Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Chapter 108: Ch. 108 – Lunch and fixing curses

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After three days of continuously swiping my claws, I finally see a bright, golden glow beneath the black, gooey substance.

After another day, I finally reach the final layer of creatures.

I slash once more as suddenly a bright, gold light escapes and shines like a beam towards a large boulder close by, melting it in an instant.

I shove my hand into the gap in the black goo and pull out my soul. Immediately, all the remaining creatures assimilate into it.

I then bite into my own soul and devour it whole as I lose consciousness.


Far out into the void, beyond the Multiverses, at the edge of the Omniverse, Rob sits on a throne, larger than an entire Multiverse.

His eyes shine golden as he looks into the distance, watching as Fenrir devours his own soul.

Rob gains a soft smile. "Well done. Now you're ready to go where you please, kid. You'll get no more help from me until you're ready to start training to take my place.

Always remember kid, your future is yours and no one else's. You decide your path. That is the only way to reach me." Rob says, before he closes his eyes. When he opens them again, the golden glow is gone and he regains his stoic expression.

"Hello my sons. What do you want?" Rob says, looking to the ground, just before his feet, where two men are standing.

One of them is a bit plump. He wears a suit, bowl hat, carries an umbrella and has a spruce moustache.

The other one is an elderly man, wearing glasses and a casual attire.

"This has gone on long enough, Father. The Gods want to know your intentions with this... beast of yours. They're afraid you're grooming him to take your place." The plump man says in a thick british accent.

"They've accepted the status quo as it is because you are not an interventionist. But he is. He has thrown the power balance into disarray for every Multiverse he has visited so far." The elderly man says.

"They've 'accepted' the status quo, because there is nothing else they can do. You two may call yourselves The Presence or The Source and The One Above All, but do remember that I AM THE SOURCE! The source of all that exists. I AM THE ONE ABOVE ALL! Standing above all who roam my Omniverse!

And that 'Beast' will not be touched by any of you unless he comes to your Multiverse. And even then there will be no direct intervention! You may scheme and manipulate all you want, but none of you are to harm him unless he comes to you.

Now leave before you sour my good mood any further."

The Presence and The One Above All both leave immediately, not wanting to piss off their father.

"Do you think they'll all heed his warning?" The Presence asks.

"Most of them, sure. But we both know there's a few of them who feel threatened by Fenrir's very existence. They'll probably try something stupid." The One Above All responds before they look at each other.

""Ankhseram."" They say at the same time.

"Haha, yeah, he'll definitely try something." The Presence says. "What about you?"

"The Living Tribunal might come after him at some point if he becomes too much, but when he comes to my 'verse I think I'll just wait and see." The One Above All says. "And you?"

"When he comes to DC, I won't be the one he needs to worry about. The Old Gods, Darkseid, Trigon, Perpetua. They'll all be aware of him the moment he sets foot in my Multiverse. He'll have his hands full when he comes." The Presence answers. "One thing's for sure, fun times are ahead."

"Fun times indeed, brother." The One Above All says before they both dissipate into nothing.


"Well done. Now you're ready to go where you please, kid. You'll get no more help from me until you're ready to start training to take my place.

Always remember kid, your future is yours and no one else's. You decide your path. That is the only way to reach me."

Rob's voice resounds through my mind as I wake up and look around. The mountain I was standing on is entirely gone.

I'm lying at the bottom of a crater. It's like an enormous meteor made impact right here.

I stand up and as I intend to levitate and fly out of the crater, I instantly shoot into the air and come to a halt near the sun.

'So that's what that golden energy was. All this time my constant growth was held back and now that the blockage has been cleared I have access to all the strength, speed and energy I'm supposed to have.'

I fly over towards Saturn and land on one of its 82 moons. I pick up a small rock and casually flick it at a mountain, smashing it apart.

After a few days of testing the limits of my strength and speed by using magic, and learning to control it, I seal it, limiting myself to my former strength and speed. I then do the same with my energy levels.

I then get down and jump as hard as I can, launching myself back towards Earth.

Without the excessive speed, this time it takes me almost a day to get back.

Hovering about ten kilometers above Scotland, I notice a lot of activity around the mountain I destroyed as Aurors seem to be investigating the place.


Suddenly Flayme appears in front of me from a ball of fire.

"Kaw?" (Where'd you go?)

"Saturn, I had to get used to some changes. Stick close to me for now, I'm about to devour one specimen of every species of animal, beast and monster in the world." I say before I release my Aura in a powerful burst, spreading throughout the world.

Like before, I devour one specimen of every species and heal all the sick and injured in return.

This time I properly devour them, both body and soul, ensuring there will be no more blockages from now on.

Every species of dragon, a Phoenix, Thunderbird, Nundu, Dementor, even a Goblin and a house Elf, not to mention a Lethifold and so much more.

I then summon a Lethifold from The Philippines that was about to kill a kid and wear it like a cloak.

"Aww, you poor, loveable misunderstood creatures." I say as I pet the Lethifold, comforting it.

"Kaw?! Kaw! Kaw!" (What are you doing?! That's a Lethifold! Take it off, kill it!)

