What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 28: XVI How did this happen?

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You have accomplished a rare feat and seduced a dungeon.

New Title: Dungeon Seducer

You have been marked as a dungeon’s mate!

Boon gained

Philip had woken up this morning with her head hurting and a blue screen staring her in the face. One with a message that left her a bit confused as she had no idea how this happened. So she tried thinking back on last night. Just it wasn’t all that different from any night of the last month since she turned into a girl. Just like every other morning she woke up, did her morning rituals and was ambushed by Melisa when she left her house. Not long after Misaki would show up, often sticking with her all day long. While it was difficult because of her fans, she still tried to get information on the ones who turned her into a girl, which is why she had visited the guild’s tavern last night. Unfortunately, she was getting worried that she would run out of time, as the best info she has to show for a month’s work was what Misaki told her. What made this worry worse was the fact she didn’t know when the time limit would expire.

Then she heard the moan next to her and saw Misaki in her bed and then last night in all its dark details returned to her. She had been frustrated with the way her quest was going. Misaki followed her into the tavern, after her latest lead turned out to be a dead end. She went to a nice quiet corner and ordered her favorite drink hoping to forget her problems for at least a little while. Misaki had spent the time trying to comfort and distract her, but it wasn’t really working. At some point during the night, an adventurer group came in to celebrate their passing the rank up test. Before they knew it, the other adventurers in the tavern joined in probably just wanting an excuse to have a party. Philip found herself being dragged into the party before long. During the party, she learned dungeons weren’t entirely immune to alcohol like it is commonly thought. For dungeons being drunk just disorients their avatar a little, it doesn’t affect their mind at all. Philip also found herself embarrassed by some of the things that happened during the party

Near the end of the party, Philip found Misaki sleeping in one of the chairs at the tavern. Waking her up she found that Misaki was exhausted and still a bit disoriented. Philip decided it was best to look after her for the night picked her up, and carried her home. The walk home was peaceful so she had no trouble getting Misaki there. She carried Misaki in through the front door which she locked behind her, and took her to the bedroom where she had tried to tuck her into the bed and leave. She was planning on sleeping on her couch last night. That plan went out the window when Misaki grabbed her and pulled Philip tight to her chest, before kissing her. Remembering the kiss, Philip went red but at least it hadn’t gone much further. Both were still dressed, since Misaki fell asleep before she could get much further than light groping. Not wanting to disturb the sleeping dungeon, she had stayed in the bed and fallen asleep herself later. Now with the sun starting to filter in through the window, it was time to get up. Just before she tried to wake her a thought occurred to her, making her hesitate and turn red. Ever since she had been turned into a girl she had found herself more easily embarrassed and she found herself slightly afraid her new title meant that Misaki would try to assault her and others would find out which would be embarrassing. So she analyzed the title, which proved to be interesting.

Dungeon Seducer: Most simply raid dungeons for wealth, a few heroes have even destroyed a rogue dungeon or two, but few take the time to get to know one much less court them. But be warned dungeons are jealous lovers. Increased fertility with dungeons, seduced dungeons are more likely to comply with your demands, seduced dungeons may mark you with the  Dungeon’s Mate Mark, seduced dungeons consider you friendly making their traps harmless and their monsters will not attack unless provoked.

Dungeon’s Mate Mark: You have been marked as the mate of a dungeon. Increased reputation with dungeons, Gain a boon based on the dungeon that marked you. Warning you may be cursed if you betray the dungeon that marked you this curse is often opposite of the boon.

The title and mark were interesting, but she couldn’t remember when she had been marked. She also checked out her boon and immediately wished she hadn’t, it had two effects it gave her pheromones that would make seduction easier and increased her fertility. Fortunately, none of them said anything about an increased chance of being jumped, sure she could just push Misaki off but she didn’t want to hurt the dungeon either. Sure, if she killed her on accident she could just reform her avatar, but it wasn’t pleasant for the dungeon. Philip just didn’t care to hurt those around her without just cause, a personality trait she had yet to realize had played a role in her seducing Misaki. Not finding reason to delay longer she nudged Misaki, causing her to stir.

Misaki rolled over after being disturbed and looked right at Philip. Misaki just stared at Philip for a couple moments before suddenly hugging the girl. Philip could almost swear she saw hearts in her eyes, but quickly found herself being giving a full kiss. Carefully Philip extracts herself from the kiss, and said, “I have to get ready and don’t you have a dungeon to look after?”

