Warlock Crimelord

Warlock Crimelord

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Warlock Crimelord

Review: 10/10 from 6 ratings

My life is hard. I’ve lost my family. I’ve lost my opportunity at an education. Hell, I’ve even lost out on the American Dream. No job, no upward mobility, and no one cares because everyone has their own problems. The only man who gives a shit about the dregs of society where I live is a criminal. Though I joined the Night Wolves, I still try to be a good person. Like I said, it is hard, but I’ve become good at not compromising my morals. In fact, things were starting to look up. Then it came.
The Bountiful Heavens. The Merciless Hells. The Infinite Framework.
My life was hard, and through no fault of my own it has gotten even harder. Not only do I have to keep myself alive, but I am now in charge of keeping many others safe. Children. Women. Those who don’t want to fight. Even beings that I thought did not exist outside of stories and myths. Luckily I have help, but at the end of the day, everyone counts on me.
The Warlock Crimelord.

The is a work of Epic Fantasy Gamelit/LitRPG that puts a unique spin on the genre yet still features many familiar elements such as stats, quests, classes, skills, expansive world-building, base-building, and a generally gritty struggle against an entire universe that couldn’t care less if the main character and everyone else he cares about dies. While it also has unconventional relationships, explicit content will be in separate chapters and flagged as such, so if you are interested in that kind of thing you can move right along in the plot.

Comments, feedback and support are all welcome. I hope you enjoy it!

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