"No. They're adorable. They have the minds of little puppies. They want nothing more than to make friends and be worn, but they don't understand what they are, so they accidentally kill the people they try to befriend, causing them extreme sadness.

When this keeps happening, all the hope and love they carry eventually turns into a dark and bitter hatred towards the ones who keep rejecting them. They then take one last prey and instead of killing them completely, they turn that person into a Dementor. And that's how Dementors come to be."

The Lethifold, feeling happy, hugs me tight and snug and goes to sleep, turning my new cloak from a dark shadow draped around me to a more normal looking cloak.

"See? It's perfectly fine.

Flayme, I noticed that other than you, there are only about two dozen Phoenixes left in the world, so I'm not going to take you with me to other worlds. You should go out there, enjoy your freedom. Maybe find yourself a nice Phoenix girl and raise a few chicks."

Flayme looks at me for a few seconds, pondering his options, before he lowers his head and rises up into the clouds.

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"Kraaw!" (Thank you for everything!)

As he disappears into a flash of fire, I keep my aura spread around the world. I lower down to a cliff, overlooking a large open field.

I summon every single Werewolf in this world. Over 63.000 Werewolves appear before me all at once. People of every ethnicity among them.

"What in Merlin's beard? Where are we?" An English Witch asks as she looks around confused.

"O que está acontecendo? Onde estou?" Asks a Brazilian Wizard, looking equally confused.

I turn into my own Werewolf form, standing two and a half meters tall.


I roar just loud enough to push them all down and instill some fear into their inner wolves.

Immediately a few of them try to disapparate. But they quickly notice they can't, causing even more panick.

"QUIET!" I say loudly, regaining everyone's attention.

"My name is Fenrir, God of Beasts and Monsters. I gather that to you, Lycanthropy is a sickness. An affliction you can't get rid of, hindering you in most aspects of life, like finding jobs, lodging or even love.

I can offer you two choices. Perfect control over your transformation, or a cure.

But before you choose, you'll spend six months as a real Werewolf."

As I say that, I use my Aura to turn them all into my kind of Werewolf, giving them access to both a full wolf and bipedal wolf form along with a significant healing factor.

"One last thing before I send you all back to where you came from." I say before I snap my fingers.

A Werewolf suddenly appears next to me.

"Fenrir Greyback. You have appropriated my name long enough. Time to die."

"Wait, no!" He says before I snap my finger again.

"Whaaaaagh! No! Please! It hurts!"

He screams as he holds his hands infront of his face while they slowly turn to dust, followed by his arms and legs.

Every part of his body turns to dust in order of importance, ensuring he remains alive to feel it as long as possible




The people who were bitten by Greyback all start cheering and celebrating at his death.

Looking out on the crowd, I also notice people looking angry, sad and some with apathy.

I snap my fingers once more as everyone among them, who sided with the Dark Wizards willingly and knowingly, immediately suffers the same fate as Greyback, while everyone else disappears again, back to where they came from.

A few minutes later, one Werewolf remains among about a dozen animals and about a hundred other people.

I step forward, off the ledge and drop over fifty meters down, executing a perfect hero landing.

"There are five families among you. Please come with your whole family when I call you.

The Schuster family."

About twenty people hesitantly approach me, following an elderly man who doesn't seem to be afraid at all.

One of the children among them, a little girl, looks very frail and sickly, clearly already affected by their family's bloodcurse.

I create small daggers of solid Aura, draw a little blood from all family members and form a ball of blood gathered in front of me.

I then put my hand inside the sphere. As I pull it back out, everyone sees me grasping a green, metalic chain. The very light it eminates makes everyone around feel like vomiting.

I yank it out, breaking the chain that represents the curse and immediately the little girl's cheeks turn a healthier shade of pink.

"Danke!" The old head of the family says.

"Vielen dank!" The little girl says with a joyful smile on her face.

"Gern geschehen." I say, returning a smile.

"The Greengrass family."

Again, people seem hesitant, but seeing what just happened they also look hopeful. Among them, too, a little girl looks clearly afflicted by the bloodcurse.

I break their bloodcurse the same way I did the Schuster family's curse, immediately clearing up Astoria's face as she gains a healthy blush.

I continue for every family present, before I send them all to their family homes.

I then turn my attention to the thirteen animals. They all look hopeful, given what I've been doing for the others.

A Crocodile, Bear, Hawk, Deer, Squirrel, Cow, Skunk, Pig, Lynx, Fox, Flamingo, Giraffe and a Python are all before me.

"Hello ladies. As you might have guessed, you are all Maledictuses. And I'm about to cure you." I say before I raise an arm and cover them all in a bright light.

As the light fades, thirteen women between twenty-five and thirty-five are standing before me, naked.

"Oops, haha." I laugh as I summon a cloak for each of them.

"Uhm, excuse me." The last Werewolf says as he pries his eyes off the ladies with difficulty to ask me a question.

"Yes?" I say, looking at him.

"Could you maybe send me back too?" He asks.

"No, Remus. We have some things to discuss." I say with increased intensity. "Peter Pettigrew is alive."

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