Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Chapter 103: Ch. 103 – The Kido Corps and two Captains

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I make my way towards Shin'o Academy when a group of six Shinigami block my path.

"Ryoka! Stop right there! Come with us peacefully and you won't get hurt." A woman leading the group says as she firmly holds the grip of her sword, ready to draw it any second.

Not willing to waste words on cannon fodder, I keep walking towards them.

The woman draws her sword as she runs towards me while the others hold out their hands and start chanting a Kido spell.

""Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat! Way of binding number 9, Horin!""

All five Shinigami point their index and middle fingers on their right hand in my direction as orange tendrils shoot out towards me.

The tendrils wrap around my arms, legs and one of them around my waist.

"Interesting. So, you use magic to create solid constructs and then use those to bind someone and produce certain effects." I say out loud as I examine the tendril around my wrist.

I feel them all tugging at me, so I'm sure that normally they would allow the caster to move their victim around as they please but these Shinigami lack the physical strength to do so to me.

The female Shinigami gets close and raises her katana, ready to strike.

I take a piece of the orange bindings in my hand and step forward as I slip past her, avoiding her sword while wrapping the binding around her neck.

I kick the back of her knee, dropping her on her knees and hoist her up by the bindings, strangling her.

"Squad Leader! Shit! Undo the spell, now!" One of the other shinigami yells.

As I have her subdued anyway, I put my hand on her bare shoulder and look at her memories.

~I meticulously go over her memories of her learning about the ZanKenSoKi techniques in the Academy. After the Academy she joined the 10th Division under Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, who she has a crush on and worked real hard to become a seated officer. Eventually she was promoted to the 8th seat and received the authority to form her own squad.~

Once she's lost consciousness, I drop her to the ground right as the bindings come undone.

I then turn around and continue approaching the other Shinigami as they all back away nervously, sweat dropping with their swords drawn and pointed at me.

They keep backing away until we reach a T-junction and they back into a wall.

I keep getting closer to them as the tension rises and their hearts beat faster and faster.

Once I reach the T-junction myself, I simply turn right and keep going towards the Shin'o Academy.

As I'm approaching the Academy, I feel a lot of activity in that direction. I turn the last corner as I'm met with the sight of dozens of Shinigami, all members of the Kido Corps.

A man wearing a purple Haori, covering his regular Shinigami's Shihakusho, steps forward, looking angry. "Ryoka! You destroyed the barrier surrounding Seireitei! The greatest achievement of the Kido Corps reduced to nothing with a fist. You have shamed us. To regain our honor we must destroy you!"

The Captain of the Kido Corps holds out his hand towards me and starts focusing an incredible amount of Spiritual Energy in his hand. "Way of Destruction Number 88: Flying Dragon Strike! Heaven Shaking Lightning Cannon!"

The moment he's done chanting the name of the Kido Spell, an insanely large beam of dozens of condensed blue lightning strikes fires at me.

I immediately create a reflective shield from an advanced Kido spell I saw in the woman's memories.

I create the shield at an angle to avoid reflecting the spell back at the group of Shinigami, since I didn't come here to comit mass murder. The lightning blast, instead, bounces off the shield and is redirected into the sky.

A lot of the Shinigami immediately look nervous, realizing the Ryoka before them could have just killed most of them. Even the Captain himself looks quite shocked at the skillful display of a rank 92 Barrier spell.

"I'll just have to crush you with my strongest Kido! Keep him busy!" The Captain says as he starts chanting an incantation. "Seeping crest of corruption..."

Immediately the other members of the Kido Corps start hurling Bakudo (Way of Binding) and Hado (Way of Destruction) spells at me.

"...Arrogant vessel of madness!..."

In my right hand I create a sword made of solid Aura that causes an enormous downpour of Reiatsu that is felt throughout Seireitei.

And in my left, I create a rectangular shield large enough to cover me entirely.

"...Deny the seething urge!..."

Together they cause enough Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu) to knock out the less experienced Shinigami around.

"...Stun and flicker!..."

As tendrils of solid energy attempt to constrict me and barriers attempt to imprison me, I cut through them with the sword.

"...Disrupt sleep, crawling queen of iron!..."

As blasts of fire, lightning, ice and even pure spiritual energy are launched at me with deadly force, I block them with the shield.

"...Eternally self-destructing doll of mud, unite and repulse!..."

All the while learning more about the way they utilize their Kido spells, while the Captain is covered in a black and purple aura and the skies turn darker as he wraps up the incantation.

"...Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!..."

As I see an opening between the continuous barrage of spells, I swipe my sword through the air, launching a blast of pure black Reiatsu, much like Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou.

The blast explodes in front of the group of Shinigami as they're launched in all directions.

"...Way of Destruction Number 90: Black Coffin!" The Kido Corps Captain yells, finalizing his spell.

Immediately large, pitch-black walls rise from the ground surrounding me as the gravity within increases tremendously by the second.

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'Wow, this really is a powerful spell. It copies the effects of a black hole. A few alterations and I might actually be able to use it to create a miniature black hole.

Unfortunately whoever made this spell doesn't understand the interactions between gravity, space and time, otherwise I might have been in trouble.' I think to myself as I examine the coffin surrounding me as it closes up.


