What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 34: XX Visiting the Temple

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Lily woke up to face full of bare boob, which to her sleep fogged mind was very confusing. It took her another couple of moments to realize that she was using another girl’s boobs as a pillow and a few more for the fog of sleep to clear. When the fog cleared from her mind she remembered last night. After hours of walking and fighting demons on the fourth floor, they had challenged the boss. The fight wasn’t all that hard since Milith was helping. Even so, she had been tired and made a couple of mistakes that nearly got her killed. Fortunately, Milith protected her with a powerful lightning attack that left the demons that were about to kill her smoking. So when they had found this safe zone on the fifth floor, Lily had been happy and didn’t even care about the fact that all the demons in the village were treating her like a little girl. Not a single one made a sexual advance on her, while most of them made sexual passes on Milith.

Getting out of the bed a sudden draft made Lily realize that she was just as naked as Milith was. Trouble was she didn’t remember taking her clothes off last night. The last and only other time this sort of thing had happened to her was in her past life. She had gone drinking since she had always wanted to try alcohol, the next day she had woken up naked next to a pair of equally naked girls and a guy she didn’t know, with a mind splitting headache and no memory of the night before. She still had no idea what happened that night, but she had never touched alcohol again. This time around though she knew she hadn’t touched a bottle and she didn’t have a headache either. So she could rule out alcohol. Looking towards Milith she notice her self-proclaimed caretaker was awake, so she asked the question on her mind with suspicion evident in her tone, “Why am I naked?”

“Well, you were so tired that you collapsed onto the bed and were asleep almost the instant we reached the room. I figured you wouldn’t want to wake up with your sweat-soaked clothes sticking to you. So I stripped them off you and washed them for you. By the way, why weren't you wearing panties?” replied Milith. Lily turned red with embarrassment, losing her panties to a teleportation spell was something that still annoyed her. What irked her more was the fact she had forgotten to bring the bag of spare clothes she had packed.

“I uh lost them,” replied Lily.

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. Get dressed, your clothes are on that line over there. Then we can go downstairs and get you fed,” said Milith pointing at Lily’s clothes hanging on the line. Lily’s stomach rumbled with the mention of food making her realize just how hungry she was. As she started dressing she asked a question that occurred to her, “What about you, aren’t you going to eat too?”

“Nope, I ate just over a month ago. Still digesting my last meal,” replied Milith.

“A month! How often do you eat?” asked Lily surprised to hear this.

“Every three to four months, my species doesn’t need to eat very often,” replied Milith.

“Guess that is a useful trait, guess you can save money on supplies. Although I guess you also miss out on dessert,” replied Lily.

“Hurry up today is a big day, and the floors are only going to get bigger from this point on,” said Milith. Lily groaned at the mention of floors, but she hurried on and headed down to eat her breakfast.

Philip found herself waking up later than usual to weight on her chest, and her mother standing over her. Clearing the sleep from her mind she noted the weight was from Misaki using her as a pillow.

“I let you sleep, you two need to get dressed,” said her Mom just before leaving the room. Philip pushed Misaki off and woke her before heading to her closet and remembering Mom’s plan to visit the temple. Opening her closet she began to look for something appropriate, pausing briefly to stare forlornly at the outfit she normally would have worn to the temple. Of course, she didn’t grab it because it no longer fit. No the only clothes she had that fit was a collection of cute dresses that had been forced on her. Most of them were cute and frilly, so she ignored them. It didn’t take her long to find a simple light purple dress that she felt was appropriate that was among the least frilly that had been forced on her. Tossing her nightclothes off, she slipped into the dress and changed her panties. Not bothering to put one of the bras she owned on, since she wasn’t comfortable with a bra. Which is why she never wore one if she could help it. Turning around she saw Misaki watching her from the door and already wearing a revealing silver dress.

Philip felt a brief surge of jealousy for the ease with which the dungeon could change her clothes. She suppressed it quickly though so that it wouldn’t show and left her room, Misaki following behind her. Entering the kitchen she was almost instantly swarmed by her sister’s daughters. Not prepared to be tackled by a pair of young girls she was knocked on her butt.

“Hey, hey uncle Philip, why you a girl?” said the younger one, Megan while Celine asked for sweets.

“No, its aunt now, she’s a girl so it is aunt,” said Emily some mirth evident in her voice.

“Get off me. I’m a girl because someone cursed me,” replied Philip while gently pushing the two girls off her. They got of and she went to her pantry and pulled out some sweets she had stored. Nothing all that fancy, but more than enough for the two kids. Giving them each one before walking to the table and sitting down.

“So did you pick that out or your friend?” asked Emily looking at Philip’s outfit and thinking it suited her.

“Well don’t expect to get out of the house wearing that,” replied Philip indicating Emily’s outfit which was a simple grey-white dress without any decoration whatsoever.

“Huh, what's wrong with my dress?” asked Emily puffing up.

“Remember the elf you ran from yesterday? Well between her, Melisa and the town tailor, Carol, I haven’t been able to choose my own wardrobe. This dress is merely among the least frilly that they have forced on me,” replied Philip. Emily shuddered on the mention of the elf, an image of what happened, flashing through her mind, and she briefly chanted the words ‘didn’t happen” over and over in her mind before replying, “Well, they did a good job, that dress suits you.”

A maid placed a plate of food before Philip, and Philip noticed Misaki already had a plate as well. Starting at her food she thought, “well don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Mom came into the kitchen and hurried her along. A few minutes later the group was leaving through the front door when they were ambushed as Philip expected by Melisa and she had both Carol and Sarah with her. She was slightly surprised to see Sarah since she expected her to be at the guild given the time. Even more predictable to her was what happened the moment they saw Emily’s dress.

