Werewolf huntress tribe

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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I woke up 2 hours later. Taking a look around I saw I was the only one awake so I decided to go take a shower and eat something. I would make them something but since all I have is meat and it's technically breakfast for them I decided it's best if they eat after I take them back.

I then look at my status screen and put my point.

Level: 11

Exp needed for level up: 96/120

Hp: 580/580 +3.2 Hp per minute

Mp: 360/360 +2.4 Mp per minute

Strength: 44 (+11)

Agility: 34 (+8)

Endurance: 42 (+10)

Vitality: 32 (+7)

Intelligence: 24 (+3)

Wisdom: 24 (+3)

Free point: 0

^ ^

I then use all my mana and made gale's favor go up to level 3, the surely won't be an offensive use out of the skill until around level ten but it cost me nothing to level it up for the moment.

After doing various things for an hour, I decided to wake them up since I wanted to go to the city and come back before night. Ren was the first to fully wake up.

¨Gaah, you fucking monster, you'll pay for what you did to us.¨

¨Well you know I was planning on making you go home but if you don't shut your mouth maybe I'll change my mind¨




¨That's what I thought, now go wake up your girlfriend cause were leaving right now¨

¨Were? Are you going with us?¨

¨Well yes, but if you want to go take a walk in a monster-infested forest without me go right ahead¨

¨..... Nevermind¨

After waking up everybody, we started walking towards their car, at first, I was planning on hitching a ride and buying a car in town but the car had belonged to the two thugs so I decided to make it my own. After half an hour of walking, we arrive at a small abandoned warehouse on the side of the road. That definitely could be useful so I think I'll renovate it when I'll have the money. The car inside was a simple 4x4 truck with 4 seats and an open trunk, perfect for my need.

We all got in and I got behind the wheel since I was the only one who knew how to drive. At first, we all sit there in awkward silence, Ren silently seething at what happened, Julia, who kept the same blank look she had ever since she's been awake and Claire was fidgeting in the passenger seat. Claire clearly wanted to say something so I decided to ask

¨So... Claire, do you have something you want to ask?¨

¨Aah, um... yes. C...could I...I *mumble*¨

¨eh sorry what was that? I didn't hear what you said¨

¨Could I have your pho... phone number?¨

¨You want my number?! Why?¨

¨To keep in touch?¨

¨Even after what happened this morning?¨

¨Yes! *silently* especially after what happened *silently*¨

¨Well if you want, but I'm not saying it out loud for these two to hear. so you'll have to wait until we arrives¨

¨Can w...we continue to talk?¨

¨For sure¨

After 2 hours of talking with each other, we finally arrived in the city. After putting my phone number into Claire's cellphone, I gave back their cellphone (that I had taken after the fight this night) and dropped them off in the middle of the city. I then made my way to the hunter association.

Once there I go to the counter and ask for a rank examination.

¨Certainly madam, we have a session starting in five minutes so you can go down the corridor on your left and enter the examination waiting room and wait for your name to be called, Which is...?¨

¨Natasha Smith¨


After going into the simple-looking waiting room, I look around while waiting to be called. There were a few people there but nobody important-looking so I decided to browse my phone. After 5 minutes, I heard my name, it's seem I get to go first. Not that I complain. After going through the door at the other end of the room I was greeted by a simple office worker in a suit.

¨Hello Ms.Smith, the test will be conducted in two-part, the first one will be as simple as touching that stone. It will let us know what is your rank, then we will go to the other room over there and summon a replica of a monster from 1 to 10 stars until you are no longer able to win to determine your star rank. Any question?¨


¨Perfect, now like I said, just put your hand on the stone¨

I did so and after a few seconds, it turn white.

¨Ok so common rank, now follow me into the combat room. Did you already have some experience or do you want to try them all?¨

¨I can easily kill a 1-star monster and surely a 2-star monster as well so can we start at 3?¨

¨Sure, now go stand in the middle while we launch the machine¨

I was standing in the middle of a big white room with nothing in it. The employer was going to the other side of a window where the command is at. From what I heard, this room can summon a puppet of any strength under epic. For a higher rank monster, only the main branch can do it, and with a maximum of legendary 1-star.

After a minute runes on the wall lit up and a white beast-like puppet appeared.

^Training dummy^

Race: Summon

Sex: None

Rank: Common

Hp: 200/200

^ ^

The star rank of a monster can generally be told by the amount of Hp. While it's not something that hunters need to rely on it can still be useful. 0 and 1-star average around 50 hp, 2-star around a 100, 3 around 200 and like that until rare 1 who average 1000 hp then they gain 200hp per rank until epic were they after gaining 300hp per rank and so on and so on.

