Ways of Parting

Chapter 23: 23

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Chapter 23

When I was your man, The First


Two figures in the dark were tangled in a mess. The short breathing scattered into pieces.

Ah- An arm that stretched straight out of the brief seductive tones wrapped around the other person’s waist and pulled him in. The man raised his teeth and bit his lip. A hot tongue broke into the gaping mouth as he was unable to overcome the pain



“Nngh… !”

A suppressed moan broke out. The lean body, which had been tilted and pushed by the stronger force was driven to the wall. A light wrinkle formed over the bridge of his nose at the pain of being trapped in another person’s arms. Soon, their heads turned and mouthfuls of kisses followed. All passages leading to the ends of his eyes, cheeks, lips, and chin were blocked by the man’s lips. It was so fierce that it seemed like he would eat him up at any moment. 



Heat rose from the rubbed lower body. A fully inflated penis poked between his skinny thighs with full intent. It was ready to be inserted at any moment. Hnng…  Ha Joyoon, with his nose buried in his hard shoulder, moaned helplessly. The smell of a sweaty body stimulated his sense of smell. In the midst of all the sounds of breathing, he felt dazed as if the frontal lobe of his brain had fallen off.

“Huu…, are you usually like this?”

The man who was biting his thin cheek suddenly asked. Ah- An attempt to escape the feeling with his neck bent back was blocked by a big hand. Even if he pushed his shoulder, his body quickly collided with his again. Black, sharp eyes pierced him at a right angle.


“… Yes?”

Ha Joyoon managed to raise his chin, panting heavily. He was unable to move, as his body was trapped between thighs as hard as those of an athlete.

“I meant if you usually shed tears like this?”


Despite the burning heat, the words the man uttered were chillingly cold. Ha Joyoon barely opened his trembling mouth, feeling the momentum would pierce him at any moment. 

“What… did I… ugh!!”

He was unable to say what he wanted properly and was taken in by those hot lips again. The mind, which had barely regained consciousness, was on the verge of burning down to its core. Aah, mmh. The sound of saliva mixing together filled the arid space. He took a dry breath and grabbed his opponent’s shoulders again. Her eyes were red with excitement. The man who was rushing at the helpless figure paused for a moment and made eye contact with Ha Joyoon.


“…… ” 

“Sunbae-nim… take it slow… ah!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The man’s patience didn’t last long. Before the pleading was over, the erect penis passed over the pants that covered the perineum. A chillingly clear sensation resounded through his skin. Ah-ah- As he let out a weak moan, the body pushed by the strong force fell on the bed. Ha Joyoon, with one cheek buried in a soft silk cloth, gently carried the man’s weight, was kissed frantically. Wherever the skin touched, the breath and heat passed by leaving traces.

“Glvc’a P vb fcbeut? Qts jgf sbe jmalcu ilxf j vecmf?”

Contrary to the foul content, the hand that took off the shirt was imbued with urgency. The stiff linen shirt came off violently and rolled on the floor. Ha Joyoon chuckled lowly, thinking that the crumpled and discarded figure was exactly like him. Haa- The cold lips went down to his chest between the hot breaths. Kiss- Slurp- The explicit sounds of Shin Kwonjoo sucking on his chest tormented his ears. The feeling of his skin getting wet with someone else’s saliva was strangely familiar. Aside from the steady sense of pleasure and reliability, sex had always been a disparate act to Ha Joyoon. 

Did you not like the way I was awkward with it? Or was my inexperience the problem? It felt completely different, but he was under the illusion that he was having sex with two people. Blurry eyes stared at the man below him. He had beautiful dark black hair with a glint of blue that resembled his lover, and so, he let out a breath and touched it a little without realizing it. At that gesture, the motion of the man moving rhythmically stopped for an instant.

“Pa’r j qgfaas mbibg…”


“Gbc’a wfrr klat wf.”

“Pa’r cba ilxf… jt!” 

