We Got Transported Into A Novel, Mother!

Chapter 9: Chapter 08

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They have finally arrived in the capital. The twins looked out the window in curiosity. 


The cool wind blew through the windows on both sides of the carriage. The small curtains fluttered from the force that is blown against it. Unlike their territory, the capital is warmer, breathing the refreshing air into their lungs. 

They questioned why they didn't play out in one of the towns of their territory but they didn't ask. This place was much more energetic than the first few towns and villages they passed by.

Edwin and Linda stuck their heads out the window and stared at the bustling streets that was filled with laughter and busy adults here and there. 

But they were immediately pulled back into the carriage by their mother.

'Here we go again...'

The twins guiltily looked down at what would unfold next.

As they had expected, their mother nagged them and warned them what would happen to them later on if the situation was dangerous. 

Their already bowed heads bowed even deeper but they nevertheless nodded and obeyed their mother's words as they are only considered toddlers.

'But aren't we more mature than our age!' They both nodded at the same time at their similar thoughts and stared at each other, smiling.



She stopped and looked at them in doubt and felt an ominous sensation.

"We would like to go out and explore!" 

Linda told her in excitement and Edwin nodded along.

She seriously thought for a moment and agreed at their look of expressions full of excitement. She told them to keep their brother by their side and to take the knights with them to keep them out of danger.

She had something to check before reporting back to the emperor. She needs to check what was the ominous presence that was triggering her instinct and what and why is it within the capital.

She stroked their soft hair and gave them a necklace of each.

"See these colorful crystals? Break one to call for me and if I'm not there yet and you're in danger, break three of them. Understood?"

They looked at their necklace which held six crystals each. The colorful crystals were shining brightly in different colors which made them soaked in unknowingly. 

There was a sudden sensation on our shoulders and they looked up to see their older brother, Maverick, looking down at them.

"Did you listen?" 

He asked, confused at their shocked reactions.

"Huh? Uh, yes. We thank you for waking us up, Brother." 

Linda smiled awkwardly at him which Edwin couldn't help but follow but his smile was more genuine.

"Don't worry! We listen to mama's words even though we aren't in a state of mind." 

He felt a little more comfortable talking to this brother of his and buffed his chest in confidence.

Maverick sighed. He let go of his hands that rested on top of their shoulder and calmly told them,

"Then as you heard of mother, if we ever get separated then break one of the crystals and if in danger then break three and all if it is a dangerous situation." 

Linda looked at him in surprise at his slightly worried expression but Edwin nodded and was about to reply...

"Be careful of breaking all because that will trigger and teleport mother or her trusted allies to your exact spot." 

He warned them and advised them to give space after breaking them all.

Edwin looked at him pathetically at the need to warn them again and Linda looked at the necklace still in shock at how great they were. 

'Are they magic crystals or something similar?' 

That was what Linda questioned to herself in doubt. Linda raised her head and stared at Maverick.

"Where did Mama go?"

"She has business to do in the capital, so both of you were left in my care until she comes back."

"Let's just go to the market stalls then!" 

He waved at the two for attention and pointed to where the citizens were crowded. 

"I bet they have delicious snacks that are different from home."

Linda looked up and nodded in anticipation. Maverick looked at them and gave them two jackets that are lighter than the one they are currently wearing. 


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The two nodded as they accepted his thoughtfulness. They took off the heavy coat and wore the lighter ones. 

'It feels light like the windbreaker I previously used to wear back in our world!' 

Edwin looked at the jacket in surprise.

Maverick scanned them once and reached out his hands. 

"Mother said you need to stay close to me."

The two looked at his hands then looked back at him. They looked at him in a daze. Edwin snapped out from his daze and reached his hand to his.

Maverick turns his head to the side at Edwin's acceptance and mummy in embarrassment, 

"Hold my hands so you won't be separated once we are in the crowd."

Edwin smiled slyly and held his hand. He gestured to Linda to do the same before making him change his mind. 

After all, they need to improve their relationship and bet on the girl of unknown origin who is in a good relationship with him in the future. 

Understanding her twin's intention, she hesitated a bit but then grabbed his other hand and held it tightly.

The two looked up at him one with his playful smile spreading across his face and the other with her calm small smile towards him.

'Are these the ones who I had blamed because of my father's disappearance?' 

He looked at the innocence in their eyes as they stared up at him in a daze but snapped out of it and walked towards the crowd. 

The young knight followed them quietly as the other knights separated themselves and hid from the people's eyes, walking a bit further from their young masters and lady.




Ring Ring

"Edwin, Edwin! Look at me!" 

Linda laughed happily as she twirled around and a light string with colorful lights hanging around her waist, jingled.

Edwin looked at the lights in wonder and whined to Linda.

"Linda, give me some as well~"

Linda looked at him for a moment then smiled mischievously with a hint of evil. 

"Hm~ Only if you promise to me that you will do two requests of mine with no questions!"

Edwin looked at her in disbelief but replied in a pout.

"Fine! But only two and that's it! So what is it?"

"I haven't thought of them yet!" 

She giggled at her easy win as she pointed her finger at him.

"You just need to wait until I request for you either now or later."

Edwin looked at her doubtfully but ignored the chills he had a second ago and said, 

"Fine I told you! Now give it!"

Linda laughed at how Edwin is acting like a child.  she doesn't mind though because his idiotic mind made him accept anything if something had brought him interested. Thinking about it, she got worried about her brother's situation if he were to be left alone.

Maverick looked at their exchange who somehow made a deal for a griddle with the addition of magic stones of different elements on it. He sighed and stopped his thoughts as he stared at them, one teasing the other.

As he blinked, he noticed Edwin's sudden odd actions and watched him carefully. Edwin was glued to his spot for a moment then suddenly dashed with Linda by his side.

'Linda as well?' 

They suddenly ran out while their girdles around their waist dangled in the air making strange sounds. He stood there in shock but then snapped out and ran after them.

As he was about to reach them he suddenly noticed they were running into a dark alley. 

"Hey! You can't go there!" 

He tried to run after them as fast as he could and take a hold of them. 

But before he could, they suddenly stopped in their tracks. He looked at them in confusion but also worried at the twins' blank and twisted expression with a hint of shock in their golden pupils.

As he looked in the direction of their gaze, he suddenly saw it. There, was a boy with tears of blood running out of his eyes and ears and a well-kept cat lying near him.

Laying there on the cold floor with nothing but trash near him as his blood was gushing out from him and the cat purring next to him.

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