What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 22: XIII Impressing the Visitors

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Misaki quickly decided that she wanted to impress her visitor, she was also concerned about what would happen. She had a fair idea for why Philip had entered her dungeon, the problem was she couldn’t say anything about what happened to Philip. She had seen it happen of course, but the gods forbid her from telling Philip what happened. Apparently, if she did tell her the answer, it would invalidate her quest, since she had to figure out who did it on her own. This, of course, did not prevent her from giving a hint. She, of course, wanted to see how far she could push the bounds of a hint. Then she turned her attention to Philip who had just entered the room.

Philip was much cuter in person than she had appeared through the dungeon sight. Her long purple hair had been tied back in an awkward ponytail, that still somehow managed to look good on her. The silver bra, her chest plate had become looked amazing on her modest chest, and the way she kept tugging on her mini skirt as she walked was cute. Misaki had an urge to run over and pet the girl, but she restrained herself and sat back in her throne.

“Welcome to my castle, you are the first to reach me here and you have done so solo. The gods decree you be rewarded, with a treasure worthy of your achievement. Tell me what you desire,” Misaki said, using one of the lines Dewari had made her practice during the three months she was waiting for adventurers to discover the dungeon. Of course, she was inwardly embarrassed to be using these lines. Something she did her best to hide.

Philip, however, noticed her embarrassment at the line despite her efforts to hide it. Fortunately for Misaki, she chose not to mention it. Instead, she focused on her goal. “I would like you to tell me who put this ring on me,” said Philip. Misaki had suspected Philip would want to know that so she wasn’t surprised, and replied quickly.

“I’m sorry I can’t tell you that, the gods and their rules I’m afraid,” said Misaki with a tinge of worry in her voice. She was under no illusions that if Philip reacted badly, she would be at her mercy.

“Somehow, I’m not surprised, but can you at least give me a hint?’ asked Philip slightly disappointed that she wasn’t going to get the answer she wanted.

“Yes, but I’m only allowed to give you one hint,” replied Misaki.

“Only one, well I can live with that. Since you can’t tell me who did it can you at least tell me how they did it? I know I hadn’t installed my security system yet, but I sure I had both a detection ward setup and my doors locked,” said Philip.

“Yes I can, but actually you forgot the detection ward. You did lock the doors though...” said Misaki as she recounted the events she had witnessed. She had been watching at the time since the occurrence had struck her as odd. She had been careful though not to mention their names, which she knew they had been in her dungeon, and she had the habit of analyzing the people who entered her dungeon. She instead referred to them by their role in placing the ring on Philip. Calling Mira, the rogue, while referring to Michael as the lookout and Delilah as the mage. Philip though found the information useful, as it gave her a better idea of where to look.

As Philip listened she also found herself staring at Misaki. Misaki was incredibly cute, and Philp found she had an urge to pet her. That was when she had an idea, if she had an urge to pet this girl than most of the others who had pet her would probably want to as well. In other words, getting Misaki to the surface would provide the perfect distraction to buy her some time to find the culprits. Misaki finished recounting what she saw a couple minutes after Philip had her idea.

“Oh, before I forget I’m Philip and you are?” asked Philip.

“Misaki,” replied Misaki not sure why Philip was suddenly doing introductions now, as she blushed slightly from using her name. She was still a bit embarrassed over her name, but she had begun to accept it.

“Do you spend all your time, in this castle?” asked Philip.

“I took a walk around this floor,” replied Misaki confused about this line of questioning.

“A cute girl like you should get out more,” said Philip as she suddenly grabbed Misaki’s hand and started pulling her towards the exit. Misaki didn’t have dungeon gates yet, so they would have to walk out, but the traps and puzzles were designed to keep people out not in. Misaki who had realized that Philip was taking her out of the dungeon, cried out for help from the only person she could think of, who could stop Philip.

“Help me!” cried out Misaki through the skill Contact Dewari.

“Hmm, oh going out. Have fun!” replied Dewari, cheerily. Who momentarily turned her attention from another matter that required her attention to access what was happening in Misaki’s dungeon and then wished her fun before turning her attention back to more important things.

Without help from Dewari, Misaki could only be dragged through her own halls. Philip was too strong to fight, and her ability to dissolve her avatar was still locked so she couldn’t just hide in her core. While her dungeon was fairly large for a young dungeon, it did not take Philip very long to reach the entrance, especially since Philip was dragging Misaki along at a fair clip.

