What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 49: XXIX Everyday Life in a Dungeon Part VII

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Amy was walking down a corridor, quite happy with herself. Thanks to being around lust demons a bit she had started adopting their values which is why she had sex with her sister the other day. Of course ever since then, her sister had been trying to avoid her, but she knew Thomas well. Easily finding the girls hiding places. She had just finished having some rather satisfying sex with her today, and was going to the dining hall to get something to eat. Which was also why she was currently walking down the corridor topless, as she hadn’t bothered to put it back on after having sex. As she walked down the corridor, she occasionally rubbed her stomach looking forward to the day it started swelling. That ‘juice’ she had gotten from Tina was far more than just a simple aphrodisiac, but also a fertility enhancer that made it possible for even female-female pairings to produce children. The reason she had gotten the ‘juice’ was because one of the maids had been pressuring her to. Not only that, but talking with the maids had made the prospect seem interesting. Turning a corner she ran into three small girls running down the hall. The smallest of the three girls ran smack into her and she was knocked onto her butt. Looking around she recognized the one girl, as Susan, the other two weren’t familiar to her.

The smaller girl was quite cute, with lovely purple hair that she had tied into a pair of pigtails. With a rather cute face that reminded her of Phyllis. The other girl had similar features, but was a bit larger with longer light blue hair. The first to speak was the smaller girl that bumped into her at full speed.

“Hey, big sis why are you topless?” said Megan the smaller girl.

“I was having some fun with my sister that requires being naked, and didn’t bother to put a top back on. I’m Amy, and you are cutie?” said Amy.

“I’m Megan. Mom says I should always wear a top, so why didn’t you?” replied Megan. Celine was listening intently, while Susan stood behind her.

“We are inside and there are only girls here, besides it is perfectly alright to walk around naked here in the dungeon,” said Amy.

“Hey, big sis what kind of game were you playing that needs being naked?” asked Celine.

“What’s your name, sweetie?” asked Amy.

“Celine,” replied Celine with a clumsy imitation of a curtsy. Something she had seen many girls do when introducing themselves. Her mom was one of the best alchemists in her hometown and as such often dealt with high society as that was where most of her regular customers came from. Sure she also got a fair amount of business from adventures, but most of them were male and less regular with their visits.

“Oh, so cute!” exclaimed Amy before beginning to describe her last sexual encounter with her sister in detail. The two young girls listened to it with rap attention and curiosity. Near the end of her recap of the encounter, one of the demon maids showed up. As for Emily at this time she was still talking with Misaki about the new ritual magic. The demon maid listened to her for a moment with an approving look on her face. The moment Amy was done, she interjected and told them that at their age it was more fun to watch than to play. Then Susan dragged the two away. Heading down a corridor. Amy called after the girls telling them to have fun, and then continued on to the dining hall for a nice meal. The demon maid following her to the hall.

Tina was sitting in her room, thinking about her last prank. She had gone down to the fifth floor last night. She had then snuck into a female adventurers room and dragged her outside. Stripped her and hung her from a tree. Sure it was no fun for the girl, but she had gotten a good laugh from it. She was reminiscing about what happened when the girl woke up, when she heard the sound of small feet running past her door. Looking outside, she saw Susan with two young girls run past, chasing a catgirl who had a ribbon tied to her tail. Which also happened to be the only thing she was wearing. Which was not the unusual part, that particular catgirl, loved walking around wearing only a ribbon, so Tina had seen her naked body walking past a number of times. Tina watched them for a couple of minutes, and then proceeded to follow them quietly to see what kind of trouble they could get themselves

Following them, it didn’t take long for her to realize they were just playing a game of chase with the catgirl demon. The winner of the game would be the first person to catch the naked catgirl and get her ribbon. Tina wasn’t all that sure it was appropriate for a couple of young girls to be here in the dungeon, but from what she had seen so far they weren’t yet being exposed to anything too weird, beyond the idea that it was okay to walk around naked. Of course with her being a goddess of mischief, she found it more amusing to let them have that idea. She could see some fun in seeing their mom’s reaction. The game lasted about an hour and a half before Celine ultimately managed to capture the catgirl and take her ribbon, by which point Tina had already gotten bored and went back to her room and Emily was already aware that her girls had wandered off.