“It’s fine, most people still can’t get passed the second floor. Sure a few can reach my fifth floor, but your the only person to actually beat my fifth floor,” replied Misaki. Philip listening to this wondered if she was even doing her duties as a dungeon, and started asking her questions which painted a picture she didn’t quite like. It turned out that Misaki had started saving her dp for some big purchases that she wanted. However, since the start of the dungeon town, she had been too busy playing to even bother doing more than maintain her dungeon and didn’t even check how much she had saved up. Turns out she had saved up quite a bit and had more than enough for what she wanted. Philip decided that her quest to find those who turned her into a girl could wait. Besides she wasn’t getting anywhere anyway, so she spoke to Misaki.

“You can’t just neglect your dungeon like that, so were going to your dungeon and we’ll work on expanding it, okay,” said Philip.

“Okay,” said Misaki who found herself happy that Philip cared about her enough to help her with her dungeon. With her plans settled for the day Philip told Misaki she was going to take a bath before they left. Entering the bathroom, she closed the door and started to undress. She was half out of her clothes when she was startled by the door opening. She froze for a moment and then looked over when she heard the door close. Standing in front of her door, was Misaki who had already stripped out of her clothes. Seeing Misaki there made Philip wish she had remembered to lock the door.

Misaki crossed the short distance to her and hugged her before giving her a short kiss. Next thing she knew Philip found herself sharing a bath with Misaki. Misaki had started the magic stones in bath and pulled Philip into the bath while she was still a bit stunned by how aggressive Misaki was being today. This wasn’t her first bath with Misaki so she wasn’t all that embarrassed, the bath did remind her however of something Misaki had said during the bath. She didn’t say anything then since she was distracted, but now she found herself curious.

“Hey, you said you reincarnated as a dungeon, didn’t you,” asked Philip while Misaki was massaging her boobs from behind.

“Yeah, I did,” replied Misaki slight confused this came up, which showed in her tone.

“I was wondering what were you before, your reincarnation?” asked Philip.

“I was a Human,” replied Misaki still not sure where this was going.

“So what kind of person were you before you became a dungeon?” asked Philip, only to be met with silence and Misaki stopped moving her hands. Looking over her shoulder she found Misaki flushed red and clearly embarrassed. Then she found her voice and moved back, “Don’t ask me that, jerk!” The bath was a little awkward after that, but they still went to the dungeon. Unlike the first time Philip entered her dungeon, she wasn’t being impeded by monsters and traps so reaching the core room didn’t take that much time. Once in the core, room Philip began asking Misaki questions. The back and forth quickly generated ideas and the two were soon working on the dungeon together. Misaki started by buying the Lesser Dragon Girl she had wanted, she then summoned a few and adding them to the fifth floor as a rare monster and replacing the second-floor boss with one.

Daniel Pov:

Daniel watched them from the doorway, and smiled seeing her master clearly happy. Her master was clearly happier with Philip than anyone else. Over the last month, she had been watching her master and learned to discern her moods at a glance. Thinking back she had expected to be a pet, but not long after she gained the dungeon pet title she was rewarded by Dewari with a new title, that improved her status in the dungeon. She was now called a Dungeon Priestess, the title meant she had a higher status than a mere pet but she was still bound to the dungeon. Due to the nature of the dungeon she was bound to and its patron god who is therefore also her patron, she has also found that she could sense it when love is blooming between individuals. To her blessed eyes she could see that while her master wasn’t entirely aware of it herself, she was in love with Philip. Philip, on the other hand, wasn’t in love yet but she was attracted to Misaki. Daniel guessed all she really needed was a push in the right direction, so she called a bit of divine magic and cast a simple spell. Being divine in nature the two didn’t notice it be cast on them. As for what the spell did, it simply enhanced what is already there making it easier for love to bloom and like all her new spells it also enhanced the target’s fertility. Which Daniel found was just one of the perks of having a fertility goddess as her patron.

Misaki POV:

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Misaki was finding Philip to be an excellent help, helping her build a better picture of what the adventurers would find challenging. She also found she was feeling urges toward Philip that were becoming stronger and harder to ignore. Her desire for Philip was why she kept teasing and touching the girl, she had also done something that felt instinctive last night, but she wasn’t sure what she did. Anyway, after getting some ideas from Philip, she purchased a couple of themes from the dungeon store and then added five additional floors to her dungeon. She immediately moved the habitable area of her castle to the tenth floor and expanded on her castle making it bigger. While also replacing the sections for her fifth-floor castle.

She had chosen a floating islands type theme for her tenth floor. The entrance was a small island with a safe zone on it and a town. She scattered a number of islands around the floor, along with a challenge. On five of the islands chosen at random when a party enters the floor the fragments of her castle gate key will be placed in a chest and guarded by a miniboss. Four more islands chosen at random will have safe zones, where a few of the residents will have a service that can help them. Being a sky floor the chief monsters were Dragon Girls and Harpys with an average level of fifty. Other monsters, however, could be found on the islands, whose environment was again chosen randomly every time a party enters the floor. She was able to do this by purchasing dungeon instances, which allowed her to randomize a floor and provide a challenge to a larger number of adventurers. The only islands on the floor that were the same every time were the first and last island.

