What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 112: LXXXIV A Changed Prince and the Drake Heritage

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She sighed, “I was quite serious, Kuron. She really did go into the dungeon, but it might be better if you stayed up here for the night. Maybe get some new clothes, and wait for that debuff you got to wear off.”

Kuron’s face frowned, “Huh? What are, you ...” she trailed off as she began to notice her own lack of clothing. Her eyes went wide, and she froze.

Misaki idly scratched her cheek, “You just respawned, and only now you realized you were naked?”

She got no response, so she waved her hand in front of the other girl’s face. Again no response. With a sigh, she lifted the larger girl onto her back, and made her way into town. Absently glad that her avatar came with a decent set of stats. The why of that had taken some digging, but apparently her avatar is like a final boss, in addition to its other functions. In the core room, her avatar receives bonuses to stats that make her as strong as a level 150 Demon Girl right now. Out here on the surface, she is about level eighty. Strong enough to protect herself from most, but still weaker than Phyllis. Although she had wished she had found out earlier, but it was one of the things the system did not tell you. A list that was proving to be rather extensive.

Anyway there was no way, she was just going to leave her stunned in the middle of the street. That was just asking for trouble. Kuron being a former prince would be offended if she did that, and it would be worse if someone took advantage of her. Besides it served no purpose to let her be taken advantage of out here, and something inside her just did not like the idea of leaving her here. She briefly considered just dropping her off at an inn, but decided against that. Having her closer at hand may present a few good opportunities to corrupt her. Besides she must like being nude given that she had not even noticed or something. Misaki was going to figure that out.

It was a little awkward at first, carrying a larger girl on her back, but she had a handle on it pretty quickly, after Meira stabilized Kuron with a tentacle. Melisa looked at Misaki with confusion but chose not to say anything. Having decided not to drop Kuron off at the inn, Misaki first looked into the guild with her dungeon sight, and found that Phyllis had left with the kids. She had known what her mate was thinking recently, so she quickly checked the house and found them all there. With Phyllis in the bedroom slumped on the floor and entirely naked. Something was up, but she wanted to get on her way. Feeling she could ask later, she started towards their home. Although, she was thinking that it might be about time to convince Phyllis to move into the castle with her.

Ariala was just about to get up to leave, when Arlie said, “Before you go there is something I need to talk to you about. Honestly I should have told you ages ago, but I did not feel you were ready. Even if you had already won the right to sit on the throne.”

She looked back confused, and asked, “Huh? Is this important?”

Arlie sighed, “Not immediately, no. Although it will be eventually. Not any time this millennium thankfully, at least so long as nothing changes. There are a couple unlikely possible courses that lead to it being of more immediate import. One ship did escape, and while it was destroyed who can say another won’t manage the same feat.”

Now Ariala was really confused, “Alright what are you talking about?”

Arlie leaned forward, “Are you familiar with the legend of Starhold?”

Ariala was still confused, “I’m not sure how Starhold connects to what you are talking about, but yes. Starhold was first of its kind, built during the Fallen War. Supposedly the ship, or more like a mobile planetary fortress carried the most powerful weapon of the era. Although none of the legends agree on what it was. Although given that most other fortresses of the class seen after the war carry an ASC with a rather unique projector assembly it was likely an ASC as well.”

Arlie giggled, “I’m afraid not. Frankly, what Starhold was outfitted with was infinitely more powerful, and consequently more terrifying. So terrifying that we First Lords sealed the fortress away.”

Ariala looked at her with intense disbelief, but could find no words to express it. Arlie sighed, “We First Lords had knowledge that is long gone. One item was a type of amplifier that amplified the mental abilities and consequently the magic of its user. Very useful and quite powerful. A small ring on my finger could have amplified my ability by nearly tenfold back then.”

Her eyes widened as she realized the implications, and then suddenly she made the connection. “Don’t tell me. Starhold was the size of a large planet, if it was equipped with an amp...” she trailed off, her mind trying to comprehend the implications.

Arlie nodded, “The Fallen were very strong in the Arts. The amplifiers were how we evened the playing fields, and Starhold is how we won against their god. It really is the ultimate weapon even to this day. Put an elder on board and they could conquer entire galaxies at once without firing a shot.”

Ariala’s mind, having started to reboot asked, “Why did such powerful technology disappear?”

