What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 10: V New Floors!!!

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After the adventurers had left, Misaki had spent her time playing with Reiko, until nightfall. Now that Reiko was asleep, Misaki started thinking about what she had learned about her since being forced to stay in her avatar. She hadn’t realized it before since she had been mostly ignoring the girl, but Reiko literally thrives on attention, especially skinship. Misaki was now looking at the girl's traits, again. “I wasn’t really looking at these the first time, but damn these are terrible, but is there really a need to force her to obey commands when that other trait makes her more loyal? I wonder if I could change or alter some of these. Well, I could ask Dewari,” thought Misaki.

Using her skill, to contact Dewari, Misaki asked her question. Since she wanted Reiko to have a little more freedom than the traits, gave her.

“Well, I could change those traits effects, but most of those will stay as they are.”

“I just want her to have a little more freedom to make her own decisions. As it is, I basically make all her decisions for her.”

“In that case, I’ll change the one trait so she could disobey your commands, if she wanted to,” said Dewari moments before cutting the link.

After that Misaki began thinking about what to do, with all her newfound DP, she didn’t have enough for everything she wanted, but she went ahead and bought the Lesser Lamia Demon she had wanted for 100 dp, then she used her demonic energy and a small amount of dp to unlock all the evolved forms for the monsters she had. With the evolved form unlocked, it now only required her monsters to be level 25 and a small amount of mana and demonic energy to evolve.

After that, she decided that she would need more floors in case someone got past her puzzles. First, she expanded the third floor making the caverns at the bottom stretch into a massive labyrinth, the upper walkways were expanded, and the jungle areas were added to the large caves built into the walls. She also spawned a number of Lamia Demons on the third floor. She left the first and second floor alone, continuing on and then started building her fourth floor.

It took hours to build the fourth floor, she made the stairs open up on an expansive jungle, in which she, hid a number of puzzles that must be solved in a certain order to activate a number of switches, so that the adventurers could open the door to the boss room. The jungle then lead to massive sky path, with dangerously narrow walkways, and an expansive labyrinth below. A difficult and rocky path, built into the side of a cliff led to the labyrinth below. The Labyrinth was made to be perfect with larger evolved Arachnids in mind, and in rooms throughout the labyrinth she placed spawning nests for demon girls and beastkin demons. On the floor above the sky paths, she built several caves high up for the Demonic Harpies to nest in. In the Jungle, she built a number of nests for the larger evolved Lamia Demons and Arachnids. She also built and placed a few villages and ruins in the jungle where you could encounter demon girls and Beastkin Demons.

With the fourth floor done, she then moved on to the fifth floor, which was mostly the same as the fourth floor. Except it was larger and she placed a lake on the east side of the floor with a river that led to the sky paths, with a waterfall into the labyrinth below. And on the other side of the sky path, she built an imposing demonic castle into the cliffs. It was almost daytime when the floors were finally done, so she moved on and began adding traps, taking full advantage of a skill she had picked up when she had made the puzzles. The skill was called Trap Designer and allowed her to design her own traps without using dp to get them.

The sun was just rising when she finished trapping her new floors, she briefly considered building more, but decided that she should save her dp, and that five floors would be enough for now. Then she went over the fortifications of the castle that now housed her core room and the dungeon’s residential area. On the towers she had placed ballistas, that could be manned, aimed, and fired by a crew of demons, while having enough range and accuracy to hit targets on the other side of the sky paths. The ballistas could launch a bolt every two minutes, and dealt 5000 damage a hit, so adventures would have to be careful In addition to the occasional missile being launched at them, they would have to contend with aerial attacks from the harpies, and the narrow walkways made reaching the core difficult. Especially since the adventures would also have to find all the puzzles, on the floor and solve them in order to open the castle gates, which would lead them to the castle courtyard that served as the boss room. Looking over the defenses she found herself quite happy with her work and then pushed herself off the core room floor.

Misaki walked down the corridor towards the bedroom she had built last night for Reiko and herself. Opening the door she checked on Reiko who was still sleeping, then headed out to look at her floor from a human perspective and to also get a better look at the evolved demons. As she entered the castle’s dining hall she had made, she came across one of the evolved demons she had summoned as staff for her castle. She was a demon girl and she was wearing an erotic maid outfit, with a very short skirt and exposed midriff section. The demon girl appeared to be young but older than her lesser cousin, with a well-developed chest for her age and erotic figure. Her horns were also a bit larger than those of her lesser cousin and her red eyes seemed more intelligent.