The island her castle is placed on had the castle at the top of a hill, overlooking a small castle town. The island is surrounded by impressive walls of black stone, with enchanted ballistae mounted on them that could fire bolts every minute and half, dealing more damage than their fifth-floor counterparts with a damage of 10000 and bonus infernal damage. In front of the main gate was a small island and harbor area for skyships to land, and just behind the main gate was an arena for the boss battle. For the boss, she chose a level sixty dragon girl, which she felt was suitable and Philip told her it was a good choice. With the rest of the castle town designated as a safe area, while the castle itself is for now off-limits.

For her other four new floors, she used two different themes. The first two floors after the fifth floor were made into a giant linked labyrinth. A maze of corridors and hidden rooms with puzzles and traps. The main monsters were Arachnid Demons with an average level of thirty-five. To reach the boss, adventurers had to find and collect a number of keys to open gates to reach the next section of the labyrinth, and sometimes they would have to backtrack to reach the next section. Most of these keys were guarded by traps, puzzles and/or minibosses, but some were left as a random monster drop to make things more interesting. In the case of the monster drop, if the adventurer party doesn’t have the key each monster they defeat has a 1/100 chance to drop the key.

The final two floors were an island theme, where groups would get a ship from the entrance island and sail to the various islands to collect map pieces to find their way to the final island. The floor is randomly laid out for every party that enters, meaning that you can’t just buy a map from the guild and head straight for the boss. The main threat on the floors are Harpy Demons and the various monster ships sailing the waters. Misaki wanted to add a few demon serpents to the waters, but she didn’t have the dp so she would have to wait for that. As for the islands, their environment was randomized, but the chief monster on each island varied depending on the environment.

After hours of working on her new floors, Misaki stepped back happy with them. She then opened her dungeon overview to take a look. She was quite happy to see her new rank, was quite a bit higher than before though she was low on dp again. She wasn’t worried though, since she was now getting a fair amount each day.

Name: Misaki

Rank: C-

Race: True Demonic Dungeon

Alignment: Lust Circle

Mana (MP): 24,450

DP: 225

Demonic Energy: 4600

Floors: 10

Monsters: 5900

Monster Types: 12

Slaves/Pets: 26 Pets

Traps: 6781

Trap Types: 41

Looking at Philip she gave her a smile and thanked her for the help while pushing her down. Unlike earlier Philip didn’t resist, Daniel’s spell having made her a bit horny and weakened her resistance. She also felt it far less likely someone would find out here so her fears had vanished. It took Misaki only moments to strip the two of them out of their clothes, then she started by tracing her fingers down Philips side, eliciting only a few minor reactions. Then she gave Philip a peck on the cheek and pecked her way down the other girl’s side. Reaching her left boob she gave it a quick suck before continuing down her belly. Reaching her pussy she gave it a few licks over the top, which elicited a small moan from Philip just as Philip began to massage Misaki’s chest. Her fingers sinking into the soft flesh that had been hanging above her jiggling from the movements caused by Misaki’s kissing.

Misaki moved forward giving Philip easier access to her boobs, as she started kissing up again. Philip kneaded Misaki’s boobs in circles, eliciting small moans from the girl as she moved inward. Misaki reaching Philip’s right boob sucked on it briefly and then gave the hard nipple a light bite, eliciting another moan from Philip. Then she felt her nipples being kneaded in a hard yet gentle sort of way causing her to moan. Judging that Philip was sufficiently wet she used her left hand and began to stroke the sensitive flesh of her Pussy for a few seconds before slipping her fingers inside. Her pussy immediately clamping down on the intruder, as Misaki moved her fingers back and forth, simulating the piston of a member she didn’t possess. Philip’s face was quickly flushed with pleasure, and she responded by pulling Misaki away from sucking her boob and gave her a deep kiss. Which ended a few seconds later when she orgasmed, squirting her fluids all over Misaki’s hand and leaving it sticky with love juices.

Recovering from her orgasm, Philip pushed Misaki on to her back and began rubbing their thighs together, while kneading the soft, elastic flesh of Misaki’s boobs more roughly than before. Misaki found herself enjoying the change greatly, and several rough moans escaped her mouth which Philip again sealed with a deep kiss. Their genitals scraping against each other’s flesh, sent electric waves of pleasure through their bodies. While a squelching sound could be heard from the rubbing. The kiss shifted their position causing their boobs to rub against each other as well eliciting spikes of pleasure that rapidly brought them to climax and they broke their kiss, with a simultaneous orgasm. After that orgasm they went several more rounds before they separated, only to find a blue screen before their faces. Both of them merely stared at it confused with no idea how this happened.

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