Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Chapter 35: Whole Cake? Allergies?

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Chapter 31


The Heart Pirates haven’t managed to get to their Submarine yet, or really it was just Law, Bepo and Penguin. They apparently docked at a different place than the Strawhats did as their location was far from the Seducing Woods.


Me: *bzzt* This is Sweet Commander Syrup. Those near the Board Harbor watch out for the Heart Pirates in Orange Jumpsuits. Report to me if they come there


I can’t think of anywhere else they could have docked their ship safely except for the edge of the Board harbor around the Caramel Cliffs.


I would probably just threaten them a bit before letting them go so as they cause more trouble and chaos for our troops, earning me the time I need.


*bzzt* *bzzt*


Thinking it was a report back from the homies, I reflexively reached into my inventory and pulled out the den den mushi before answering. Realizing only then that it was the Special black Model that was ringing and not the Sugar-Model of the Big Mom Pirates


I suppressed a blush as I saw the tell-tale signs of the fiery snail that it morphed into.


Me: Hey Ace


Ace: I would love to hear your sweet voice more but I need to keep it short to prevent your network from noticing.


Me: Networks are down Ace. A Massive explosion has ruined the communications network except for the first and second layer. We can talk for as much as we want…but I think we can catch up later.


Ace: Good good. That means my forces can send updates more frequently. The 2nd Division of the Whitebeard is closing in around the edge of Totta Land. First Division with Pops will enter behind me by a couple of hours maximum!


Me: You haven’t been spotted yet?


Ace: No, that’s Pop’s job. 2nd Division will be entering stealthily.


Me: *smile* See you soon love


Ace: See you soon


With that, the line disconnected just as I flew over the Cliff revealing a relatively well-hidden Submarine. Someone passing by might have missed it but this was a Yellow submarine we were talking about. If you knew what you were looking for…it was quite easy to tell it was there.


Me: I don’t really want to pull a brother Katakuri move but…


I landed on the top of the vessel and forced open the hatch as I waited for the trio to come to my location.


Me: I’m not really the type to go searching for them either. If they want to leave…they’ll have to come get their ship.




It seems like the bulk of the Big Mom forces ended up chasing the others. I saw Big Mom herself follow the StrawHats into the woods.


Shit! Did this mean that our plan for Wano was done for? No…no…I’m sure that idiot would somehow make it out alive. He seemed to have a gift for breaking expectations in whatever way possible. Besides, we already had our hands full with our own problems.




I cut away yet another chess solider troop trying to ambush us as we rushed to the cliff. Somehow it seemed like the chess soldiers already knew that we were goin to rush here…please don’t tell me they destroyed or took our submarine, then we were truly done for.


Bepo: We’re still being chases captain!


Penguin: Stop stating the obvious Bepo!


Bepo: *depressed* Sorry…




Ignoring the Polar Bear’s antics I lead the charge (escape) as we took the road around d to the bottom of the cliff where we had hid our ship.

Just as we landed on the bottom, our hearts lifted in relief as we saw our beautiful yellow vessel untouched and unharmed.


Penguin: Oh thank god! It looks like nobody’s here!


*creak* *creak* …he just had to jinx it didn’t he?


The hatch blew off with such force that it crashed into the cliff breaking off the Caramel rocks before sending it tumbling into the creamy ocean.


As a small white hand gripped the edge of the hatch before pulling herself up into our view, something in my heart broke.


Why, why why did it have to be her? It could have been anyone else in the Big Mom forces and yet we had to deal with her. I guess in a way it was fair since we had the least amount of trouble on the way here compared to the other forces.


My incarnation of terror smiled sweetly before lowering her white cat eared hood. Finally seeing her face in full view, I had to suck in a breath at her beauty…or simply how artificial she seemed…in a good way. She looked more like a doll or a drawing than a real person.


I felt a splash on my arm and saw Penguin having a massive nosebleed at the sight of the youngest Sweet Commander.


Shit…I must have been charmed or something. I shook my head as to get rid of any mis-thoughts before facing her again.


Her eyes, despite being so icy cold, had a slight red tint to them which made it seem as if it was analyzing everything. everything. Even now, her small figure looked so powerless and anything but a fighter but my wounds against her from earlier told me otherwise.


Her chin was angled slightly upward against us in arrogance…or was it confidence? Her white hoodie remained clean of anything despite the previous bloodbath and chaos. How did she even manage to do that?


