What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 106: LXXVIII Discussing Nests II

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Thomas stepped into the guild and found it was moderately busy. Thankfully it wasn’t too busy, and she was able to get someone to show her the way to her master without too much trouble. It turned out that Misaki was a bit busy. She and her mate, along with someone Thomas had not met, were taking care of a few infants. Apparently it was time to change their diapers. Thomas stayed at the door for a moment or two before proceeding into the room.

It did not take long for her to get Misaki’s attention. Misaki looked up from what she was doing, and with a little bit of surprise asked, “Thomas! What brings you here?”

She adjusted herself slightly, and replied, “Lilia has something to talk with you about. I’m not entirely sure what it is about, but I got her to say it has something to do with nests.”

Misaki looked thoughtful for a moment, and then her eyes brightened with recognition. “Oh, yes. The dwarf turned antgirl. I almost forgot about her. So she has something to talk with me about. I guess she felt sending you would draw less attention.”

Thomas nodded, and said, “That is what I gathered, as well.”

Misaki sighed, “I guess I will have to talk to her.”

Phyllis suddenly spoke up, “If you are going out, could you look for Melisa? She has been gone too long, and I am starting to get worried.”

Misaki nodded, and said, “Sure, I have an idea where I might find her.”

Then Misaki turned back to Thomas and said, “Let’s go!”

Thomas led the way, and about halfway down the corridor, she asked with a frown, “Don’t you know where she is?”

Misaki nodded, and replied, quietly, “Thanks to a certain someone she is on Floor fourteen. Undergoing a very rare ritual. The same kind of ritual your sister is participating in. I just didn’t say anything because I did not want to worry Phyllis. She has enough to worry about already.” Pausing, she sighed, “Then again, she is likely to worry when I get her back.”

Curious she asked Misaki why that is, and Misaki started to tell her only to stop mid-sentence and then say, “It might be best not to say anything. You will find out when you see her.”

Thomas did not say anything as she followed her down the hall. However, she did not like the sound of that. It made her think something bad was going on, and she really had to wonder what was going on with her sister, and by extension Melisa.

Meanwhile, Melisa was lying on the sand of the beach entirely naked. Meira was not far away, and she could hear her enjoying the water. Her mind was finally coming back to herself, and she noticed she had a couple of new notifications. Notifications she read through quickly before dismissing. She sighed as she propped herself into a sitting position. The young woman finally understood why Meira had been acting so horny after she got here. She had been planning this.

She just was not sure what to say about it. As she didn’t really feel like she could control that demoness. Then she noticed the glowing pink fluid slowly leaking from her pussy. Having read her notification she already had a good idea of what that fluid was. So rather than freak, she instead cleaned it up. At least how it happened had been enjoyable. She still needed to have a talk with Meira, but she was feeling rather tired. Given what just happened, she wasn’t surprised that she was exhausted.

Shifting her position to standing, she had to take a moment to steady herself. Then she looked towards Meira and decided that she would confront the demoness later. She was too tired to bother with that at the moment. Instead, she called out to the swimming demon and asked her to show her back to the inn.

Thomas stepped out of the tunnel and looked around. She had not really been in this part of the dungeon, but she couldn’t exactly stop and stare. Still, she managed to notice a few things as she followed Misaki towards a town. The sea air was quite evident, but she had heard that the fourteenth floor was an island floor. So the sea air was rather expected. It was also rather bustling with demons of all types. Many of which were going around either nude or lightly dressed. It was a rather normal sight for her though, but she did notice the aquatic demons moving about. Their tentacles allowed them to move on land, even if they were best suited to the water.

They easily moved through the paths and onto the streets of the town. As they walked, Thomas started wondering where they were going. So she asked Misaki about that. Misaki turned about and while walking backwards answered, “Well, we are heading for the inn. I plan to make a brief stop there, and then we will go on to my castle to talk with Lilia about nests.”

“The inn? It’s the middle of the day, why are we going there?”

“To pick up a certain someone that Phyllis asked me to find. She is there now, taking a midday nap.”

Thomas frowned, and asked, “Why is she taking a nap in the middle of the day.”

Misaki was walking forwards again at this point and vaguely answered the question. Thomas was still confused and was now left wondering how an orgy factored into all this. She figured she would find out eventually, and decided to not ask any more questions.