Back in the library, Emily was panicking. She had searched the entire library twice, and her girls were nowhere in sight. Worried about her girls she wasn’t thinking very straight. Which had led to Misaki stopping her from just running off with no idea where she was going and pulling the distraught mother into her lap. Where she was calmly petting her and calming her down, while using her dungeon senses to look for the girl.

“There, there, don’t worry. They will be just fine, not a single one of my monsters would harm a child. Besides just running off like that won’t help them at all. Just sit here and relax, I’ll find them in no time,” said Misaki. She wasn’t kidding about the fact that her monsters wouldn’t harm children. She had made sure of that for her own reasons, but part of it was an instinct written in by the gods. Dungeons were in fact well known for the fact they wouldn’t harm a child that wandered in. Of course, they were also known for adopting said child as their own, and keeping it. Even if the parents showed up, they wouldn’t return it, deeming them irresponsible. Fortunately for Emily, that instinct wasn’t flaring up. The reason for that being that she considered Emily as family.

After awhile of comforting her, Misaki found the girls just in time to see the one catch the running catgirl and take her ribbon. Then exclaim happily about her victory. Misaki watched them through the dungeon sight for a couple of minutes  Before using what she learned about sharing notifications, to try sharing her sight. It wasn’t as easy and took a couple of minutes but she managed to share her sight.

“See, they are perfectly alright. Not a scratch on them,” said Misaki.

“Why is that girl naked!?” exclaimed Emily.

“That one is always naked. I don’t think she likes clothes,” replied Misaki.

“But she’s setting a bad example!” exclaimed Emily.

“Well, sorry, but it isn’t uncommon for people to be walking around my halls naked,” said Misaki deciding it best not to mention the possibility of them being exposed to sex. A moment later when Emily was calm enough, she led the way out of the library to meet the two girls.

Susan was finding herself having a lot of fun playing with the two little girls. In fact, she had enjoyed being led around the castle by the two girls. This wasn’t the first time though that she had noticed herself enjoying the simple pleasures. It was something she had attributed to the fact that she was now a slime. She watched the catgirl they had been chasing take her ribbon back from Celine, a smile on her face. The girl was a cute demon girl with a round face, with a small round nose and large red eyes. She had a modest chest, the only hair on her body was either on her head or the long fluffy tail that extended from her firm butt. The girl tied the ribbon back on her tail, and with a big smile on her face asked exuberantly, “Want to play, again!?”

Both girls nodded and Susan agreed. Although she was also looking at the clothes the girls were wearing, and was wondering how their dresses would taste. She was getting hungry, and her diet of cloth was making them look attractive to her. Fortunately, she wasn’t so hungry as to just jump them for their clothing, yet. Instead, she decided to propose something to make the game more interesting. “Sure, I’d like to play again, but this time whoever ends up in last place gets their clothes eaten,” said Susan.

“Eaten? You can’t eat clothes,” said Celine.

“She’s a slime, they eat mostly plants and clothes,” said the naked catgirl.

“She can!? I want to see her eat!” said Megan as she pulled off her panties and tossed them to Susan. Susan caught them and slowly dissolves them in front of the two girls. Who found watching the slime eat a pair of panties to be utterly fascinating. From how she pulled them into her body through her palm bringing them into her central mass via her arm. Then she let them float wherein a human the stomach would roughly be, as they dissolved. For Susan, the pair of panties was a fairly tasty snack, that she enjoyed. When she was finished, the game resumed. First, the catgirl took off running down the corridor, her tail swinging behind her. Reaching the nearest corner, she took a left, while Susan and the girls chased after her.

Running around the corner, they weaved past a pair of scantily clad demon maids. Susan snatching a blanket one of them was carrying as they went past. Which she pulled into her body and started to dissolve at her preferred pace. Celine picked up speed, moving past another demon maid closing on the catgirl. The catgirl saw her coming, and darted around the corner, passing a pair of doors. Leading the three into the garden, a touch that Misaki added to her castle feeling that it was only appropriate for a castle to have a garden. Of course rather than the normal trees and flowers, she had chosen plants often found in the demonic plane.

