What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 44: XXV Wounded Mistress

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Leatia moved around another pile of debris, the midday sun beating down on her back. She and a number of her sisters had been searching the city for hours now for their God Queen. They actually knew exactly where she is. The problem is reaching her location. If any of them were a queen or a full princess they would have wings and be able to fly there. Leatia had begun the process of evolving into a Queen, but that takes time. She wasn’t the only sister of the Swarm evolving into a Queen, and that was because the first queen was evolving into a High Queen.

The Queens were not just responsible for birthing the swarm, since any female of the swarm can lay eggs, but they also manage the hive mind. A normal queen oversees a single nest, making the decisions needed for that nest, while a High Queen oversees every nest in a region. As such any female of the Swarm can evolve into a Queen if necessary, but normally if the Queen dies or a new nest is being built a princess will be chosen as queen. In Leatia’s case, there weren’t any princesses in the city of White Rock so she had been chosen. If she had been a princess the evolution would already be complete, but the infiltrator to queen evolution was more complex and would take a few more days.

Rounding a corner, the building she was looking for came into view. At the same moment, a couple of her sisters reported encountering church soldiers combing the debris. She ordered them to keep an eye on them, and if necessary distract them. Killing them was an option she would rather avoid. Something that was encoded into her very genes, was a distaste for killing, and especially wanton slaughter. This didn’t mean any member was incapable of killing, but they won’t kill if it can be avoided. Heading for the building, she looked around for a way to get to the roof. Of course she didn’t get lucky and find stairs to the roof, however, she did find a broken ladder in the damaged shop across the street. Fixing it took time, and by the time she was done, a few more of her sisters had showed up to help her.

The repaired ladder wasn’t pretty, being held together by rope and hardened swarm secretions. Still, it should do the job. Angling it against the roof she had two of her sisters hold the later, while she and one other went up to Milith. Milith looked terrible, her clothes were in tatters, she had three large holes in her abdomen. Her organs were visible, and she was bleeding. A large pool of glowing blood surrounded her. Her wings were stretched out behind her were broken and tattered. Large chunks of her feather scales, were gone the membrane beneath was ripped, and in some places, her wing bones could be seen sticking out. Her entire pallor was rather pale. A quick use of the Analyze skill, revealed she was still alive, and in a regenerative state. The regenerative state though was barely keeping her alive, though.

Condition Regenerative State: This a state some races including several species of dragon enter after incurring fatal wounds. Increases regeneration by 250% after other modifiers, boosts blood production by 300%. Metabolic rate reduced by half. While in this state all bodily energies are focused on regeneration as the body enters a state of regenerative stasis.

She immediately knelt next to Milith, and bit her. However, instead of feeding, she was instead sharing her blood nutrients with Milith. At the same time, the sister of the swarm with her pulled out a needle and thread from the pack on her hip, and began to sew her wounds closed. It took a while but eventually, they had closed the wounds and stopped the bleeding. With Milith stabilized they cleaned up the blood pool using tools they took from Milith’s pack, before bringing Milith down to the street. That was the hard part, but after quite the struggle with her wings getting in the way. Still, they managed to get her down, to the street. Once on the street two sisters supported her head and feet, while two more supported her broken wings, while Leatia lead the way back. None of the swarm noticed the collar hanging from the corner of the roof.

By the time they got back, to the brothel their nest was located at, the sun was setting. In front of the brothel was a wide wagon, the type normal used by the wealthy or nobles. It was designed to be pulled by three horses, side by side. Her other sisters had prepared it on the way back, since it would be needed to get Milith out of the city. Milith couldn’t stay in the city, as it was far too dangerous for her to be here in her weaken state. Her nest was also lacking in the facilities to protect her. Ideally, they would take her to the girl’s lair. Problem was they couldn’t risk flying her there, and they couldn’t risk a ship. They didn’t have any contacts, with the local sailors. So they could not be sure of a connection with the church. Also, they needed to get her to a mana rich area quickly, since her mana was dangerously low.