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The rest of their walk was uneventful. Although she did notice a couple of younger demons in an alley that were clearly experimenting with sex for the first time. She had become very good at telling demon ages lately, so she knew they were a little too young to be doing that. Thomas would have done something, but another demon who clearly knew them was already interfering. So she had ignored that scene.

At the inn, they were met by an Aquatha who seemed to have known they were coming. She introduced herself as Meira. Meira smiled happily after introducing herself, and said, “I’m so happy to get a chance to meet you, Mother. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Misaki settled into a chair that another demon had politely brought her without a word, and answered, “Melisa, who I see you have become quite attached to. Phyllis asked me to find her. Needless to say, I do not want to tell her that she was on my fourteenth floor.”

Meira leaned forward slightly and gave a lewd smile. “Oh yes! She is quite fun and I have greatly enjoyed corrupting her. I think I only need a couple more days to get her to fall completely. That initiation ritual may have been a little early, but I think it will help.”

Misaki sighed, and Thomas had a feeling that Meira had really jumped a gun, “I guess I can’t fault you for following your instincts. Can you collect her? I am going to take her with me when I go back to the surface, and I guess I will bring you along.”

“Please do! I just hope her home has enough water for me.”

Misaki leaned back and said, “Not really, and I did hear a few people were looking for better sources of freshwater. I guess I can kill two birds with a single stone. But first I will need to get some permission from local leaders. I think a nice lake will look good up there.”

Meira lit up and said, “That sounds lovely, maybe you should change the entire town up there so it is sitting on a lake.”

Thomas shook her head, and Misaki slapped herself in that face before giving the demoness an odd look. “That might be a good idea for a floor, but I don’t think any of them would like that change. Not to mention a change that big would require getting all the residents to agree with it. The gods and their rules and all that.”

Meira gave a slightly disappointed look, and responded, “Well it was worth a shot. I’ll go get her and we can go.”`

She disappeared down a hall so quickly that Thomas watched her a little surprised how quickly the little aquatic demon could move on land. She came back with a sleeping woman that seemed a little familiar. Thomas was not sure but she had the feeling that they had met at least once before. The demon had her wrapped in a blanket and comfortably resting in her tentacles.

Thomas was actually a little impressed, but Misaki said nothing. She merely extracted herself from her chair and started moving out the door. Misaki also signaled that she wanted them to follow her. She moved to follow but also asked why Melisa was asleep.

The demoness gave an odd smile before replying, “I did not feel like waking her, and she needs her sleep.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” said Thomas as she moved to follow.

Misaki dismissed Thomas as soon as she got to her castle, and then went to find Lilia. Fortunately, that did not take long to do. As she turned out to be waiting in the Throne room. Misaki settled into the Throne and asked, “Thomas said that you needed to speak with me about nests.”

She nodded, just as Misaki felt a familiar presence. However, she saw no sign of the being she normally associated with this feeling. Before she could think on it, Lilia was talking. “I recently evolved, and I am now a hive queen. That means I need to start a nest, but right now there aren’t any floors suited for building a nest in.”

Misaki leaned back and asked, “So you want me to design a floor so you can build your nest?”

She confirmed that, and Misaki asked, “Alright what do you have in mind?”

Lilia seemed to take a deep breath, and then she began her proposition. “It will need to be fairly large. A vast forest floor filled with monsters and animals. Dotted with clearings and even a few safe zone towns. Maybe even a lake or river to give it some natural beauty and to provide water for its denizens. Near the center of the floor will be where my future colony will make its nest, a massive anthill that provides entrance to a series of tunnels that will serve as the dwellings of my colony. The tunnels will need to be extensive, but you don’t have to carve them all out yourself, my daughters will be able to expand them as we need.”

Misaki could already picture the floor and leaned forward interested. Lilia was more talkative than normal, but she took that as a sign of how important this was to her. Before long the two were deep in conversation on the details of the floor. Even the rules and laws the floor would have. Along with what the colony will need to thrive and the challenges the floor would pose to adventurers. Antgirls could be very tough to defeat, especially in numbers. So getting past them to the next floor could easily prove to be difficult. Finding the right balance and ruleset proved to be what took the most time. Fortunately, they were able to come to a consensus on how adventurers would pass the floor, and Misaki had come to the conclusion that it would need to be a combo floor, just like 11,12, and 13 were. In this case, she would only need two floors of space to get it right.

At the same time that they were having this discussion. Another was taking place on the surface. A discussion that would prove to be rather important.

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