Syrup: I knew you would come here. Thanks for not wasting my time and exhausting yourselves beforehand.


Shit…we fell right into her trap. Was the correct choice ditching the ship and stealing one of Big Mom’s? No…no. We needed the ship for our plan. I couldn’t let it end here! That was our ship that crossed all of North Blue and Paradise!


Syrup: Well, I’ll be inside so tell me whenever you want to talk about it or something.


With that, she hopped back into the vessel.





Bepo: Uhh, Captain? What’s going on?


I had absolutely no idea as well.


Penguin: captain, should we search for a different ship? I don’t think our Submarine is safe anymore


Something was off about this though. Anyone else would have destroyed the vessel, moved it somewhere else, or attack the moment they saw us. Why didn’t she do that?


Talk to me when you want to talk about it or something


Was that what she said before going in? Talk? Talk about what?


I didn’t really have the luxury of waiting as the tell-tale signs of something breaking was heard from inside of the Submarine. Do I ditch the Submarine for a safer option? Do I have to give up Wano?


Penguin: Captain, what do we do?


I don’t know!!! It’s a complete NOW or NEVER thing!


I cursed my tongue as I let the words slip through my tongue.


Me: Go! Get her out of the ship!


Were we scared? That would be an understatement. We were terrified…but it seems my crew had their faith and loyalty. Without even questioning my sanity or decision, Bepo and Penguin began running towards the open hatch on the vessel. Watching them running with such confidence reminded me of my duty.


As a captain, I needed to be held responsible for them. Keep them safe.


I jumped up high before landing directly through the little hole in one giant jump. Landing down, I saw perhaps the most bizarre scene in my life.


Soldier after soldier exiting out of a Massive Mirror from the infirmary. I had to have one so I could see the other side of the patients but I didn’t know it could be exploited like this! Was this how she was able to come here so fast?


Me: Get them off the ship!


Bepo and Penguin jumped into action as they Egan cleaning up the lower ones as I charged towards the bigger animated chess pieces. I had just sliced him up when flaming arrows shot out of the mirrors this time before exploding on contact with the wall.


Bepo: Captain! We won’t be able to take any more damage to the walls! We’ll sink if there’s even a single hole!

You are reading story Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic at novel35.com


I turned to the side and saw Charlotte Syrup. For some reason she had a scowl on her face as if she didn’t want this to happen. What was going on?


I tried to run down the hallway to her position as she was mumbling to herself, complaining. I only heard a tiny snippet though before I had to turn my attention back to the swarming toys.


Syrup: just wanted to…why Brûlée…could’ve left with…messed up…new plan


What was going on? So many questions were going through my head but I think logically speaking I only needed to understand one thing.


She couldn’t be here anymore.


Me: *Room* Shambles!


I displaced myself right behind her as I tried to grab her with a haki-clad hand. To my shock, I passed right through her. How? This was supposed to work even on a logia!


Instead, I did the less manly thing and grabbed for her tanto. This time, she looked a bit confused before her eyes glowed once again. My hands bled through even with my armament but I ignored the pain as I gripped the blade harder as to not let go before swinging it, dragging it, and with me to that place.


I could see the shock on her face moments before I even moved the blade but I didn’t have the luxury to worry about that now as I pushed her directly through the Mirror with the blade, and me.


Bepo & Penguin: CAPTAIN!


Me: Shut up you idiots. Go around Eastern Area and meet up with the Straw Hats. I’ll se you all there.




I destroyed the mirror which essentially trapped myself with her. Smart move? Probably not but at least now she couldn’t hurt my crew anymore.


Syrup? She looked beyond mad at the moment. She was shaking slightly as her eyes turned darker and her facial muscles clenched around her jaw. I could even see a (cute) vein mark appear as her face twisted (also cutely) in rage.


Syrup: How…how dare you! I’ve planned every step of this for so long! I even planned on letting you go once you drop me off but…!!!!


Brûlée: Syrup! Are you okay? Actually that was a dumb question. Of course you’re okay! There’s no way that a mere rookie could hurt you! I’ve brought reinforcements!


For the first time I looked around myself and saw perhaps the most bizarre place ever. A world filled with mirrors in red, blue, green, and purple checkerboard marked smooth curved structures. What is this place?


