Warped Causality

Warped Causality

Warped Causality

Review: 9.6/10 from 9 ratings

The Potter family just had twins! A boy and a girl, Nathan and Jasmine. Unfortunately the world is a cruel, screwed up place, and after a fateful night they are seperated. While Nathan is raised by their parents, Jasmine is abandoned elsewhere, needing to find a place in the world and get strong enough that she can create or find a family that won't abandon her.
A bit ago I disappointingly dropped a fanfiction with an excellent three chapter hook, and then a series of disappointing punches that killed my enthusiasm to read it. But it got me thinking, what's stopping me from taking those initial chapters and running with them? A fanfic of a fanfic, so to say.

An impulsive decision later, and here we are. Me, writing a fanfic that I frankly probably shouldn't be writing or am even qualified to write. Why, may you ask?

Well my dear, I have next to know actual first-hand knowledge of Marvel, or Harry Potter! The last time I read the Harry Potter books was in elementary school (never reading the seventh). I've only seen the first four movies of HP (in middle school), and I've only read two fanfictions with it as the subject.

On the marvel side of things; I've not read any comics outside of a few spider-man comics years ago, don't watch any of the movies, and only get my knowledge of all things marvel from two sources: A youtube channel I occasionally watch, and fanfictions, many of which have frankly poor quality.

To top it off, my last time doing any creative writing was back in high school, and I've not deigned too since.

But well, I needed a hobby and something to do other than solely consume media between working hours, so here we are. A bad idea made manifest.

How bad you ask?
No bloody clue. Let's fuck around and find out, shall we?
WARNING: This book covers subjects such as Depression, Suicide, Psychological and Physical Trauma, Abuse and Suffering. If those make you uncomfortable, I suggest not reading

But if you're gonna give it a go anyway, well; Thanks for reading!

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