They left the dungeon to be greeted by the midday sun. An adventuring party passed them as they left and went in. Workers were moving around the town, moving supplies to the building projects that needed them. As they came out, a woman spotted them and headed their way. She was young maybe in her mid-twenties, early thirties. She had long black hair tied into a ponytail, her face was pretty with high cheekbones. Her eyes were grey, she had a firm figure and was of average height. Misaki found her eyes drawn to the woman’s chest, her boobs were the biggest she had seen since coming to this world, and she briefly wondered how she had missed seeing this woman, when she had surveyed the town with her dungeon sight.

“There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you. Wait did you go into the dungeon by yourself? What if something happened to you?” said the woman. Then she noticed Misaki, who was still stuck in Philip’s iron grip.

“Oh, who’s this did you make a friend?” said the woman. As she noted Misaki’s disheveled appearance, and Philip’s awkward ponytail.

“This is Misaki, and I’m not a child I can take care of myself, Melisa” replied Philip not liking how her new appearance had changed the way people treat her.

“Nonsense, you’re a girl now, you need to take better care of yourself. Your hair is a mess, you’re covered in mud and both of you have leaves stuck to you. I’m giving both of you a bath,” declared Melisa who rushed forward and grabbed the two, before dragging them towards the guild’s bathhouse. The guild had built a bathhouse near the dungeon, as one of several buildings that are built whenever a new dungeon town is erected. Many adventurers especially female adventurers wanted to take a bath after being in a dungeon. The local bathhouse wasn’t very large and was a simple wooden building, with a reception room, two changing rooms and a bath divided by a wooden fence. Curtains were used to provide privacy, since the only true door in the building was the front door. The bath itself was maintained at a reasonable temperature, by a firestone, while a water stone provided the water.

 Philip had tried to run, but her class never did specialize in speed and Melisa’s did, and she was just high enough in level and rank to outspeed Philip by a few points. Since Philip couldn’t find it in her to risk hurting her aide, she also couldn’t break her grip, just like yesterday. When they got to the bath, Misaki tried to take advantage of Philip being distracted to sneak back to her dungeon, but she was suddenly caught and dragged into the changing room by Melisa. In just minutes Melisa had both of them stripped naked and in the bath. Philip flushed red with embarrassment as she was dragged into the bath, utterly embarrassed to be naked and in the bath with other girls.

Misaki, however, wasn’t so embarrassed, between her demonic nature, her past life and her recent experiences as a girl, this experience wasn’t so embarrassing for her. Of course, that didn’t mean she wanted to be here either and she found being bathed like a little girl just as embarrassing as Philip did As soon as the two were in the bath, Melisa pulled out a few tools and soap. Then she began to scrub the two of them clean despite their protests. While Melisa was bathing them two more girls entered the bath.

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Philip recognized the additions as the receptionist and the tailor that had tortured her with petting and being a dress-up doll all day yesterday. Philip tried to hide only for Melisa to stop her, this caused some splashing which drew their attention. Misaki watched the two approach and wondered why Philip panicked on seeing them, she had been busy at the time and didn’t see Philip get treated as a dress-up doll.

The receptionist was a pretty enough woman, she was tall with long green hair and the pointed ears of an elf. Like most elves she was entirely flat, her figure was slim and well-toned entirely void of excess fat. As for the tailor, she was a little on the short side for her race, she had a small pair of perky breasts. A cute black tail stretched from her rear and she has a pair of triangular black cat ears on her head. Her figure was lithe and toned, both were clearly excited as they approached.

“Hey, I was wondering where you were hiding. Where did you find her?” asked the receptionist as she got close.

“I found her and her friend outside the dungeon, and in a desperate need of a bath,” replied Melisa. The receptionist then looked at Misaki, who wasn’t quite aware of what was going to happen and then exclaimed, “another cutie!” before rushing Misaki. Next thing Misaki knew she was in the elf woman’s lap, and receiving head pats. Philip’s luck wasn’t much better and she found herself being pet by the tailor, while Melisa used a brush on her wet hair, to get the leaves that were still stuck out. As this was happening Philip was also trying to figure out why her plan wasn’t working she had thought that Misaki was cute enough and new enough to garner all the attention, which would let her look for the information she needed.