The group chased the catgirl into the garden, passing the first tree they were forced to slow and dodge the vines that tried to ensnare them. The tree being a low intelligence demon of the lust circle, what would happen if they had been caught was quite obvious. As they dodged, the vines, the catgirl jumped a hedge and nearly barreled into Misaki and Emily. Misaki caught the catgirl and had her stop running. About a minute later the other three caught up, with the girl. Where Emily began to lecture the three about wandering off without supervision. During which time Megan decided to share excitement over Susans ability to eat clothes. This time feeding the slime her dress. Much to her mother’s displeasure. Misaki was kind enough to make a new dress for the girl to wear, however.

Maron woke up down in the safe zone, on floor five. Her party was about ready to leave the zone. They had finally repaid the little mana debt they had from the healing service. Looking around the room, she began to remember the events of last night. Right now she was sharing a bed with three other girls. The bed was a nice big bed, that Aki had placed in the room a few days ago to replace the three smaller beds in here. One of the girls on the bed was her master Aki, who was entirely naked, and using one of the other girls as a pillow. The pillow girl, who was also completely naked, was the rogue of her party, who she had been helping her master corrupt. Her name was Erin. The rogue was a very pretty and small girl, with a firm toned body. She had just the right amount of muscle on her frame. Her chest was modest, and well-shaped, with an equally modest butt. Like Maron the rogue was a mixed blood, however she was a mix between a dwarf and a catkin, which explained her small size. A light green and blue-furred tail extended from the girl’s cute butt. Her long hair was currently being kept lose and of a similar mix of green and blue in color.

The other girl was their priestess, who was also naked and sprawled across the foot of the bed. Her large boobs being used as a footrest by Maron. Her name was Fira. The priestess was quite cute, with a lovely round face. She had wonderful curves, and but was a bit lacking in muscle. She had lovely and long silver hair that was currently framing her sleeping face. She had also been helping the demon next to her corrupt the priestess. In fact, she had been the hardest of the two to break, but they had managed to do it. The priestess had a good sense for when demonic magic was being used, but she couldn’t resist it very well when exposed to pleasure. Mostly because she had been lacking in experience in that area. Last night, they had quite a bit of fun having a foursome with each other after participating in one of the orgies that was quite common among the demons in the safe zone. They weren’t the only adventurers there at the orgy, as a couple of younger males had joined out of curiosity. Neither boy lasted through the entire orgy, but Maron and her party had stayed for the entire thing. Well minus one member, who wasn’t in the room right now. Their last member was a magical swordsman name Robert, who had a fair grasp of the light element. She hadn’t actually seen him in a couple of days since she had introduced him to one of Aki’s friends. A blue-haired Lamia demon, with a lovely blue and green patterned tail. He has been with that demon for the last couple of days. As for why she had introduced him and left him with that demon, well it was because Aki had asked her too.

She wasn’t quite aware of what she was doing, and what the other demon was doing with their swordsman. She just didn’t care. Mostly thanks to her new status as a thrall. As a thrall, doing her master’s bidding brought her pleasure and her new trait changed her thinking a bit. Mostly in regards to how she viewed sex, and the rest in what she thought of revealing clothes. Between the demon, and her new trait she no longer had any problems with wearing the revealing clothes the demons liked to sell. Nor did she have any problem being naked anymore. 

Carefully she extracted herself from the others. Crossing the room, she headed for the door. Outside were a couple of maids, she approached one and asked for some water for a bath. Unlike a human inn, no mention of the fact that she was naked and covered with drying fluids was made. In fact, both maids flirted with her a bit, but she wasn’t in the mood at the moment. She was quite satisfied with yesterday's activities, so she told them maybe later. Which she meant as both girls were cute. One of the maids then left and came back a couple minutes later with a couple buckets of warm water. The reason for the buckets was because magical faucets were expensive, it was rare for a young dungeon to have them in a safe zone. Mainly because they were costly for everyone including dungeon It was far cheaper to place a single well nearby and draw water from it. In the inn’s case, it had two wells in the back, one enchanted to produce warm water, the other enchanted for clean water kept at the temperature of highest density. In fact, the two wells were about the same price as a single faucet.

