
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – A Divine Discussion

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There was so much to unpack there that Grayson hardly knew where to start. Some of these revelations were truly earth-shattering. Not the least of which was that apparently there truly was a god, though from what Velos said, this god seemed to be much different from the general perception of God. On top of that, this Velos character had traveled to Earth before, which was an oddity. And while it probably wasn’t the most sensible thing to focus on currently, he couldn’t help but ask-


“Why did you travel to earth?”


“Unfortunately,” Velos said, a small frown creasing his face for the first time since he had appeared. “We have little time. Keeping you in this space and communicating with you, even in as limited a capacity as I can manage, will have some adverse effects on both your body and soul. That information has little to do with why I am talking to you today. You would be better served by asking another question.”


“Ah, I see,” Grayson said, furrowing his brow, still trying to wrap his mind around the situation. “You said that I am meant for great things, what kind of great things would those be sir?”

The god smiled, and the expression unnerved Grayson. The smile itself was kind, but combined with the still moving eye, it sent a shiver down his spine.


“Why, child, you are going to save both me, and the world of Selenya.”


Grayson stared at the god, trying to ignore the creepy eye in the process.


“Me?” Grayson asked incredulously. “What could I possibly do that you can’t?”


He winced inwardly after speaking. Idiot, that’s no way to talk to a being that could likely brush away your existence with the wave of the hand.


“You’re a, uh, god… sir.” He finished lamely, in an attempt to appear more respectful after his outburst. Velos seemed to be fairly affable, though, so Grayson was becoming more confident he wasn’t going to be smitten.


“Being a god isn’t as incredible as you mortals seem to think it is.” Velos said with a chuckle. “I can do things you wouldn’t believe, there-”


In the middle of the thought, Velos’s entire figure seemed to break apart, like a mirror being shattered.


Grayson stared dumbstruck, when suddenly the pieces that made up Velos’s form shot back together, becoming whole once more.


What in the-. Grayson’s thought disrupted as Velos kept speaking as if nothing had happened.


“— are many things I cannot do. Suffice it to say, I was injured by another god. My greatest enemy. The wound was infected by the god’s energy, and any attempt by me to cleanse it would simply spread the infection faster.”


“I see,” Grayson said, giving the god a long look before continuing. He was out of his depth, and he knew that, but if there really wasn’t much time to speak, he needed to stick to the important questions. “What you said doesn’t explain how I can help. I don’t see how I of all people would be able to solve your problem when there is a whole world that can’t.”


“Indeed.” Velos said, looking thoughtful. “To answer you, I must explain that I created this domain. Consequently, everything in it is linked to me intrinsically. You were brought here from another domain, and therefore, you are not connected to me in any way. This will be a significant advantage that should protect you from this infection and allow you to eventually reach and cleanse the wound.”


“Could allow me to reach the wound?” Grayson asked with a frown. “Isn’t the wound on your face?” He gestured in the vague direction of Velos’s head while trying to avoid looking at the god’s wandering eye.


“No, this form you see before you is simply a manifestation I can create. It is not my body. My true body is something of a mix between the power I hold, and the world of Selenya itself.”


“I see,” Grayson said, drawing out the words. “And what would happen to me if the advantage of being from another domain doesn’t allow me to reach the infection.”


“You would die, of course.” Velos said, his voice still the same despite the declaration. “That, or you would be twisted by the impure power and turned into a shadow of your former self, driven by the will of a dead god to destroy everyone and everything until you wither away into nothingness.”


Great, Grayson thought, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes.


“Why would I ever try if there was a chance I would die, or worse?” Grayson asked, trying not to sound too incredulous in the process.


“Because if you don’t, you will still die. You will be on Selenya after all, and if the wound isn’t cleansed, the planet, and everything on it, will die. You must save it.”


“Can’t you just send be back to earth?” Grayson nearly shouted, trying and failing to present a calm exterior for the being in front of him.


Velos opened his mouth to speak, but before any sound came out, his head snapped at a forty-five-degree angle and began to spasm.


Is this some effect of this infection he is talking about? Grayson wondered, staring at Velos, his dead eye still moving around even as the god’s head twitched uncontrollably. This is the second time something like this has happened.


It was disturbing, but it only lasted a moment before the divinity’s head snapped back to its original position and Velos began to speak as if nothing had happened.


“There was a reason why I apologized to you earlier. Although I am fully capable of sending you back to your planet, I will not. The protection of my domain is far too important to me. You were brought here by an accident I cannot replicate, and I will not let this opportunity slip away. You will save Selenya, or you will die. While this is not a burden that you should have to bear, the consequences otherwise are far too terrible for me to allow.”


Grayson lowered his head, the enormity of his situation bearing down on him.

