What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 70: XLVII Dinner

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Phyllis almost panicked when she heard Arlie ask for dinner. She had been hoping it wasn’t feeding time for her. She had been hoping she wouldn’t have to feed Arlie while she was here. She already knew that Milith ate a lot of food when it came time to eat. She was already thinking about her pantry, and how empty it was going to be tomorrow.

“I’ll go empty my pantry then,” said Phyllis in an almost dejected tone. Arlie started giggling, and replied, “No need to go that far. I have been living with humans for a long time, so I adjusted to eating daily. Normally that means a couple small meals a day, but I’m nursing a child right now. I need about the same as you right now, but about double that would be preferable.”

She looked at Arlie confused, but only for a moment until she connected the dots in her mind. She realized that she was basically saying that she needed a lot of nutrients as she was eating for two. The extra was to support milk production.

“So do have any preferences?” asked Phyllis figuring it best to get this out of the way. Arlie was quick to reply, “Not really, just if you include any veggies season them heavily. I can’t stomach them otherwise.”

“You know I don’t think I have seen Milith eat any vegetables. Do you two have something against them?” asked Phyllis as she sauntered off towards the kitchen Arlie followed, and replied, “It is a racial trait more than anything else. We are technically omnivores, but we don’t eat a lot of plants. When it comes to plants we mostly eat fruit.”

Phyllis looked back with understanding, and replied, “I get it. Different races have different preferred diets.” Arlie nodded and confirmed that was it before sitting down at the kitchen table. Phyllis went around getting things started and then notice Arlie rummaging through a bag. Where the bag came from she had no idea, but she did notice a few objects that had likely come from the bag. Next to the bag was a book, and five perfect spheres that were blue on top, and white on the bottom. Along with a couple pieces of jewelry that were on the book. Then Arlie pulled another book on the bag, and Phyllis noticed the title. Her face red and not quite knowing what to think she asked, “why do you have such a strange book in your bag?”

Arlie scratched her cheek, and replied, “Honestly, I don’t even remember when I got it. It isn’t the only thing I own, and can’t remember when I got it. Anyway, I got it out because you are going to need it.”

Still red in the face she raised her voice and asked, “Why would I need a book on how to milk people!?”

Arlie chuckled and replied, “Because Jesse has a little problem with her tongue.”

Thoroughly confused, Phyllis wondered aloud how her tongue had anything to do with milk. Arlie replied, “Sorry, I didn’t just usher those four into the new lives you laid out for them. I played a game with them first, and Jesse was a little rude to me. So I gave her a minor curse for every boon she earned during the game. Those boons were just minor little things to help them adapt to their new lives.”

“Wait! She needed to learn a lesson, so you messed with her breasts?” asked Phyllis wondering how this connected. Arlie turned the book around and placed one of the balls on it before putting everything else back in the bag before finally replying, “I had five curses to decide, and you needed a milkmaid. So I used one of them to help you out.”

Phyllis knew she was right about that. She didn’t like to think about it, but she knew she was carrying triplets. With only two boobs it didn’t take a genius to know that she would need help to feed one of them, but she was hoping Misaki could help with that. “I was kind of hoping that Misaki could help me with that,” replied Phyllis. Arlie looked down and said, “I really shouldn’t be telling you this, but Misaki is carrying twins. She already knows, but she hadn’t told you yet as she was waiting for the right time.”

Phyllis started cooking, and while she wanted to be mad at Misaki for not telling her, she really couldn't be. They had been quite busy lately, and she couldn’t think of a good time for that discussion. As for how Arlie knew, she had a feeling it had something to do with her status as a goddess. “I guess you were right in that case, but is there anything else you did that I will need to know?” asked Phyllis.

Arlie leaned back in her chair, and said, “She will start lactating in about a week, and you will need to milk her about twice a day to relieve the pressure. Oh, and while not something I did it might be helpful if you read up on demon biology.”

She paused in her cutting of  a few vegetables, and looked over her shoulder to ask, “Why?”

“Well Misaki is a demonic dungeon, and that means your babies will inherit demonic characteristics. Particularly lust demon characteristics,” replied Arlie. Phyllis almost dropped the knife, and asked, “How do you ...”

Only to be interrupted by Arlie, “I have a few special abilities. It wasn’t hard to determine the parentage of your unborn children. Both parents leave a mark on their children even before they are born, one that can easily be read by those that know how.”

Phyllis wasn’t sure how she felt about that, but she had a feeling this goddess didn’t mention demon biology without a reason, and asked, “What is it about demon biology that you want me to know?”

“Well, it relates to our earlier discussion. Some races nurse their children longer than others. My race is a good example, we typically don’t start weening our kids until around seven years old. Demons are one of the races that are slow to ween their kids, as for why, well their teeth grow very slowly,” replied Arlie with a very serious face, and Phyllis got the impression that she was serious. Phyllis wasn’t comfortable with what that implied, and turned to focus on her cooking, and then decided to ask something else to change the subject.

“What is with that blue and white ball you left out?” asked Phyllis. With her back turned she couldn’t see Arlie’s reaction but she heard her response, “That's a capture ball. I stole the concept from a human entertainment franchise eons ago. Getting it to work the way the humans envisioned was a nightmare and a half. I spent a good seven hundred years working on it. As for what's in it, well that would be a cow. Give it to Misaki and it will give her a discount on a type of lust demon that she could use. They make great milkmaids and are superb fighters. As for the ball, you can keep it. It can be used to capture any living creature, and makes the owner of the ball master of said creature. However it won’t work on any creature over level one hundred, but that is only true of captures.”

