Weak Hero: Samuel Han

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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Wolf Keum attacked without hesitation.

Samuel, though a little taken aback, was otherwise unfazed. Calmly blocking the punch, he swerved his body to the side avoiding Wolf's follow-up kick.

"Hmm?" Wolf paused.

His two attacks just now would've easily gotten anyone else (Donald Na excluded) but it didn't faze Samuel Han in the slightest. The guy hadn't even moved from his spot and calmly caught his fist.

'This guy…'

Wolf's natural instincts were on high alert. They were telling him not to provoke the person in front of him anymore but Wolf's pride wouldn't allow him to just walk away.

He decided to up the amp and dove into a frenzy of punches aiming at all the usual blind spots. His aim was to at least open up an opportunity to land a solid hit on the guy. Wolf's fists were fast, unpredictable, and accurate.

However, the opponent he was facing was Samuel Han. The guy with peak human physique. Unless the other person had some supernatural power, there was no way Samuel would lose.

The punches were blocked with ease, as were the kicks.

'What the fuck is this? Nothing is working!'

Wolf, who'd been in high spirits when he arrived, was slowly growing furious and embarrassed. How could Samuel block every single one of his attacks?! That shouldn't be possible!

On Samuel's end, though he blocked Wolf's relentless fists, he could feel the strength behind them which placed the purple-haired teenager on a whole different level than the small fries he'd faced up till now.

'This guy's strength is monstrous compared to Jack Kang and his gang of dumbasses' Samuel thought. He could somewhat understand how Wolf Keum was able to rise so quickly in the Union. His strength was not to be underestimated and the uniqueness of his attacks was that it was pure wildness. He was like a starving wild dog out for blood.

His ruthlessness may have worked on the average Joe but this was nothing to Samuel.

Internally, Samuel sent a mental thanks to whoever gifted him his ability.

"Are you done yet?" he finally asked stepping back to avoid a roundhouse kick from the raging wolf (pun intended).

"Dammit!" Wolf Keum gritted his teeth. He tightened his closed fist and aimed once more for Samuel's head. 'There's no way I won't get this one. The distance is too close for him to move.'

Wolf was a hundred percent certain.

'Ah, oops' thought Samuel as the fist neared his face. 'Oh well, I'll just take this hit.'






[Hours later]

Wolf lay on a hospital bed hooked up to a machine.

One of his legs was raised in a cast while his damaged hand lay across his stomach in a cast of its own. There were bruises spread across his body and his face was almost unrecognizable.

'What a fucking monster' thought Wolf. Glancing at his hand, he recalled the horrid sensation he felt when his knuckles had made contact with Samuel's face. Unlike the outcome he'd been expecting, his knuckles felt like they'd hit a rock and ended up cracking.

But that wasn't what made Samuel a monster. It's what happened after that.

Without an ounce of mercy, Samuel proceeded to unleash his own attack on Wolf and connected his fist to several parts of Wolf's body that were too quick for the purple-haired boy to avoid.

Every punch felt like a steel ball hitting his body.

When he collapsed on the ground, Samuel unhesitatingly raised his foot and slammed it down on Wolf's right leg, breaking the bone.

Wolf had cried out in pain and when he opened his eyes to glare at the bastard, he unintentionally froze.

'His eyes were so cold. They showed not a single bit of regret or guilt.'

Samuel Han, contrary to his harmless appearance, was ruthless.

He was similar to a snake. If left alone; harmless. However, if stepped on, its fangs would come out to bite without hesitation.

What scared Wolf the most is how not one of his attacks worked on the guy. He was like an unmovable mountain that couldn't be brought down no matter what.

You are reading story Weak Hero: Samuel Han at novel35.com

"Just where has that beast been hiding up till now?" muttered Wolf. He gazed up at the ceiling and tried to ignore the pain he felt all around his body. His body had never been this fucked up before in his life. And his precious face was covered with bandages.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of his phone.

Not in the mood for a chat, he closed his eyes and ignored it.

Unbeknownst to him, the caller ID on his screen read;

[Donald Na]


The next morning, there was a new trending topic in the Shuttle Patch. And this one was even more impactful and shocking than the last.

[Wolf Keum vs Samuel Han!!]

[Samuel Han beats Rank 5 Wolf Keum!!]

[Wolf Keum loses 5th place ranking!]

[Samuel Han new Shuttle Patch ranker!!]

Coming into school, Samuel Han felt a sense of deja vu.

The stares, the gazes of admiration and fear, he felt them all attaching themselves to his form the moment he stepped through the gates of Eunjang.

'Not again' he thought to himself. 'Just how fucking fast does news travel here?! And how the fuck did anyone even know we fought?!'

There was absolutely no way for him to get out of this one. Whether he liked it or not, he was now in the eye of many individuals and the Union. The story was going to get out of hand at this point.

Samuel wanted to cry.

He just wanted a normal school life.

Fate was too cruel.


As he was wrapped up in self-pity, the loud voice of Ben Park entered his ears making him look up to see the boy running towards him - a massive grin spread across his face.

"You amazing bastard!" Ben Park exclaimed giving Samuel a hard slap on the back. "I didn't think you had it in you!"

'Me neither,' thought Samuel. He looked at Ben Park with an amused grin and asked, "What makes you say that?"

The maroon-haired boy chuckled and said, "Well, you seem like the passive kind of guy but it turns out, you're hot-blooded like me!"

'Yeah…no. It's just that people won't leave me alone' Samuel withheld himself from blurting out his thoughts and only hummed.

"But…" Ben's voice suddenly turned solemn, "You should be careful. The Union's going to have its eye on you now. You took down one of their top executives. Jack Kang was nothing but Wolf Keum is a different story. But don't worry, I'm always here if ya need help."

Ben Park was a genuinely nice person so Samuel didn't take his words as insulting. Instead, he patted Ben's back and said, "Sure. I'll definitely ask you if I need it."

"Haha! I, Gerard, and Alex have your back," he said with confidence.

Samuel noticed he didn't mention Gray and he suddenly realized, 'Wait a minute, shouldn't the group have gotten together by now?'

Pausing in midstep, his face paled.

'Did my actions disrupt the formation of their group?!' It was a rhetorical question. Of course, they did. The butterfly effect was in motion.



Author's Note:

2 advanced chapters are available here; pa treon.com/honeyseeto

!!A big thank you to my 4 patrons!! I won't mention your names for privacy reasons but do understand that I really appreciate your support for my work. I'll try my best to update more chapters!

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