What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 162: CXXXII Conversations on Rosewood

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Misaki settled into the chair, and glanced at Phyllis who was giving her a rather thoughtful look. After a moment, she said, “I can’t give you much information, honestly. I haven’t been there for years, and the Drake siblings could probably tell you more than I can. They are actually from Rosewood.”

The Drakes? She hadn’t thought about them, but now that Phyllis mentioned it, she remembered Phyllis was right about that. The Drake siblings did originate from Rosewood. They might know more, but they hadn’t been in Rosewood anymore recently than Phyllis. “I guess, but their information likely won’t be any more recent than yours.”

Phyllis nodded, “It probably won’t be, alright, but I believe I heard mention of someone who might have recent information. Not sure where he is at the moment. Although rumor has it he can often be found hovering outside the guild. Then there is Kuron. It sounded like he knew something recent when we talked earlier.”

“Interesting. I’ll look those two up later. In the meantime what can you tell me about Rosewood?”

“Not much, but I will share what I can.”

“Who knows, maybe it will be illuminating,” replied Misaki.

Phyllis leaned back into her own chair, and began, “The Rosewood Empire is the largest of the five kingdoms that border Bordertown. The Empire is populated primarily by humans and ruled by the Rosewood family dynasty. Succession tends to be rather fluid with the crown supposedly going to prospective heir the gods deem most worthy. In reality, it’s often the nobles that have the most control over that. The heir who secures the greatest backing from the nobles typically takes the throne.

“That fluid succession also means that when the Empire is between emperors it can be a little unstable. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t been there recently. Any smart adventurer steers clear of Rosewood during a succession. Well, the mainlands of the Empire anyway. Her vassals are less affected.”

“Vassals? I haven’t heard anything about those.”

“I am not surprised. Rosewood isn’t a subject that comes up often here. I haven’t visited all of them, but the nearest Rosewood vassal is the Kingdom of South Vabir.”

“South Vabir? Odd name for a kingdom.”

“Well, the Kingdom of Vabir split into the Kingdoms of South and North Vabir a little over two hundred years ago after the king died with no living heirs. After ten years of civil war, Rosewood invaded from the south, and the Dwarves invaded from the north. South Vabir became a vassal of Rosewood, and North Vabir became a Vassal of the Dwarven Kingdom of Ironbarrow Both states installed a ruler of their choosing.”

“Interesting. I think I recall something similar in the history of my old world.”

“Yeah that sort of thing isn’t terribly uncommon. Anyway we were talking about Rosewood. I believe I mentioned that most veteran adventurers steer clear during a succession.”

“Yes, I think you did. Although now that I think about it, if that is the case why are you here?”

“I was given an offer ‘too good to refuse,’” she gestured to her body, “Before all this I was looking to retire, and then I was offered a position as guild master. I just couldn’t pass that up. Maybe I should have, but...”

“You can’t regret making the choice.”

“For a brief while I did, but in the end, it turned out to be the best one I ever made. I likely wouldn’t have evolved if I hadn’t come here, nor would I have five lovely daughters.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see them grow up, and start corrupting people. I’d love to hear about their conquests when they get older.”

“I would too, I would too. Although let’s not discuss that now.”

Misaki wasn’t sure why not, but agreed not to. The pair spoke a while longer, when suddenly Phyllis exclaimed, “I almost forgot! Mellisa is from Vabir. North Vabir to be specific, but that is right on the border of Rosewood. She might know more about the place than I do.”

She found Melisa a short time later out in the hall. Melisa was nude as was normal for her these days, but Meira wasn’t with her for once. It seemed Meira was out doing something else. Misaki did notice that Melisa was a little flushed, and her pussy was glistening with moisture. Her hair was a little disheveled, and she clearly hadn’t gotten around to taking a bath. She had some half-dried fluids on her. Misaki said nothing about that. It was obvious she had sex recently but there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, that was something to encourage, but she had other things on her mind.

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“Hmm Rosewood?” Misaki nodded, and Melisa continued, “I haven’t been there in years. Although I do keep in touch with my family back in North Vabir. One of my cousins is a merchant, and she sends me some interesting letters. The last few she has been telling me about some new cult in Rosewood. I believe they worship the dragon Aceri, one of Zemoria’s less radical daughters.”

