Weaponsmith : [A crafting litRPG]

Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Pretty, golden coins line the trap. Greedy fingers ought to beware. Pancakes.

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“I need to talk to you,” says Sockel.


Hineni, holding a ladle full of pancake batter, turns his head towards her. “What’s up, Sockel?” he asks. “I’m trying to have a comfortable morning making breakfast.”


“Exactly,” says the elf. “That’s the problem,” she says, laying down a ledger onto the counter.


Hineni rolls his eyes, pouring the batter onto the pan. “We’re on track with the weapons, Sockel,” he replies. “Can you let me have this?” he asks. “I just want to make breakfast once in a while too.”


“Look,” she says, spinning the book around and opening it up.


Hineni stares. Sockel always has something interesting to show him from the most mundane lists and charts. He’s learned to pay attention now.


— His eyes wander back towards the pancake nonetheless.


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“The trick is to wait until the bubbles on the top pop,” says Hineni, pointing at the pancake. “That’s when you know it’s ready to flip.”


“Yeah, yeah,” she says. “I know how to make pancakes,” she says. “But it’s the only thing you ever make.”


Hineni blinks, looking at her and then back down towards the pancake, before turning back her way. “Well excuse me,” he says. “I never learned to cook anything else, okay?” he asks. “I always either bought food at the old guild or I made pancakes. That was it for me for a while.”


She sighs, shaking her head. “Look,” she says, pointing at the ledger. It’s a ledger of their finances from this week. Hineni narrows his eyes, looking.


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