Misaki smiled at the demon and then walked past and entered the kitchen were she got a closer look at a trio of beastkin demons. Two of them were catgirls and the other was a wolf girl. Like the demon girl she passed they were wearing erotic maid outfits, the only difference was that there was a hole for their tail. They also looked a lot like the demon girl appearing to be around the same age, but there was plenty of individual difference as well between the individuals. The wolf girl was downright bust with sharp red eyes that seemed to pierce through you, while the catgirls both had small busts. The catgirl on the left appeared to have an almost flat chest and was shorter than the others too. As for the other cat girl, she was very well built and had a slightly larger bust. Misaki spoke briefly with the kitchen staff before heading down towards her courtyard. At the gate into the courtyard Misaki, passed the other two demon types she had both the evolved forms. 

On the left was the Arachnid demon. She appeared to be quite young, she had a pair of small horns sprouting from her head, and long hair that fell to her waist. Her spider half was black, while her human half had tan skin. She had a beautiful figure that drew the eye and a developed bust. The Lamia demon on the right was coiled on a long tail with red and green scales. She also appeared to be young, but like the other demons, her figure was more developed than the norm for the age. Her eyes were a beautiful red and her hair was a matching red with green streaks. Two small horns could be seen poking out from her hair. The only thing the guards were wearing was a simple leather bra.

Misaki spoke briefly with the two guards, before heading out of the castle. After passing the boss which was a well-rounded party of demons, with above floor average levels and boosted health pools, she headed out the castle’s main gate to explore the floor.

From her own eyes, she found the floor looked much bigger than it did from her dungeon sight, and the path was a bit more difficult to walk across then she had thought, which for her was a good thing, the adventures not so much. The thundering waterfall on the other side was impressive, especially the rainbow formed by the light hitting the mist and spray created by the waterfall.  From her vantage point, she had a great view of the second lake that had formed under the waterfall. Looking at the lake she thought something was missing, and then hit her what was. Opening the store she bought a few species of fish and aquatic plants then added them to the water. Then she moved on and crossed the sky paths to reach the jungle, where she spent some time exploring and changing things, she noticed to make it better. She even designated a few of the villages as safe zones, which she was happy to find allowed her to place friendly monsters in them and that if a friendly monster was attacked the attacking adventurer is kicked out of the dungeon, for violating safe zone rules.

You are about to designate a safe zone. All monsters in zone will automatically be converted to friendly monsters. The following rules will be in effect.

No combat is allowed to take place in the zone, any adventurer attempting to initiate combat in the zone is automatically kicked out of the dungeon.

Dungeon Creatures are not allowed to attack adventures while in safe zone.

All monsters in the zone will be friendly and can render services to adventurers.

All services rendered in the safe zone generate resources for the dungeon based on the service.

Adventures will recover 50% faster while in zone

Damaging dungeon effects are canceled while in zone.

Do note that all non-damaging magics are allowed.

Additional rules may be added if Dungeon Law is purchased.

Having established the safe zones, she quickly made sure all the services she could think of were available in the zone, since she could think of a number of ways to take advantage of the fact that services rendered generate resources. She found that when she established a service in the safe zone a blue box would show up and tell her what resource it would generate. For example, when she decided to place a brothel, the box told her it would generate demonic energy.

Once she was satisfied with her floor she headed back to her castle. When she got there she found that Reiko was awake and that Dewari had already changed that one trait, only to quickly regret asking for the trait change, when Reiko dragged her into the bath. During the bath she was slightly surprised when she saw Reiko remove her clothes before dragging her in.

“I thought your traits meant you couldn’t remove your clothes.”

“I can, but not permanently, my outfit will teleport right back on me after an hour, and if I try to put clothes on they immediately fall to the ground unless you change my clothes,” replied Reiko as she suddenly started washing Misaki from behind.

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“Hey, stop that I can wash myself,” said Misaki.

“As a girl, you need to wash yourself better,” replied Reiko as she continued to wash Misaki despite her protests. Misaki squirmed a bit at first, but then the washing began to feel good in a strange way. Which made squirm more, but Reiko’s grip was firm and she couldn’t escape. Then when Reiko was finally done washing her, she was suddenly kissed. She was so surprised that she just froze. A few minutes later she got Reiko out of the bath, dressed her and then ran to her room, thinking, “There’s no way, I can play with Reiko like that not with this body.”

Name: Misaki

Race: True Demonic Dungeon

Level: 11

EXP: 53500/112000

Health(HP): 153600/153600

Health Regeneration: 8000/ min

Shields: 51200/51200

Shield Regeneration: 5000/min

Mana Generation: 350/ hour

M ATK: 110

Defense: 110

Resist: 110

Name: Misaki

Rank: E

Race: True Demonic Dungeon

Alignment: Lust Circle

Mana (MP): 15040

DP: 1315

Demonic Energy: 1250

Floors: 5

Rooms: 10, 16 (26), 48, 102 (176)

Monsters: 1129

Monster Types: 10

Slaves/Pets: Reiko Stormwind (pet)

Traps: 2281

Trap Types: 18

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