What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 39: XXII Everyday life in a Dungeon Part IV

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Wasting no time, the group leader who was the girly looking elf boy, and he was apparently named Emiri, gave them orders to get into a proper formation. Michael took up a position in front of Delilah to protect her while the small fry charged. While the boss monster hung back and attempted to strike with its many tentacles. Her blessed blade easily sliced through them, but she knew that would only last as long as the enchantment held. Behind her, Delilah focused on healing spells, and stamina replenishment spells, so that the fighters could keep fighting. Mira slipped into the shadows and moved to try and flank the Slime Emperor.

Michael as she severed a tentacle that tried to ensnare her, watched a bolt of lightning arc across the field from a mage in another party, to strike the Slime Emperor. The damage, of course, was rather minimal, but they couldn’t risk using fire magic, because of all the trees in the area. If they did they might cause a wildfire, which could damage the town. Then another bolt this time of ice flew past her and froze part of the slime, but only for a few seconds. This gave Michael a bit of a reprieve letting her better deal with the small fry rushing her. The slimes dying with each flash of her blade. Then the Slime Emperor unfroze and shot out several tentacles in her direction. She severed half of them, when a sudden scream startled her. Her experience as an adventurer allowed her to recover almost instantly, but it was enough for one of the tentacles to get past her guard and wrap around her arm. She severed it an instant later.

A few severed tentacles later, the source of the scream entered her view. It was one of the younger less experienced adventurers. She had been ensnared by the Slime Emperor’s tentacles. Unlike Flamewind though it wasn’t trying to dissolve her from the inside out. Her armor was a different story, it was already falling off her as the straps were breaking. The slime dissolving the leather. She saw one tentacle dripping with a clear fluid suddenly forced its way down the girl’s throat. The tentacle swelled, and small orbs moved down the tentacle and into the girl, clearly pumping something into the poor girl. Michael shuddered as she knew exactly what that fluid was.  Risking a quick look around she noticed, most of the small fry were dead. She wanted to help the other girl, but she was already struggling to keep the tentacles of her and Delilah. Worse she found that her movements were getting slower, allowing the Slime to touch her more.

It was when she noticed a tingling that finally realized why her movements were getting slower. The slimes tentacles were coated in a paralytic toxin, that could be absorbed via the skin. She shouted a warning, and then asked Delilah, “Can you cast a mass cure poison spell?”

“Sure, just give me a moment,” replied Delilah before she began chanting and channeling the mana for the spell. While several more tentacles came Michaels way. She managed to sever three, but due to her slowed movements, the other four managed to grab her. One of which knocked her sword out of her hand, while the others lifted her off her feet and started wrapping around her more firmly. One of which even started working its way under her armor, she tried struggling, but her efforts yielded no results. Then she felt her armor shifting, which she instantly recognized as a sign the slime was dissolving the straps. Then she saw a tentacle dripping with a clear fluid enter her line of sight, knowing full well what that meant, she clamped her mouth shut as tightly as she could manage.

The Slime Emperor, like many monsters, are known for raping their victims had a toxin in its arsenal that made its victims more compliant. Something Michael already knew full well about, however until now she had never been in a position to experience it firsthand. The tentacle pressed against her mouth and at first, it was stopped. Then she felt her mouth opening as the tentacle worked its way in pushing her lips apart despite her efforts to stop it. At the same time, one of the tentacles had worked its way to her armpit and was tickling her, and she struggling to suppress the urge to laugh. Then the straps of her armor finally gave out and the leather armor protecting her fell to the ground, leaving her completely exposed to the slime’s mercies. While she still had her underwear on, a pair of gauntlets and her boots, she didn’t expect those to protect her for long.

She didn’t have long to think about the fact that she was about to be entirely naked, before she saw the tentacle forcing its way into her mouth swell, and then a sweet-tasting liquid began filling her mouth. She tried spitting it out, but the tentacle completely plugged her mouth forcing her to swallow it. Almost instantly she began to feel its effects. She began to feel extremely horny, as her sensitivity shot way up. Externally one could see her nipples hard and swell to points even though her bra. While a stain began to form on her panties, the slimes aphrodisiac making her wet and ready for its touch.

The instant it finished giving her the full dose, a pair of its tentacles began to wrap around her boobs, as it started dissolving her bra. The tentacles kneading her boobs, stretching them and then letting them return to their normal shape before stretching them again. A second smaller and finer set of tentacles wrapped around her nipples, and pulled on them almost as if they were sucking on them. While Michael was already moaning, with heated breaths escaping her mouth, and finding it very difficult to care that she was being raped, under the influence of the aphrodisiac the slime had given her.

While one group of tentacles was stimulating her breasts, another tentacle began rubbing her pussy over the top of her dissolving panties. Unconsciously Michael was trying to press her pussy against the offending tentacle in an attempt to gain even greater pleasure. Then the moment her panties fell apart, the tentacle penetrated her. Pushing deep into her in the first thrust and slamming against the entrance to her womb. Pulling almost all the way out, before slamming back into her, with enough force to make her body shake. The stimulation was too much for her drugged body to take, and she climaxed.

At the same moment, Mira was positioned in the shadows, preparing to attack the Slime Emperor from behind. From her position, she could see all of the girls who have had the misfortune of being grabbed by the Slime Emperor. Michael and the young girl weren’t the only victims so far in the fight. Half the girls in the subjugation group were already experiencing the Emperor’s tender touch, including Delilah and all of the members of Flamewind’s party as well.

