Warm Boy

Chapter 6: 6

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It couldn’t be compared to the smell of deodorants but it was akin to the heavy smell given off by men. It was a pleasant smell that urged Yigyeom to smell more. Was it perfume? There was more of a chance of being one. Since Yigyeom couldn’t smell pheromones.

“I am the resident of the red container.” 

It was strange because he was speaking Yigyeom so casually and it was a bit scary. He was tall and had an intimidating figure, and if he was threatening Yigyeom without a hitch, even if he approached Yigeyom a little, his lips would clamp shut and he couldn’t move at all.

“Do excuse me.”



How could barge in like that inside someone else’s house…Yigyeom was leaning against the door of the cleaning room and was deep in the thoughts of the man who claimed himself to be the Chief. His stature was tall along with his body, he was very handsome.

He was scary but even in that situation Yigyeom’s eyes naturally followed him. He had a face that even made Yigyeom think that he was handsome. Yigyeom never saw someone as handsome as him. 



Yet again, he was rude, wayward and just absurd. No matter how weird he was, whenever that Chief came close to Yigeyom, he felt shivers.

Since it was a feeling Yigyeom never felt before, the sensation still lingered in his system. It was a little warm yet cool, and as his fingers twitched, he couldn’t take his eyes off him. And…



When the Chief left, Yigyeom found his underwear to be wet. Yigyeom didn’t realize when it happened, but it was definitely because of that man. His face felt hot and he felt chilly as well while his lower stomach felt out of sorts, it was most probably then.

Why was it like that? Was it because Yigyeom felt pressured? Or was it because he was an alpha? No, it couldn’t be…because Yigyeom couldn’t react to Alpha’s pheromones. Even when he was with an Alpha, he couldn’t smell their pheromones. Yigyeom rubbed his fingers together, the ones that tingled that morning.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to surprise you.”


You are not sorry one bit…Liar. Bully…Thug.  


He must have been the new thug-like service Chief, because he said he was here because of the redevelopment work. Until last year, there was another service manager who wore a suit  and went around the slum with an iron pipe in his head. He was similar to that person.

They looked very different but their suits were similar. Also, it was also the same that they knew something about me even though Yigyeom never met them before.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“See you next time.” 

Qts vlv atf Jtlfo mbwf ab ugffa tlw? Po tf kjcafv ab ufa bc klat tlr gfvfnfibqwfca kbgx, tf mbeiv tjnf pera obgmfv tlw ab ufa bea bo atfgf jr rbbc jr qbrrlyif. Ktfgf kjr cb cffv ab ugffa tlw.

Kb rbwfbcf ilxf Tlusfbw, ktb kjr jvjwjca jybea cba ifjnlcu, tf mbeiv tjnf pera tla atf ogbca vbbg klat tlr lgbc qlqf bg megrfv ja tbwf ktfcfnfg tf rjk tlw.Qts vlv tf ybatfg ab fzmtjcuf obgwjilalfr, ajix ab tlw jcv atfc kjnfv ab rff tlw ijafg?

What would he do if he saw Yigyeom later? Curse at him straightaway? Or would he hit him…?


He was so much taller and his body seemed to carry some weight too. If Yigyeom would get hit by that person, he might really die. Just thinking about it made Yigyeom cringe, as he shook his head and gained his composure once he heard the front door of the cafe opening.

Yigyeom stood in front of the customers who were standing ignorant of the counter, scanning the menu. He shook his head as if he tried to shake off the thoughts about the Chief. He wasn’t a genuine person and it wouldn’t do Yigyeom any good if he continued thinking about him.


But towards that threatening, thug-like Chief, the concerns didn’t easily reside. Like the tingle I felt and my wet underwear, those unpleasant feelings upheld for a long time. 


The stay at the redevelopment area was more boring than Taejung thought. Of course, it wasn’t a real vacation spot or it wasn’t an official vacation that he was granted that could be spent at home. It was a given that it wouldn’t be fun. However, Kwon Taejung was too bored every single day.

Kwon Taejung’s recent routine was to wake up late and workout. He would then head out for the slum and kill some time, before returning home.

Since he was in the middle of self-reflection, it was difficult to meet someone over drinks. He couldn’t also stick to his older siblings just for fun. The days were hence more uneventful and monotonous than usual.

But the most important reason for his staleness was Yigyeom, who he was supposed to keep a watch over, was busy. If he talked with Yigyeom or teased him, time wouldn’t have gone more quickly. But let alone that, he couldn’t even see a strand of Yigyeom’s hair. 

Fuck, Yigyeom should atleast his face or something once in a while. If that continued, he wouldn’t be able to see him once in those 3 months. Kwon Taejung who was sitting on the sofa with his legs resting over the table, picked up the phone which vibrated beside his legs. There was a message from Secretary Baek.

