Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 26: Spirit of the Crater

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I decided just to leave her there. I mean she'll wake up eventually. I don't have much to do here. While she's knocked out, I guess I can try to experiment more with my magic.

That being the case, I put away the brush and don my cloak. It's time to test some more things.

I walk to the west gate and dash into the forest again. it doesn't take me long to reach that clearing. The craters are still there although, the grass has already grown over them. Hmm. There are mushrooms growing there as well. How peculiar.

I decide to take a stride over to the largest crater. However, when I get a little closer I can see something white glowing in the middle of it. I spread my senses out and approach it. 

This glowing spear of light suddenly moves closer to me. I try to jump back away from it, however I was too late and it touches me. I feel something leave me and crouch down to take breather.

The white ball then moves in front of my face, blinding me. Its slowly loosing it's brightest. It's beginning to bend it's shape as well. 

It gets dimmer and dimmer until the light disappears completely. I remove my hand that was covering my ears and peer into the Crater cautiously.


All I see is a fox peering back at me. We just stare at each other for a moment. It has red lines along it's back. It has red fur that forms perfect squares around both it's eyes.

"Well. Aren't you cute?" I lower my hand below its head in front of it. Its cautious at first then approaches it.

"Fyu?" It chirps. Adorable.

It sniffs my hand for a moment then licks it. Feels like sandpaper. I gently put my hand under it's chin and stroke it.

"Now what did you use that mana for?"

Fire Spirit (Major) would like to form a pact with you. Accept? Y/N

Eh? What? I look down at the little fox in front of me. It's pushing its head against my palm repeatedly.

It looks up at me.

I look at it.

I lose.

Fire Spirit (Major) is now pacted with you. Current evolution path updated. Fire Spirit (Major) will now grow with you.

Evolution what th-? Nevermind I promised myself I would chalk up shit like this to magic and it's gonna stay that way.

I look down at my new companion.

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"I suppose I should give you a name huh?" It looks excited. It's running around in circles. I can't help but see that its tail has a striking resemblance to mine. 

Mmm. I don't know much about Japanese culture or traditions but, they do have a lot of folklore regarding foxes. Perhaps since this thing is some kind of magical creature I guess I could use something similar.

"How do you like to be called Yumi?" It chirps and jumps on my shoulder. It starts to lick my face.

Mmm. I always sympathized with animals more then my fellow man. Don't get me wrong I have some heart for humans. Just more of a "I guess I'll work with you" attitude. Many of the projects I worked on were spoiled because of my superiors decisions. I think in this world I could complete them though. I died peacefully, I guess, but I am still bitter about not completing my ultimate project. It was going to be grandeur accomplishment, a marvel that would have made everything else I created look like a kids painting in comparison. Before I could finish it though they forced me into "retirement". I'd like nothing more than to put a bullet through the skull of those who made that decision. Perhaps if I still have these powers I can. Maybe I could get away with it too. I know I should just move on, but for some reason I cant. 

I shake off my bitter thoughts and pet the little furball on my right shoulder.

"I wonder if you know what created these craters?" It looks excited at the mention of it. Perhaps it saw me? Not like I care though. It's my companion now. Hehe.

"Alright, hop off and I'll show some "fireworks" okay?" It obeys and hops off.

"Now, she said chants would make spells more powerful?" I consider my spells already powerful enough. So, what would happen if I used some random chant I make up? I should be far away enough from the city so that the explosion should be barely visible. I take out my staff and begin to think of a chant.

I want maximum destruction in a small and precise area. The chant should incorporate something along those lines. It takes a half an hour of thinking before it finally comes to me. I close my eyes and raise the staff and begin to chant.

From the depths of the crust you will rise

Show my enemies thier demise

Return this land to it's primal state

Show them all their ultimate Fate!

Mount Olympus!

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