“Ah you’re so cute, I just love those little horns, too. What is your name, I’m Sarah,” said the receptionist Sarah.

“Misaki,” replied Misaki with a bit of blush.

“Ah, you’re so adorable. I can just play with you all day!” exclaimed Sarah.

“Hey Misaki, how old are you?” asked the tailor. Misaki hesitated to answer, her mental age was far older than her actual age. She was about to lie when Philip answered for her.

‘The system says, she is around four months old,” replied Philip.

“Well, I guess demons do mature quickly. I thought you were much older,” said Sarah.

“I’m much older mentally. It’s not my fault I was reincarnated as a dungeon,” retorted Misaki.

“So you are the dungeon? I knew dungeons were female, but I didn’t think you would be so cute!” exclaimed Sarah. Then something occurred to Sarah and she asked Misaki a question.

“So why does your dungeon turn boys into girls when they fail?” asked Sarah. Misaki turned completely red and then hesitated before stuttering out her answer.

“Um, well I uh already had False Death and uh didn’t like the idea of seeing naked guys, so I well uh chose the uh curse of lost manhood trait,” said Misaki.

“Oh, how cute your shy!” exclaimed the three women in almost perfect unison. It was at that moment that a loud crack was suddenly heard and then the fence dividing the bath crumbled. Giving the two men in the other bath a luck view of the girls bathing. Phillip simply froze like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. While Misaki covered her pussy since her boobs were already covered by Sarah’s arm who gripped her tighter. Not that Misaki thought to cover them in the first place. Melisa used Philip to cover her body while using her hands to cover Philip’s important places. While the tailor used her tail to cover her vagina, and her hands to cover her boobs.

The incident effectively ended their bath, and the group slowly backed out and into the changing room. During the bath Melisa had used telepathy to make sure the tailor had brought a set of extra clothes for both Philip and Misaki. Neither liked what was bought for them, but for different reasons. In Misaki’s case, it was her lust demon heritage telling her the dress the tailor had brought for her didn’t show enough skin. While Philip was just plain embarrassed to be wearing another dress, today’s dress was pink, with matching underwear. The dress Misaki was given was almost identical the only difference was the color. The dress wasn’t pink but instead it was aquamarine in color.

Of course, Misaki was a little taller than Philip and her bust a bit larger as well, so the dress didn’t quite fit right either. So as soon as they were dressed the tailor dragged them all to her shop. Where Misaki soon found herself being the dress-up doll. Philip, of course, ended up in Sarah’s lap again being pet, wondering if she would ever get a normal life again.

POV Change:

A young woman stared at the missive that had been sent over by magic earlier today. Apparently the plans for the dungeon were to be accelerated, which was fine by her she was going to make an attempt to reach the bottom of the dungeon anyway since her last run didn’t go so well which is why she was now a girl.

She really didn’t plan on staying a girl for long, being turned into a girl had not been one of the highlights of her life. The worst part was how the attitude of her fellow priests and acolytes had changed. They suddenly started treating her as a servant, and because of the magic that binds priests to the temple, she couldn’t just run away. To make things worse they were also making her wear these ridiculous and revealing robes. Although things could have been worse, but of all the priests here she had the best grasp of celestial magic, so they didn’t do what they had done to all the others who failed, and slap a slave collar on her. Oh sure it would have made her obedient, but it would have also disrupted her magic.

Slave collars were designed that way on purpose. So as to prevent a slave from escaping they were designed to suppress the wearer’s magical ability and ensured the master always knew where their slaves were. The collars could also be used to force them to obey their masters, and could be used to punish a disobedient slave. Some slave collars could even force a pre-programmed personality on the wearer, but that collar type was illegal and only used by the underground crime syndicates.

The use of slave collars in the temple was one of many reasons, she now wanted out. She had originally joined the church so that she could learn how to heal the sick. Her mother had died from an illness that had swept through her home village, and she didn’t want anyone to suffer from that so she joined the church. Only to discover it was far darker on the inside then the face it showed to the public. She now greatly regretted joining the church of light. Then she heard a voice behind her.

“What do you have there Daniel?” said the local high priest she was coming to despise.

“Orders from headquarters their accelerating their plans for the dungeon,” replied Daniel.

“In that case round up some acolytes and a few priests and get your gear together. We will start first thing in the morning,” said the high priest.

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