What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 104: LXXVI A Crashing World

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Thanton just smiled lewdly and jumped off. Deliberately stretching in a way to draw attention to her naked breasts, she replied, “it was worth a try.” Glancing down at herself, she then said, “Guess Lily has never met this version of me. It might be fun, and maybe now that you have stopped wearing clothes again. Perhaps you could let her go to school the way she actually wants to be dressed.”

Confused Ivy tilted her head, and asked, “huh? What are you talking about?”

Thanton shook her head, and said, “I kinda suspected that you hadn’t noticed. Just look at the window, and pay attention to the kids. Tell me what do you see?”

Ivy looked out the window and then replied, “Naked Demon girls walking to school. What about it?”

“Keyword there. Naked. All of her friends walk around in the nude, and she is the only one with clothing here. Now tell me, how do you think that makes Lily feel?”

Ivy was silent for a few moments, and it was quite evident by the way her eyes widened when she figured out what Thanton was hinting at. Glancing at her feet, “A little awkward maybe?”

Thanton huffed, “Try more than awkward. Our little girl really wants to fit in with the locals. I know you haven’t noticed, but she tends to take her clothes off as soon as she gets to school.”

Ivy’s eyes widened further, and she started muttering to herself. Thanton sighed, she had known her wife would not take the news well. It seemed she would need a little time to reorganize her thoughts, but at least it wasn’t the screaming kind of denial. Thanton pulled her close and began to gently stroke her hair. A part of Thanton was tempted to do something more, but felt now wasn’t the time. Instead, she merely waited for her wife to calm down.

Thanton wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but eventually, Ivy was focusing on Thanton, and asking, “How long has she been doing this?”

“I’m not sure, but I first noticed a few months ago.”

Ivy immediately looked crestfallen, and cried, “I’m a terrible mother!”

Thanton shook her head and soothed her gently. This was going to take awhile. There were plenty of other things Thanton wanted to do. Many of which were far more enjoyable, but she knew this needed to be done. Perhaps she should have talked to Ally or Vivi first. Vivi being her nickname for Violet Then again those two should be at the market right now buying groceries. Although they had been a little concerned when Ivy had come home stark naked following Lily who was prancing around in her underwear.

Elsewhere in the dungeon, a young dwarf turned antgirl named Lilia was happily looking at a screen. One of her legs was broken, her carapace dented and scratched and she was even bleeding. However, none of that mattered to her. It had taken some time adapting to being an antgirl, but she had adapted. Even better, she was starting to earn some pretty good experience here. She had often taken to playing the wandering boss, and she had wiped out a few parties. Although a couple had killed her before, but that was a nice thing about this dungeon. Death was only temporary.

Focusing on the window, she felt a rush of pleasure as she read it again, and finally decided to do something.


You have reached the maximum level currently allowed for your race!

Would you like to evolve, now?

Note: this is your last free evolution, all further evolutions will require a Trial of Ascension

Note: if you haven’t chosen a path by next time you rest a forced evolution will occur.

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With a big grin on her face the Antgirl, mentally shouted, “YES!!!”

The window cared not for her excitement. Instead, it simply closed and she was greeted with another one.

Initiating Evolution

Identifying Current Race

Race: Antgirl Princess

Several Special Conditions have been met, new evolutions are available!

Generating list:

She had actually expected to see the Hive queen thing show up for her. Antgirls had a bit of a hierarchy, and since she had no colony she had the option to evolve into a Hive queen. Hive Queens were better than normal queens with a more commanding presence and a more powerful reproductive ability. While retaining a decently strong body. Her current race of princess also meant she could only evolve into a queen. Hive queens were a special evolution for Antgirls and only one could exist in a colony while any number of queens could live in said colony. Considering that she didn’t have a colony to join that meant she would need to start one, and upon doing that she would likely undergo a forced lateral evolution into a hive queen anyway. So it did not take her much of a thought process to eliminate options one and three. That left her with options two and four, and she took only a moment longer before making her choice.

