities, but it can only be administered after you have reached a certain level of mastery.''

''Like a Super Soldier serum?" It was Ethan who spoke, going directly back to eating afterward.

"Yes, Operator, like a Super Soldier serum. The only difference being through training and my direct interaction I can 'Lower' the level of the serum, making it so you don't need to worry about accidentally destroying something, or someone because your strength is so many more times greater.''

''Ordis, where is the ship located currently? I saw a few planets through the Bridge window along with stars, I can see them from my quarter's window as well.''

''Currently Operator we are in an 'Empty Space.' A star system built specifically to act as a 'Home' to you, this is a place only you and I can access, through here you can basically create entire ecosystems over time as you gather information and scan life forms, plants, and many other things.''

''Are their still base materials in asteroids and the planets?"

''Yes, Operator.''

''Can I assign you to mine asteroids for materials and build up our stocks of supplies while I focus on training and mastering my Tenno abilities?"

''Of course Operator, the orbiter comes with mining lasers, as well as mining drones that can be fired at large asteroids or even planets to over time take their resources.''

''Focus on asteroids and any smaller planets that wouldn't be able to hold life on it, if I play my cards right I can eventually make planets so I will not worry about such things. However, as a side project, attempt to find a location like the earth that can support a large ecosystem. We'll use it to build larger factories and other things to specialize in that the orbiter can't handle due to its space limitations.''

''Of course, Operator, when I gather the required materials, shall I make a subroutine?''

''Explain what the entails at a level I can understand.''

''A subroutine for me would be a secondary mind, which would allow a stronger processing power, and the ability to assign more tasks at once. I already have a large amount of space, but until we further upgrade my systems and abilities. I am limited.''

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''More processing, means we can get things done faster, go ahead with it.''

''Of course Operator.''

Ethan continued to eat, it was when he finally finished did he stand and walked away from his personal quarters. Leaving the clean-up to the bots that soon came out to do so as he immediately went to training. Along the mass of equipment and obstacle course was a single table that was raised from the ground with a few large books on them.

Each was labeled differently. Mind, Body, Spirit, Void.

Taking the body one for now he began to use it to help his training. He already had a great regimen in mind, but that was for 'Normal' Humans, this book would push his limits to the max each time, to raise his ability to the level of a proper Tenno.

With Ordis helping him by reading the book aloud and correcting his postures and how he trained he was able to get a hellish, great workout session right away, it was only when he was near incapable of holding himself up did he move onto the book of the mind.

It focused on meditation, harnessing thoughts, clearing the mind, and controlling emotion.

It also focused on his abilities as a Tenno to harness energy as a whole allowing him to better use his frame abilities with less downtime and wasting as little energy as possible.

The further he trained his mind, the better his frames would respond to him.

It also focused on many other subjects that challenged the mind, mechanics, biochemistry, technology, and many other branches of science and other literature to turn him not only into someone who had the equipment, but also knew how to use the equipment.

He focused more on understanding Ordis and the ship as a whole, and how it worked so that in situations where he couldn't access Ordis, he could repair, or at the worst case. Make a new ship.

He was told that no matter what he wouldn't need to worry about needing to build a new ship, as with time Ordis himself can pull any parts of the ship back and make them himself, but it was always good to know the inside and outside of the ship, and Ordis was more than happy to help him understand how he worked.

It was recommended he get up to a certain level of mastery before he began to attempt spirit training, and even further for void training so he left it alone.

This is how he spent a majority of his time, training his mind and body to a level he could be considered even the 'Weakest' Tenno

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