What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 122: XCIV Encounter in the Forest

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Arlie leaned forward and scooped some stew out of her pot into a bowl. She had landed a couple of hours ago, to make a meal. Although this bowl wasn’t for her. She had already finished her food. No, this bowl was intended for the poor girl she could sense approaching her camp. She didn’t know everything about the girl’s circumstances. Mainly because she never bothered to look into it. The main things that caught her attention about this girl was that she was trudging through the forest naked, and that her race wasn’t common around here. She was a mixed blood. A half-dragonkin, half celestial girl. Beyond that, she hadn’t bothered to look into the girl. Arlie wanted the joy of talking with the girl and learning about her.

It might be a fun distraction for a little while. At least, before she went flying over the ocean to visit the forbidden continent. She had a young girl to visit over there. One who had a very unique race, one that she had designed for her. Although she could not tell that girl her reasons for doing so.

There was a rustling, and then the young girl emerged from the trees on her left. She was holding some leaves she had found to her chest and another group over her crotch. Shielding those parts of her body from view. Like most Celestials she was rather small, about a hundred and forty centimeters tall. She had vibrant Aquamarine hair that fell just above her wings. Her large wings had a draconic shape but were covered with vibrant gold and aquamarine feathers. Her arms and legs were decorated with gold, red, and aquamarine scales. Giving her the appearance that she was wearing striped gloves, and a set of tights. Tights that ended just below her thighs, and gloves that ended just past her elbows. A few scales dotted her cheeks in a cute cluster. 

She had a decent chest, one that she was trying and failing to cover with some leaves she had picked up somewhere. Her boobs were quite perky and well-shaped. She had modest soft pink areolas surrounding a pair of stubby nipples, that were poorly hidden by her leafy coverage. As it shifted a bit, her scales could be seen as well. They cupped the underside of her breasts. Down below her small slit occasionally peaked through her leafy makeshift cover. It was a lovely pink, and looked quite delicate. Arlie even caught a glimpse of a cluster of lonely scales, where her pubic hair should be.

Her face was cute, with the typical sharp features of a celestial, and large golden eyes. The eyes were expressive and quite pretty. She had sharp cheekbones and soft lips. Her nose was modest, and a bit round. The scales on her checks helped soften her face a little. Her ears were long and backswept. As for her figure, she had some muscle on her frame, but it looked like she could stand to eat a little more.

Arlie took only a moment to look her over, and handed the bowl towards her. “This is for you,. Come, sit, and perhaps tell me what you are doing out here in the middle of Elven territory.”

The girl looked at her warily for a moment, and hesitatingly approached, “You would not happen to have some spare clothes I could borrow?”

Arlie shook her head, “I’m afraid not. I only have the mage robes, I am wearing.” Her expression morphed, and she looked like someone had just shot her puppy in front of her. At least until Arlie continued, “However, creation magic is one of my specialties. I can make you something easily enough out of those leaves.”

Her face brightened, and in her excitement she nearly dropped the leaves. She remembered them at the last moment, but not before flashing her breasts. Leaning forward, she excitedly spoke at close range while ignoring the bowl of steaming stew. “You can!? Please do!...”

Arlie snapped her fingers, and green light wrapped around the leaves. In an instant, they were torn apart and broken down into microscopic particles. Before the girl could even register that, they were reassembled into green clothes around her frame. The material was just enough for a leafy green bikini-style top to cover her breasts, and a matching bikini-style set of panties to cover her sex. It took the girl a couple of seconds to register the change, and she looked over the outfit. Her expression was mixed.

“Sorry, not enough material to cover more. Sit down, eat, and we can get you something more later.”

Her stomach growled, at that moment. Prompting the girl to finally sit down, and take the bowl. She looked around, and said, “Are you alone?”

Arlie giggled, “Most companions would slow me down. I’m Arlie Contrey, and you are?”

She glanced at the bowl and then the empty bowl next to Arlie, and answered, “Ovi’ta of the Golden Winter clan. Were you by any chance expecting me?”

Arlie smiled, and nodded, “Yes. I spotted you earlier when I flew over a clearing looking for a nice campsite. Your timing is fairly good too. We have enough time to get a few things done before the sun sets. Like perhaps telling me what you were doing wandering around naked and lost in Bluewood territory. As I recall, the Golden Winter clan makes its home on some floating Aeries just south of the Rosewood Empire. We are quite far from there.”

She sniffed at the bowl, and reached for the spoon. “Well I accepted a quest from the clan chief, to investigate the Rosewood Empire. Some strange things have been happening there lately. My quest turned up a few things that led me out this way, and then I had a bad encounter with some wyverns. I managed to get away, only to be captured by some bandits. I managed to escape them, but...”

