What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 54: XXXIV Trials and Rituals Part I

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Misaki woke up to a fairly normal day. Her mind instantly accessing the situation in the dungeon, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that Aki’s party was testing out floor seven. She had been quite happy when she had noticed that Aki had taken the initiative to enthrall a party and use them to test her floors. Happy enough that she had ranked her up. She was still a wandering boss, but now she of a higher rank and received greater boosts with each level. Speaking of ranks, they apparently differ between dungeons and the field. A field boss has ranks like area boss and regional boss. While in dungeons the rank was a metal. With most of her bosses being of the first rank which was the bronze rank. Honestly she would have preferred to rank all her bosses up to the max rank, but unfortunately, there were rules she had to follow that prevented that. Rules that were enforced by the system.

Slipping out of bed, she woke up Reiko and took her to have a bath. Today was Reiko’s big day so she had made something special for Reiko to wear when she meets her family. It was still a lovely dress, and like always she didn’t make any underwear for it. She didn’t bother with underwear for a number of reasons, but one of them was due to her demonic side. Reiko leaned into her hand when she woke her up and began rubbing against it. Clearly enjoying the physical attentions. She played with her a bit. “Alright come on, we need to get you cleaned up. You have a big day ahead of you,” said Misaki.

“Big day?” asked Reiko with a cute, inquiring expression on her face.

“Don’t tell me you have forgotten already? I told you just two days ago,” said Misaki as she guided Reiko out of the room. Her confused expression lasted only a couple of seconds longer, and then her face lit up. As she picked up her step, and followed her to the bath. Where a naked maid with a brush was waiting for them. Unlike a typical bath, this one was all business. Half an hour later they had bathed, and dressed for the day. Reiko was wearing a lovely silver dress that fell to her knees and was highlighted with aquamarine trim. It was less revealing than what she normally dressed her in, but she felt it more appropriate for the circumstances. As for herself, she had chosen a similar style of dress, but one with thinner fabric and less coverage. She had even matched the coloring. Feeling ready she led the way to her throne in the core room, where she was going to wait for Phyllis. She was already feeling a bit anxious and impatient for the meeting. After all, today wasn’t just something big for Reiko, but for her as well. She liked Reiko but her current state made her a poor conversational partner. She had also been avoiding having sex with her since there was a risk of her getting pregnant now. She had several reasons for that. Though as she thought about it, she was beginning to realize some of those reasons were just excuses she had made to herself to justify her actions. Looking at Reiko as she settled into her lap like she belonged there she started thinking of questions to ask her later when she can think properly again.

Her thoughts were interrupted a couple hours later, when Phyllis walked in escorting two young women into the room. Along with a few elven maids and several guards. She had been aware of Phyllis escorting the group into the dungeon. A part of her mind watching them progress through the dungeon the entire way here. The two young women near Phyllis both looked a lot like Reiko. The older one had the same blue hair, but she had more sensual curves and was a few centimeters taller. Misaki guessed her to be the queen, and next to her was basically a smaller version of Reiko. The girl was much shorter than the average elf, and had absolutely no chest. Her hair was of a lighter shade of blue than Reiko’s and kept in braid. Misaki gave Reiko a gentle push. Reiko then hopped out of her lap and started walking forward while Misaki welcomed her guests.

“Welcome to my little home here. We considered greeting you in town, but this felt more appropriate,” said Misaki as Phyllis came up to her and handed her something. While the smaller elf girl was embracing the excited Reiko the older one stepped forth and introduced herself.

“I’m Eriko Stormwind, and you're Misaki the avatar of this dungeon, right,” said Eriko.

“Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Queen Stormwind,” replied Misaki.

“I can see what you two meant about what happened to my daughter,” said Eriko as she watched Reiko hug and kiss her sister. While one of her hands wandered into the poor girl’s panties while she was trying to push her off. While telling her to stop. In the background, the maids and female guards were escorting the men out of the room.

“Those titles are kind of problematic. Anyway, I have a room set up for the ritual over there. I take it you know what the ritual involves?” asked Misaki.

“I do, I’ll have a couple of my guards look over the chamber, and maybe you should read that. I got the impression that the guild master really wanted to share that with you,” said Eriko. Misaki gave her the go-ahead to have her guards look over the ritual chamber. She had nothing to worry about and guessed the guards checking it was just one of those things she had to do because of her station. The item she had been given turned out to be a report. Looking over it her eyes went wide when she saw what it listed. Just over a kilometer outside of her territory running along a ley line was a vein of mana stone and the mages who found it guessed there to be a few thousand tons or more of the stuff in the vein. She found herself feeling excited by this. It meant she could build that ritual chamber. So she dumped a massive chunk of her mana into expanding her territory until she could sense the vein. Then she hesitated for a moment before spending all but a few of her DP to make it a regenerating vein of ore. Then she absorbed a large chunk of it. She didn’t have the time to do more as the guards had finished checking the ritual chamber. 