Brûlée: You’re trapped in my Mirror Realm! My Mirror-Mirror fruit allows me to—


Syrup: *whispers* Sis, shut up


Brûlée: Huh? Oh, sorry Syrup. It’s just, I feel so powerful and enlightened when I explain my powers to someone else.


Great…so now I was trapped in a dimension I couldn’t escape from and trapped in here with someone I had no chance of beating.


Chess Soldiers: Commander Syrup! Chess Soldier Queen calling in with 5,000 Forces at your disposal!


And that as well.


Syrup: … great job fucking it up Law.


As she slowly began walking towards me, I could feel her rage and emotions…a loss? The pressure growing with each step she took towards me.


Syrup: Look at what you’ve done. You’ve brought witnesses…and not just any but my own fucking brothers and sisters who are also in this very dimension.


I could feel the power radiating off of her…aimed at? Me.


Syrup: You’ve made this so so much harder than it needs to be but I think I found a new way to do this. You’re no longer needed now.


That didn’t sound good at all. As she raised her blade, it only confirmed the notion that I did something to fuck up her feelings and that I would be paying for it.






POV Syrup


Rage Rage Rage Rage


So carefully did I lay the plans to be there at the exact moment and place and yet a single moment and the sporadic impulses of the D’s have ruined it all. All of these years I’ve never really vented my emotions.


Much like brother Katakuri, I kept a level head in nearly any situation. Naturally, most of my brothers, sisters, and anyone in general came to their own conclusion that I was a cold logical killer. What they were wrong about was that it wasn’t that I didn’t have much emotions…I didn’t have much that I cared about so I had no reason to feel those emotions in the first place.


But this? This was fucking personal. Rage. Undiluted, pure. fucking. rage.




Without me even activating on my own will, my conquerors’ exploded out of me in all directions as all the Charlotte forces behind me fell unconscious and Law was reduced down onto one knee by the sudden force pressuring and holding down his body and mind.




Going in with my head hot and vision slightly red, I did a fencer’s stance before summoning a lance to my arm.


Me: Ice Configuration. Lance of the Yeti


A crystalline ice lance formed around my right arm, complete with floral designs as it reached the base. The tip was wicked sharp as the edge disappeared into nothing.


Lowing the edge to point directly at the Supernova, I got into my fencing position before going for the straight kill.


Me: Fleche


Perhaps it was due to my rage in which I lost my calm, or perhaps I was too eager to see his blood spilt but not seeing the future beforehand was troublesome. With his nodachi, he barely parried my lance as the tip grazed his cheek. well… now that the tip was past him I wouldn’t need this lance anymore.


Me: Elemental Combustion-Ice


The Lance shattered like a grenade directly next to Law’s face as the first fragments began to make cuts along his arm, torso, and face when…


Law: *Shambles!* You really are one hell of a dangerous girl!


I didn’t wait as I teleported behind his location and brought down another ice blade, this time a saber.


Me: I’m getting tired of the blade of yours. Attaque au Fer (Attack the blade)


Metal on ice clashed as he hurriedly leaned as to move out of my blade’s slice…but that wasn’t what I was looking for. As he tried to do a direct block this time, I raised my blade once more before lowing it down again…and again…and again…




Me: A blade made purely of my Devil fruit…I can continuously regenerate it as I wish. An infinite blade if you will…but yours on the other hand cannot last that long, can it?


This time, I gathered snow on my arm before condensing it to form edge snow.


Me: Your blade will not longer be with us. I hope you have no great memories of it.


With that, I brought down the Ice Saber as it shattered directly through the nodachi…rendering both blades useless.


Me: Now, welcome back to Square One Trafalgar Law. Except this time, I hold a blade and you don’t.


I formed a katana on my right hand and brought out my tanto on my left to prove my point. By this time, I knew I had calmed down enough as I could once again feel the observation showing me this world.


Welcoming the familiar feeling of what is the become, I saw Law’s future.


Me: Your next words are going to be ‘I won’t die here like this!’. Shame…there are so many better last words.


Law picked himself up again, trembling slightly and bleeding from the many cuts and wounds all over his body.


Law: … …*grits teeth* I won’t die here like this!!!


You can find story with these keywords: Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic, Read Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic, Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic novel, Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic book, Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic story, Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic full, Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic Latest Chapter

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