What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 127: XCVIII Refusing a Rescue, and a Fairies Fate

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Mira walked into the guild with her pets in tow. Today was a perfectly good day, and she had been in a good mood. They had finished a big quest yesterday, and she wasn’t really planning to take a quest today. She still planned to look over the quest board, and if any juicy quest was available she would consider taking it. Mira figured that she could talk with Sarah and catch up on recent events. Having been out of town for a week meant she was a little behind on local events.

Before she even reached the quest board, Sarah was waving her over. She sighed, it wasn’t often that Sarah waved her over. She hoped it was not for a petting session. Sometimes it was a pain being small and cute, especially with Sarah and the other members of a certain fan club. She hated petting sessions. Despite her reservations, she headed for the counter.

Sarah smiled when she came up to the counter. “I have a priority quest. You interested?”

Mira frowned, she did not like priority quests. She sighed, and replied, “Depends what does this quest involve?”

Sarah leaned forward, “Its a rescue. A few fairies went charging into the dungeon utterly unprepared and they have yet to come back.”

Mira gave her a look, “Nope. I don’t do dungeon rescues. Ask someone else.”

As she was turning around, Sarah said, “The reward is 250 gold marks.”

Mira turned away and ran. There was no way she was going into that dungeon. Even for such a reward, but she wasn’t going to stick around and let Sarah press one of her few weaknesses. Thanks to her dragon side, she had a love for expensive treasures. Few quests offered such a high reward, and she certainly did not want Sarah to see her drooling over money. It only occurred to her later, that she gave away that weakness when she ran. As she ran out, she bumped into a larger dragon girl. She quickly apologized and left before the older woman could say a word.

A young fairy groaned and rolled over. She had been right, it was an interesting night. Her belly still felt a little full, but then again it would be surprising if it did not. Especially given the fact that she still had a tail resting inside her pussy. The demon it belonged to was still sleeping. Although now she would have to figure out how they were leaving the dungeon. After being captured the demons that caught them had taken them to a lower floor with stronger demons. Ones that actually had the stamina to keep up with them.

It had been quite the orgy after they got here. One that mom had not been all that thrilled to participate in. Well at least at first, she had gotten very into it towards the end. At least judging by the sounds she had heard coming from mom later in the fun. She still felt sore from it herself and did not yet feel like moving.

Everyone else still seemed passed out, so she decided to look over her notifications. The ones she had not yet read. The first one was naturally the notification about being captured. Not the one she was interested in really.


After a long battle, and an unfortunate encounter with a trap, your party has been exhausted and captured by the dungeon.

Escape your captors before they corrupt you!


You have directly absorbed large quantities of demonic lust energy!

You have been partially corrupted by lust. Demonization has advanced from stage zero to stage one


You have directly absorbed large quantities of demonic lust energy! Your pool has been exceeded!

You have been further corrupted by lust! Demonization has advanced to Stage four!


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You have directly absorbed large quantities of demonic lust energy! Your pool has been exceeded!

You have been further corrupted by lust! Demonization has advanced to Stage Nine!

She sighed, and then looked over her shoulders at her wings. They had darkened considerably. It seemed that a single orgy had done much to corrupt her. In fact, now that she was thinking about it, she was enjoying the presence of the tail in her pussy a lot more than she would have thought. That was likely all the lust mana flowing through her body speaking. Not that she much regretted the night before. Only she wasn’t looking forward to her next meeting with the rest of her family. They would all be very much disappointed with her. It was very much her fault anyway. She should have tried to stop her mother from charging in, and certainly should not have followed after her. They all made mistakes though. There were so many things they should have done but did not.

The meeting she was looking forward to the least was with Suzu. Suzu had taught her a lot about adventuring, and honestly, they had not listened to any of the advice. Mother was mainly to blame for that, but that didn’t make what had happened any less embarrassing. Mainly it was the failing to conquer a single floor and being captured part. She had a hard time caring about the being almost completely corrupted part. Clearly, they were not cut out to be adventurers.

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. It was coming from behind her, and she looked up to see a familiar face. “Well Muzu I did not think I would see you down here so soon,” said Suzu.