You are reading story Werewolf huntress tribe at novel35.com

I quickly rush towards it and slash at him, a simple slash of my claw without trying to hit any weak spot and one-shot it

^You have killed a Training dummy^

^Exp +0^

Yeah... summon monster doesn't give any Exp. Then I hear the employee tell me over a speaker

¨Since you only took 2 blows to kill it, I'll jump 4-star and go directly to 5 ok?¨

I looked at the windows and made a thumbs up. After another minute another identical monster appears

^Training dummy^

Hp: 400/400

^ ^

I did like I did last time and simply clawed at him.

^ Dealt -172 Hp^

But this one managed to attack me before I could combo but I was way faster than him so I easily side-step and dealt another two blows

^You have killed a Training dummy^

That wouldn't be so easy if it weren't for my 110 attack bonus on my claw and fang.

¨Next will be a 7-star. do you agree?¨

I nodded and another dummy with 600 Hp this time

This time he was the first to attack, and while I had the advantage in attack, he was faster than me since the average stat of a 7-star is 40 and I have 34 agility.

He lunged at me in a straight line so I side-stepped and simultaneously bite down on its neck and clawed at him.

^You have dealt -163 Hp^

^You have dealt -142 Hp^

I tried to stay latched on to him but he quickly jump on his side to crush me which force me to let go

^You have suffered -33hp^

After pushing him off me while biting him, I repeated my assault and killed him

¨Now will be an 8-star are you alright with it?¨

Again I nodded and a 700 Hp dummy appeared.

after an intense brawl, I managed to kill it with 8 hits But suffered nearly 10, which brought my Hp under a 100.

¨Do you want to continue to 9?¨

I shake my head and make my way toward the exit. I may have enough attack power for killing a 9-star but I do not have enough speed to manage to kill it before it kills me. And I got even less chance with less than 100 Hp left.

After making my way back to the counter, I waited while they were making my license. At this moment, a guy in a suit came to talk to me.

¨Your Natasha Smith?¨

¨Who's asking?¨

¨Jerome Duval, a lawyer for the blade guild. Can we perhaps move somewhere more private?¨

Well shit.

¨Sure, just let me get my license first¨

¨Yes, for sure¨

After a couple of minutes, the lady came back with my license. It looked pretty much like a driver's license with stars on the top to show my ranking. I turn to the lawyer

¨Well, after you¨

¨Very well¨

He leads me to a private waiting room of the association and we sit face to face. He then opened a suitcase and take out a contract.

¨Im here because of the ¨incident¨ with Miss Julia¨

¨I figured¨

¨Mister Blade would like you to never speak of it, in exchange, he will gift you 1 million dollars.¨

¨Wait what? He just wants to shut me up?¨

¨Yes, all the details are in this contract¨

What? after I raped his daughter he won't do anything more than make sure I don't tell anyone? Maybe Julia didn't tell him about the raping part but why?

¨Reputation is what Mister blade cares about the most and if people were to know about Miss Julia's rape he wouldn't be very happy, I'm sure you can understand¨

Oh, I see now. It's just that Julia's father is a huge asshole who doesn't care about his daughter. No wonder Julia turn like that.

After reading the contract, which was a simple don't speak of it and get money type of contract, I signed it and he gave me a check. I already wasn't planning on talking about it so why not do the same thing for a million dollars? I then quickly use my phone to remotely deposit the money into my account.

I then used that money to buy the most expensive Pokedex for 200 000$. I then exited the building planning to go grocery shopping but received a call from Richard.

¨Hi Mister Gray¨

¨Yes hi Miss Smith, I called because I wanted to thank you for saving my daughter from these bastard¨

¨Your daughter?¨

¨Yes, Claire is my daugther¨

¨Oh really, what did she say to you exactly?¨

¨Well that you saved her from Ren and Julia. Please tell me if you need something, I will arrange it for you.¨

¨Ok... Well I do need a secure place to park my newly acquired truck, I was planning to renovate a small whare house that is on the side of the road¨

¨Then consider it done. Thanks again for saving her¨

¨No problem¨

Well, at least Claire didn't tell exactly what happen, but still for Claire to be Richards's daughter... Well, at least she doesn't seem to hate me. Now I just need to prepare for what the phoenix guild will throw at me.

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