What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 15: IX Into the Depths of the Dungeon

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Michael found herself standing before the entrance of the dungeon, with rather mixed feelings about entering the dungeon. On one hand, she could become a man again if she reached the end, but one trap or a knife to the back would curse her to a life as a girl, for the rest of her life. Which is why she was keeping an eye on the rogue, she didn’t trust rogues anymore. The last rogue she had trusted, stabbed her in the back turned her into a girl and then raped her. At least this rogue was a girl, so she didn’t think rape was a problem this time. Then suddenly the girl approached her and kissed her, saying “You’re cute, I like you.”

“Maybe, rape is on the table,” thought Michael. Wondering what it was about her that attracted rogues, since three rogues have tried to rape her so far, after Richard had raped her. It was also one of the reasons she was now avoiding men. The other reason is that every man she has met since her transformation has tried to get in her pants, something she hated. She liked girls not boys, the only good thing about this is that her relationship with Daliah has improved. Then the mage, a B Ranker, by the name of Susun spoke.

 Personally, Michael thought she was a little arrogant and would have refused being in a party with her if it wasn’t for the fact that she was an expert with celestial magic, which is strong against demons. Susan was a pretty girl with brown hair that fell to her waist that she kept in a braid. She was around 170 cm tall, and wearing blue mage robes that concealed her figure. The rogue was also pretty, if a bit short at 85cm tall, and Michael was pretty sure she was part dwarf, even though she was half-human, half dragonkin. She had lovely silver wings stretching from her back. Silver scales can be seen protecting the backs of her upper arms and on her cheeks. Michael couldn’t see her legs since they were protected by leather armor. 

She was also wearing a leather skirt, her chest and stomach were protected by reinforced leather armor. Her hands and forearms were protected by leather gloves and greaves. Her hair was black, which she also kept in a braid. The new tank was off to the side, being completely silent, Michael had only heard her speak a couple of times and didn’t even know her name. She was a dwarf, and she was in full plate armor that obscured her figure. Michael had honestly not seen her without the armor on, but she had seen the girl without the helmet once and she had a pretty face framed by short brown hair.

“Let’s get going, the sooner we find these foolish rookies the faster we can get back to the village,” Susan said.

“I have a bad feeling about this venture,” muttered Michael under her breath as she followed the group into the dungeon.

Their party was too strong for the first floor, and they easily passed through it. After beating the boss they passed to the second floor, where the rogue holding a tracking stone then pointed to the left, saying “they went this way”. It took them a while and they passed several rooms before they reached the puzzle room that the rookies had been in.

“The trail seems to end here,” said the rogue.

“Are you sure, Mira?” asked Susan.

“The stone is saying they went down here, but there is no path down. It's like they fell through the floor,” replied Mira.

“This looks like the puzzle room on the right side of the dungeon, is it possible that there is a trap in the floor?” asked Michael who was keeping her distance from the rogue. Mira responded with a big smile and then rushed over to Michael. She then kissed Michael deeply and pushed her down saying,

“I knew I liked you. Yes, there is a puzzle in this room and it is linked to a trap. I’m not sure what the trap is, but it could be a floor transfer trap. Those are often nasty, but they can also be a shortcut to a lower floor,” said Mira as Michael tried to push her off, while thinking, “What am I? Catnip for rogues?”

Suddenly a voice resounded in her head saying, “That sounds amusing.” then suddenly a blue box appeared in her face. Then her face darkened as it was nothing but trouble. 


You have attracted the attention of the Dark Goddess of Mischief!

New Title gained:


Nothing good ever comes from gaining the attention of a goddess of mischief, nothing. She was sure the title was bad news, and she had a good idea what the title meant, but she decided to analyze it to be sure.

Rogue-nip: You are basically catnip to a rogue. Rogues will do anything to possess you. Increased seduction vs rogues, increased likelihood of being raped by a rogue. Rogues of both genders are sexually attracted to you. All rogues become high in your presence.

