What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 30: XVII Consequences

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Misaki starred at the blue box that sat in her vision. The achievements in the box meant nothing to her instead she found herself focusing on one word. Her thoughts a mix of turbulence and confusion. It felt like her whole world had just been torn asunder and nothing made sense anymore. After several moments of silence, she found her voice, around the same time that Philip did.

“Uh, howw di d this haapen? Wee’re both girls?” asked Misaki with a stutter, and an edge of panic to her voice.

Achievement unlocked: Consummated Bond


You’re Pregnant!

Achievement unlocked: Fertile with Lilies

Philip had also been staring at the box she was being shown, well boxes. She had just stared at them uncomprehending for a moment before she also began to panic. She was most certainly not prepared to be a mother, and she didn’t expect this to be a possible consequence of having sex with Misaki. However, it was the second box that hurt more and the one that made her feel like her world had been torn apart.

Achievement unlocked: Consummated Bond


You’re Pregnant!

Achievement unlocked: Fertile with Lilies

You have been cursed by a cursed ring!

To remove the ring find the culprits who placed the ring on you and make them your pets!

Ring effects:

Turns wearer into cute loli!

Increased likelihood of embarrassing events

Resist +200

Warning! Ring’s effect may become permanent if wearer becomes pregnant.

Note: This quest has a hidden time limit

After a month of searching with little success, you gave in to your desires and ended up pregnant. Unfortunately, since the time limit will expire before you give birth this means you have failed the quest. Remaining time was one month, six days.


Three new pets

Ability to remove cursed ring

Genderswap unique ability


You’re stuck as a girl for the rest of your life

Hidden Penalty  Every girl you meet will want to pet you

Hidden Penalty  Dewari’s Blessing


Your new blessing has increased your reputation with all fertility gods and their followers

Your reputation has been reduced with the Goddess of Chastity and her followers

The last box wasn’t all that surprising, since the fertility gods didn’t get along with Chastity. The blessing though was a bit of a surprise, she didn’t expect a reward for failure. Then she heard Misaki ask her a couple of questions and responded.

“I don’t know, maybe you should ask the Goddess Dewari?” said Philip with a hint of panic still in her voice. Misaki’s eyes widened and a moment later she used her skill. Dewari than responded by manifesting in the room and then sitting in Misaki’s throne.

“You two want to know how you got pregnant, right? And you’re wondering why you got my blessing as well,” said Dewari. The two simply nodded not surprised by her manifesting, while Philip found it felt appropriate. 

“That is actually quite easy, you two stacked up a number of fertility modifiers since morning. One of them, the one that raised your fertility with dungeons Philip raised the base value, not the percent chance for conception. Between all your little boosts the two of you managed to rack up a fertility value over one hundred percent. Speaking of fertility you should look at that second achievement you two got. As for the other question, I changed the penalty, to one that is more appropriate considering the circumstances. If you had failed normally though I would have left it the same,” explained Dewari. The two listened, and looked through their notifications to find she was right, and reading about the achievement and its reward the two found themselves concerned. In short, the achievement meant they were now fertile for other girls. Reading this led them to ask a few more questions that left them a bit worried. Then Dewari simply left before all their questions were answered. What they did learn was that not only could other girls now get them pregnant, but they could do the same to other girls. However, Dewari left them a bit fuzzy on the how details.

Using her dungeon sight, Misaki looked outside before turning to Philip. “It’s a bit late, want to go home or would you like to stay here?” asked Misaki.

“Let me guess it's dark out?” asked Philip checking the system clock, a useful feature, but it doesn’t tell you if it is dark out.

“Yep, the sun has set. A few lit torches and the town guard is out patrolling. Basically just a normal night,” replied Misaki.

“I’m not a fan of walking in the dark, so I’ll stay here for the night,” replied Philip to Misaki’s delight.

“My room is this way, and don’t mind Reiko she is quite fine in her little pet bed. Oh and are you hungry? I could have the maids make something if you are?” asked Misaki as she led Philip out of the core room. Philip than realized that she was hungry, also she was slightly bothered by the fact that Misaki was dragging her out of the room naked.

“I am hungry, but shouldn’t we get dressed first?” asked Philip, causing Misaki to look at herself. She blushed slightly and then stopped.

“Sorry, I forgot we are naked,” said Misaki as she went back started collecting their scattered clothing. After getting dressed she led Philip down the hall to her dining room, where she had the maids make dinner. Amy and Thomas came into the room a few minutes after she made the order with her meal. Philip recognized them as part of one of the adventuring parties she had seen at the guild. However, she didn’t know either of them, personally.

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“Weren’t those two adventurers?”

“Yes, most of my pets serve as maids for my castle. Afterall what demon castle is complete without maids? That was Amy and Thomas, they were part of the first party to run afoul of my floor transfer trap, be careful of Amy she has quite the sex drive,” replied Misaki.