All of this meant, they only had one real option for where to send Milith. They were sending her to Bordertown along with a few Sisters of the Swarm and escorted by some of the men and women they seduced. To lead this group, she had chosen a younger sister that had taken the name, Eris to lead this group. Eris was a small girl with the features of a rare breed of mousekin. She was one hundred and fifteen centimeters tall, with a pair of cute mouse ears on her head that had black tips. Two cute red spots emphasized her round cheeks, and she had large cute brown eyes. Long golden brown hair extended to her waist. Her tail was a bit odd for mouse, being shaped like a lightning bolt. The fur on her tail and ears were colored the same as her hair. She was wearing a simple black and white dress that stopped halfway down her thighs, and only covered the bottom half of her breasts, which were just at the perfect size for her body type.

Eris and the sisters assigned to her helped, Leatia and her assistants load Milith onto the wagon. Once Milith was comfortably resting on the cushions they prepared for her, they stuffed her salvaged belongings into a strongbox, and bolted it to the floorboard. Eris sat down next to Milith, and began considering how they will be taking care of her, while the others started driving the wagon down the road. Milith was not really aware of her surroundings, but she found it fairly easy to coax her to suck on her finger, or swallow. Which meant feeding her won’t be a problem. Eris knew that, while she could feed her by biting it would not be pleasant thanks to her link with Leatia. Mostly due to the higher than average blood temperature that Soleans like Milith have. The bathroom could present a bit of, a problem but she had thought of that beforehand. From one of the supply crates she had loaded while waiting, she pulled out a cloth diaper. Which she placed on Milith just in case.

A few hours earlier, in Bordertown. Misaki awoke next to Phyllis with a blue screen in her face. This was the first time she woke up to a screen, however, Phyllis had told her about the fact she had woken up to one they day they both got pregnant. She just lay there a moment before reading the screen and then promptly started to wake her mate.

World Event!

The God of Light Aurous has been slain after a fierce battle over the City of White Rock, with the Solean Lord Milith of Clan Countryman. The Elven and Human pantheons of light have placed out a quest to deliver the killer to them, preferably alive.

As a follower of the Goddess Dewari, you have been offered a quest to protect Milith while she recovers from her wounds.


You have been offered a Grand Divine Quest!

Do you accept?


It was still early morning, so Phyllis was understandably a bit groggy. Still her training as an experienced adventurer took over and she was completely focused in a matter of seconds. She too was greeted by the same window as Misaki except hers mentioned having two patrons. Something she wasn’t sure when it happened, but apparently, at some point, she gained Dewari as a secondary patron and must have missed the notification. Misaki having never seen or heard of World Events, and Grand level divine quests had a bunch of questions, that she was already starting to ask.

“Hey, Phyllis what exactly is a world event? What is a Grand Divine Quest? Are they difficult? Should I accept? Are the rewards worth the risks?” asked Misaki before Phyllis stopped her from asking any more questions.

“World events are rare events that have worldwide consequences. I was actually expecting something like this to happen the moment that girl said she was going to try and kill a god. Grand Divine Quests only occur during world events, and can have a significant impact on how said event reshapes the world. Don’t decline the quest, doing so will severely impact your relationship with your patron god. As for the rewards, they are indeed well worth the risks. However you won’t know what the rewards or the penalties are until you actually complete the quest,” answered Phyllis having already accepted the quest offered. Since declining a quest offered by two gods never went well. Misaki hesitated a moment longer before she accepted the quest.


You have gained a Grand Divine Quest. The Solean Lord Milith is wanted by both the Elven and Human gods of light for slaying a god in battle. That battle, however, has weakened her making her vulnerable to her enemies. You have been tasked with protecting her from those that would harm her until she has fully recovered from her wounds.

The time limit of this quest is one year. If you can protect her from her enemies for a full year the quest will be complete.










