What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 154: CXXIV Aid for an Elf

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Xatali walked down the streets of Bordertown. She was getting close to that dragon lady, she could feel it. The young Liritian didn’t quite know how she knew, but she did. She knew the dragon lady was just around the next corner, but knew not how to describe the feeling. Nor how to explain where this certainty had come from. She wondered if her goddess Arlie had anything to do with it.

For all she knew, accepting that mark had awakened some kind of sixth sense. It sounded plausible to her. It would explain why she suddenly knew the dragon she was looking for was just around that corner. Only, why did it feel like that answer was wrong?

She shook her head pushing the thought aside, and trying not to focus on the feelings she had about the upcoming encounter. Xatali had an elf to rescue from her clutches. Although it didn’t help that she felt uncomfortable at the prospect of seeing that dragon again. Thankfully that discomfort was easy to ignore. Besides, she had already agreed to the task. Xatali figured the sooner she could get it over with the better.

Xatali rounded the corner. Up ahead, the lovely smell of a native fowl being cooked was coming from a stall. A few tables were scattered about and a few people, mainly adventurers, were gathered about ordering food. Not that there would be much on the menu. Outdoor eateries like this usually only ever offer one or two things. The most she had seen on the menu of a stall was seven entries, and they were all variants of the same dish.  One pair in particular however, drew her attention. A familiar dragon with a smug expression on her face was seated at the nearest table, and Xatali was just in time to see the other figure suddenly stand up. While she could not see the other figure’s face, she could tell they were an elf. Her eyes were drawing to the Elf’s fist as it was wrapped in a glowing mystical light.

Time seemed to slow down as the glowing fist sailed through the air, and slammed into Zemoria’s face... hard. The dragon and her chair both went tipping backwards. The force of the blow sending the naked dragon lady careening into the ground. A part of her half expected to see the dragon’s skull crack when she hit the cobblestone street. Alas that was not to be. She did hit her head, but there was no blood at all.

A rather peeved dragon picked herself off the ground, and glared at the female elf that had slugged her.  While Xatali could understand being mad about being hit, the young Liritian felt the dragon had it coming. She could hear shouting now coming from the pair, but with the general din of the market she could not make out any words. Especially with how loudly some of the onlookers were discussing the commotion.

Xatali had the feeling that she needed to break this up before either of them did something stupid. She picked up speed, and weaved her way through the growing crowd of onlookers that was slowly blocking her view of the spat. Thankfully, only the one punch had been thrown so far, but it was quite clear, even from where she was, that the two were furious at each other. Although Xatali had the strong feeling that this entire spat was Zemoria’s fault.

Getting closer, she started picking up pieces. The Elf was demanding that Zemoria release her daughter from some contract. While the dragon was understandably angry about being hit and was demanding that the Elf apologize for that. Although Xatali felt she deserved that punch. Strangely, she had the feeling that Zemoria was trying to goad the Elf into doing something more aggressive. She also noticed a pair of scaled demons nearby that were keeping the crowd from getting too close. A pair that Zemoria seemed to be watching in the corner of her eye.

When she reached the edge, one of them stopped her briefly. After she explained her intentions, she was let through. Xatali quickly positioned herself between the two arguing parties. Just as the Elf tried to throw a second punch, Xatali blocked it with a quick ward spell.

As the Elf was rubbing her fist, she glanced between the two of them. “This isn’t the place for this sort of thing.” Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded envelope that she knew was going to be there. Arlie had mentioned adding this to her belongings. Xatali glanced at the dragon and held it out to her, “this is for you.”

Turning to the Elf, she said, “My patron wanted me to tell you that for your own good, you should just walk away. Confronting Zemoria is not worth it. Let the foolish dragon dig her own grave.”

Zemoria glared at Xatali. “I’m no fool, and what is this about a patron?”

Xatali pulled her shirt down a bit, letting Zemoria see her mark. “You sold yourself to Arlie? Why would you do that?”

Xatali glared at the dragon, “You know why, I’m glaring at the why.”

The dragon had the sense to look sheepish. “I hope you are happy then. Your mistress is a strange one. Personally, I think you would have been happier if you just accepted my plan for you.”

The elf interjected at that moment, “I’m not going to walk away. That crafty dragon tricked my daughter. I’m not leaving until she releases my daughter from that foolish contract she signed.”

Xatali turned to the elf, and said, “I feel for you. Goddess Arlie said you would feel that way. She told me that your daughter’s contract is only Demi-god rank. Any god could nullify it, but think carefully about which god you turn to.”

One of the scaled lust demons interjected, “Yeah, I agree. Take a moment to cool down, and think this through. You have options, don’t end up doing something you will regret.”

Zemoria took that moment to address the scaled lust demons, “I have been wondering. Why did you two let yourselves get corrupted?”

The two lust demons, having more time thanks to the crowd starting to lose interest, turned and gave a questioning look. Zemoria elaborated, “I was asking why a pair of young half-dragons like yourselves allowed themselves to be demonized?”

