Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Chapter 115: Ch. 115 – A confrontation and a conversation

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Fenris rests on one knee in the crater his body just made, surrounded by a dozen corpses of men and women, as well as one child. The little girl, Arya Stark.

Fenris looks at the child's face in recognition as he looks around for a second and quickly realizes where he is. 'Game of Thrones.'

Fenris looks up at his assailant, the old man wrapped in a dangerous, sinister red, magical aura.

'Now, who the fuck is this asshole?' Fenris thinks to himself as he stands up and wipes the blood and mud off his clothes.

All the people in the town square are frozen stiff in fear from the suffocating aura of the two titans facing off right in front of them, even hardened warriors like Ned Stark are unable to move.

Fenris holds his hands over the corpses around him and in less than a second it's like time rewinds and the people around him are healed and even the statue he crashed into is reassembled.

"Disgusting." The strange old man says, looking at Fenris with clear, unbridled contempt. "You are faced with an unknown threat, the likes of which you've never seen before and you still concern yourself with saving these worthless, pathetic little lives."

"What business is it of yours what I concern myself with?" Fenris asks, now fully focused on the old man.

"Oh, but it's definitely my business. There's been a status quo between the creator gods and the All-Maykr, where he sits on his throne above and we rule our own little multiverses however we want.

But some of us have been worried about this little upstart god who carries the power of creation and keeps growing exponentially with every world he visits." The God says as he gestures to Fenris.

"We're concerned that if we allow you to grow further, you'll take the All-Maykr's place and you'll break the status quo. You've been interfering too much in the worlds you visit, trying to change the lives of these insects for the better."

"Who are you?" Fenris asks, now aware he's facing a god with the power of creation.

"Ankhseram, God of Life and Death."

"Earthland." Fenris mumbles, realizing where his opponent is from.

"You're aware of one of my creations? Were you planning on visiting it and interfering?" Ankhseram asks as he stares at Fenris intently and his eyes glow brighter red.

Met with silence, Ankhseram's suspicions are confirmed as a smirk creeps onto his face and he starts chuckling maniacally. "Hehehe."

"Don't bother." Ankhseram says as he holds his hand out and the image of a planet appears hovering over it.

Ankhseram snaps his hand shut, now balled into a fist as the planet visibly crumbles to pieces.

"Wha.. what the hell did you just do?!" Fenris asks angrily, hoping he's assuming wrong.

"You know exactly what I just did."

"You destroyed Earthland, why?! Why would you do that?!"

"To prove a point, boy." Ankhseram says with a smile on his face as he reaches down and grabs a man by his head as though he's holding a grape between two fingers.

*Splat!* With just a little pressure, he pops the man's head like a pimple. "These... vermin are beneath us. They're not worth your consideration.

Their existence has no deeper meaning, they serve no purpose. They're just a coincidental byproduct of creating stars.

But you're one of us, and yet you walk among them like you're one of them. It's sickening. It's like a human crawling on the floor among cockroaches, pretending he is one.

You're getting one chance right here, right now. Join me. Let me teach you what being a God is all about."

Fenris looks at Ankhseram and then around him at the people who all look absolutely mortified. And one voice, one memory keeps replaying in his head. 'Always remember kid, your future is yours and no one else's. You decide your own path. That's the only way to reach me.'

"No, I'm not joining anybody. I'll decide who and what I become, not you." Fenris says, as he covers his body in a layer of aura and grows to meet his opponent's height at six meters tall.

"Wrong answer." Is all Ankhseram says before he covers his fists in an extremely thick and powerful aura and disappears from sight.

Fenris tries to put up his guard, but before his aura solidifies, Ankhseram's fist is firmly planted in his face, launching him straight through King's Landing and beyond.

The sheer force of the punch causes a shockwave that levels the entire capital to the ground, killing almost everyone.

Fenris is launched North across Westeros, over the Vale, flying right past the Eyrie coming down in Winterfell. He bounces off the ground once and then impacts the side of a mountain before he's lodged firmly into the enormous ice wall.

A journey of two thousand kilometers, made in two seconds.

Fenris tries to pull himself out of the wall, but the moment he does he's immediately met with another fist straight to his dislocated jaw.

The Wall is blown apart for miles and Fenris is launched halfway through The North Beyond The Wall.

The Wall ensured he wouldn't go too far this time as he crashes down right next to a large, beautiful tree that has no business growing in the frozen tundra.

Fenris sits up immediately, puts his hands on his chin and snaps his jaw back into place as some of the missing flesh of his face has already healed.

Not getting caught unaware a third time, still sitting on the ground, he raises his left hand as he channels an ungodly amount of his aura to create a barrier.

Immediately Ankhseram's fist slams into it, forming cracks all over.

Fenris gets up on one knee as he raises both hands and channels more aura into the barrier as Ankhseram keeps pounding his fists into it, slowly overpowering the barrier.

After a few seconds, when Fenris is fully healed, he carefully awaits his moment until Ankhseram rears back his fist and overloads it with his magical aura, aiming to shatter the shield.

Fenris times his move carefully and right as Ankhseram tries to punch the barrier one last time, he lowers it.

Not expecting to be met with no resistance, Ankhseram stumbles forward, providing Fenris with an opening.

Fenris grabs onto Ankhseram's arm and grapples him onto his back.