The moment Emily saw Sarah approaching she hid behind Philip, but not before the trio noted her outfit. Sarah was the first to say something about the outfit, “A cute girl like you should be wearing cute clothes!” Then with a rapid movement, Melisa came up behind Emily and pulled her to the side. Despite her protests, she was then pulled back into the house, and forcibly changed into a frilly pink dress that required a bit of adjustment from the tailor. One that Philip had the sinking suspicion had been meant for her. They even had matching underwear that they forced Emily to wear. Emily managed to get away after her Mom interfered. A few minutes later, while they were walking to the temple, she started complaining about it to Philip.

“I did say you weren’t going to get out of the house in that dress,” said Philip after Emily finished her string of complaints.

“You didn’t tell me that they were going to forcibly change my clothes!” replied Emily while emphasizing the pink dress they forced her to wear. 

“I thought it was implied. Besides, be glad you weren’t forced to be a dress-up doll,” said Philip.

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“I think she is more afraid of another petting session with Sarah,” said Misaki.

“Being a dress-up doll is worse!” said Philip. While Emily was thinking that dress up was fun, and that petting session was dangerous. While she would never admit she had nearly cum from the attentions of that elf. If it had lasted any longer, she would have had wet panties.

“You have good memory so tell me. How many dresses they forced me to wear last time,” said Philip.

“Two hundred seven, but you looked good in most of them,” said Misaki.

“Isn’t that a little excessive?” asked Emily when she wanted a new dress she would try on a few at the tailor’s shop, usually six or seven. Not a couple hundred so she couldn’t help shuddering at the thought of being a dress-up doll for those three.

“It’s hell!” replied Philip.

“Maybe a little, but at least it was fun,” replied Misaki.

“You just like the attention,” said Philip. Emily by this point had decided it was best to be nowhere near those three and to avoid them as much as possible. She spent the rest of the walk to the temple, listening to these two banter. They changed subjects not long after she had fallen quiet and listening to their friendly banter she came to the conclusion that they made a good couple. 

The local temple was a lovely structure. Earth mages had shaped the stone into breathtaking arches and the temple was surrounded by altars dedicated to the various gods and goddesses. Each altar was surrounded by decorations that reflected the god or goddess’ domain. For example, the goddess of nature had an alter that was dominated by a lifelike statue of a woman, surrounded by painted stone trees and animals. The group made their way past several alters, while Misaki briefly paused to admire the altar for the goddess of nature. She found the stone trees to be beautiful and decided to add a few to her castle’s courtyard as decoration. The group avoided the main building where the altar for the god of light was placed and made their way to the altar of one of the major goddesses. The altar belonged to Systeria the goddess of the system and names. Seeing which altar they were heading for Philip had a sinking feeling about why they were here.

Stopping before the altar, their Mom kneeled down and offered a prayer to the goddess. Then the statue started to glow moments before an avatar of the goddess manifested in front of the altar. The goddess was of roughly average height, but that was the only thing average about her. Her skin was a perfect unblemished light tan, she had a figure with all the curves in the right places. A pair of perky breasts and a small butt were concealed by a dress of flowing blue light, that did little to hide her figure. Long blue hair fell to just below her butt and piercing blue eyes regarded them. Then she looked around the altar before saying, “Not bad, but they should have put me in the main altar, not that bastard Aurous. Anyway you need a name change, right?”

“Yes, my son Philip is now my daughter so I wanted to have her name changed to reflect that,” said Philip’s Mom.

“Ah, that is pretty easy. Sorry to see you failed that quest. Although I think congratulations on the pregnancy are in order,” replied Systeria.

“Wait do all the gods know about that?” asked Philip.

“No, just me, a few of the fertility gods, and your patron. Anyway, a name change is an easy process just keep in mind it can only be changed once every ten years so you have to be certain. I just need the approval of your parents, however, since your father is dead I need approval from close family members as well. Your mom, of course, gets to choose the new name,” said Systeria.

“Don’t I get a say in this!?” asked Philip.

“Not really, you can choose to accept it or not. However you only get one veto,” said Systeria. Philip didn’t like that and tried to argue the point only for the goddess to revoke her one veto. Fortunately, her mom wasn’t going to give her a radical name change.

“I was thinking of changing her name to Phyllis, it suits her don’t you think,” said her Mom. While Misaki was comforting Philip, while saying, “it's not that bad, and I didn’t get a say with my name either.” 

“Not a bad choice,” said Systeria before turning to Emily and asking her opinion. Emily had nothing against her Mom’s choice and said so. Smiling the goddess replied, “Alright then, sounds like there aren’t any issues.” Then she dismissed her avatar and the glow on the statue vanished. Moments later Philip was greeted with a blue box.


Your name under the system has been changed to better suit your gender.

Your new name is Phyllis Greybeard.

Philip or rather Phyllis stared at the box; not sure if she was ready to accept a name change. Not that it mattered much, she had long learned that once her Mom got it in her head to do something there was very little she could do to deter her. She just wished her Mom had asked her first. A few moments later the group departed the altar with Misaki sticking close to Phyllis, while Emily was keeping an eye out for the trio. Planning to run the moment she saw them.

Leaving the temple grounds the group ran into the trio. Emily tried to run only to be caught by Melisa before she had even gotten more than a meter away. Melisa smiled and then asked, “so are done with your temple business?”

“Yep, you all have fun. I’ll watch the young ones, can’t leave them with those maids all day,” said their Mom rushing to check on the little ones, that had been left with the maids. Emily watched her go with a look of despair on her face. It wasn’t long before the trio had dragged them to the tailor shop. Where they had dozens of cute frilly dresses for Phyllis to try on. While Emily soon found herself receiving another petting session from the elf receptionist Sarah. As for Misaki, she was trying on another set of more revealing dresses that they had for her.

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