What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 115: LXXXVII A Party in Trouble

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The scout never saw it coming. The strange creature she had never seen before suddenly emitted a bolt of pink light. Not expecting it, she was too slow to react and the bolt struck her right in the chest, and a blue box popped up. Containing one of the combat notifications she had left on, but she failed to really focus on it.

You have been stunned!

You have been afflicted with a special effect

Your form has been changed

The world suddenly grew around her as her body tingled. However, she barely noticed that. Nor did the flying mass of tentacles approaching her really register in her mind. She could see it, but there was a disconnect in her mind that prevented her from really registering what was going on around her, and that prevented her from reacting. By the time the effect wore off, it was too late, the creature was already reaching towards her body.

With her stunned state wearing off, she panicked at the sight and tried to back away. Only she stumbled, falling smack on her butt. At least that was what was going to happen, but mid tumble a tentacle caught her and pulled her into the air.

Before she knew it, she had been pulled against the creature. One limb gently stroking her head, and a few more stroking her bare flesh. While a third held her recently removed clothing. She stared at her outfit, not sure what to think. Instead of the leather armor she normally wore, the removed clothing was a young girl’s top and a short skirt. It was clearly something that a young girl would wear, and not something she would have picked for herself.  It was a top that would have only covered her chest. The lower hem was frilly, and right between the built-in cups for her breasts was a nice ribbon. The skirt was a matching design with the same color scheme and a nice ribbon centered on the front of the waistband. 

She watched the creature just fold the outfit and set it aside neatly on a clean spot on the ground. A place it cleaned right before her eyes. She was bewildered; this was not what she expected after getting caught by a tentacle monster. While it had never happened to her personally before, she had heard and seen enough to know what to expect.  This was not it.

Strangely the warm tentacles caressing her felt kind of nice. Not disgusting or slimy like she would have expected. It felt so good that she felt herself begin to relax in its grip. A sudden sense of alarm came when she realized this and caused her to thrash. Only to find the tentacles had a firm grip on her. The creature easily held onto her and continued to caress her. Thankfully not a single one moved to penetrate her as she expected. It just kept caressing her gently and changing its pattern every so often keeping her from getting used to it.

Before the young scout knew it she had stopped thrashing and had relaxed in it’s grip. Soft moans escaped her mouth as her body started to feel warm. Her skin tingled pleasantly as it continued to stroke her. Several new tentacles began to massage her back, and she could feel her muscles loosen and knots vanish. This was amazingly pleasant and she was having a harder and harder time caring that it was a mass of tentacles giving her this gentle, pleasant treatment.

The longer it caressed her the less the world seemed to matter. Before long she was just a mewling young girl caught in its grasp.

He walked down the old underground passage. His heavy armor clanking a bit as he walked. It had been a little while since Nia had gone ahead to scout the ruins. Normally she would be back by now, and so he had gone to check on her. While Paul and Rei stayed behind to mind their little camp. Outside it was already raining full force and that meant they were kind of stuck here. Any adventurer knew it was best to seek shelter when it rained.

He turned a corner and came to a fork. Picking a path at random he headed down that passage. Unlike Nia navigating ruins was not his best skill. Sure he could find his way back easily enough. Each passage was distinct enough that he would not get lost, but even though he had been here before he could barely remember the passages. So maybe it was no surprise that he did not realize that this particular passage had not been here the last time they visited the ruins. Instead, as he walked his mind was occupied with idle thoughts wondering what was holding Nia up, and thinking about what he was going to do with the money he had been saving. This quest had been well timed and with the reward combined with the savings he had just enough to get something nice. Besides, it was about time he took the next step, and then there was that discussion that he needed to have with the party.

All of these thoughts came to an abrupt end when he heard moans and mewling. Before he could even consider why he was hearing it, he had picked up the pace and burst into a room. Filled with strange and random equipment. Right in front of him dominating his view was a young girl who looked an awful lot like a younger version of Nia. A rather petite younger version of Nia who seemed to be somewhere in her mid-teens. She was wrapped in a mass of tentacles that seemed to be gently massaging and caressing her nude form. Everything was on display to him at the moment. He could see her cute little breasts as they were wrapped by tentacles that were gently kneading them. One of them was even teasing the tips of her small nipples. Below, her pink slit was quite visible as it glistened with moisture, but not a single tentacle was touching it. At least not yet. Her cute tail and even her pointed triangular ears were getting the tentacle treatment, but not her pussy.

The scene was very erotic and he was filled with conflicting feelings as he just stared at it utterly unsure what to do. Before he could make a decision the mass of tentacles suddenly spat a bolt of pink light at him. He attempted to dodge, but the limited space made that impossible and it struck him. Suddenly the world grew large and spun. By the time the world came to focus, he found himself wrapped in the mass of tentacles. Some frilly cloth blocking his vision as something tugged on his arms. His panicked mind ignored the frilly cloth and connected the sensations. Driven by panic he began thrashing trying to break the hold of the mass of tentacles. Only they were too strong and he did not have the strength to break their hold. In fact, they easily maneuvered him despite his thrashing and stripped him down. A fact that only made him panic more, while men were not normally at risk he had already connected the dots. This mass of tentacles was going to rape him. Of course, he had not yet connected all the dots.

