What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 101: LXXIII Carol’s Dive/Melisa’s Continuing Corruption

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While Carol was on the first floor playing with the two lesser demons that guard the first room, Melisa was still down in the depths of the dungeon. She was still on the beaches that Meira had taken her to, and to her discomfort, she was also still unclothed. What bothered her more was the fact that she was starting to get used to the feeling of being unclothed. At the moment she was standing on the shore of the largest beach on the north side of the island. Clinging to her from behind was Meira, and honestly, she was trying not to think about what she was doing.

Her mind was mostly on these secrets that Meira had mentioned. Secrets that she had not yet revealed. The beach itself was kind of nice, with large stretches of smooth sand and calm waters. All around her naked swimmers were enjoying the water, a few naked demons were lounging on the sand, watching younger demons playing in the sand. A pair of young girls were using a bit of earth magic to build a large gorgeous castle out of sand to the left. Not far from the pair of girls a slightly larger trio was building a miniature town out of wet sand. There was, in fact, a distinct lack of men on the beach. In fact, there was not a single man or even a young boy in any direction she looked.

Not that that was unusual. Male demons in the lust circle were very rare, and often only found in the lower ranks. This dungeon had also avoided the species in which male demons could occur, and given that she was the first adventurer to reach this level that meant it would be weird to spot a male here. In a way, this part of the beach felt very peaceful. Idly she listened to Meira describe the wonders of the beach, while she watched the cute demon girls playing in the sand. A part of her imagining what they would look like in ribbons. Just ribbons, as she wasn’t even thinking of putting them in a cute dress and showing them around the town for everyone to see like she normally would. Instead, she was fantasizing about dressing them up in cute colorful and frilly ribbons. Then showing them around the town for everyone to appreciate.

Carol shifted her fingers slightly and the demon girl in her lap moaned in pleasure. A sticky fluid leaked from her crotch and the girl shuddered in pleasure. Very much enjoying the petting session, the demoness just leaned back and enjoyed the contact after her orgasm ended. She didn’t even protest the fact that Carol had stopped petting her. The young demon was deeply satisfied with what she had already been given.

After enjoying the contact for a minute or two, she spoke up. “I haven’t seen your friend, but she often skips our floor to go a bit deeper. I did hear some gossip about an adventurer having a run-in with the wandering boss Susan, and her friend Tina. The adventurer’s description sounds a lot like your friend’s. It happened on the fifth floor, so I suggest going there to look for more clues.”

Carol smiled and thanked the girl. Then she gave the girl a bit of a reward before leaving her a mewling mess. Her friend was in a similar state, but they were lust demons. She knew they would recover quickly enough, and that the dungeon would protect them while they were in this state. Leaving the room she headed for the gate to the fifth floor. Having been there before she could skip directly to the floor, and she was already thinking about where to go first. The guild building seemed to be a good idea. Melisa very well might have stopped there first, and if not they likely knew her normal hangouts on the floor. Carol hoped they would be able to point her in the right direction. As she walked, she used a small item in her pocket to clean the sticky fluids from her lap.

Misaki bounced her baby a little, the other one she was caring for at the moment was curled up beside her. This one wanted a little attention, and she was giving it. While also keeping an eye on Carol entering her dungeon. She already knew why she was going into the dungeon, and was already considering helping her out. Checking in on Susan and Tina, she found the two in Tina’s room enjoying each other. She had looked in at just the right moment to see the mischievous goddess orgasm. Her lust demon side told her to keep watching, but she had other priorities and pulled her attention away from the two having fun.

Checking elsewhere she found that the adventurers turned maids Thomas and Amy were enjoying a meal. Both were showing but she knew it would be a few more months before they gave birth. She noticed they were arguing, but that was normal. So she didn’t give them much more thought either, a quick check-in on a certain dwarf turned antgirl, and she found her playing with an adventurer who had gotten caught in a trap on the seventh floor. The poor girl wasn’t the only one caught in the trap, and it seemed the other members of the party were passed out, strange fluids leaking from their crotches. Misaki noted this as briefly interesting, and turned her attention to the fifth floor.