“I think I recall you mentioning that before. So what do you mean by sex drive?” asked Philip wondering if she should be concerned.

“I mean that if you let her she will push you down and have sex with you until she is satisfied. Something that can last for hours with her,” replied Misaki.

“I take it you know from experience? Are you sure it isn’t you’re pheromones?” asked Philip.

“Yep, and no my pheromones merely make you horny and lose their effect for awhile after the affected party achieves satisfaction. Anyway, how is the meal?” replied Misaki as she cut a piece of meat with her knife.

“Quite good, not as good as Jasmine but she is genius and has years of experience,” replied Philip just before taking another bite of her food.

“I didn’t expect it to be,” replied Misaki, “Anyway, you didn’t tell me your thoughts on my tenth floor earlier.”

“Sorry, I just wanted you to finish the other floors. However, I think you did a good job, Sky Plane floors are quite difficult when done right. Just keep in mind that winged races like the Celestials and Dragonkin, have an advantage since they can fly without aid,” said Philip.

“Yeah, I think the hardest theme in the list was the space theme but it was too expensive and I didn’t meet all the requirements anyway. I really can’t imagine how adventurers would be able to beat a theme with no air,” replied Misaki with a glint of excitement.

“Space? I don’t think I’m familiar with that one,” said Philip some confusion evident on her cute features.

“Well, space is a big airless void that surrounds the world. You go high enough into the sky and you enter space,” said Misaki trying to explain space.

“Ah, that sounds familiar, it is often called the Celestial Void. Don’t know much about it, one of my friends though was very interested in it. It is often the subject of scholarly debate, but other than a few scryings, no one really knows much about it. Since it is impossible to reach,” said Philip.

“Yeah, it wasn’t easy to reach in my old world, either. Sure it could be done there, but it is expensive. Which is why most ships, that ply the void are owned by major corporations or the Military. Owning a spaceship is not practical for a private citizen unless you’re rich,” replied Misaki.

“Wait, your old world? You reincarnated from another world?” asked Philip.

“Yeah, I did very different from this one. The gods were less prevalent and there was no system,” replied Misaki.

“Oh that sounds interesting what can you tell me about it?”

“Well, it was quite peaceful and the economy was booming when I died. It wasn’t always like that however, for example, just thirty years ago there was a big war that wiped out all the major cities and a large chunk of the population. As bad as it was though, it is largely responsible for the way the world is now. Wars of ideology do that you know. It led to the laws that forbid planetside wars, which is why all wars back home now happen in space,” said Misaki

“Wait, all the major cities? What kind of magic was being used during that war?” asked Philip. Misaki did her best to describe it in terms Philip would understand.

“Both sides of the conflict, had access to large numbers of weapons enchanted with strategic magic called Orbital Slammers that replaced an older weapon called nukes. Both sides used these weapons to systematically annihilate the other, starting with major military sites, then they moved on to major cities. By the time the war ended just nine days after it started, every single major city on Earth had been leveled. Fortunately, Orbital Slammers didn’t have the nasty side effects of nukes, so it wasn’t too hard to rebuild.  My hometown was built after the war,..” elaborated Misaki as she described her old world. She did, however, avoid describing her life, and sometime later with the meal finished she dragged Philip to her room.

Around the same time back in town, Lily found herself in a room at the inn with an older girl named Milith. She wasn’t a fan of sharing a room with her, especially since she treated her like a child. Just her one attempt to get away so far didn’t go very well. She had tried using her magic to distract Milith so she could run. Instead, Milith somehow used her own spell against her. So instead of the magic, binding Milith in vines, she found herself the one trapped in the vines. Something she still hadn’t figured out, not realizing that Milith had read her mind and cast a reflection spell to counter her spell. Then Milith spoke breaking her out of her thoughts, “You know just because you have an otherworld’s soul doesn’t mean you aren’t a child.”

“Wait I never said I came from another world! How do you know that!?” asked Lily.

“Simple, you’re not very good at shielding your thoughts. In fact you have been shouting so it is hard not to hear them. Which reminds me, I’m going to help you with that quest of yours. There is no way I’m going to let you go into the dungeon on your own,” said Milith.

“I did my research, this is a non-lethal dungeon. I’ll be fine even if I make a mistake or two,” said Lily.

“Really now, non-lethal dungeons can be more dangerous than the lethal ones. Especially since they have a tendency to curse those who fail. This one, for example, has a trap that makes its victims into pets. Do you have any skills for finding traps or a spell for that matter?” replied Milith and finishing with a question she actually knew the answer to.

“No,” muttered Lily.

“Speak up, I didn’t hear you,” replied Milith.

“No, I don’t! But I can take care of myself, I don’t need your help,” spoke up Lily. Milith just laughed a bit and then said, “You won’t make it past the second floor without someone looking for traps. Besides, it’s not up to debate I’m going to escort you, like it or not.” Lily recognized the tone from her parents using it with her and decided to drop the matter.

