Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 1: Retirement

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"It's my last day huh?"

For about 60 years I've worked for this country. I've loved every second of it too. I work for a secret special weapons team for the good ol' U.S of A. I loved guns ever since I first saw one fire. I studied thier history and became an arms expert. Although it was self proclaimed my superiors agreed. Unfortunately though, I was told about a month ago that I was going to be forced into retirement. Most sane people would have retired by their 70s but I just love what I do. I understand why my superiors are doing this though. I'm getting old. My joints can't keep up with my excited mind. I'm having to take a lot of meds. 

"Hey, old fart time to go", a familiar voice behind me calls startling me with it's loudness.

"I maybe old but I ain't deaf y'know", I call back without looking back. I continue to polish on one of my most prized weapons.

"I'll finish polishing her up later c'mon the car is here." The voice says putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Alright" I know I can't stay here forever. I get up and the all too familiar pain in my knees strikes again. 

"A little help?" I look up and see my grandson cracking a smile at me already moving to support me.

When the pain finally leaves me be, we begin walking towards the exit. We are below ground so we need to take an elevator to the surface. As we step in the elevator I crack a forced smile. 

"Remember what I said right?" I say looking at my grandson.

"I know what you said will happen but it doesn't mean I can't have hope right?", He turns and looks at me with concern.

"I know but you need to be strong for the family, you shed a single tear and I'll haunt you", I place my hands on his shoulders to give him some comfort.

We stay in that position for a few moments before he finally says,"Okay".

"That's my boy", giving him a genuine smile this time.

We get out of the elevator and walk down a long hallway. The walls were so white a normal person would have been blinded for a second if they weren't used to it. We walk in complete silence until we reach the exit. Two well built muscular men are waiting for us at the entrance, one on each side of the double doors. The one on the right is black and the left one is white. They would normally be intimating but I know thier true nature. 

"Let's go Tyler", the black one calls with a forced smile. Everyone knows me in this facility so they are sad to see me go. These two have been my assigned escorts for 10 years now. 

I simply nod, trying not to make a conversation with the two. I turn around to look at my grandson.

"See you soon", I say and walk out the double doors with the two escorts flanking me. We move out to the side walk with the classic black cab-like car in front of us. A woman about half my age stands thier waiting for me. I'm surprised to see her though. 

"Boss, I didn't expect you to handle this yourself", I said with a smile.

"I've worked with you for years Tyler I'm just using my privilege this one time so get in already" she says, returning the smile. Me and the escorts climb in the back. I'm in the middle of the two. This is uncomfortable especially considering my age. The boss always likes to put me in uncomfortable situations like this though. The car starts to pull away. 

"I know that you know what happens today" she says, with a complicated expression. 

"I have an idea yes but, how is the question", I answer back quizzically.

"Well you'll see in a few minutes", she says as we drive to a small cottage in the forest by the base. We get out of the car and head inside. 

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"That simple huh?" I say not surprised by the inside of the cottage. The cottage has a simple but comfortable looking couch. There's a table with one singular syringe with a clear substance in it.

"Yes, indeed it is" she says moving towards the couch. We sit down the couch together and stay in silence for a few minutes before she spoke up again.

"I'm going to miss you Pa", she says not looking at me. Her voice is choppy. I practically raised her from childhood so she's family to me. 

"It's okay I'm old and happy right now. Besides it's protocol, you're the boss so act like it" I say back with a warm voice. She immediately stops snivelling and returns to her expressionless face.

"Right", she says getting up and moving to the table. She grabs the syringe and flicks it. Fluid flicks off of it showing that it's ready to be used.

"This will induce a heart attack. After we have confirmed your death we will place your body in your house in a place where it is natural for it to occur" she says as she sits next to me. I hold out my left arm for her to begin injecting the solution. 

"Here we go", she says, as she plunges the needle into my arm. Once the solution is completely in my arm she moves it back to the table. She then hurriedly hugs me burying her face into my chest. I already expected this so I put my arms around her and return the hug. I start to sing her favorite nursery song as tears begin fall from her eyes.

The small fox begins to run

Can't let the wolves have all the fun 

Running to the sea they do

Taking in the morning dew 

This fun will continue certainly

We will have it for all eternity

I slowly lose my consciousness but continue to sing as much as I can to comfort her. Finally, everything fades to black. 


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