Weaponsmith : [A crafting litRPG]

Chapter 78: Chapter 78: The mystery of the missing crunchy fairy and the woman who waits is before us

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Hineni stands downstairs in the ice-cellar, his ungloved hand running along the cold walls.


“Eilig?” he asks, looking around the room.


No response.


His eyes wander back to the ice, which is still intact and hasn’t begun melting. That means she still has to be around the house, right?


Hineni looks, peeping into the doll-house, which is held aloft in the air by strings of ice, dangling from the ceiling.


It looks like she’s managed to furnish it a bit with some scraps that she’s found around the place.


— He rubs the back of his head, feeling bad.


Maybe he should make her some furniture? He still remembers a bit of carpentry from his ‘other’ life. Not that he likes the prospect, but Eilig deserves nice things too. He feels like he can make that sacrifice.


But first he has to find her and Kleidet.



Colorful birds sit atop the roofs of the many houses of the city, chirping their spring songs and scooting around with youthful energy from side to side, performing an array of dances.


People are abound, walking along their routes on the way to their businesses, homes, shops, friends or just to anywhere at all really. Perhaps the dungeon. Perhaps to a nice bench in the park. It is impossible to say, as the faces of the people here are as many and as varied as the colors of the spring birds.


Hineni sighs, taking in a deep breath of the warming air of what promises to be a kind season.


The last hints of winter have vanished now for good, not only on the world all around them, but also on the faces of everyone present here. The mood, with the sun being brighter than it was before, the air being warmer than it was before, is noticeably changed from the way it had been in winter.


Now that it is warm enough to stay outside and that all of these good sensations are abound, people reflect that in their mannerisms. The groups walk slower than they usually would. Hineni marvels at this, remembering how fast everyone always was when he watched them through his window. Their conversations are more open and loud and loose. Even the shopkeepers and the street-vendors seem more generous with their handing out of free samples.


— Though this could also just be because he’s outside with the owl-god.


“Who~” she hoots excitedly, as Hineni hands her a piece of candied fruit on a small stick.


“So how come you don’t ever go to the dungeon?” asks Rhine, looking his way.


“The dungeon?” asks Hineni. He looks down the street, towards the silhouette of a large gate in the middle of the city. “Why would I?”


Rhine shrugs as they keep walking. “I bet you could destroy everything there with your magic!” he says, excitedly.


“Maybe,” replies Hineni, looking around at the shops around him. “I guess I don’t like it though. Destroying things,” he explains, walking for a while longer. “I like to think that I’m here to make stuff, you know?”


“- You mean 'make stuff that destroys things'?” asks Sockel.


Hineni thinks for a time.


It’s true that he could have gone into the dungeon after he left the orphanage and came back home. It would have been an easy way to make money. But he supposes that he simply hadn’t really ever wanted to use his magic. It was a topic he never wanted to go near.


He feels that now he doesn’t really think twice about his magic anymore. He’ll use it if he has to, but he still prefers just crafting things.


“Huh…” says Rhine. “What about you, Sockel?”


“What about me?” she asks, lifting an eyebrow. “I worked a desk job at the other guild.”


“Sure, but why?” asks Rhine. “You could’ve just killed your way through the dungeon too.”


She looks his way. “Do you have some trauma or something, or what’s your deal with violence right now?” she asks. Rhine blinks, rubbing his lip with the back of his thumb. “I like working desk jobs,” explains Sockel. “You’d get it, if you grew up in the forest.” She shoots Hineni a sideways glance.

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He supposes that the secret of Sockel’s work is just that, a secret that is between the two of them.


Rhine nods, not catching this. “…What about you?” he asks, looking at the owl-god.


Obscura stops, holding out an arm to the side. “Foolish boy,” says Obscura. “Wise Obscura does not sully her jewel talons with grubby monsters,” she explains, lifting her other arm. “As the Hineni-wife-to-be, she is provided for in full. There is no need for her to work.”


“Huh…” says Rhine.


“Was I informed about this?” asks Hineni. He looks at Sockel and points at Obscura with his thumb. “Sockel. Cut her wages.”


“You got it, boss-man,” replies Sockel, wandering over to a stand selling drinks.


“Who~!” protests Obscura. “The sock-elf will do no such thing!” she hoots. “Obscura has need of her pretty coins!”


Hineni looks towards her, grabbing her hand. “It was just a joke,” he says. “Anyway, what do you even buy?” he asks. “I’ve never seen you spend money.”


“Obscura has a great need of many things!” hoots the owl-god. “Do not question her extravagant heart’s desire for fine luxuries!”


“I saw her buy a bunch of frog-shaped candy once,” says Sockel, coming back with two bottles she just bought. She gives one to Rhine.


“Thanks, Sockel,” says Rhine.


SILENCE!” screeches Obscura. “The sock-elf will one day learn respect!”


Sockel shrugs. “Sure. Whatever.” She nods her head. “Come on, twerp,” she says, sipping her drink. “There’s a cool place over here that sells poison in the back if you tell them a secret password.”


“Really?!” asks Rhine excitedly, running after her.


Hineni sighs, looking back at Obscura.


“I didn’t know you liked candy,” he says, squeezing her hand.


“Who…~” she sadly hoots. “I bought the Hineni-man candy for their thirty-third day together, yes?” He nods, remembering. “However, her heart was ensnared by the devilish sweets,” says Obscura, squeezing his hand. They walk after the other two, who are scooting on. “I like to rip them open and nibble on the fluffy insides.”


Hineni stares at her. “That must be very detailed candy.”


“…They are expensive,” replies the owl-god, lowering her head.


“Don’t worry,” says Hineni. “We’ll manage,” he says, making a note to buy some later.


He eyes the crowds as they wander through it.



It is the next day.


Crackling embers fill the air, dancing in the forge-light as the Hineni and Rhine are busy at work, lost in a deep flow after an hour of simply working quietly next to each other. Rhine, after these months of hard work, has really adapted to the forge.


The order of pikes is about complete and now they’ve started with the axes. Rhine is making new molds right now. So in the mean-time, Hineni is experimenting around with various blends of metal. The sterling-silver is nice and it fits well to thematically heroic weapons like the pikes and spears. But for the axes, Hineni feels like he wants something a little more… gritty.


- [Adamantine Ingot] -

- Quality -


- Composition -

  • Adamantine: 99.9%


  • Impurities: 0.1%

- Quality Effects -


Adamantine: Applies a STONE/NATURE effect to any created items

Adamantine, sometimes referred to as simply ‘adamant’, is a rare and incredibly hard metal with magical properties relating to the elements STONE and NATURE.
Weight: 5.0kg Value: 5000 Obols

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