Arlie seeing where this was going, “They took your clothes and everything else you owned.”

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She nodded glumly. “At least, they didn’t touch me. They wanted to sell me.”

Arlie knew full well, what she meant, and why. Celestials tended to keep themselves pure until they met their lifelong mate. Once they have mated, they mate for life. The same was true of any half-breed since celestials took childcare very seriously. Only dungeons were more attentive to children. The girl before her was only half, but it was clear that her parents had loved her. Not to mention raised with the celestial ideals. This girl would have been worth enough that those bandits could live in luxury for years, especially if she was a virgin. Half celestial dragonkin are very exotic afterall. Especially around here where celestials are practically unheard of and dragonkin are rare.

Arlie sighed, looked into the girl’s mind, and tracked the bandits in an instant. While she had no problems with slavery, there were certain scummy behaviors, she disapproved of. These bandits were committing them. In the distance, there was a flash of dark light. A good half minute later the thunder reached their camp. Arlie was in the middle of giving her comfort, as she held the untouched spoonful when she jumped from the thunder.

“What was that!?”

“Divine thunder, someone was just smote by a god. Don’t worry about it.”

She gave Arlie a worried look, then swallowed her first spoonful, likely to distract herself. The instant the spoon touched her tongue, she widened her eyes. The thunder now forgotten as she started eating. She ate quickly, clearly enjoying it and then it was like all joy left her world when the bowl was finally empty. She stared at it pitifully. Then she glanced at Arlie.

Arlie silently refilled the girl’s bowl. “Glad you liked it. If I had more time, and better spices I could have made something better.”

The wide-eyed girl gave her a look and muttered quietly. Although Arlie didn’t quite catch what she said, she didn’t need to. The girl was very expressive, and she knew the girl was a bit frightened by the prospect of something better. Arlie’s cooking was probably better than anything she had ever had, but Arlie had countless millennia worth of experience with cooking alone. She knew how to make full use of every ingredient the forest had to offer. Not to mention many ingredients the girl had never heard of.

As she ate, Arlie considered her goals. She had to visit the forbidden continent, but there was no way she could leave this pitiful young girl here. She clearly needed someone to watch over her. That meant she would have to take the young girl with her, but there was a problem with that. Thankfully she knew a quick and easy way to fix that.

She opened her arm, revealing the ancient machinery within. She quickly removed a pair of small and ancient capsules. They weren’t ideal, but they would do for her purposes. She closed her right arm plates, the whole action unnoticed, and looked over the capsules. They were aging, the outer shell was fragile and beginning to decay. The ancient containment fields around them were on the verge of buckling. She had honestly forgotten about these little capsules. Each one contained a highly concentrated amount of a rare strain of Bloodleaf. An extinct strain, that hasn’t been in use since the Age of the First Lords. Well believed to be extinct. Not that it would have mattered if the capsules failed. Her own immune response would have neutralized the spores instantly. Afterall it would not do if you were vulnerable to your own bioweapons.

A black light surrounded the capsules, moments before they shattered. She wrapped her mind around the spores, and then directed all of them into Ovi’ta. Ovi’ta coughed and looked at her hurt. “What in the infernal realms was that for!?”

“Nothing to worry about. Just a little something to make sure you are ready to visit the forbidden continent.”

Her face paled, and she froze a spoon halfway to her mouth. As she gave a frightened look. Before she could say, anything Arlie cast a special spell. A spell that quickly accelerated the growth to stage two, and then reversed it. The magic causing her own immune system to attack the spores, and Bloodleaf growth at a rapid pace. Before a word was even out of Ovi’ta’s mouth she was cured. Even better for her, she was now immune to the spores. Her own body capable of identifying and attacking them before they could take root. The effects of the short-lived infection vanished soon after, as any damage was erased by her magic.

“What do you mean visit the forbidden continent?”

“Well, I have business out that way, and I can not in good faith leave you out here alone. That means I will have to take you with me. Now the main reason that place is forbidden is because of a parasitic plant. There is no cure, but there is a preventive treatment. I just gave you that treatment. Finish your stew. I’ll set up a tent for us. We can continue this conversation in the morning.”

Ovi’ta looked around for a moment. Sighed, and decided to finish the stew. It was clear that she thought Arlie crazy though, and Arlie decided to set a double-sided barrier dome around the camp. Just a little something to keep her from running in the middle of the night. She had seen in Ovi’ta’s eyes that running was exactly what Ovi’ta was going to do the moment the opportunity presented itself.

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