She lived in a lust dungeon, and she had a feeling that option four was the best for her. The young antgirl was not sure about being a demon, but it felt like the option she was meant to take. She paused only for a moment to sneak into a hidden tunnel, that the new dungeon laws ensured only residents could use and selected her choice. Almost immediately she could feel a soothing energy, as her mind wandered into darkness. As she fell into darkness, she considered that she would need to talk to her master about where she can set up her future nest. Her colony to be.

Aya tossed the towel to the side and glanced into the mirror. In it, she saw herself as she really was for the first time. Before she had not really registered herself as she had been trying to deny what Rumina had done to her. Her hair was a bit of an unbrushed mess, but reflected in the mirror was a young and rather naked dark elf girl. Well Lesser Dark Elf, but she hoped to change that soon. It was rare for a sapient to have a free evolution outside of monster races, but that was because it was unheard of for a sapient to be born with the Lesser appellation attached. It was often found attached to people who have earned a god’s disfavor. Unfortunately because of that same disfavor, she would have to pass a Trial of Ascension. 

However, she was working hard to fix her current disfavor with the gods. Mostly to please her mistress. Someone she was beginning to see as a mother figure, and because of that, she wanted her approval. Aya was finding herself much happier now that she had stopped trying to resist her mistress. She still had her own wants of course, and she still missed solid food. However, everything became so much easier, and she had been finding herself with ever-increasing amounts of free time. Today she had even managed to finish today’s lessons early. Thanks to that, Mistress had promised her a visit to the city. A part of her had hoped that meant a little clothing, but it hadn’t. On the other hand, she realized it might be awkward for her to wear clothes. Especially since she had never worn any in this life. Grabbing a brush, she started to straighten her hair out.

As for why she wasn’t getting clothes. It turned out that there was a decent nudist population above. Most of them were beastkin, who had a general dislike for heavy clothing. Most beastkin prefer to wear little to no clothing. Although they have no problems with wearing heavy armor. Many of them understand the value of a good set of armor, afterall. However, they had also apparently experienced a rise in other races, most notably humans going around with little to no clothing. Something the church of light was not pleased about, but apparently their influence had waned a bit as of late. The Dark Church she was technically a member of, however, was growing in influence. In fact, they were even acting more openly than they had in the past.

Not that any of this really mattered to her. Aya just wanted to see the outside and was even hoping that she might get to fight something again. She had been practicing her new skills, but she really needed to get into a fight to further her understanding of them. Not to mention she was kind of hoping for a level. She needed those if she ever wanted to evolve and get rid of the damn Lesser appellation. Especially since it meant she was weaker than a normal Dark Elf of the same level and apparent age.

Finally happy with her hair, she dismissed her current line of thinking, and hurried out the door. Her mistress was waiting for her, and before she could really process it. She was led through a number of corridors and out of the temple.

What greeted her was a slightly crowded street, an open if rather overcast sky, and some old buildings. The architecture was familiar to her, even if she had only been in this city once during her last life. She finally realized she had never gotten the name of the city she was in before. Now however she was very glad that she had not run away from the Dark Church. A naked girl wandering these streets alone was very likely to find herself a slave before the day was out.

Not that she really cared about it much now. She had her mistress to protect her, and she knew vampires could be quite protective of what they considered theirs. Be it family, their clan, or their slaves. It was all something they would fiercely defend. She wasn’t exactly sure where she ranked in her mistress’s book, but she knew that it didn’t matter. The knowledge of how fiercely protective vampires were made her feel safer in her presence.

So she looked around. The sun wasn’t really out, thanks to the clouds, but she knew her mistress’s outfit was weaved with sun protection to keep her from getting a sunburn. She noticed a couple of naked girls walking the street, and a few barely clothed beastkin here. There were also a few humans that were either naked or barely clothed, but they seemed to be trying to attract attention and were hanging out in front of a building. The sign above the door was old but well maintained. It proclaimed the place as an inn, tavern, and brothel all in one.

She didn’t pay it much mind and then looked back toward the entrance to the temple. It turned out to be a large, but rather unassuming stone building. Given the influence the church of light used to have here, that did not shock her much. Mistress was waving her along, so she rushed to follow. All the while enjoying the sights. She did notice some of the buildings looked far newer than they should for this part of the city, but she did not think much on it. Instead she chose to enjoy this outing to its fullest and not mind the odd details.

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