A few minutes later she had a bath drawn in the room, and was enjoying a nice bath when the others started waking up. Who joined her in the attached bathroom, which really wasn’t special. It had a tub, that had to be filled manually. Along with a linen closet full of towels, and rags. There were also a few soaps on a shelf. As for the toilet, that was stuffed in a closet. The bath was lovely, and afterward, the group began to get dressed while discussing their plans for the day.

When Fira reached for her normal robes to pull on, Aki stopped her saying she had something for her. Aki walked over to the pack she had brought last night and pulled out some cloth. The cloth was a variant on a priestesses robes. Made of thinner, darker cloth and cut to cover less skin than the robes she owned. It was designed to cover the chest, with a simple yet elaborate cut, that hugged the boobs tightly, while some loose cloth hung from the bottom covering the top half of the stomach. A tight set of panties covered the crotch, and the entire set was completed by a black cloak, the rest was mostly dark grey, while the loose cloth part was white. The entire ensemble was heavily enchanted with both protective enchantments and a set of enchantments that amplified healing spells.

“What is this?” asked Fira as she took the outfit.

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“The robes of a dark priestess, they should suit you well,” replied Aki.

“Why thank you, but I’m not a dark priestess,” replied Fira.

“You already meet the requirements for the class. There is a dark shrine in the zone. You can take up the class there, in fact I was thinking your party should visit the shrine. I believe you all got a message saying that Dewari the Dark Goddess of Lust and Fertility was now your patron?” said Aki.

“I did get one,” replied Fira.

“I saw a box saying that,” said Maron.

“I got one as well,” said Erin.

“Visiting the shrine will be a good idea, because it is her shrine. You can return to the shrine in this safe zone if you get killed exploring the dungeon. Also, you can upgrade your class there without visiting the guild,” said Aki.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, may even save us a trip back,” replied Maron as she was putting on her new armor. Her new armor was a set of bikini armor that Aki had convinced her to buy, and was like everything else here it was enchanted. It was a silver bra and panties with a white and grey striped mini skirt. The bra was shaped so that it barely covered the bottom half of her boobs. Attached to the panties was a sheath for her sword. Thanks to its enchantments the armor would protect her better than full plate armor would without hindering her mobility. Regardless of where she was hit. Which made this really good for mobility based warrior classes, which she didn’t have. Primarily since she hadn’t chosen an advanced class, since she had only recently reached the required level for an advanced class. None of this, however, helped hide the fact that she was currently pregnant, visibly so with slime spawn.

“Yes, you should probably pick a mobility-based class like blade dancer. It would mesh well with your equipment, and make you a better attacker for your party,” said Aki. Maron had been thinking along, similar lines. Her party may be lacking a proper tank, but it wasn’t unusual for a four-person party to be lacking somewhere.

“I was thinking the same thing,” said Maron. A couple minutes later the group was heading for the dark shrine in the dungeon. The rogue was wearing enchanted dark leather armor. Its appearance wasn’t all that different from what Maron was wearing, but covered a bit more skin. While the priestess had put on the robes that Aki had given her. As for Aki, she was wearing her normal black mini skirt and white top combo. Although she had brought a set that was slightly shorter than the ones she was wearing when Maron met her. Because of their attire, the party stood out less than other adventurers in the safe zone.

Outside the shrine, the met up with Robert and the demon he had spent the last couple of days with. Her long blue hair had been braided, the braid falling halfway down her back. Her blue-green tail coiled beneath her. Her large chest was covered only with an enchanted silver bra. Going across her chest was the strap, for her sword sheath. On her back, was a large shield and a double-edged sword. This particular demon was named Yui. Robert was standing next to her wearing his reinforced leather armor. His hadn’t been ruined so he had it repaired. Also, it seems someone agreed to enchant it as well. Which wasn’t too hard in a town full of demons. If you were short on mana, there were ways to get more.

