Weak Hero: Samuel Han

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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'Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?!'

On the other side of the street, behind a parked car, a young male with gelled back hair was quietly videotaping the whole fight between Yoosun's Jack Kang and a mysterious tall good-looking male.

He watched in awe and shock as the entirety of Jack Kang's group got annihilated by a single male and Jack Kang himself getting his ass whooped.

When the fight was over, he watched as the same tall male carried the bodies to the alleyway and dump them there before leaving the scene nonchalantly.

Then he stopped recording and rewatched the video. He still couldn't believe what he had seen. It was simply too unreal.

'I should show Wolf Keum this.'

The young male was a student of Ganhak High School, another school that came under the Yeongdeungpo Union.

Placing his phone in his back pocket, he quickly scampered away with excitement.


[Fiery Chicken Restaurant]

"Welcome to Fiery Chicken, how can I help you?"

Entering the doors of the restaurant, Samuel rolled his shoulders releasing the pent-up tension and cracked his stiff neck. He nodded at his colleague taking orders at the counter and entered the back door to the staff locker room where he quickly changed out of his school uniform and wore his work one.

Once that was finished, he locked his belongings away and went into the kitchen to begin his work.

"Ah, Samuel is here," someone said. It was one of the cooks, Christina Choi, who was busy dunking raw chicken pieces in the batter.

Samuel greeted her, "Christina-noona."

"Boss was just about to ask for help from one of the others to move the boxes of cans out into the back room. Now that you're here, you can do that since you're strong. Ain't that right boss?"

From the deep fryer, a pudgy middle-aged man with a beard looked back and nodded.

"If ya could, that'd be a great help."

"No problem boss," replied Samuel with a grin.

The boss pointed at the boxes and Samuel wasted no time in picking them up and taking them to the back room. He lifted the two boxes with such ease that the men in the kitchen suddenly felt a sense of loss.

'Why's he so strong?'

'So jealous! I'm so envious!'

'Haa, must be good to be young.'

'Sniff, this is unfair.'

What made it worse was that the ladies weren't even hiding their obvious stares prompting the men to burn with envy.

The boss glanced at the changing expressions of his staff and shook his head with exasperation.

"These idiots…"

Ignorant of the stares and glares, Samuel carried the 'heavy' boxes into the back room and came back dusting his hands. He walked over to the sink to wash them before stepping out of the kitchen and taking up his position as cashier as it was his shift.

He bid farewell to his colleague whose shift had just ended and stood behind the counter with a blank expression.

It was just another day.

Until it wasn't.

Samuel Han was manning the cashier when, lo and behold, in walks the Shuttle Patch's Rank two and second strongest after Donald Na; Jake Ji.

Samuel's eye twitched at the sight of the unexpected customer but otherwise kept his cool and pretended he didn't know the guy.

Jake Ji sauntered up to the counter and glanced up at Samuel who said, "Welcome to Fiery Chicken. What can I get you?"

"I'll take the large set with coke," replied the orange-haired teen taking out his wallet.

Samuel nodded and tapped the screen in front of him.

"That'll be 19 000 won."

Jake Ji handed over the cash and said, "Keep the rest as a tip."

Samuel glanced at Jake Ji's face and saw a small smirk resting on his lips. He furrowed his eyebrows and with suspicion, replied, "...Thanks. You can wait on the side for you meal."

Jake Ji moved over to the other side to allow the other customers to make their orders but not before giving a weird smile at Samuel who pretended not to see it.

You are reading story Weak Hero: Samuel Han at novel35.com

Samuel began taking orders from the next customer while keeping an eye on the orange-haired threat a few steps away. Something about that smile and smirk didn't sit right with Samuel who immediately assumed that Jake Ji intended to do that.

'Does that guy know something? Or am I too sensitive?' He wasn't sure. Samuel Han's hunches were never wrong as proven before.

He sent a brief glance at the teen who finally received his meal and thought;

'What is he after?'


Jake Ji did indeed know Samuel. Not personally, no, but he had watched the teen from a distance plummet Jimmy Bae's sidekick and co.

Out of pure curiosity, he followed him to this restaurant and decided he felt like fried chicken. He had waited a few minutes outside the restaurant before entering it just in time to see the teenager he was following take up the cashier position.

Walking closer, he realized that the male was far taller than he thought and sported a pair of sharp eyes. Although the guy hadn't done anything to him yet, Jake Ji could tell from his aura alone how dangerous he was.

It was like meeting another Donald Na.

The thought of that alone was enough to shake Jake Ji's heart but he kept his face calm and even sent a provocative smirk and smile at the teen. Seeing the other furrow his eyebrows out of suspicion, Jake Ji internally snickered.

'He's sharp.'

He knew the other was keeping an eye on him as he was waiting for his meal making Jake think to himself;

'Just from a smirk and he's this suspicious of me. Is it because we are both fighters? Or is it because we are similar?'

If Samuel heard these thoughts of his, the teen would surely scoff in disbelief and say, "Similar? Us? Yeah right."

They weren't similar at all. That was simply Jake Ji's own opinion because there was something about this tall teen that Jake Ji found familiar to himself other than Donald Na.

Sitting down to eat his food, Jake Ji pulled out his phone to text his friend, Timothy Park.

<Know anything about a tall dark-haired Eunjang student?>

A reply came shortly after.

<Gerard Jin?>

<No. Doesn't Gerard Jin have green hair? I'm asking about anyone with black hair>

He probably should've been more specific at the start.

A few seconds passed and Jake received a reply.

<There's no one on the rankings that match that description. But I'll look into it if you want>


Putting his phone away, Jake Ji glanced at the person of interest and took a bite of his chicken.

'Someone that strong isn't listed on the Shuttle Patch rankings…then who is he?'


If there was anything about Timothy Park, it was that he was efficient.

Within minutes, he had secured any and all information he could find on the male that Jake Ji was curious about. Although there wasn't much, it was enough for Jake Ji.

"Samuel Han…went to some no-name middle school before ending up at Eunjang for reasons unknown," Jake Ji scrolled down the report that Timothy Park had sent him. "No records of fights other than the ones at Eunjang and against Jimmy Bae's group."

It was odd.

Someone that strong surely should have some history but it's like his strength appeared out of nowhere.

However, this only made him more interested in the male (no homo) whose skills seemed to have been hidden right up until recently.

'Well, his history is no issue. With the way things are going, Samuel Han will end up the center of attention on the Shuttle Patch rankings.'

While Jake Ji didn't take the rankings seriously, he knew its influence on others. Whether or not Samuel Han wants to remain hidden, he'll be dragged into the spotlight sooner or later. And when that happens…

Jake Ji dumped his rubbish in the trash and placed his tray on top.

Sending one more look at the busy-working male behind the counter, Jake Ji wore a grin and walked out of the restaurant filling full.


A/N: No advanced chapters but I publish earlier on patron: pa treon.com/honeyseeto. Donations are also appreciated: ko- fi.com/honeyseeto

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