The men were made to wait outside, while the queen muttered a complaint about the odd ritual. As she slipped out of her clothes, along with all the other women going into the chamber. Misaki didn’t know why, but the ritual had this requirement about the participants being naked. Not that she cared, since it let her enjoy the view. In the ritual chamber, a series of complex magical symbols and rings were drawn on the floor. Reiko, Eriko, and the second princess took up spots in the center of the formation, while the rest of them took up location on the outer ring of the formation.

Soon they began to chant and dance according to the ritual’s directions. Almost instantly, the formation began to glow with a dark light. In the center, the mother and daughters conducted their part in the ritual, which for all involved quickly passed into a haze. None could really recall what happened after the started the dancing and the chanting had begun.

As the ritual was going on Reiko found herself in a strange world in which the worldly laws differed. Here light and darkness had flipped. Light was now concealing the edges of the rocky cave-like room she was in. The light behaved just like shadows would, while the darkness revealed three unmarked doors leading out of the room. Oddly enough these doors seemed to be upside down and were installed with the base of the door on the ceiling of the chamber. In front of her eyes was a notification box, but it was not the normal blue. Instead, the box was red.

Choose your path

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Choose wisely for your path will determine the trials ahead

She stared at the box for a good minute or two before she realized that she could actually think for the first time in months without her title suppressing some of her thoughts. “I can think. That damnable title is actually letting me think,” said Reiko to herself. A bright expression filling her face. Then she heard a familiar voice behind her that made her shudder.

“The trial wouldn’t really be a fair test if you can’t think,” said ???. Turning around Reiko saw a naked woman with a well-endowed figure lounging in a stone chair on the ceiling. A person she was quite familiar with.

In a meek tone, she said, “Hello, my goddess.” As she took up a submissive posture. She remembered how her last encounter with the goddess had went. The goddess had an amused expression on her face. The she meekly asked about her presence here.

“No need to be so submissive, but it’s nice to see that you have learned respect,” said Dewari. Reiko saw the statement as a test. She had long decided that part of how she had ended up being a pet was not showing proper respect to the goddess in front of her.

“I can’t act the part of an equal with you. It is an honor I don’t deserve,” replied Reiko.

“Do tell me why you don’t think you deserve the honor,” said Dewari amusement in her tone.

“Because I failed to show you the proper respect when we first met,” said Reiko to which Dewari chuckled.

“Respect is earned, but yes you did make some mistakes. Still now is not the time to lament past mistakes. Anyway, welcome to the Reverse Plane. I know the name isn’t all that imaginative, but it does describe this place very well. As for why I am here, it is to brief you on this place. You will need that knowledge to have any chance of passing the trial ahead,” said Dewari. After a couple of moments of silence, Reiko realized she was being permitted a chance to ask questions.

“I think I have heard of this place. Isn’t the Reverse plane used by mages for the Archmage’s Trial?” asked Reiko.

“Very good, you at least know a little of this place. Tell me what else you know,” said Dewari. Reiko quickly rehashed what little she had been told. Thing was no one had really told her much about it, since she was still a long way from being ready for the Archmage’s Trial. A trial that a mage needs to pass in order to qualify for any arch magic class.

“I don’t really know much about this place. In general, it is held that the magical laws are reversed here,” said Reiko.

“More than just magic is reversed here, but some of the physical laws as well. Which is why you are standing on the ceiling by the way. The very elements are reversed here. Light magic and water magic are normally both good choices for healing spells, but here those same spells only do harm. Normally dark magic can be used to conceal, but here those same spells will reveal what was previously hidden. Speaking of magic here it will be vital for passing your trial here and always pay close attention to your surroundings they may yield clues to the path forward,” said Dewari. Moments before she vanished. Along with the chair, and then three chests appeared each with a mural above them. Having listened to Dewari, she no realized these chests were on the floor and she was the one on the ceiling. Still, she did briefly wonder if that really applied in a realm where everything was backward.

Thinking a bit, she channeled some mana and was rewarded with herself falling to the floor. Normally when someone wanted to defy gravity they used the air element, but here it was the earth element that did the trick. Taking stock of herself she noticed that she was still naked, but unlike a few months ago she didn’t care. Taking another look around she noticed that each of the unmarked doors had a lock. One she had missed during her first glance, and she guessed that these chests each contained a key for these locks. Which meant that the murals must be some sort of indicator of the path ahead. So she sat down and began to study the murals.

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