“Less radical?”

“Well, all of Zemoria’s daughters share the same philosophy. Although how they behave differs. Aceri, like most dragons, likes to play the long game, and she is achieving most of her goals through her cult.”

“Any idea what else she might be trying to do with a cult?”

Melisa nodded, “Dragons like to abduct mortals and mold them into servants. Most often it’s the female dragons that do this, and more often than not it happens when they are nesting. It does fit the rumors I have heard as well. Especially since her cult has been more active lately. I think Aceri is trying to mold Rosewood into a long term supply of ideal servants. So do several of my cousins. It has been a topic in our letter exchanges for a while.”

“So where Zemoria acts like a tricky devil, Aceri likes to work through religion. Interesting, that makes her far more dangerous of an opponent honestly. Not sure I want to deal with any dragon-worshiping cults.”

Melisa’s expression changed, “I know, and I kind of worry about my relatives in South Vabir. My family in North Vabir should be pretty safe, but who knows how the cultists in the south will behave.”

Misaki wasn’t liking what she had heard. Melisa had little more to share, so she went out of the guild. Already looking for any young man that stuck out oddly in the crowd. The person Phyllis had told her to look for. Instead, she noticed Kuron nearby.

Kuron frowned after she asked, and then began, “The Rosewood cults? Yeah, I had a few run-ins with them. Really strange group. They fanatically believe women should go naked. I’ve noticed that this Church of the Dragon as they call themselves seems to idolize the Dragon Aceri. They also have access to magic not unlike the dungeon’s curse. They have rituals for turning men into women.

“One of the quests I was offered back in Rosewood, but turned down for obvious reasons involved rescuing some noble’s son from this cult before they could turn him into a woman. Apparently, he was going to go through one of these rituals. Given he was apparently a mage, I don’t blame him. Women tend to make better mages, there would have been some practical attraction there.”

“Yeah, I can see why you didn’t take that one. Nothing but trouble there. That’s a lose-lose quest if I have ever heard one.”

Kuron chuckled, “That is a really good description.”

“Anything else you can tell me about Rosewood and its cults?”

Kuron stroked her cheek for a moment, “Not much, but I think I recall that First Princess Rosewood joined the Church of the Dragon. I never did get much details on that.”

“First Princess? That implies a second.”

“Yeah, the Rosewood family had two daughters and four sons that have a claim to the throne. Except one of the sons is a little too young to take the throne, and the Second Princess is only four. She has the claim, but can’t even make a run. Her older brother the fourth prince could, but by tradition, most won’t take him as a serious candidate. That means it’s between the first three princes and the first princess for the throne. Last I heard the First Princess had already knocked the second prince out of the running in a tournament.”

“A tournament? Is there a story behind that?”

“Just the normal kind. In Rosewood, the eligible siblings compete with each other for the crown. The winner becomes the Crown Prince or Princess. At least until everything is finalized and they are crowned. Given where we are, I expect a party to pass through here to announce the crowning when it happens. So far I haven’t noticed one, so I can only assume the succession is still ongoing.”

“Thanks, I guess. You have been most helpful actually.”

Misaki wasn’t joking about that. Kuron had been quite informative, and this was painting a bit of a picture that she was not liking. She was really wishing she had not jinxed herself with that joking line of thought about dragon worshipping cults. Who knew that actually might be something she would have to worry about. She allowed Kuron to go about her business, but hung around to look for the young man Phyllis had mentioned.

After an hour or so she grew bored looking. It didn’t seem he was going to come to the guild today, or he had already been here. Perhaps she had already missed him. It didn’t matter too much as the people she had already talked to had been surprisingly informative. Although she would have liked something more substantial. Despite that she had a picture forming about what was going on in Rosewood. Enough to realize that Zemoria might not be the only dragon she had to worry about, worse she might have to worry about fanatic dragon cultists as well.

Deciding she wasn’t going to find the young man right now, she made for her dungeon. Perhaps she should talk to the Drake siblings. She doubted they knew anything, but maybe they will surprise her.

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