“I was right, this title is bad news. I need to get rid of it somehow. Preferably before I get raped again,” thought Michael, who was already noting the titles effects from the change in Mira’s behavior. Mira who was already clinging to her was now trying to strip her, and Michael could almost swear she saw hearts in Mira’s eyes. Almost certain, she was about to get raped again, she looked towards Delilah desperately and asked, “help me,” Delilah rushed to her side and tried to help her, but Mira said, “ you’re cute too” as she pulled her down, too. At the same time, Susan approached the puzzle, while the tank, just stood to the side laughing while keeping an eye on the door.

“So this puzzle has a floor trap?” said Susan as she put in a random answer to the riddle. An instant later everyone had a blue screen appear in front of their eyes. Michael saw the screen and inwardly cursed as she wasn’t ready for this.

Your party member has answered incorrectly

Floor transfer trap activated

The party fell as the floor disappeared from under them. As they fell, Mira clung more tightly to Michael, and Delilah panicked clinging tightly to both of them. Then they hit the slope below and slid down to a lower level. The party hit a few rocks and turns that tried to separate them and partially succeeded. Michael, Delilah, and Mira landed on the floor of a cell in a heap. Above they heard a clicking sound as a grate closed sealing them in. Then another blue screen that Michael found concerning appeared before them.

You have been captured by the dungeon!

You are reading story What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!? at novel35.com

You have 24 hours to escape or you will be a dungeon pet.

“What kind of person, just randomly answers a dungeon puzzle without consulting their party!” shouted Michael, while silently wishing that Susan hadn’t been in the town to come into the dungeon with them. Just as Michael tried to get up, so she could look around found herself being pushed down by Mira who had somehow found the time to strip. As Mira was trying to strip her she was presented with an excellent view of Mira’s bare skin, which was a creamy tan. Her body was well-toned, her breasts perky, her hard nipples could be seen in the middle of her large pink areola. Michael was surprised with how large Mira’s boobs were since she thought they were smaller, but they were almost big enough to be C cups. Her stomach and the underside of her boobs were lightly coated with silvery scales. Michael tried to push her away, but a dragon’s strength is impressive and as a half dragonkin she had inherited that trait, allowing her to easily pin Michael down. Before Michael knew it she was naked on the floor and pinned under Mira, while Delilah who had tried to help was also naked and being groped.

It wasn’t long before Mira’s groping progressed into full-on sex, several hours later Michael was sitting in a corner glaring at Mira with Delilah hiding behind her, while she tried to order her thoughts. “I was raped, again! Why does this keep happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Damn that goddess of mischief this is all her fault!” thought Michael, unable to answer her own questions which kept multiplying. Fortunately, Mira had regained her sense after she had finished raping her cellmates, and she was now sitting in the middle of the room begging them to forgive her. Michael actually found it a bit cute and endearing, but she was too angry to care. 

“I’m sorry, please forgive me. I didn’t mean to do that, it's just that your so cute and I was so horny I couldn’t help myself. Say something, don’t just glare at me. If it makes you feel better I’ll let you spank me,” said Mira. Somehow Michael didn’t trust that last statement. Then Michael remembered the notification, so she went through her notifications and found the rules for escaping. After reading through them she began to do her best to look around while keeping an eye on the rogue. They were in a hallway with cells on either side. The floor, rear wall, and ceiling were solid rock, the only feature in the ceiling was the grate they had fallen through. The side walls were made of some sort of transparent rock, and judging by the scorched appearance of Susan the cell was indestructible. While Susan’s torn and singed clothing implied they had a reflect magic attribute as well.

She reached for her clothes and started to dress and then said, “Why don’t you unlock the door so we can get out of here? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a pet. Now looks like a good time since there’s only two guards over there guarding the door.” She handed some of Delilah’s clothing back to her as well and Delilah started to dress as well. Mira started picking up her stuff and asked, “Do you forgive me?”

Michael almost shouted out, hell no, but thought better of it and replied with a maybe. Delilah just kept silent since she wasn’t sure what to say. Satisfied with a maybe, Mira started examining the lock. After a few minutes examining the lock, she went over grabbed her clothes and armor, and dressed before trying her hand at the lock. Being a simple lock, it took her only a minute to open it. The three then left the cell, with Michael and Delilah keeping some distance between themselves and Mira. Susan noticed them exiting the cell.