Coafg ajxlcu boo tlr qjca, ktlmt kjr jigfjvs tjiokjs gfwbnfv, Vtlc Bkbcpbb rilutais yla atf qfclr atja kjr ecvfgcfjat tlr ybzfgr. Dbat ifur aklamtfv ja atf rfcrjalbc atja qfcfagjafv tlr ygjlc.

“Stop, stop!”

The powerless plea was not going to work. The man shook his head roughly and removed Ha Joyoon’s hand, licked the genitals, starting with the perineum, under the crumpled cloth for quite a while. Saliva and pre-cum from his penis soaked his dark-colored boxers.


“Don’t squirm and just stay still.”

Shin Kwonjoo raised his head for a moment and whispered. It was a terribly low, hoarse voice. Ugh-Nngh- An unbearable shriek broke out at the rough touch that grazed both sides of his chest. Traces of the harsh grasp spread like paint over the white skin. The pupils of the man’s eyes staring at the picture he drew gradually dilated with lust. Seeing those eyes, Ha Joyoon suddenly felt fear.

He was scared.

He was really trying to have sex with a man other than Kang Taejung. He was letting someone else insert his penis in him. If I do this, would it finally be considered a breakup from my side? Would I be able to forget you? Would this help me get out of the pain of falling into hell day after day? Before he knew it, his empty heart was wet with tears of his feelings. Tears of spite, tears of hypocrisy, tears of arrogance. 

“Take off my shirt.”

“I can’t…”

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He replied with a muffled voice, unable to swallow his emotions. “Sunbae-nim, I can’t…” It was difficult to find mercy in the other person who was pressing down on his body despite the pathetic pleas.

“Try it properly. I know you can” 

The man commanded in a low voice as he rubbed his hardened cock with his.


The man pressed Ha Joyoon, who was as hard as ice and kissed the tip of his nose. A cold smile poured down his face. Pathetic lingering feelings that were tied to the past emerged.

His cheeks and chin trembled with fear. 

Still… if I do this, I still don’t think I can forget you. Maybe I can.

Irrational and illogical feelings were tangled in a mess and dominated his mind, clouding his eyes and ears. As he began to unbutton his pale water-colored shirt one by one with his trembling hands, an unpleasant smile remained on the lips of the Shin Kwonjoo as he watched his clumsy behavior.


The man who barely took off his shirt after eons of time twisted his face and kissed the person underneath him. Kiss- White teeth were revealed along with the sound of their soft skin and jaws rubbing. He flailed around his heavy tongue as if inserting it and threw away the remaining pieces of clothing that were wrapped around Ha Joyoon with familiar hand movements.

“Hey, Ha Joyoon-ssi.” 

The damp eyes moved slowly at the low call. The man supported himself on the mattress with both hands and sat up halfway, grinning mischievously.

“Do you know you’re horrible at this?”

“Sunbae-nim, wait… !!”

Suddenly, the hand that came down tore off the last piece that was hiding his genitals. The penis and the perineum were all wet because they had already been sucked heavily over a thin cloth. Shin Kwonjoo’s fingers, which were going down along the thick body fluids, dug deep into the hidden place. A different kind of sensation invaded the half-relaxed part with continued stimulation. Ha Joyoon opened his heated eyes wide with excitement and stared straight at the man in front of him from the sudden impact of the insertion. Right at that moment, a satisfied smile was engraved on the lips of Shin Kwonjoo. A trail of desire passed over his sweaty eyes. 

“Seems good enough.”


Ah-ah- A scream, that could not be distinguished whether it was of a cry or moan, resounded. It was the beginning of a long night.


Heavy pain pressed down on his head. It was an unpleasant sensation as if a large boulder had been placed on top. The early morning sunlight shone through the blinds, illuminating the room. It was hard to move a single finger as he felt drowsy, so his body dug itself deeper into the duvet. It smelled of dry sunshine. However, soon after, Ha Joyoon opened his eyes and looked around he rubbed his cheeks at the vivid sense of difference.