Muzu shifted the tail which popped out of her audibly as she moved to a more comfortable conversational position. As she moved, she caught sight of her sister’s wings. They were black, the sign of a dark fairy. It seemed her sister had also been corrupted at some point. Although in her case that corruption was complete. It explained how she was able to walk in here without getting assaulted by all the demons.

“I guess you did not have much better luck than we did.”

Suzu giggled, “I had a feeling that mom would be too impatient to wait for me. Glad to see my plan worked though. Better than I hoped actually.”

Muzu frowned, “Plan? Wait, you mean you wanted us to get caught and corrupted?”

Suzu nodded. “Yep, but I did not think I would get all of you in the dungeon so easily.”

In a strange way, she suddenly felt better about being captured. It seemed she had been dancing in her sister’s palm. Looking around she asked, “So where are we anyway?”

Suzu smiled, “The fourteenth-floor safe zone. My party had just arrived when I got the news you were here. I’ll leave you to rest, you clearly need it. Come by the inn later and we can finish our talk. Maybe even have some fun.”

A young girl appeared on the temple grounds. Normally not something people would really notice. It happened almost as often as adventurers appearing at the dungeon entrance, but in this case, there were a few oddities. First off the adventurer in question had appeared at Dewari’s shrine and while her shrine was visited by quite a few it was rare for an adventurer to appear there. Second, she seemed quite young to be an adventurer, and it made one wonder where her parents were. Third was her race, she was clearly a young demon, and no demon visitors had come to the shrine recently. In fact, none had visited the shrine at all. There were a few demons in town, but they all visited shrines in the dungeon instead.

The girl was maybe a hundred and thirty centimeters at the most. She had a cute round face dotted with freckles, silver horns, and red eyes marking her as a demon. She had long red hair that cascaded loosely down her back. Like all who fell in the dungeon, she was unclothed, allowing one to see the general lack of body hair. A fact that was rather expected for demons of any age. She was generally fit, but clearly young just starting to fill out in the right places. Behind her, she had a cute demon’s tail, a succubi’s tail to be specific. The slender form, the dark color, and the cute bulb on the end gave it away.

The girl herself merely slumped to the ground and stared at herself. When an acolyte came over to check on her, the girl followed the acolyte to the nearby chambers without complaint. The acolyte managed to get her to eat, a fact complicated by her lack of teeth, and put her to bed. It did leave an interesting set of questions for the temple staff to wonder about. How did a succubus child manage to challenge the dungeon without getting adopted? Not to mention when did she visit the shrine? None of them could recall a young boy visiting the shrine, either. Especially no young boys with demon blood. Not that they would have many young boys with demon blood, seeing as most higher demon races were entirely female, especially lust circle races. Although in some rare instances a weaker male demon would evolve into a higher female demon. It did require special circumstances though. Another rare possibility was a parallel evolution from say wrath to lust circle, but again special circumstances were required. However, they had not had any demons from circles other than lust. Not to mention a complete lack of young boys with demon blood from any circle. As such, they were all left with a mystery that only the young girl could answer, but she was clearly in no state to answer questions.

Eris reluctantly followed the dragon into the guild. As they entered, a young winged woman slammed into the dragon at full speed. Eris held her breath when she saw that. Briefly worried about the small winged woman, who had ended up on the ground. She quickly sprang to her feet, apologized, and ran out before Zemoria could say a single word. Eris let out a breath of relief when nothing happened.

Zemoria watched her run off, and muttered, “I never expected to encounter one of her brood here. Maybe I should find that cute one later, and give her a few lessons.”

Eris asked her what she meant, but received no reply. Instead, Zemoria started for the counter. An elf was manning the counter, petting a small girl nestled in her lap, said girl seemed rather oblivious of her surroundings. As they drew close to the counter two young women emerged from a back door and joined the receptionist at the counter. In fact, they took up a position in front of it. Spoke briefly, and then turned to face Zemoria.

The smaller one, who had some very pretty hair and silver horns, stepped forward and said, “If you would follow us, we can speak in private.”

Zemoria smiled, “You’re a polite one, aren’t you? I like you. Lead the way. I do have a few things I want to talk with you two about. The aura around the town and the dungeon both come to mind.”

Eris gave her a questioning look but received no clarification. She had no idea what aura Zemoria was talking about. If she did, she would suddenly understand a few of the things she had noticed. Mainly the lack of people commenting on her attire, or rather lack of attire.

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