Seeing what looked like an opening, Mira jumped from the shadows. Then suddenly several tentacles moved her way. Mira jumped back and used her wings to get some distance. A couple quick swings of her dagger severed the ends of the tentacles that got to close. Melding back into the shadows, she started looking for another opening.

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Reia was finding her current situation rather humiliating. As a vampire, she was resistant to most toxins, and that included the slime’s aphrodisiac, but that didn’t make her entirely immune. So while she was feeling its effects, she wasn’t quite delirious yet. She was trying her best to ignore what the slime was doing to her body, but the toxin was making that hard. The slime had one of its tentacles slamming against her womb with each thrust, and a second doing the same with her ass. She really didn’t like the second, as it felt weird and strange to her. What felt most strange to her was what the slime was doing to her boobs though. The slime had used a pair of really fine tentacles, and forced its way into her nipples, and was massaging the insides of her milk duct. Which was having a very hard time ignoring since her sensitivity had been enhanced by the toxin. Then suddenly she felt a warm, hot fluid pour into her womb, as the tentacle in her pussy suddenly swelled to three times its previous size and slammed against her womb entrance.

Internally she cursed, the slime as she knew the slime was seeding her. She started to ready herself to move, expecting the slime to release her now that it had its way with her. However contrary to her expectations, the moment it finished releasing its cum, it started moving again. Surprised by the sudden movements, she almost moaned, but she stopped herself. Trying to endure the rape until it let her go. Judging by the moans of those around her, though the others weren’t doing as well.

Mira settled on the branch of a tree. Below magic vines were wrapping around the slime restraining it. The result of a spell, that the elves in the group not touched by the slime had cast. The spell provided her with a second opportunity. Tensing her muscles she pushed off the tree. Aiming at the slime’s core she catapulted herself forward, using her wings to increase her speed. This time the slime did not react to her until she was burying herself into its flesh. Instantly the slime began to harden around her, and dissolve her clothes, but her momentum kept her moving forward. Getting her close to the core, before she was stopped. A quick slash of her dagger, cut deep into the slime’s core. The slime began to writhe and released the girls it was raping. The hardening slime around her softened back up, allowing her to move more freely, and she started to attack the core as quickly as she could.

Unlike the smaller lesser slimes, the Slime Emperor took multiple hits to the core in order to kill it. Just as her breath was about to run out, the core finally shatter and the slime around her melted into a puddle. Looking around her the group was mostly exhausted, and half the girls now had a white liquid dripping from their legs. Checking herself she found armor, was ruined and that she was effectively half-naked now. Fortunately, the ruined equipment thing was something she had planned for. Slimes, especially those of the monster family were notorious for ruining equipment. So she had packed a spare set in her item box, and had made sure her pets did the same. She noticed most of the girls were now trying to cover themselves, and so she pulled a towel out of her item box. Then she walked over to Emiri.

“Hey, Emiri use this, and cover your eyes,” said Mira as she tossed him a towel. Not missing the bulge barely concealing itself in his pants. He glanced at the towel in his hand after he caught it, and hesitated for a moment, before placing it around his eyes. Seeing his eyes covered most of the girls, stopped trying to cover themselves, and instead began pulling changes of clothing out of their item boxes.

Mira was half-dressed in a new set of armor, when suddenly she heard a roar. Looking up, she saw one of the weirder dragon races, a Jelly Dragon. Internally she cursed, they were already tired, and she knew the mages had used up most of their mana fighting the slime. There was no way they could fight a Jelly Dragon. As for why it was here, she was pretty sure the fighting or the smell of sex had attracted it, possibly both. She was hoping it would leave them alone, but her hopes were dashed when it landed facing them. Almost immediately it took up the familiar stance of a dragon, about to use a breath attack. Mira and several others screamed out, “Down.” Almost instantly the group dropped to the ground. Mere seconds before a slimy breath washed over them, being on the ground meant they avoided the worst of it. A blue box popped up into her vision, and then she blacked out.

When she woke up, it was dark out and the dragon was nowhere in sight. Fortunately, the moonlight was quite bright so she could see quite well. All around her she could see the others were just now stirring. As for herself, she found she was entirely naked, her spare armor neatly laid out next to her, along with all of her equipment in a neat pile. A quick check of herself and she found some cum drying on her legs. Not sure what happened, she looked through her message log.

You have been afflicted with mind enslaving jelly and failed to resist. For the next four hours, your mind has been enslaved to the Jelly Dragon Azaira

She knew that a Jelly Dragon’s slime breath had a multitude of effects depending on color, but she had never heard of a mind enslaving effect. She knew the pink slime, made people horny, red slime dissolved clothes, green slime made metal disintegrate, and blue slime would change someone's gender. This effect was entirely new to her. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Emiri cursing, and saying something about it being gone. Looking over she saw Emiri standing just a couple meters away, naked. Except, he was now clearly a she with a pair of small breasts and a lovely pussy. Moving over she comforted Emiri, best she could and then got dressed. As the group came together, they found it was too dark to risk heading back to town, and instead set up camp for the night.

While she was setting up, the tent she and her pets were going to share, Flamewind's former harem headed by Reia came over.

“So how can we help, master,” said Reia with a surprisingly pleasant tone. While taking a posture that showed off her breasts. Mira took a second, to remember that since she had killed Flamewind his slaves were now hers. Something the vampire seemed to be happy about. The others were clearly not so certain about this, yet. Mira quickly started to think about what she would do about them. She didn’t need four new slaves, so she decided that when she got back to town, she would send all but the vampire to her mother. Her mom would be ecstatic for the help. As for the vampire, she was thinking of changing her status from slave to pet.

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