[ Baek Jinwoo: Absolutely don’t come out]

Kwon Taejung what Secretary Baek suddenly wanted to say, as earlier he only went out to receive something from the union leader. Kwon Taejung stood up from the sofa and sneakily approached the door. He opened the door slightly and glanced outside. He saw Secretary Baek standing not far from the container.

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Beside him was an unfamiliar man. Was it because of that man, he told me not to come out at any cost? Who the hell was that? After watching the two talk for a while, Kwon Taejung closed the door. 

After 5 minutes, Baek Secretary came and opened the door. Kwon Taejung tilted his head curiously and looked at Secretary Baek who seemed serious.

“Who was it?”

“The reporter from the broadcasting company.”

“Ah, fuck. They really want to do a follow-up broadcast, huh. So, what did he say?” 

“They asked me if I was a resident here and if they end up doing the broadcast they are going to do an interview so they told me to cooperate. I told them I am not a resident so they asked me if I was from the union or Taesung Group.”

Kwon Taejung leaned against the sofa and as if he was tired, he relieved a long sigh. Those guys from the broadcasting team didn’t leave him or Taesung Group alone.

“So, I told them that there is someone I know here…but I don’t think we can stay still like this. The fact that even the field team came here, means that they are going to do their work properly.”

“Ah, shit. So, the time I won’t be meeting Yigyeom, there is a chance they will meet him then.” 


“No but if I can only lock him in if I get to see his face and then kindly persuade him to get out? But, what kind of part-time jobs is he doing that he is so busy that I can’t even see his face? At this rate, I won’t be able to see him for the next 3 months.”


Secretary Baek dragged a chair and sat in front of Kwon Taejung, wearing a serious expression and as if he was deep in his thoughts, he exhaled gravely.

“I knew he was doing many part-time jobs but I didn’t know it was to this extent.” 

Kwon Taejung, who was leaning against the sofa and had his legs propped up on the table, couldn’t endure it anymore and sprung from his seat, kicking the chair. Vacation, fuck!What kind of vacation is this?

By the time the broadcasting team were investigating and pushed their way through the rubble, simultaneously Kwon Taejung, listless, was sitting cooped up inside the container. It was not a vacation, but torture. He didn’t want to stay still and wait for Yigyeom, hurting his own pride.

“I don’t have anything to do at home today so I should go and see his face for once.”



“Do you know when he will be back?”

“A person with lots of time should wait. Is there any other way? He will be here once he sees I am waiting.”

“How can that be?” 

Secretary Baek examined Kwon Taejung with anxious eyes. After changing their workplace to the slum, Secretary Baek’s most important task was to watch Kwon Taejung, who would be surveillancing Yigyeom. As Kwon Taejung was keeping a watch on Yigyeom, Secretary Baek was also careful that he was doing anything out of line.

“Jinwoo.  I know I am not reliable but have you ever seen me have another accident after another? I won’t do something that would be newsworthy.”

“Still, you know when he will be back so why would you be waiting for him intentionally?”

Kwon Taejung, frustrated, tilted his head and looked at Secretary Baek with his most pissed off face. 

“So, should I just stay still? In that time, fuck! Those guys can film for a thousand times. Do you know what Yigyeom is up to, outside? Can you be sure he isn’t out meeting the guys from the broadcasting station?”


“If I really have to stop him, I should be there with him all day. Should I hit and take him away so that he can’t meet the guys outside, huh? If he is out meeting them, and after coming this far, are you saying that I should not seek him out intentionally?”

Secretary Baek was at a loss of words, as he looked up at Kwon Taejung who quickly organized his thoughts and quickly came to a decision. Kwon Taejung was a talented kid, but there was nothing he could do as he pleased or achieve what he wanted. 

Secretary Baek forgot that he couldn’t use his skills for a while and remembered that he ignored Kwon Taejung and quickly apologized.

“You are right. So that the people from the broadcasting company cannot contact him, you should be by his side. Sorry. I didn’t think to that extent.”


“There is nothing to be sorry for and you should get off work. I have no intention to tire you too.”

“No. What are you going to do, spending the night by yourself?” 

“Well, I will get dinner or something. Anyway, that kid will be back by night right? Let’s go out. I’m hungry.”

Kwon Taejung got up from his seat and Secretary Baek, who was obstructing the door, swiftly opened the front door and scanned the surroundings. He investigated for a while if the guys from the broadcasting station who were roaming the slum were still there, and approved Kwon Taejung to step outside.

Kwon Taejung swung his arms over Secretary Baek’s shoulder and went out of the container. He thought of eating dinner together with Secretary Baek before sending him home. Only then, could he have a frank conversation with that kid.

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