Maron was finding herself thinking about having another round of group sex. This time with Robert in the mix. After a brief hello, he followed them into the shrine. The shrine was not the most elaborate shrine she had seen. It was a circular building made of dark stone and inlaid with gold and silver. The roof is held up by giant statues of naked women in various poses, some of which looked pregnant. Inside the shrine was an altar placed just in front of a statue of Dewari. She was holding one hand out, with a large crystal in it. The dark crystal radiated divine energies, and a prayer in front of it would allow one to select classes they wouldn’t otherwise qualify for. Some classes, such as Dark Priestess, could only be chosen while at a shrine. While other classes could be picked up anywhere as long as you meet the requirements. Regardless of the class you choose, you still need to meet some of the requirements when at a shrine to pick it. The most important being the level requirement. If you are missing any skills required for the class, the crystal will create a vision that teaches the skill at the most basic level. Regardless it is recommended that you meet as many requirements on your own as possible. As choosing a class you don’t meet all the requirements for comes with a cost. The more requirements, you don’t meet the higher the cost.

Maron went up first and prayed. Almost instantly a list of advanced classes she could pick appeared. At the top of the list were the classes she had met the most requirements for. She mentally narrowed it down to mobility classes. Before long she had it narrowed down to three. Those being Blade Dancer, Swiftblade, and Fencer, each had their own advantages. Swiftblade was a pure offensive class, that favored fast strikes, but had paper-thin defenses. So it didn’t take long for her to come to the conclusion that is didn’t suit her. As for Fencer it did well, with one on one combat and had some defenses. However, she was finding herself being drawn to the Blade Dancer class. The Blade Dancer class was all about mobility, evading enemy attacks and slipping into their guard to unleash powerful and rapid strikes. Also, Blade Dancers favored the type of equipment she was wearing. The fact her master suggested the class also made her decide that it was the class for her, so she picked it. She had all the skills for the class, as she liked to dance. The moment she picked the class, she received a notification

You have chosen the Blade Dancer class!

Checking status

Extra requirement met

Upgrading class to Dark Blade Dancer

Congratulations! You are now a Dark Blade Dancer.

Slightly surprised by the upgrade she checked the class she had now. For the most part it was identical to the base class, but it came with a slightly higher bonuses to stats. Along with the dark prayer skill. The skill was a buff skill, whose effects were dependent on the user’s faith. Along with the ability to use dark magic which was rare for a warrior class. The next person to step up to the altar was the priestess Fira. She only seemed to be knelt in prayer for a minute before she glowed and her class changed to Dark Priestess. Maron knew it had most likely felt it had been longer. As time behaved oddly near a shrine. When one was choosing a new class, they could spend hours before the shrine making a decision, but only a minute would actually pass in the real world.

Erin didn’t need long to upgrade her class to Dark Scout. A dark variant of the scout class. Which is a specialized variant of the rogue class, that specializes in finding paths, locating traps, and disabling them among other things. The Dark Scout came with better offensive options than the base class version. Along with the ability to use dark magic to enhance their abilities, disarm traps, or attack. Robert was the last member of the party to pray before the altar, unlike the other he didn’t upgrade his class, but his old class upgraded to a variant. Surprisingly he was the only one who didn’t get the Dark variant of his class, but the rare shadow version instead. An extremely rare variant for any class, that allows the holder to wield both light and dark magic with equal proficiency.

Walking out of the temple the party began to discuss their plans. Visiting the shrine was good as it would help them explore the dungeon. Since they were already thralls to Aki, well minus Robert who was Yui’s thrall there weren’t any risks in coming back here after a loss. After some discussion, they decided they would continue to challenge the floor. When Aki heard they wanted to continue their challenge of the floor today, she made an offer.

“Yui and I would be a bit bored without you. Why don’t we join your party?” said Aki.