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“Should you succeed, you will be responsible for saving countless lives. Everyone and everything on my planet will be saved. You will never be forgotten in Selenya. This is the oath I give to you as a god.”


“But why me?” Grayson asked. “I’m no one special, I haven’t even graduated from college yet. Why does it have to be me?”


“I do not know, little mortal,” Velos said, not unkindly, “But over the time of my existence I have found that no matter the hardship, true determination allows one to find a way to rise to the challenge and overcome great adversity. I have a feeling that you will learn that you are far more capable than you believe.”


Grayson sighed. It looked like there was no getting out of this. Velos was making it clear that there was only one real choice.


“Are you going to give me the power or ability to cleanse the wound?” Grayson asked, hoping that maybe this would be fairly simple.


“No.” Velos said, “Any significant power that I give you would also be tainted and would only serve to strengthen its grip on me.”


Grayson sighed. Any hope that this would be quick and easy immediately squashed.


“What is the plan then? How is it even possible for me to do?”


“You will need to work to gain the power yourself.”


Grayson tried to hide a grimace, but Velos must have sensed this because he continued on in encouraging tones.


“Worry not, child. I will not send you into this with nothing. I will give you three gifts that will help you on your journey.”


Well, at least that’s something Grayson thought wryly.


“The first gift will be the ability to communicate with the people of Selenya. You will be able to speak, read, and write the language with ease. The second gift will be a sigil that marks you as one of my chosen servants.”


Velos moved, taking on a pose where his fists met at the center of his chest, with his elbows pointing outward on each side of his body making a triangle with velos’s head as the point. A brilliant light appeared above the god’s head. It took the shape of two waves rushing toward each other from opposite directions with something that appeared to be a clamshell in the empty space between the two waves. The sigil was incredibly intricate even though it appeared simple at first glance. Each wave was rendered in perfect detail by the light.


“You can access this sigil by taking up this pose and calling out my name in your mind. You will find that many doors will open to you when you use it appropriately. This is a great privilege that very few people on Selenya have ever held.”


“Thank you.” Grayson said, though he didn’t know how to feel about the gift.


Velos nodded, somehow managing to convey benevolence with the gesture.


“The third gift is potential. Few people on Selenya have access to magic. You will be able to obtain magic and I will ensure that your ability is potent.” Velos said, a serious tone growing in his voice as he continued to speak. “These three gifts will be a great boon to you, but it will be your duty and burden to develop your power. Only through great will and determination will you be able to grow it and save Selenya.”


At the mention of magic, a burst of excitement welled up in Grayson’s chest, but he forced himself to calm down and take in a deep breath. From the grave way Velos was speaking, this might be even harder than he had previously thought. It was becoming increasingly obvious that saving Selenya would take a significant amount of time and effort. From the way Velos was speaking, Grayson wouldn’t be surprised if years passed by before he was done. That was a sobering thought. Everyone on earth would likely think he was dead by the time he returned.


But despite it all, some part of him was excited. He wanted to be angry, and he certainly was to some extent. This whole situation was so completely unfair, but still- part of him said that this was something that he had always wanted. A chance to do something real. Something truly meaningful. That part of him had always wanted to make a true impact rather than just be another cog in the machine. Maybe, just maybe, he could become something more… Something better than he had ever imagined through this opportunity.


“Very well, I accept this quest of yours. I’ll save this world.” Grayson said, trying to convey a confidence he didn’t feel with the words though he cringed inwardly immediately after he finished speaking. That was probably the most cheesy thing he had ever said.


Velos smiled, not seeming to notice, though the smile though was tinged with sadness.


“Thank you, Grayson Walker.” Velos said, inclining his head toward Grayson. “Both Selenya and I are deeply indebted to you. I am afraid we cannot speak any longer without the consequences becoming too dire, but know that I will send you to a place near one of the great cities of Selenya. Once you are there, seek out my temple. Inside the temple you will find a statue that represents me. Touch the statue to continue your journey.”


Grayson fidgeted where he stood, half of him wondering how Velos knew his name, the other half trying to mentally prepare himself for what was to come.  He looked Velos directly in his eyes, one blue and the other gray.


Velos looked at him with the same grandfatherly smile that he had given Grayson earlier and the same light that Velos had arrived in suddenly grew once again quickly growing in intensity until it overpowered everything else.


The final thing Grayson saw before the light became too bright was the expression on Velos’s face. It had the mournful cast to it that Grayson had seen earlier, but now there was something new, something Grayson couldn’t quite interpret.


Most unsettling of all, the eye that had ceaselessly wandered during their entire conversation suddenly stopped- snapping into position to stare directly at him. Shivers ran up and down Grayson’s spine, even through the warmth of the light surrounding him. When the light drowned out everything else, but Grayson could still hear three final words that seemed to echo in his mind after his sight was completely obstructed.


“I am… sorry.”

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