Ankhseram lies on the ground as Fenris snaps out his claws and fills them with aura and tries to stab Ankhseram in his chest.

Right at the last moment, Ankhseram disappears in a red mist and Fenris' claws stab into the ground.

The red mist reforms behind Fenris and grabs hold of his arms.

Ankhseram kicks the back of his knees, forcing Fenris down. He covers Fenris in a layer of his red magical aura to lock him firmly in place.

He then grabs Fenris' head and pulls it back so he's facing the sky and their eyes meet.

Ankhseram's eyes shine like two flawless red gemstones as he puts both his palms to Fenris' temples.

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Ankhseram's palms start to glow red as he starts extracting and absorbing Fenris' aura, the mix of red and blue creating a bright purple.

As he's locked in place by Ankhseram's aura and is getting his aura forcibly extracted, Fenris' mind is racing to find a way out of this.



Suddenly there's an explosion right next to Ankhseram's face.

He looks to the side to see a little girl whose skin is green and covered in patches of tree bark, distracting him just for a fraction of a second, but long enough for Fenrir to take action.

He grabs Ankhseram's hands and pulls them down in front of him. Fenris then overloads his entire body with as much aura as he can, overpowering the layer of energy from Ankhseram.

He grasps Ankhseram's hands as tight as possible, crushing them. Fenris then slams the back of his head in Ankhseram's face, causing him to stumble backwards.

Fenris stands up and turns around. Now free from Ankhseram's aura, Fenris summons all the hate and anger he can muster to the forefront of his mind and uses his enhancement to empower himself beyond his limits.

The thick, blue layer of aura covering his body starts to look and behave like a raging blue layer of fire.

Ankhseram wipes the blood off his nose and gathers his red aura around his fists.

He launches towards Fenris and launches a powerful punch.


The force of the punch causes a shockwave that rustles up a thick mist of snow.

As the snow settles down, Fenris is revealed holding Ankhseram's fist firmly in place as Ankhseram's eyes lose their red glow and slowly turn into normal red eyes.

A smile slowly forms on his face. "I underesti.." *BOOOM!*


Fenris punches Ankhseram into the ground and starts pummeling him. Punch after punch, causing an enormous crater to form.

After a while Fenris stops and snaps out his claws on both hands. He stabs them all in Ankhseram's chest and starts absorbing his aura.

After he's taken back everything Ankhseram had stolen earlier, suddenly a massively overpowering golden aura envelops Fenrir, pulls him off Ankhseram and holds him suspended in the air.

Fenris turns his head to see an elderly man standing next to him, covered in a golden aura.

"Sorry little brother, I can't let you kill him. Don't worry though, we were all ordered to stay away from you so he'll be answering to father for his disobedience."

"Stan Lee?" Fenris says, recognizing the God standing next to him.

"The One Above All, nice to meet you Fenris. You can call me Jack." Jack says as his face slowly changes to that of Jack Kirby.

He then lowers Fenris back to the ground and instead covers Ankhseram's unconscious body with aura before it teleports away in a golden light.

"Why did he come after me?" Fenris asks.

"First you ended the Volturi, then in Danmachi you ended the age of Gods and fighting monsters and ushered in a new age of invention and exploration. And with the guidance of the gods you left behind, they'll fare better than 99% of all worlds in existence.

You went to Doom and you saved most of humanity and then gave them what they needed to survive.

You have vastly improved conditions for humans on every world you've traveled to.

There are Gods out there in the Omniverse who, for example, create worlds just to harvest them, much like the Celestials from Earth-199999 in my Multiverse. Such Gods don't feel comfortable with the possibility of you taking over one day. They fear you'll end them.

But we cannot directly interfere."

"Why not?" Fenris asks.

"Because my father said so. Ankhseram went after you himself and broke my fathers command so now he'll be punished. But be careful, the ones who sent him didn't break any rules. They manipulated him into doing what they wanted, therefore they did not directly interfere.

For instance, when you come to my Multiverse I could send The Living Tribunal after you and I wouldn't be breaking any rules."

"Great, so how many want me dead?"

"Ohh, quite a few. And you wouldn't want to meet any of them yet. The reason they were able to send Ankhseram is because he was the weakest and youngest among them."

"That complicates things. I'll have to consider  the worlds I travel to more carefully from now on." Fenris says, thinking about his travel plans.

"No, you shouldn't. My advice? Keep doing what you're doing. Why do you think they feel threatened enough to send a Creator God after you?"

Fenris thinks about it for a second before it dawns on him. "They think I might be able to pull it off."

Jack just smiles and teleports away in a golden light. "Good luck Fenris. I've got a nice surprise waiting for you when you come to me."

Left alone, Fenris looks around. "What a mess."

He then walks over to a pile of rubble, and uses telekinesis to lift everything up, revealing six people the size of children, all with dark green skin covered in patches of tree bark.

They're all lying dead, huddled around an elderly man that was encased in tree roots.

"Please... help... them." The Three-eyed Raven says with his last breath.

Fenris covers the six children of the forest with aura and jolts them back to life.

They all sit up and look around to notice the huge God standing over them. They just look at him, petrified in fear and awe.

Fenris keeps looking at one of them in particular, the one who saved his life.

"What's your name?" Fenris asks her.

"Leaf." She says with a smooth, beautiful voice. It almost sounds like she's singing.

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