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Thrashing got him nowhere and before long he was catching his breath. He watched the tentacles fold what looked like girl’s clothing and neatly stacked it next to a second similar set in a clean spot on the ground. His mind, failing to connect where they came from, was a bit confused at the sight. Before long, however, he was quite distracted by the tentacles moving across his bare flesh. Feeling them moving across his flesh was making him very aware of his body, and those sensations bewildered him. A tentacle squeezed and rolled his chest, but that should not have been possible. He had quite a bit of muscle thanks to spending every day in heavy armor. With a bit of trepidation, he shifted his gaze downward. What greeted him was not the sight he expected. Gone were his muscles and in their place was a pair of mounds wrapped in tentacles that were gently manipulating his flesh.

It took him a moment longer to realize that he could no longer feel his penis. The mounds were in the way, and he could not see down there. He tried to feel down there, but his arms were completely pinned by the mass of tentacles restraining him. Even trying to rub his legs together proved hard, but he did not find the expected flesh between his legs that way either. His emotions ran high as he began to put the dots together. He did not know how, but he was beginning to think that this tentacle monster had somehow turned him into a girl. Worse it was having its way with him.

Not liking where this was going he, or rather she, tried to break free again but to no avail. Nothing she tried could break the grip of the tentacles, and before long she gave up. Instead, she withdrew into herself and tried to ignore the way the creature was caressing her body. The way the gentle stroking was stimulating her. She tried to ignore it, to pretend it was not happening. To pretend that she was not a small naked girl wrapped in a large mass of tentacles. An image of a young Nia wrapped in tentacles popped into her mind. A part of her connecting that with what was happening to her, but she pushed it aside. Refusing to think on it, as she tried to think of anything but what was happening to her and Nia. A part of her was hoping that this was just a really bad nightmare and that at any moment she would wake up and find it was all a bad dream. She was so busy denying what was happening she never noticed that she was starting to moan and mewl just like Nia.

Not far down the corridor a pair of figures heard the moaning and shared a look. After a moment they turned back, not noticing the oddities in the sounds. They knew full well the relationship of their fellow party members even if that other pair tried to hide it. So they decided to head back to the camp and give them some space. Maybe if they had gone ahead things would have been different, but they did not.

Back at the dungeon, Carol had gotten rather deep in the dungeon, and still had not reached the floor where she had heard that Melissa had gotten herself stuck. Well, she had a guide, and her guide had been helpful. Just considering that she was a demon of the dungeon, and she had to be careful with those interactions. Said guide had left her quite suddenly when she arrived at this safe zone. A shame since without her she was a little lost. Especially since she had never been to the tenth floor before.

At least she had managed to find this Tavern before she was abandoned. As such she had something to do. She was hoping her guide would come back though. Suddenly the door opened and she looked up from her table to see a party enter. All of them looked like they had been through hell. One member of the group stood out and that might have had something to do with the fact that they were an Arachne Demon. She seemed quite bubbly and happy and was actively teasing one of them for something. They were too far for her to discern exactly what. Especially with the noise in the tavern.

One of them, a priest by the look of things, looked at the stage and he muttered something. She had a feeling that he was not used to demons and their idea of entertainment. Besides he did look a little out of place since everyone else in the group looked to be a thug or a thief. Then he looked her way and started over. Leaving his party by the door.

He stopped near the table and politely introduced himself as Darious. Then he said, “You seem to be the only adventurer in here. Is your party out on the town or something?”

She giggled, “Uh, no I came down by myself. Getting by the demons is easy. All they want is a good petting. It’s the puzzles that can be hard, but seeing as you are here I guess you must have figured something out.”

He scratched his head awkwardly, and suddenly she put two and two together, “Wait! Let me guess, you triggered a floor trap didn’t you.”

“Yeah, one of those idiots activated a floor trap on floor six. Dropped us on this one, and we had a hell of a time getting out of those cells before the time limit ran out. It’s a damn maze where you can’t even fight because they have unlimited reinforcements in there.”

She nodded, “Yeah I know all about those. That trap on floor two is most famous, but I think there are three on floor six and one on floor seven. The ones on six and seven all lead to that maze you mentioned, but congrats on finding the shortcut to the tenth floor!”

He seemed to jump a bit, and said “Tenth? That means we are almost there a few more floors and we will reach the end.”

She laughed, “I guess you do not spend a lot of time talking to the demons. I suggest you do. Interacting with them is often the only way to get deeper. By the way, this floor is the halfway point. You have another ten to go, and judging from the state of your party, I suggest you turn back. This floor will be too much for you. The demons here are far harder to fight or satisfy.”

Just then the door opened again, and in walked her guide with a skimpily dressed but cute demon that she had not met before. The two surveyed the room and immediately headed for her table. So she dismissed the unlucky priest and left unmentioned that she had some trouble herself with getting past the boss to reach this floor. She highly doubted his party could even handle the weaker demons on this floor, much less any of the bosses.

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