“That would be lovely, but aren’t you dungeon monsters?” replied Maron. She really liked the idea thanks to Aki training her to be the way she is now. However, her memories as an adventurer, meant she knew that it would be odd. She hadn’t really heard of dungeon monsters joining a party.

“We’re all friends, and it won’t be a problem. Besides Yui can fill the role of tank, and I’m a mage positions your party needs to fill,” said Aki, while thinking “Besides it would give me more opportunities to corrupt adventurers. More pleasurable to play with them, than to fight them, anyway.”

“Alright, you can join,” said Maron and was greeted by a notification.

The Demon Mini-boss Aki has joined your party!

The Demon Yui has joined your party!

Title Aki’s thrall has lowered your position in the party

The demon Aki is now the party leader

Maron didn’t care about losing her spot as the party leader. Thanks to her status as a thrall, following Aki’s orders filled her with pleasure and the idea of giving Aki orders just didn’t feel right. So if her title hadn’t done it, she would have given the position to her freely. Aki had a smiling face, and asked them to follow her in basic party formation. She was however surprised to learn that Aki was a mini-boss.

The party left the town on the east side of the safe zone and headed into the jungle part of the floor. The castle visible to their right, and across a large chasm that was crisscrossed by a maze made of rock bridges. Following the paths through the jungle, they avoided the worst of the traps and didn’t encounter a single monster on the way to the first set of ruins. One thing Maron had done, after being in the safe zone for so long was talk with the demons. Willingly having sex with them and doing them favors had taught her about the puzzles on this floor. So she knew that Aki was leading her to the first of the puzzles that needed to be solved. Once she had realized that the demons in the safe zone had information on the puzzles, she had done her best to get everything she could on them, so as to get deeper in the dungeon. Just because she was corrupted by lust and a thrall, didn’t mean she would give up on challenging the boss of the floor. Well, she would have, if Aki had asked her to, but Aki had not. 

Approaching the ruin they found they weren’t the only party in the area. A party of four was camped out in front of the ruin. They had a nice little campfire going, and were cooking something. It was around midday, so Maron guess they were resting a bit, before trying their hand at the puzzle. Getting closer she noticed their equipment was in rough shape, most likely damaged from fighting with the local monsters. Although most adventurers had begun to figure out, what to expect from this dungeon so she guessed them to be new to the dungeon. The scout of the group was a small girl in torn leather armor. She was looking their way, and Maron could see her partially exposed chest. She was a little distracted though with a sewing kit in hand as she was sewing the hole in her armor closed. Next to her, was a tall man in heavy armor that was cracked in a few places and a greatsword on his back. The man was currently leaning over the fire checking on the pot. Maron was guessing they had caught one of the animals in the dungeon, and was cooking a soup with it or something. Many adventurers who went into the dungeon were taught by the guild who to identify edible plants and animals in a dungeon. Dungeons like having ecosystems, since it makes maintaining their monsters easier. It comes to them instinctively in fact, so it wasn’t surprising for the dungeon to have edible plants and animals. This fact was quite useful, when challenging the larger dungeons, or when you lost your supplies in the dungeon.

Sitting on a log on the opposite of the large man, was an elf girl. Like most elves she was disappointingly flat, her leather armor was torn here and there, but was mostly intact. She had a nice longbow slung across her back, along with a half-empty quiver. Sitting next to the elf, was a rarity in this part of the world. Standing at a grand total of forty centimeters tall which was about average for her race. Curly pink hair fell halfway down her back, and a pair of delicate wings extended from her back. The wings were a translucent white, and covered in swirling patterns of silver and gold.  She had a modest chest, that gave a modest bulge to her white and silver mage robes. The girl clearly belonged to the fairy race, although Maron wasn’t well versed on fairies, so she didn’t know her subspecies. Fairies had excellent magical stats, and excelled at light and nature magic. Only celestials could outdo them in light magic, but only barely. Few races were as good as they in nature magic. However, while fairies were good at magic, they were physically weak and had low vitality. Their predisposition to light and celestial magic also made them favored prey for demons. Demons loved nothing more than to corrupt a fairy. Which basically meant that this fairy was just tempting fate by being in the dungeon.

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