“Well, since the sex crazed trio is finally done, why don’t you let me out of this cell, so we can get out of here?” said Susan attracting the guard's attention. The resulting battle was the first challenge since entering the dungeon. While a pair of level 25 lamia demons were no match for them having an average level of 45, they were strong enough to inflict damage if one got careless or they were taken by surprise. While they were fighting, Michael got careless and one of the demons scored a critical hit, shredding her armor and ripping open a large wound. Fortunately for her, Delilah was a good healer and was able to close the wound without leaving a scar, but there was now a large rent in her armor that left her stomach part of her chest exposed. Michael examined her armor, and then exclaimed, “ great, now I need a new set of armor!”

Then she looked at Susan then at the cell and briefly considered just leaving her there, while Mira, studied the lock for the door the demons were guarding. Unfortunately, Michael couldn’t think of any reason to justify leaving Susan behind. Other than the fact, that she just didn’t like the mage. Then Mira spoke up, interrupting Michael’s thoughts, “This door appears to be an exit to the cell block, unfortunately I can’t open it. The door uses a mana stone lock, we need a mana stone keyed to the door to open it.”

“Does either of the guards have the key?” asked Michael.

“No, I already checked them, and the tracking stone won’t help us find an alternate route since our rookies seem to have left the cell block via this door,” replied Mira.

“So we either A find an alternate route, or B find the key. Sounds like fun, well we still have over a day before we run out of time, open the other cells, and then we’ll go looking for a way out of here,” said Michael.

  A few minutes later, Mira had opened the other two cells and they headed for the other exit which led deeper into the cell block. Most of the cells they passed were empty, but a few contained skeletons or illusionary adventurers, the ones with illusionary adventures were trapped, so that any adventure who fell for the trap would be locked in with no way out. Fortunately, Susan was able to dispel the illusions before anyone fell for them. The initial path they took after leaving the first hall, ended in a room that looked like an office, in one corner they found a treasure chest. The chest contained a metal bra that seemed to be made of silver. The bra was apparently a piece of upper body armor, that required level 25. It was enchanted to protect the entire upper body, but it only works if it is the only piece of clothing you're wearing on your upper body. On the plus side it provides, a defensive benefit comparable to high-level armor, it was also cursed with a genderbending effect. Apparently, if a male attempted to wear it he would be cursed with a girl’s body, even after removing it. The curse didn’t activate however if a girl put it on.

Since the route was a dead end, they chose to backtrack. As for the bra, they just stuffed it in a bag since no one wanted it. As they were backtracking they ran into a patrol of five lamia demons, thinking they had the advantage they engaged, only for another group of demons to ambush them from behind. The resulting fight was tough and they racked up some wounds, which Delilah took care of. Just as she finished healing their wounds another group showed up. The wave tactics wore them down and forced them to retreat.

“Guess, it would be better to avoid fighting,” said the normally silent tank.

“Damn, demons how many does the dungeon have patrolling? It’s almost like they are respawning almost as quick as we killed them,” Susan complained.

“ I guess so, we should avoid the patrols and find a way out the stealthy way,” said Mira who was still panting from the previous fight, she was now checking her ruined gear. “Great, by the time we get out of here we are all going to need some new armor,” continued Mira.

“Tell me about it, my robes are falling apart,” said Susan. The group, after a few minutes of resting, regrouped and then began to sneak through the cell blocks, avoiding the guards. While trying to avoid an encounter similar to the last one. After a while the came across a staircase that headed up, they took it and soon found another office like the first they came across. In it they found a treasure chest with a pair of silver panties that had the exact same traits as the silver bra they found earlier.

“So we found a matching set of underwear, that counts as armor. Maybe we can sell it, and use the money to help cover the replacement cost for our armor,” said Michael.

“Sounds like a good idea,” said Delilah.

“But you would look so cute in this,” said Mira. Michael decided to just ignore that and then the group continued. After a while, they found a hall with a door that looked similar to the one in the hall they started in. Mira examined the door and found that it wasn’t a mana stone lock, but it was the hardest lock to pick she had seen, so it still took her a few minutes to unlock the door. The moment they stepped out they were greeted with a blue screen that everyone was happy to see.

You have escaped, your captor’s cell blocks!

You will not be a pet today!

Congratulations you have reached the third floor via an alternate route, you have gained a new title!

New Title: Pathfinde

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