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Staring at the request, she found herself wondering if she could protect her for a full year. She also found all the question marks worrisome. As she had no idea what would happen with the quest. The first thing they needed to do, was find Milith though. Something she knew she would have to leave to Phyllis. She didn’t have a subcore so she couldn’t leave her territory, yet. As for where to put Milith, the only logical place was to take her to her tenth floor. Her tenth floor was the most heavily defended part of her dungeon, and while one party was getting close no one had quite figured out the trick to opening the gates to her fifth-floor boss. Seeing that she would clearly be without Phyllis for a couple days, she suddenly kissed her, before whispering, “Let’s have a little fun first, before you leave.”

Phyllis blushed a bit knowing exactly what Misaki wanted. She hadn’t been in the mood for it last night when they went to bed, but now she was also finding herself to be a bit horny. Besides they were both pregnant already, so she didn’t see any risks and agreed. Soon the two were emitting rather strong pheromones that filled the house.

Emily whose room was closest to the couple’s room. Awoke to a bit of weight on top of her. Sitting on top of her was the naked form of one of the demon maids. She was the smallest of the four demons. This one had fiery red hair that fell to her waist. Two cute horns stuck out of her forehead, and she had large cute red eyes, with a pretty nose. She had practically perfect curves, her lovely chest was on full display. Drawing Emily’s eye after she dismissed the blue box she had. Which didn’t include a quest like Misaki and Phyllis’s windows offered. The maid had a bust that was bit larger than Emily’s and her nipples were already hard and swollen. Her skin was smooth and creamy with just the right amount of muscles. The girl’s pink pussy was visible as well, twitching slightly as a clear sticky fluid leaked and stained the blanket.

Then Emily noticed the heat building in her abdomen, and she realized that she was getting turned on. A bit of shock went through her at that, since she didn’t think she had any interest in other girls. Then she thought about her girls sleeping in the neighboring room. “None of you better be touching my girls,” said Emily intending to use her protective mother tone, but instead it came out with a bit of a seductive lilt to it.

“Why on Solkira would we do that? Neither one is old enough for this kind of play,” said the maid.

“But I thought demons like to engage girls in sex young,” said Emily a bit confused about this.

“Sure, if they were mine, I would let them watch, but not participate. They’re still too young to participate. Now just forget about your worries,” said the Demon Maid as leaned forward to kiss Emily. It was all Emily could do not to lose herself in the kiss. The demon had superb skills, and Emily almost came just from the kiss. As soon as the kiss broke she asked, “Why am I so horny? I have never felt like this before.”

“Easy, the Mistresses are mating. Can’t you sense the pheromones?” replied the Demon as she began to nibble on her ear. Hearing that Emily checked her status, and saw under conditions that she was indeed afflicted with the effects of demonic pheromones. Her mind finally connecting what was going on as dangerous, she tried to push the other girl off, but couldn’t. For the third time that week, she found herself lamenting the fact that she hadn’t trained her physical strength.

Next thing she knew the demon started stimulating her clit from over the blanket and her nightclothes. Already having been on the verge of orgasm thanks to the demon’s previous attentions, she orgasmed instantly. Her vision going white, and by the time she regained her senses she found herself no longer under the blankets, and completely naked. Lying face down, as the demon rubbed her back, with her boobs. At the same moment, she was aware of the demon, thrusting something deep into her pussy. She wasn’t sure what that something was, but she was pretty sure it wasn’t a penis. It wasn’t the right shape, but whatever it was it felt great, and she couldn't help moaning. The hard points against her back also felt fantastic, and she felt the feeling of a mana coat being used to enhance the stimulation. However, it was being done in a way far superior to the way the elf had been pleasuring her with her excessive petting.

She pushed herself against the demon maid, which increased her awareness of the boobs pressing against her back. It didn’t take long before she managed to get to her knees. Then she heard the demon whispering into her ears. Words laced with a bit of magic, which she was aware of. Responding with a little of her own magic to counter it. She wasn’t surprised about the magic, she had studied demons before when she attended her local magic school. Demons liked to establish dominance during sex, if it hadn’t been established prior. Which meant that they were battling for dominance. Realizing that, she renewed her efforts to push the demon off her, but now that the demon was on her back, that was proving harder. Trying to roll didn’t help either, as the maid easily countering her roll. Leaving her right back where she started, with a foreign object being expertly thrust up and out of her pussy, and the demon rubbing her breasts against her back. Then suddenly the maid started using her free hand to fondle her breasts.