Carol was just about to enter the guild building, and entering through the backdoor with a very satisfied demoness was the half-naked elf responsible for the sub guild. Irina’s top was currently missing, and as such her chest was on full display, and so were her panties. She was however still wearing her skirt, and she was giving off a very sexy, but satisfied vibe. Both herself and the demoness were coated in sticky fluids. It seemed that since she last remembered to look in on the sub-guild’s master the elf had finally given in to what the demons on the floor wanted from her. Misaki actually felt a bit of satisfaction seeing that, and shifted in her cushions.

At that same moment, Phyllis entered the room looking very tired. Without a word, she walked right past her, and settled next to the other pair of newborns she was primarily responsible for. Misaki wasn’t as affected by exhaustion, but she knew that the effort of caring for their new babies was very tiring for Phyllis. She had actually looked through her dungeon store for anything that could help, and had bought a spell. It was supposed to help the target relax, and sleep better. As Phyllis was drifting off, she cast it on her. Being cautious she restricted the amount of mana she gave the spell, to keep its effects mild. Almost instantly it seemed to help her fall asleep faster, but that may have been the exhaustion.

Misaki turned her attention back to Carol. While simultaneously communicating the info she needs to the demon that Irina had brought back with her. Of course, simply telling Carol that she needed to reach the fourteenth floor was one thing. Misaki actually kind of wanted her to succeed, as she wanted Melisa back before Phyllis really started asking questions and she had to tell her. Using her dungeon view, she began looking around thinking of ways she could help, without being too obvious. Then her attention was drawn elsewhere a new group of people had entered her domain, and while most barely gained her attention for more than a second or two. This group had a much higher average level than most.

With Carol momentarily forgotten, she began to study the group entering her sphere of influence. It was a party of four, and they seemed to be quite close to each other. It also did not escape her notice that two of them were pregnant. Although it would likely be a few more weeks before they started showing. Her attention was first drawn to the only member who wasn’t an elf. She was an Arachne, and also the smallest person in the group. The small spider girl was entirely nude, which made her silver and gold carapace stand out all the more to her. As Misaki studied the girl, she shifted on her many legs causing her exposed chest to bounce. A chest that seemed pretty decent to Misaki. Especially since she seemed to be better equipped than the two female elves in the group.

Shifting her attention away from the spider, she looked over the only male of the group, who had a figure that was rather rare for an elf. He was very muscular with a well-defined body, and he stood at about two meters. He had a few scars visible on his exposed face. He was wearing some pretty heavy plate armor, but his helm was currently hanging from a belt on his waist, and he had a rather impressive sword sitting in its sheathe. Overall he seemed rather relaxed and was happily chatting with his party. Walking behind him to his left was an elven woman, that Misaki easily concluded must be his sister. Her hair was of a softer shade of light green than her brother’s and she had it in a cute side tail. The young woman was wearing a lovely set of healer’s robes that fit tightly enough to accentuate her decent figure while still leaving a good chunk to the imagination. Her modest chest was on the larger side of average for an elf. She was very cute, and Misaki just wanted to see her naked.

Standing right next to her was a petite elf in the clothing of a mage. Her light blue robes weren’t exactly fastened properly, and as a result, every once in a while they would shift giving any onlooker a good view of her bare breasts. She had a small but cute set, and Misaki concluded that the girl enjoyed having them seen. The small elf hid it well, but her dungeon insights allowed her to detect the brief surge of arousal the girl got each time she caught someone looking. In fact, she seemed to be deliberately making an effort to make it look like she didn’t like being seen. Once or twice she even noticed how the girl moved deliberately in a fashion that resulted in someone being flashed with either her bare breasts or privates.

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Curious as to what brought a high-level group like this to her part of the woods, she began to eavesdrop on their conversation. A useful skill for a dungeon, and one she often made ready use of. She often spied on new adventurers. Speaking of people she was regularly spying on that spineless high priest that seems to command the human Church of Light. Well, what was left of it, anyway. He was having trouble putting together a new party. With time running out on his quest he was actually considering entering her halls himself. Although little progress had been made on that front.

