What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 140: CXI Trials and Choices IV

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Dewari sighed, “I see. That book wasn’t supposed to be there.”

She wanted to shrink into the chair, it seemed she wasn’t supposed to read that book. “It wasn’t?”

Dewari settled into the opposite chair, her expression calmer than before. “No. You weren’t supposed to read it either. At least I caught you before you could get too far. Nothing you learned in that first chapter is forbidden to mortals, well almost nothing, but some of the later stuff can be really dangerous for mortals to know.”

Misaki felt like a kid being caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. Not a pleasant feeling, and not one she liked to be reminded of. Softly she asked, “I’m in trouble aren’t I?”

Dewari giggled, “Not really. I never told you this book was forbidden, and I gave you no reason to think about asking first. All of the books in here should have been safe. It’s not your fault a forbidden book ended up on the shelves, and I can’t very well punish you for a violation you didn’t know you were making.”

“So everything is going to be fine then?”

Dewari smiled, “Just about. I am, however, going to have to cast a silencing curse on you. I can’t let you share what little you did learn about souls. Don’t worry about that though, it won’t have any effect on your day-to-day life.”

Great, her very own divine curse. That was not something to be happy about. At least it was a silencing curse, those weren’t too bad actually. They didn’t do anything, as long as you didn’t do something to set off the curse. In this case, talk about that book she had started to read, but never got to finish. She had not even finished the introductory chapter.

Before she could think much further on it, Dewari was pressing a book into her hands. “I think you will find this interesting. It’s not much, but it should help you in the long run.”

Misaki glanced at the title, and it was a book on dragons. Specifically the broods, and different lineages of the dragons. She flipped open to the table of contents and noticed it even had chapters on specific dragons. Including some, she had never heard of, and others she knew about. There was for example a chapter on a dragon named Aurora, who she had never heard of. For an example of one she knew, there was a chapter on Zemoria as well. Why did Dewari give her a book on dragons? Was it meant as an apology for having to curse her, or something? Even if that was so, Misaki doubted that would be the only reason. Not that she knew where to start prying for information.

She hesitated to speak, long enough for Dewari to disappear behind the shelves. Misaki glanced back at the book, and considered starting it. The young dungeon ultimately refrained from reading the text. A moment or two later when the goddess returned without the book she had taken from Misaki was when Misaki finally asked, “Why give me a book on dragons?”

“I have many reasons, but suffice to say you will be dealing with quite a few of them in the future. I believe that book will prove far more useful to you than any knowledge you might have gleaned about souls. I would suggest that you also look into Solean Lords, but I won’t just give you a book on them.”

Misaki thought that over a moment. It sounded a lot like Dewari was trying to help her. Although for what reason she could not even begin to guess. Well more like she would not dare to guess, but for all she knew it might have been motivated by Dewari’s mothering nature. Misaki had the impression that Dewari saw mortals as her children, and treated them accordingly.

“Any books you recommend I keep an eye out for?” asked Misaki, figuring this would be a better question to ask. Even if she was curious why her goddess wanted her to be looking into Solean Lords as well. She doubted Dewari would tell her, but the books might give her a few hints.

“Quite a few actually, I’ll give a list when I send you back. It’s almost time for your next lesson anyway. I do have one thing I would like you to know before we start that lesson?”

“Something you would like me to know?”

“Yes, there is a connection between Dragons, Gods, and Solean Lords, one not so obvious to most mortals. I want you to find that connection. Consider it a test, if you will. I’ll grade you on how well you did. The next time we meet after your Trial of Ascension is completed.”

Misaki let out an awkward chuckle. That comment reminded her about school in her old world, and here she was reincarnated in a fantasy world, as a dungeon of all things, and she still could not escape things like tests. She hated tests. Sure Misaki liked a good book, but she also enjoyed sex. Her favorite activities had always been reading, and her next conquest. Being so smart had helped her quite a bit, even if she had her dumb moments. Everyone had those, it was nothing to be ashamed about.

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Dewari never commented on her reaction. A mere moment later Dewari signaled for her to follow, and before Misaki knew it she was at her next lesson for the day. A part of her again noting how, even in another world she could not escape school.

Misaki followed Dewari out into the yard, and found it rather empty. Phyllis wasn’t around either. Clearly this was going to be a private training session, but this reminded her more about P.E than the rest of school. She actually enjoyed it. Although she personally preferred watching the young girls than actually doing the activities herself. Not that she was the only one who didn’t always participate. In fact, she remembered the quiet autistic boy who always sat in the bleachers reading a book, instead. One of the few boys who actually had caught her notice back then, but then again he had inherited his mother’s figure. With just a little effort, he could have passed as a girl. Instead, he looked like a girl trying to dress as a boy. 

Sometimes she had sat with that young boy, while watching the girls. Talking with him, had never been easy, but he seemed to like that. He had even introduced her to books. Ones she had actually liked reading. Not the overwrought garbage her English classes had required they read. If it had not been for that young boy, she might not have discovered that good books actually existed.

Dewari cast a spell, and Misaki took note. Pushing her thoughts of the past aside, and focusing on the present. A magic field spread out across the field. A very interesting spell that created a unique barrier. It was called Training Zone; it created a special zone in which all wounds are temporary, even fatal wounds like decapitation would be healed when the spell ends. Monsters summoned in the zone were also temporary constructs, and would dissipate when the spell ends as well.

Dewari gave her a smile, and said, “Alright, let’s start with a couple of practical combat exercises. I’ll start you off with an easy opponent.”