The one scratched her cheek, “Actually we didn’t even know about our dragon blood until after my initiation ritual awakened it. I then urged Tammi here to take her own initiation ritual.”

Zemoria gave them both pitying looks, and commented, “What is with this town, and young ignorant dragons? I’ve found three that have no knowledge of their heritage.”

Xatali didn’t know what to say. Neither of the dragon-demon siblings said anything either. The elf sighed, “You know, I think I will go spend some time with my daughters, and think this over.” then she glared at the dragon, “This isn’t over though. You messed with the wrong family. Mark my words, I will make you regret it.”

The siblings glanced at each other, then Zemoria and Xatali before saying, “I am afraid that is our cue to leave. We have to keep her safe.”

They hurried after the departing elf, and soon it was just her and Zemoria. Zemoria pointed at a chair. “Why don’t you sit down. I have a letter to read, and I think both of us will have things to discuss when I am done.”

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She nodded, and took a seat. A part of her was actually rather curious what the letter said. Arlie only told her to deliver it, she knew not the contents of that letter. She didn’t have anywhere pressing to be anyway.

Before long, they were joined by a third figure. A familiar naked woman, who surprisingly wasn’t drawing much attention. Zemoria looked up from the letter with some surprise. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off.

“Consider yourself lucky that she walked away when she did. I am getting rather annoyed with you.”

Xatali had a feeling that Zemoria really was starting to dig her own grave. This clearly didn’t concern her, and she wondered if she should even be here for what was no doubt going to be a very one-sided conversation.

“Perhaps, I should come back later.”

Dewari glanced at her and said “Actually, I think you should stay. We will need a witness. As we are about to negotiate the terms for Zemoria’s continued presence in this town. As the agent of another god, you are a valid neutral party.”

“I am? Doesn’t the fact that Zemoria is the master of my capture ball disqualify me?”

“That thing has no mind-altering effects, and you have no loyalty to her. So no, you are quite valid as a witness.”

Zemoria interjected, “Dewari is correct. I can’t use it to influence your mind, and now that you bear that mark, I can’t touch your mind no matter how much I want to. Not unless you allow it.”

“I guess, I am staying then.”

Dewari smiled, “Perfect!” Then she turned to Zemoria, and handed her a crystal plate covered with strange markings.

“I will allow you to stay in my town, but you need to stop coercing people into weird contracts.”

“What about young Mira? I do need to teach her about her proper heritage as a dragon.”

“Perfectly fine, given her heritage, I have little reason to keep her from you. The teachings might do her some good. However the other two are no longer your jurisdiction, but Misaki’s. They belong to the dungeon.”

“Are you saying you won’t allow me to teach those two about their proper heritage?”

“No, I am saying that neither of us had clear jurisdiction over those two. If you really want to teach them, you will have to take it up with Misaki. She is the one you must convince, as they are hers.”

“Well if they are off the table, that leaves very little to discuss.”

Xatali listened to the two, a bit surprised that no one was taking an interest in the discussion between a god, and a powerful dragon. In the middle of town no less. It seemed like the sort of thing that should draw far more attention than it did.

Zemoria was reading over the crystal, as Dewari outlined its contents. After a moment, Zemoria looked up, and then handed it over to her. Xatali took it, a little surprised. Zemoria commented, “Can’t be a proper witness, if you haven’t looked at the actual contract now can you?”

She understood that, and without a word turned to read it. At first, the symbols were incomprehensible, but then she felt a strange warmth from her symbol. It felt like Arlie’s presence coursing through her. Suddenly the words changed into something legible, and she heard Arlie’s voice say, “Here, a little translation help.”

With the symbols now perfectly readable, she looked through the contract. It seemed to be exactly what they had discussed. Zemoria would be allowed to stay here, and teach that dragon Mira. She would not be allowed to make any contracts while within the town. Dewari had also forbidden certain forms of betting as well. It seemed Dewari was really getting annoyed with a certain dragon changing people while in Dwari’s territory. It only forbid that stuff while in Bordertown though. Beyond Bordertown and the boundaries of the dungeon, she was not shackled by these terms. The terms also made her fully responsible for anyone she brought into town, and their actions. She noticed several clauses about how tricking someone by proxy was also punishable. The end outlined a few punishments. None of which Xatali wanted to think about, they seemed... harsh.

“It seems alright, and covers what you discussed.”

Zemoria took the crystal, and then signed at the bottom. Handing it over, she said, “If that is all. I still have a letter to finish.”

Dewari smiled, took the crystal plate, and signed herself. “Just about. Xatali dear, could you please sign here.” Dewari was pointing to a section labeled, ‘signature of witness.’

She nodded, and signed there. The entire crystal glowed at that moment, and suddenly split into three identical crystal sheets. Dewari grabbed one, and said, “I’ll be keeping an eye on you.” Then she vanished.

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