Blue-green-toned wallpaper, walnut-colored consol of an antique design, and the laptop and documents scattered over it were all unfamiliar sights. And then, the things that had been forgotten for a while rushed into his memory like a flowing stream of water. Ah. A distant groan came out. Last night, he had sex with Shin Kwonjoo. Ha Joyoon broke into a sad smile and patted his forehead and cheeks dryly. The look in his eyes as he scanned his surroundings was cool.

He made an impulsive decision and followed the man without a second thought, so he didn’t even know where exactly he came in. At first glance, the clothes and the furniture gave off a sense of ownership, so it was not a motel or hotel. Perhaps, a private officetel.


When he leaned against the headrest of the bed and sat up halfway, he frowned at the intense pain he felt below his waist. Ha Joyoon was brought to reality with the stinging pain and damp lower body as if it were due to incontinence. As I fumbled behind with his hand, he felt the entrance that had not yet fully closed. It’s because it was taking in someone else’s penis all night long. Only then did the anguish that had been buried as a temporary expedient wind up the dark insignia.

It wasn’t with Kang Taejung, he had sex with someone he had never even thought of. Time and time again, he accepted Shin Kwonjoo’s penis and embraced the semen he ejaculated. Intoxicated with pleasure, he clung on so that his whole body was torn to shreds, as he screamed and squirmed.

It was a struggle to forget and a struggle to do away with it. Sex with other people was so easy and simple. In the rushing emptiness, Ha Joyoon pressed the corners of his eyes that were about to heat up with the back of his hand.


Even when he looked around, he felt nothing but the star air. Did he leave first? After contemplating for a moment, he quickly got out of bed, wearing a shirt and boxers that fell at his feet. However, he couldn’t even walk a few steps and fell to the floor. The completely weakened legs had no strength at all. He could feel the coldness of the marble floor on his bare skin. He took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed again. The feeling of being heavy and damp like cotton soaked in water made him feel exhausted.

“Are you awake?”


Tap. Shin Kwonjoo entered the room, as the sound of the door resounded. Seeing that he had a shirt and tie in his hand, it looked like he was inside the closet. Shin Kwonjoo snorted lightly and threw a shirt at Ha Joyoon, who was naked. Another low laugh rang out as the shirt landed over his bewildered face due to a misdirected aim.

“It’s a little big, but it will fit. The pants are in good shape, so you can wear them just fine.” 

Ha Joyoon quietly nodded, carefully pulling down the soft shirt. Shin Kwonjoo came a little closer, bent over, and pulled up the sheet cloth that was draped under his feet. Following his movements, the scent of lotion, which he was now familiar with, slightly brushed the tip of his nose.

“Wash up.”

He spoke in a casual tone and began to tie the tie he brought. The atmosphere was so dry that it could not be said that they were coveting each other’s bodies and ejaculating their fluids just a few hours ago. It was a realistic depiction of an act of desire alone, excluding any other emotions. Swallowing the frustration, Ha Joyoon answered as if nothing had happened.

“A little later.” 

Flexible hands tied the tie skillfully.


He asked in an inquisitive tone. Ha Joyoon pulled the sheet cloth closer to himself, blushing a little at the feeling of the foreign matter still inside his body. Even at this moment, the ejaculated semen that had not dried was leaking out little by little.

As if he didn’t want an answer, Shin Kwonjoo checked his attire with a relaxed expression. In no time, the neatly knotted blue tie nicely matched the white shirt. The wild beast-like appearance he had showcased toward dawn had completely disappeared, and he had transformed into a man in such a position where a perfectly tailored custom-made suit befitted him. 

“I would wait, but it’s time to go to work.”

He tapped the watch on his wrist and sternly pressured him. Ha Joyoon, after checking the time and agonizing for a while, answered by nodding his head. The moment he stepped on the floor, an honest pain ran up his spine again.

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