We Spent the First Night Again

Chapter 9: 9

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Her throat burned, and the sensation spread to her whole body as if she were melting in a furnace.

Why was this suddenly happening?!

As if her legs had disappeared, her strength gave way. While she reached out to grab the table, feeling like she was about to collapse, she couldn’t even grasp it. 

“Ugh, my body… It’s strange. Someone help me…”


The pain was so intense that she could no longer utter a word out of her mouth. 

Was this the pain of having one’s heart and limbs cut off?

Callie glared at the wine glass she had drunk and set down. But she couldn’t even look at it for a long time.

Without the strength to lift her eyelids, she fell helplessly to the floor.

Her mind grew more and more distant.

At that time, the door had been slightly open because Brandon had not closed it completely when he left.


Eyes were looking at her through the cracks in the open door.

Those eyes…

However, she couldn’t hold out any longer, and her heavy eyelids came down and closed.

Ah, this is how it ends.

To be the bride killed on the first night after a wedding.

It was unfair. How could she die like this? There were still many things Callie wanted to do.

Who was it? Who killed her? The eyes that were hiding behind that door and watching her die.

The person who asked me to drink wine… It’s Brandon…

So, Brandon tried to kill her.

Her eyelids shut helplessly without knowing who killed her.

Tears streamed through her closed eyes.

And there was only darkness.

Callie woke up at the sound of a knock.

Small windows where the sun came in, hand-embroidered curtains, familiar furniture and bedding…

This is my room.

How did this happen?

Still in disbelief, Callie jumped out of bed and groped her face and body to check.

Just then, the door opened, and Lisa, who had awakened her with a knock, entered. “Milady, why did you sleep in today? A person who never wakes up late is oversleeping on an important day like today. Madam said you should quickly come down and prepare.”

“Prepare? Prepare for what?”

“What are you preparing for, you ask? You’re going to Marchioness Grian’s and have tea today.”

“Tea time with Marchioness Grian?”

That… That’s the day she was supposed to meet Sir Brandon for the first time.

Callie looked as if she had completely forgotten what day today was, so Lisa said, “Yes, you’re supposed to be introduced to Sir Brandon there. A new dress had been made for you for that, and you forgot about it overnight?”


How the hell did this happen?

From what she said, today was the day she would be introduced to Sir Brandon.

But she had already been married to him, and she was in their bedroom when someone killed her.

How did she go back in time to the day she was introduced to Brandon?

“Lisa, what day is it today?” Callie asked because such a thing was impossible.

Lisa told her the date, saying that the lady was acting strange today.

Today’s the day I met Brandon.

I was obviously killed before the first night after the wedding.

But all I drank then was wine.

Was the wine poisoned?

No. If the wine was poisoned, Brandon should have fallen, too.

But, he looked fine.

Then…Where could the poison be?

Callie pondered over her memories from that night.

Then she remembered Brandon pouring her wine.

“Right, a wine glass!”

An eagle-patterned cup for the groom, and a peacock for the bride.

Only her glass was poisoned. If she chose to drink, she’d be the only one to drink wine with that glass.

You asked me to drink wine first… It’s Brandon.

Even though I said it was okay, he left, saying he would bring another wine.

Was it Sir Brandon who killed me? No way… What would he gain by killing me?

Callie was lost in thought, wondering who killed her and for what reason, but Lisa interrupted her again. “Haa, why are you talking about wine glasses? You don’t have time to be like this. At this rate, Madam will scold you. You have to go down quickly.”

Callie, still in a daze, replied, “…Uh huh, okay. I’ll go right down.”

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Susan came in as Lisa helped Callie prepare.

Callie remained distracted as she changed. In any case, if the real culprit was Sir Brandon, then this marriage must be stopped.


But no matter how much she insisted on not marrying, neither Matthew nor Susan would respect her wishes. Callie would somehow end up getting married.

So what should I do?

Her head was about to burst, and she didn’t even know what Susan was talking about.

“That’s enough preparation. Let her try on the dress now.”

“Yes, Madam,” Lisa answered quickly then took the dress off the hanger near Callie.

That dress. It’s the one she wore the last time she went to see Sir Brandon. Naughty, vulgar.

Come to think of it, the scenery of that morning was also like this. I overslept today, so Lisa came to wake me up, but in my last life, I forgot to go down to get ready because I was reading. I followed Lisa, who had come to pick me up, and Susan came in when I was done dressing up.

“That makeup should work. Try on the dress.”

Callie was sure she said that at the time, too.

She came back to life, but would time repeat itself?

While Callie was absorbed in her thoughts, Lisa had changed her into that embarrassing dress.

What did Susan say after Callie finished wearing her dress in her previous life?

She soon remembered what Susan had said to her.

「Hmm, it would be nice if it was a little more erotic. They should have made the chest area a bit more hollow. Lisa, pull down the chest a little more until you can see her cleavage.」

Yeah, Susan told Lisa to lower the neckline to make it look more erotic.


Would Susan say it again?

Skeptical, Callie waited for Susan’s next words as she watched her scrutinize her clothes.

Before long, Susan, who meticulously checked the front, side, and back, opened her mouth. 

“Hmm, it would be nice if it was a little more erotic. They should have made the chest area a bit more hollow. Lisa, pull down the chest a little more until you can see her cleavage.”

Callie’s eyes widened. She said the same thing!

Was this real?! It’s just like what she said in her previous life.

The past was just repeating itself!

It couldn’t be. She had to change it so she wouldn’t die on her wedding day.

What do I do? What do I do?

Today was the day she was introduced to Sir Brandon, but he didn’t come to Marchioness Grian. So, she looked for him.

I’m not gonna look for Sir Brandon then.

Determined never to have this marriage, Callie stood by the door of Marchioness Grian’s drawing room.

She entered the room, anxious that Brandon would be there, unlike before, only to be greeted by the Marchioness.

Phew, I’m glad it’s the same as before.

“Oh, welcome, Callie.”

“Hello, Marchioness,” Callie greeted politely.

After their pleasantries, Marchioness Grian looked apologetic.

As expected, she’s sorry that Brandon didn’t come and was at a loss on how to explain it.

“By the way, Callie. I got word that Lord Brandon won’t be able to come today.”

It’s what Callie had been hoping for.

Callie hid her smile of relief and feigned disappointment so the Marchioness wouldn’t suspect her.

“I wasn’t informed about it. Sir Brandon must have suddenly had something important to do?”

“…Yes. It looks like that.” The Marchioness was obviously lying.

It’s all right, Mrs. Grian. I don’t want Sir Brandon to show up either.

Callie smiled in understanding. “Sir Brandon doesn’t seem to want to see me. I think it’s better to talk to my father and pretend it didn’t happen.”


“It’s not like that. Sir Brandon is so busy…”

Callie, who had seen what he was doing in her previous life, felt sorry for Marchioness Grian for getting dragged into the middle.

“Yes, he must be. I asked such a busy person for some time…”

I understand everything, it’s okay… While she comforted the troubled Marchioness, a person came through the open door.

And unexpectedly, Brandon entered the drawing room and bowed.

Sir Brandon? How? This was different from the previous timeline!

Callie’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped as Brandon, who approached Marchioness Grian, smiled and said, “Sorry, I’m a little late for the appointment.”

“Oh, Brandon. You’re here.”

“I apologize for being late, Marchioness.”

“It’s okay since you came. Right, Callie?”

Callie came to her senses only then.

The Marchioness said, “Greetings, Callie, Sir Brandon Cleart. Brandon, this pretty lady here is Callie Loris.”

At Mrs. Grian’s introduction, the two looked at each other.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lady.”

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