Outside the enormous coffin, reaching over ten meters tall and four meters wide and long, Shinigami get up from the ground as they look upon their Captain's work with pride. "You did it, Captain! The Ryoka is gone!"

But as some of the Shinigami look to their Captain, they see him trembling and sweating, eyes wide in fear as he looks at the Black Coffin.

Cracks have appeared all across it as bright blue light shines through from inside. Suddenly the light fades and the next second, the Coffin shatters to pieces, revealing the Ryoka standing there, completely unharmed.

Suddenly the Ryoka disappears from sight and reappears with his hand firmly latched to the Captain's face, dangling him in the air.


The Captain raises one of his hands right in front of the Ryoka's face and uses an explosive Kido spell.

As the dust settles, the Ryoka is still completely unharmed, but the Captain is in rough shape as most of his arm was blown off, along with most of his torso.

"Idiot." The Ryoka mumbles before he points his index finger at the Captain's chest. The tip of his finger starts shining a beautiful golden light.

Thinking he's killing the Captain, some of the Shinigami run towards them, only to be repelled by a condensed pulse of Reiatsu.

As the golden light washes over the Captain's body, it starts repairing the damage and even regenerates the lost arm.

The Ryoka lays the Captain on the ground and looks around at the Shinigami. Most of them lying on the ground, some unconscious, as they watch his every move in trepidation.

As no one attacks him anymore, he casually continues walking inside the Shin'o Academy.

The Shinigami who are left standing all start helping those on the ground, especially the Captain as the golden light still surrounds his body while it heals his wounds.

After about a minute, three men appear suddenly. Two of whom, are wearing a white Captain's Haori. Captain Zaraki Kenpachi, accompanied by his Lieutenant, Yachiru Kusajishi. And Chojiro Sasakibe, the Lieutenant of the 1st Division, under the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13.

The other Captain is a short, young man, about 1,55 meters tall. He's got short, spiky, white hair.

He's accompanied by a tall woman with long, wavy blonde hair and abnormally large breasts.

"What the hell happened here?" The short Captain asks as he looks at one of the older Kido Corps Shinigami who's wearing a Lieutenants Badge.

"Captain Hitsugaya! We tried to apprehend the Ryoka, but we failed." The Corps Lieutenant says dejectedly.

"How many casualties?" Lieutenant Chojiro asks.

"Well, none actually."

"What?! He defeated the entire Kido Corps single-handedly without killing anyone? What about him?" Lieutenant Chojiro asks, gesturing towards the Captain of the Kido Corps who's mostly healed but still looks quite terrible due to his tattered and bloody clothes.

"The Captain tried to kill himself along with the Ryoka, but he was entirely unharmed and immediately healed the Captain with a strange golden light." The Kido Lieutenant explains.

"He healed his enemy?" Lieutenant Chojiro asks to no one in particular as he starts pondering the implications.

"Captain Hitsugaya!" A woman, accompanied by five men, yells out as she's running towards the boyish looking Captain.

"Mitsuki, you look terrible." The Captain says, looking at her.


"Ow! Matsumoto, why?!" Hitsugaya says, rubbing his head after his Lieutenant knocks him over the head.

"You can't say that to a girl." Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto says angrily.

"The C-Captain thinks *sniff* I l-look terrible..." The young Shinigami woman says softly as she's drawing circles on the floor with her finger.

"I meant your neck. It's all blue, like it's bruised. What happened?" Captain Hitsugaya asks her.

"Me and my squad faced the Ryoka first. I told him to surrender but he refused, so we attacked." Mitsuki starts explaining immediately. "My men tried to restrain him with Binding spell number nine, Horin.

He then looked at the tendrils in fascination and remarked how interesting it is that we use 'magic' to create solid constructs and then give those constructs special effects.

My men were unable to restrain him and he instead used the Kido spell to his own advantage by avoiding my sword strike and strangling me with one of the tendrils until I was unconscious."

"Thank you for the detailed report as always, Mitsuki. Have yourself checked by someone from the fourth Division and then return to the barracks." Captain Hitsugaya says.

"Yes Captain!"  Mitsuki says, before running off with her squad.

"Captain, there's something weird about her report just now." The Kido Lieutenant says, getting everyone's attention. "From her report it seems the Ryoka had never seen Kido spells before, but at the start of the fight here, he used a Rank 92 Reflection Barrier without incantation and also used brute force to break out of a Rank 90 Black Coffin."

"What?! That's not possible!" Lieutenant Rangiku says as they all look quite shocked.

"Hahaha! I really wanna fight this guy now! Oi, kid, don't interrupt or I'll cut you up." Zaraki says, smiling as pure blood lust practically oozes out of him.

"Hmm? I'm going to do my job and arrest this Ryoka. I don't care about your fight or whatever." Captain Hitsugaya answers.

"Hoh, look at this. Two Captains and three Lieutenants just for me? Must be christmas." Everyone looks towards the Academy entrance as the Ryoka casually appears, carrying a short, Greek Xiphos sword that is entirely black, except for the silver edges.

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