Misaki took up a combat stance, and true to her word, Dewari summoned an opponent. In this case it was a single level thirty human swordsman. Misaki was effectively a mage when she fought in her avatar. She was also a demon, and this young man didn’t stand much of a chance. He was more of a warm-up than anything else.

Regardless, the training she had already done made her look him over. She took in his stance, which was admittedly poor, and his equipment. He was outfitted with a decent set of armor. A leather base reinforced with metal and covered with chainmail. The young man had a sturdy iron helmet, but none of his equipment was enchanted. Her spells would be quite effective, and she noted that some girls would find him attractive. Misaki didn’t particularly care for him, but lust magic could be used for more than seducing an opponent. It could also be used to distract.

He started to charge her, but Misaki expected that. She prepared a simple Charm Bolt spell. It was a quick spell, and a pink light slammed into him before he covered half the distance. The effect was temporary, but it was enough. The man stumbled, caught off guard, as the spell forced him to take notice of the first person he saw. Naturally, that was her, and for the next five minutes, the young man would effectively be in love with her. It was a dirty spell, and useful outside of combat as well. That brief pause gave her the time to casually cast a second spell. This one sent a bolt of demonic light into the man’s chest. His armored form crumpled to the ground.

Dewari chuckled, “That was good, but I know you could have dealt with him without killing him. As a demon corrupting your opponent is more valuable to you.”

She shuddered and started to protest. Only to quiet quickly when Dewari gave her a look. Then Dewari said, “Now let’s try this again, and this time you are going to corrupt your opponent. As a demon, this is to your benefit.”

She wanted to complain but knew it would only fall on deaf ears. Dewari merely summoned the same young man again, and she took up a stance. This was going to be a long session, she just knew it. Unfortunately, her false death traits only worked if someone fell inside her halls. Outside them, the men were going to remain men. She had no other way to change them. This just sucked.

The young adventurer walked into the inn, utterly exhausted. She had finally gotten away from that demonic tailor, and the armorer she had introduced her to. She was trying not to think about what she was wearing. It was technically a new set of armor, but it covered just about nothing. The top covered only a portion of her breasts, and it was nothing more than a set of cups that clung to the underside. Only the underside of her boobs, nothing more. Her nipples were fully exposed, and everyone could see them. Down below, she had a short skirt. It was so short it barely covered her pussy. If she moved the wrong way, someone would be flashed with her intimates and the worst part? The armor would not let her wear panties, thanks to one of its many enchantments. In addition, she had some nice leg wrappings, but they left her thighs fully exposed. She knew the outfit was meant to draw some attention to her thighs.

The only good thing about this lewd outfit was that it was heavily enchanted. Technically she now had better protection than a suit of a full plate with an undercoat of chainmail, and padding. In fact, this outfit created a barrier around her skin that would repel, blunt, piercing, slashing, and general magic damage. It was also particularly effective against light, fire, lightning, and ice magic. A fact that made it hard for her to consider throwing it away. Even with the negative enchantments in mind. Not that she had much choice at the moment, her old armor had already been taken away. The armorer took it as part of her payment.

She looked around and was glad none of her party was around to see her dressed like this. The young woman started towards the door that would lead her to her room. While idly adjusting the bag on her shoulder. A bag whose contents she didn’t really want to think about. It was the new wardrobe she had ended up buying. The demon hadn’t even let her leave without signing a magical form and paying for it. Technically she didn’t even have enough for it and owed the demon more mana for it. That was part of why she was so drained, her mana pool was empty. Worse, her mana wasn’t going to replenish. Not until her mana debt was paid. Her mana was being drained as quickly as it regenerated. It did not help that she owed two demons.

The girl pushed that from her mind and tried not to consider the last few hours. Not that it helped, she kept drifting back. She had spent hours naked or wearing one lewd outfit or another. As that demon, Uma built her a new wardrobe. Some of the outfits were more modest than others, but all of them shared two things in common. Her nipples were always exposed, and her thighs were always exposed. Of the two, she felt she could live with the second, but the first one that was going to be hard. There had been one person there who wasn’t a demon. Someone she recognized, the town tailor Carol, but she had not helped her. Instead, she had helped the damn demon with making and designing her new embarrassing wardrobe.

Finally, she reached her room, and she was thankful she didn’t have to share it. Even better her party was not here to see her dressed this way. She fumbled with the key briefly and made her way in. Normally she would close, and lock the door behind her. This time, however, she merely closed the door. Leaving it unlocked, she dropped the bag on the bed. Before settling down, and beginning to look through it. Before long she found and pulled out a nightgown. Idly she wished she hadn’t lost her spare clothing and that the demon had given her something decent to wear. Not that there was any helping it. The young woman slipped the bag under the bed and started to change into the nightgown. She figured she would organize it and transfer the contents into her adventurer’s pouch tomorrow. 

Dressed for bed, and armor put aside, for now, she slipped into bed. She was asleep as soon as she was settled on the pillow. The girl had no idea how long she was asleep, as the next thing she knew she was awoken to the sight of a familiar demon above her. The very same spider demon that had swindled her of all her mana, and put her in debt. Apparently, she wasn’t done with her yet. Not that there was any doubt what the demon wanted this time. The girl’s tired mind was a bit cloudy, but she recognized that Uma was playing with one of her nipples. The demon was saying something, but it hardly registered. She tried to protest this but was quickly silenced with a kiss. Her mind briefly going blank. She felt herself orgasm, but if she hadn’t been so tired, so drained and mana deprived she might have been more alarmed. As it was, she could not really think about any of that. She was too deeply tangled in the spider’s web.

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