Weaponsmith : [A crafting litRPG]

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: The library’s dark is darker than the darkness outside of the library

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Hineni stands in the library, flipping through pages in a book.


It is the middle of the night once more and he couldn’t sleep, his pestering thoughts nagging at the back of his mind.


He flips a page, looking at the grotesque illustrations of some distorted monster. Then, he flips over to the next one. Then the next one.


Each image shown in the book is some horrible, gangrenous monster. They are creatures, said to roam in the deep forests of the southern region of the world. Forests aren’t just quaint, cute places where nature can thrive in quiet peace. Thriving populations attract predators.


The more predators there are in a location, the deadlier they must become, in order to not fall behind the other species in their hunts and fights of survival.


The next page shows a strange, long-armed creature with two, hooked claws. It’s shown as being taller than several men stacked together, its body rising out of what appears to be a simple pond, not larger than the bath in his own home.


He tilts his head, reading the description. This monster apparently uses its two long, curved claws to pull people into the water with its very long arms. Given the shallow basins that it lives in and the length of its body, it seems to be a successful hunter.


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