The next morning Lily woke up to a naked Milith standing over her, shaking her. She briefly stared at the jiggling boobs in front of her before asking a question.

“Why are you naked?” asked Lily.

“I haven’t gotten dressed yet. Anyway, it is time to get ready we have a dungeon to explore,” said Milith. Lily pushed herself out of the bed and asked a few more questions only to receive answers that left her with more questions than she started. What she did learn was that Milith likes to sleep in the nude, has no sense of modesty, and seems to be bisexual. Although she had no idea why. After getting dressed Milith led her into the Inn’s dining hall and ordered breakfast. Over breakfast, Milith told her a bit about the dungeon she didn’t know. 

The first floor was actually quite easy. Entering the dungeon they were faced with two low level lesser demons. A Demon Girl and a Beastkin Demon, Milith hung back and let Lily fight them. Her first spell was simple lightning bolt spell she had learned, the bolt tore across the room in a big flash and struck the Demon Girl for massive damage. The demon dropped to the ground dead, before it could even cast its first spell. The Beastkin was mid charge when Lily started her second spell, which was a nature spell. Which she had learned naturally as an elf, she moved to the left, strafing the demon to avoid its claws. Then she unleashed her spell a few steps later, and a large green spike flew across the room and struck her target through the chest killing it instantly. Milith who had been watching smiled, before speaking, “well done, your magic could use some work. Also, that lightning spell was a bit much you should have used less mana on it.”

“I didn’t ask for any pointers,” said Lily.

“You’re being rude.  Anyway, your combat instincts are spot on. Taking out the mage first was the right move, but as a mage, you need to manage your mana carefully. Using just the right amount of mana at the right time can mean the difference between life and death. Especially since your mana doesn’t regenerate in battle, you can’t afford to waste mana. Try gauging your opponent first, and aim for weak points. Also choose your spells carefully using a spell your opponent is weak to, works better and wastes less mana than one they are resistant to. You will use less mana, in the long run, that way,” lectured Milith while remembering a similar lecture her mom gave her when she was first learning magic. She had been going through the Change back than, and like most of her friends, she was wearing a training collar to help her control her awakening powers.

“I can see your point,” conceded Lily before they continued deeper into the dungeon.

In the next room, they were faced with more demons of the same level, again Milith hung back and observed while giving Lily pointers. Lily danced out of the way of the warriors, while targeting the mages first. This time she was much more conservative with her spells, and still one-shot them. Winning the second battle, she turned around and looked at Milith. Who then praised her, before urging them to continue. Then next few rooms went much the same, Lily changed her mind about Miliths presence after the third room. While Milith wasn’t really fighting the demons, she was a great help for avoiding the traps. Lily found herself feeling pretty good when they reached the boss especially since she got a level up, in the last room.

Entering the boss room, the pair found themselves facing a party of five demons. Three Demon Girls and a pair of Beastkin Demons. They were stronger than the other demons she had faced so far, all level twelve. Milith again stayed in the back to watch, Lily readied her magic. She opened with an area spell, causing vines to sprout out of the ground and bind the demons in place. Not expecting it to hold for long, she immediately moved on to her next spell. Launching a green spike to rip into the nearest mage. She then jumped to the left narrowly avoiding the spells the other two Demon Girls sent her way. She didn’t think the spells could penetrate her shields, but Milith had told her in a previous battle to never take a hit she could otherwise avoid.

She then returned a lightning bolt their way. It struck the middle Demon Girl smack in the center of the chest, leaving a blackened burn where it struck. She collapsed a moment later, while Lily was already chanting her next spell. While a tearing sound could be heard as the two warriors ripped free of the vines binding them, and charged at Lily. Lily danced out of the way, just before unleashing a spell at the third mage. A bolt of light struck her target dead center, disrupting its spell, but she didn’t put enough mana into it and the demon was still standing. Albeit with only a few hit points left. Dancing away from another swipe from the claws of a beastkin demon, Lily wished she had a damaging area spell that wasn’t strategic in nature.

Getting close to the wounded demon, during one of her evasions, she punched it with enough force to drop its hp to zero. Moments before unleashing another spell, this one aimed at the nearest warrior. A bolt of light ripped into the demon’s chest and leaving a gaping hole. The demon fell down, leaving the match as a one on one. She had to dodge a couple more attacks before she unleashed her final spell. A bolt of lightning crossed the space and electrocuted the final demon. Ending the battle as a victory for Lily. Lily also gasped when she saw how much experience she got, since she gained two more levels and an achievement since Milith didn’t fight.

“Hey, I’m level thirteen now! I even got an achievement for soloing the boss! Why did you hang back anyway?” asked Lily, with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

“Several reasons. You need the experience and I knew you could handle it. The monsters will get stronger with each floor. So getting your level higher is important,” replied Milith.

“Thanks, I guess?” replied Lily.

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