Realizing she had drifted off, she refocused on the conversation, and heard something juicy. The small elf mage said, “Hey, do you think Phil would be surprised to see us?”

“Well, sure he would. I’m certainly looking forward to getting reacquainted with him.”

The spider girl muttered, “Speaking of Phil, you still haven’t told me the story yet.” She seemed unhappy about not knowing whatever this story was. The spider girl also seemed to be watching the slightly larger petite elf girl, and had an almost knowing smirk. It seemed to her that she had seen through her little mask. A mask that seems a little tight to the point that even the girl wearing it was not entirely aware of what was under it. A mask that Misaki wanted to tear away. A small but growing part of her wanted to corrupt the small elf, and see her fully give in to the desires she was trying to hide.

While part of her was lost in fantasy she continued to listen to their conversation. To make a long conversation short she was able to glean that they had business at the guild. Nothing big, but they figured that while they were there that they would try and meet with Phyllis. Although their information seemed a little out of date, it seems no one had told them that she was now a girl. Nor had anyone told them that she was bonded to the dungeon, ie her, and most importantly they didn’t know she now had children. Misaki stretched carefully. The infant in her arms had finally fallen asleep, but an instinct was telling her it was a bad idea to put her down.

Slipping out of the cushions, she made sure the infant’s sister was comfy, and quietly left the room. Her dress was a little out of place, but she didn’t feel the need to fix it, and she wanted to meet these newcomers. Maybe she could learn a bit about some of her favorite person’s former friends. A part of her was hoping for a chance to corrupt the small one, and she barely even thought of the two siblings. Thankfully they were still at the guild building, so it was not a long walk to the front. She found that the only one manning the front desk was as usual Sarah. Who seemed to be paying more attention to the girl mewling in her lap. It was quite cute honestly, and it briefly reminded Misaki that she needed to check in on Carol. Hopefully, before Phyllis found out, but first she needed to get rid of this party.

Phyllis needed as much sleep as she could get. Especially given that the little ones weren’t letting them get much. Right now while it was peaceful was the best time for her to catch up on much-needed rest.

Sarah noticed her enter the room and shifted a bit. Before speaking up, and consequently revealing that she still paid some attention to the room at large. “Hey, Misaki! Do you need something, or are you just walking around?”

“No, but a few high-level adventurers are heading this way, and it seems at least a couple of them knew Phyllis when she was still a he. I wanted to say hello, and turn them away myself. Phyllis is rather tired and I wanted to let her sleep.”

“OH! Well, in that case, Airi be a dear and go fetch Misaki here a chair.”

Seeming a bit disappointed, she slipped out of the elf’s lap, and made her way out of the room. However, it did not escape Misaki’s notice that she was about to cum when Sarah sent her to get a chair. Nor did the small stain in the elf’s lap escape her notice. The elf was actually quite dangerous in her own way, especially with her obsession with petting cute girls.

Airi did not take long to come back with a chair, and she set it down near the desk where Sarah had pointed. As Misaki settled into the basic, but decently comfy wooden chair, she quietly watched as the girl eagerly returned to the elf’s lap. Mentally she concluded that Airi was clearly happy with her new life, and likely would be hesitant to return to her old one. Even if she had been given an opportunity to do so.

Finally, the front door swung open, and four figures entered the quiet building. It was a slow hour, so they would not have to wait. The man whose name she had not yet caught, led the group towards the desk, but it did not escape her notice with how he looked at her. It seemed she was his type, and the baby on her lap was not a turn-off. He seemed interested in her. A fact that was going to add a bit of complication, since well, he wasn’t her type. His sister, on the other hand, was already glaring at her, and seemed to have noticed how he was looking at her. It seemed she was looking at her as if she was a potential rival. While the remaining pair had rather smug attitudes, and she quickly connected the dots. They were both pregnant with his child. A natural recipe for disaster. She smiled to herself, maybe this encounter would be a little more interesting than she thought. Now she really wanted to corrupt these people in front of her. Before they could even talk to Sarah, she introduced herself...

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