She found herself going through another orgasm after that. Followed by three more rounds that were completely dominated and controlled by the maid. At least the maid was finally satisfied after that, but she felt like she had lost something during the time. It had happened during the third round when her own magic defenses crumbled allowing the maid to fully dominate her during the round and subsequent rounds. After the maid finally left, she found herself with mixed feelings about what happened. After getting dressed, she left the guest room and went down the hall. Peeking in on her daughters, she found them playing a game with their dolls. Entering the kitchen, she found Misaki and Phyllis at the table. The two were talking about something, while one of the maids this one a bit larger than the one she just had sex with and having blue hair instead of read was cooking.

The moment she entered the room Misaki looked at her and asked, “Did you have fun with Ruby?”

“Ruby, you mean the maid? You already named her?” asked Emily not entirely surprised that Misaki already knew she had sex with one of the maids.

“Phyllis and I named them last night. Now did you have fun?” replied Misaki.

“Fun? She.. she was trying to dominate me. What would you have done if she enthralled me?” replied Emily.

Misaki chuckled and replied, “Try to? She did dominate you and you were in no danger of being enthralled. As Phyllis’s sister, I gave orders to all my minions not to enthrall you.”

“If you knew what was going on, why didn’t you stop it?!” asked Emily.

“Because you seemed to enjoy it. In fact, you seem to have quite the submissive streak,” said Misaki.

“I’m not submissive!” said Emily. Misaki smiled and said, “Oh really? Hey, Phyllis how about another round, and this time we invite Emily.”

“Uh, Misaki I don’t think that is a good idea. Remember we can get her pregnant and besides she’s my sister,” answered Phyllis.

“Nothing wrong with a little incest, and besides one round can’t possibly hurt,” said Misaki who was actually still a little horny and being influenced by the demonic side of her nature. Soon a bit of a debate was sparked, and Emily wisely decided it would be best to sneak off and come back later. However, she barely made it a step, before she bumped into Ruby who had come up behind her. Who then proceeded to urge her to accept the offer. Urging she was finding difficult to resist. When she heard Phyllis agree to the idea on the grounds that she had to agree as well, that resistance broke.

A few hours later, Phyllis left to go find Milith. She was wearing the same set of magic armor she challenged Misaki’s dungeon in, and had her favorite sword in a sheath. She was also wearing a dress, that Misaki picked for her over her armor. The dress wouldn’t hold up in battle, but it was nowhere near as revealing and therefore less embarrassing than her armor. On her back, she had a small pack, and she found herself thinking about the sex she ended up having with both her new mate and sister. They had ended up, going longer than the one round she had agreed to and instead gone four. They might have gone longer, but Mom had interrupted them. After that had been a nice lunch before she and Misaki went about collecting what she needed for her trip.

She was leaving later than she would have liked, but she needed to leave as soon as possible to ensure that she got to Milith first. To ensure she wasn’t slowed by their fan club, she snuck out of town via a tunnel Misaki put in her basement. The tunnel lead to the edge of Misaki’s territory and had cost Misaki a fair amount of mana to build. However she was more than happy to spend it to help Phyllis out, and while she at it she added a second tunnel that led to her fifth floor. Both tunnels had security measures in the form of false walls to hide them. She exited the tunnel, just over kilometer south of Bordertown. The exit had been placed under a large tree, with a disguised ladder leading to a hollow in the tree from which she emerged into the forest.

After entering the forest it didn’t take long for her to reach the road south to White Rock. Once on the road, she took up the ground eating pace that she had perfected during her days as an adventurer. She had made sure to stay in good shape and in practice so she had no problems keeping up with the pace. By sundown she had managed to make good distance and found a good spot to set up camp for the night.

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