Arlie sighed sadly, “Because we made it lost. Its allure was strong even to our former allies and remaining enemies. History records that after our victory against the Fallen we were attacked by the Grand Alliance and that they nearly succeeded in defeating the Empire. They did drive us out of our core and all the way to Sanctuary, but they failed. We were able to trick them, giving us the time we needed to rebuild our forces and our numbers. While we were rebuilding the alliance fell apart, and so when we struck they fell. Although even together they would not have stood a chance had we been at full strength, to begin with. However, while we were rebuilding, us remaining first lords chose to make sure some of our secrets were lost. Ones we felt our children were not ready for. Many of these remain lost to this day. Amplifier technology, the secret of artificial pocket dimensions, the now mythical Reality Drive, and the secret of dimensional sealing are just a few of these lost secrets. Although, I have been making sure these secrets remain lost for a long time.”

Ariala felt this was a rather large bombshell to be dropped out of the blue. Then Arlie asked a question, “Now why do you think we sealed Starhold rather than destroy it given how dangerous it is?”

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She was silent for a moment, and then she answered, “For if the Empire ever needed it again.”

Arlie smiled, “precisely. We never defeated the Fallen, only sealed them away, they will escape their prison, and Starhold would be needed again. Along with countless weapons caches we hid throughout the empire. Caches that remain hidden to this day because they were hidden with lost knowledge. Knowledge I made certain would stay lost to prevent these weapons from being used by the unworthy. Anyway, I think it is about time I showed you Starhold. That way if it is needed you can use it, but first I want you to answer a question for me. Why did we not use Starhold against the Alliance?”

When Misaki got home, she found that Phyllis had already gone to bed. She had told Melisa that she could go home, but the young woman had followed her here. She took Kuron to the guest room, and laid her on the bed. Tucking her in, and making sure she was comfortable, she quietly spoke to Melisa who was in the doorway, “It’s a bit late, and we don’t have many guest rooms. So I guess you two will have to share the sitting room or something.”

“I wasn’t planning on staying. I wanted to ask you something,” replied Melisa.

Misaki headed for the door, and gestured to be followed. Leading her to the sitting room, she asked, “What do you want to ask?”

“When did such strong adventurers get into town? If that young lady is any indication then her friends were likely strong too.”

Misaki nodded, and said, “Plenty strong. They wanted to do some shopping in the dungeon and took on the special mode to get there. I wasn’t kidding when I said her sister is staying at the Flowering Pussy.”

Melisa giggled, “Lust demons and their absurd naming sense. I guess that answers my other question. Anyway, I do have one more question. Seeing as I seem to be turning into one, what is it like being a lust demon?”

Misaki smiled, “I’d be happy to answer that, but can it wait till morning? I’m tired, and if I am reading things right so are you.”

Melisa yawned, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning.”

With that her guests left, and she was free to join Phyllis in the bedroom.

Early the next morning, Tammi woke up to find her sister laying next to her and watching her. At first she just lay there blankly until her memories came back to her, and then she asked, “You have scales! How!?”

Amy giggled, and replied, “I had a feeling you would ask that first. Apparently, we have dragon heritage. When I went through the initiation ritual it activated my heritage. I don’t know when, but based on the system message at some point our ancestors mixed with dragons. I guess we now know where the family name came from. Our ancestors must have chosen the name because of our dragon blood. Don’t ask me why.”

Tammi’s eyes widened, she realized quickly that if Amy had dragon blood in her then so did she. She pushed herself up, careful of her swollen belly, and said, “Dragon heritage. If I couldn’t see it with my own eyes, I would have a hard time believing it.”

Amy adjusted her position, “All of my stats improved greatly with it waking up. I think you should also participate in the initiation ritual. It would awaken your blood.”

The day before she would have dismissed the idea out of hand. Her eyes glanced at the tail. She was not sure she wanted to be a lust demon, a creature that reveled in sex, but the awakened dragon bloodline was certainly tempting. For a few moments, she remained silent weighing her options, before finally saying, “I think I need some time to think before I do.”

Amy smiled, “Take your time. I have a few things to do anyway.”

Amy slipped out of the bed, careful of her own swollen belly. She grabbed a fresh uniform laid out on a table and dressed quickly before leaving the room. Tammi watched her go, her thoughts still on the idea of awakening her heritage. It occurred to her that among those things her sister had to do today would be making the preparations for whatever ritual was turning her into a demon. The tail was a dead give away of that. She knew her sister could be a little stubborn and manipulative when she wanted something. Her sister would often use words first, and then force if words failed. 

Slipping out of the bed, she started her day. She also had things to do, but she decided that when she had a break that she would visit the library. She wanted to learn more about her bloodline, and while she doubted she would find a book telling her exactly which dragon bloodline she had, and its abilities. It was a good place to start.

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