Warhammer Chaos God System In Another World

Chapter 4: Chapter > 4: The Warhammer Chaos God System

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Seth blinked in confusion.

Appearing before Seth is six different color doors.

A bright pink one that made his heart beat faster. Smoothing and pleasuring whispers of untold power, riches, and beauty flowed into his ears, head, and very soul. It makes him feel loved and cared for by a dotting Wife, Mother, and Big Sister all in one. The love was overwhelming and overpowering.

[Slaanesh] - the name breathy whispered to Seth. He knows who is behind the door. He knows what he will be letting into the world.

Next to it is hung crimson metal skull-covered door, spilling with an endless ocean of blood. The door made him feel like God among Men, as a boundless continuous stream of rage and courage spilled into him.

[KHORNE!] - The name screamed at him. It dared him to open the door.

Seth's eyes started to spin as he looked at the doors. If only looking at two of them made him like this. What about the rest?

Rubbing his eyes, he examined the next door. It was a bright glowing blue door. The door was always changing and never staying. Seth felt like his mind was taken to new heights he didn't know existed. All sorts of otherworldly plans, schemes and lies made themselves home in his mind.

[Tzeentch] - The name all but laughed at him. It was seemingly interested, amused, and confused, all rolled into one. The name wanted to see what he was made of. And what beautiful chaos he can create with his mind.

A dull pain racked his mind, as the otherworldly plans, schemes, and lies disappeared and were forgotten.

Groaning lightly, his blurry eye moved his eyes over. What stood next was a nice, sunny green door that made him loved, cared for, happy, and joyful, all at once. It made Seth feel like when he listened to his late Grandfather's WW2 stories. He smiled a bit at that, as the pain all but faded away with a pat on his head and a hearty Grandfatherly chuckle.

[Nurgle] - The name smiled and offered him some cookies for his pain the other gave him. The name just wants what's best for him. He won't be mad. He won't be angry. He will always listen to him, no matter what.

A pang of sadness hit Seth as he flashed at the next door. It was like he lost his Grandfather again, plus a hundred times. It hurt. It hurt so much.

Standing tall above the other doors was a four-colored door. All colors represent the Chaos Gods. It glowed blindly with power like no other. He will be blessed by all of them. He will have a Harem. He will have War. He will have Chaos. And he will have his Grandfather back.

[Chaos Undivided] - The name rang loudly. It rang and rang with a stop. It promising everything he ever wishes. It promising  everything he ever wishes and - MORE.

An unspeakable pain attacked Seth's body and mind as they all yelled and whispered to him. In the far back, Grandfather just smiled and nodded. He knows already.

Black dots appeared in Seth's vision as he looked at the last door.

It was simple. The door was an ant compared to the others. It weakly glowed in a white aura and was at peace. The small door was pure white and it was beautiful.

[Your own Path] - The name calmly told him. And that's all it had to say. By picking this door, he will be making his own Path as a Chaos God. Something which the others won't like very much.

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But... Who cares what they want?

He doesn't want to pray or serve any of them. The only person he will ever serve is himself. He only matters.

Making up his mind, he smiled sadly at the green door as it disappeared. The door smiled and waved to him. Not a goodbye, but a - see you later.

The other doors seemed all confused as they disappeared. What? They all thought themselves. A whole new plane was there and now...it wasn't. It wasn't because they couldn't get the odd human to pick them.

Seth laughed at that. Like hell, he'll pick any of them. He is selfish. Selfish to the absolute extreme. He can't, won't he be controlled by others.

Seth's eyes hardened. Isn't all that the System describes what all humans go through? Hell, he tasted all those already

He tasted War from his Grandfather.

He tasted love from his family.

He tasted hope as he saved his Dog from death.

He tasted happiness from cooking for his family and smacking the shit out of Soulsborne Bosses.

And he tasted sorrow when his Grandfather died.

He tasted it all!

What's a little more?

Making up his mind, Seth's lips rose up.

' Yes.'

Seth soon was devoured by darkness as endless power was poured into him. The power crackingly madly.

Soon... Very soon, the World shall see what True Power is.

The power that only belongs to a Chaos God!


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