Phyllis had a number of questions about that, and after a few moments silence asked, “Why spend seven hundred years working on these capture balls?”

Arlie excitedly answered, “Glad you asked. You see at the time I was making a series of worlds I call the ‘Game Worlds.’ You see I didn’t just steal the capture ball concept, I stole the entire franchise and recreated it on a far grander scale. The capture balls were the easy part to create. The hard part was creating the creatures they were meant to capture, but I managed to do it. Although it wasn’t the only franchise I stole and recreated on a far grander scale. I may have gone a little crazy, and I did add my own personal twists to each world.”

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Phyllis chuckled as she stirred her pot of veggies, and then checked her meat, “Of course you went crazy. What self-respecting goddess would do something on a small scale. So how many worlds did you make?”

“Thousands, I recreated just about every fictional world that caught my eye as a game world, but I did make a few of my own. This one, for example, is a completely original game world that I designed. Well, mostly original, anyway. I did borrow a few ideas from other sources,” replied Arlie. While Phyllis was glad she had changed the subject. This new one was far more interesting and nowhere near as uncomfortable for her. The conversation continued until it was time to eat. Misaki showed up around that time as well joined her at the table.

Misaki took one look at the book on the table and asked about it. Phyllis groaned, and Arlie replied, “That is for Phyllis to read. The knowledge in it will be useful for taking care of Jesse’s new needs.”

Misaki just nodded, and asked, “So you messed with Jesse’s breasts?”

“Well you two needed a milkmaid, and she practically volunteered by being rude,” replied Arlie as Phyllis placed a plate in front of her. On it was were a couple of pan-fried Marni Chops. Marni being a magical beast common around here. It was basically a flying boar with a frost breathability. Arlie started with the boiled vegies, and judging by her expression Phyllis guessed she didn’t season them enough.

Misaki’s eyes went wide, and she asked, “You didn’t ...” Only to be interrupted by Phyllis, “She told me, but she also told me you were just waiting for the right moment.”

Misaki looked down, “Sorry, I should have told you earlier, but I knew you were already having trouble with the idea of raising four kids. I wanted to wait until we weren’t busy to mention it was actually five.”

Phyllis set down Misaki’s plate and then placed her own down on the table. Feeling it was the right thing to do, she accepted the apology even if she didn’t think it necessary. Looking over she noticed Arlie had done something to the vegetables and was finishing them off. “So after dinner, what are your plans?” asked Phyllis.

Arlie swallowed a bite, then replied, “I’m going to pick up Ren, and then I’m going to check on Milith before going home. I’ll come back in a few days to check-in, but other than that I’ll stay out of your hair. Oh yes, and before I forget here is the address for my home gate, and under no circumstances are you to dial a different address. That rule is for your own safety, as some of the worlds the gate can go to are rather dangerous.” Then a piece of a paper appeared on the table with strange symbols on it.

Misaki grabbed it and looked it over, and Phyllis thanked her for the address. It would be useful if they needed to contact her for one reason or another. She was also glad for the little warning, even if she wasn’t interested in visiting other worlds. She had enough trouble as it was on this one, no need to go looking for it on another one.

After finishing her dinner, Arlie thanked Phyllis, and helped with the dishes. Once that was done she slipped out of the house and walked down the darkened street to Emily’s house which was next door. Reaching the door, she knocked lightly instead of just opening a portal into the living room like last time. Not being in a hurry she now had time for pleasantries like this. She didn’t have to wait long before a demoness holding baby Ren answered the door. It was Ruby who she had asked to watch her earlier.

Ren was quite happy to see her, and started reaching for her. She took Ren from Ruby gently and hugged while saying, “Thanks for watching her for me.”

“Well you didn’t really let me say no, but she was actually quite well behaved,” replied Ruby. Arlie smiled, and replied, “Most kids her age are. It will be a different story in a year or two.”

“What is special about a year or two?” asked Ruby with a curious look. Arlie making faces for Ren replied, “The humans call it the ‘terrible twos.’ It's just one of those phases kids go through after learning to walk.”

With a look of understanding, Ruby nodded, and replied, “I get it now. Well if you need a babysitter again just ask me. Speaking of babysitting, are you not concerned about me corrupting your kid?”

“Well, no. Your kind are very open about sex and nudity, but so are my people. As for Ren’s biological people, they have very different values from humans as well. Her instincts will lead her to seduce a harem of girls to carry her progeny, and a strong man to provide seed. Her kind don’t like clothes very much either so they will fit in quite well in a Lust demon community anyway,” replied Arlie. 

“I figured she was adopted, but I take it you also don’t care that I am teaching Emily’s kids my values either,” asked Ruby with a slightly worried tone. Arlie looked away from Ren, and gave her a reassuring smile, “You are just following your own instincts, and it’s Emily’s job to stop you, not mine.”

Ruby just smiled, and said, “I don’t think she will. I have been working on corrupting her too.”

Arlie had already known that of course. She had naturally investigated Ruby and Crystal before she came over here to have them babysit Ren. Naturally, that meant looking into their recent actions. She also had to agree with the assessment, as she had looked into Emily as well. The girl was too easily distracted by her demonic sex partners, and her hobbies to notice what they were doing, and she replied, “I would have to agree with that statement. Anyway, goodbye and good luck corrupting the local mortals.”

Ruby smiled and said farewell before closing the door. Arlie turned away and walked down the dimly lit nighttime streets towards the dungeon. Unlike larger cities, Bordertown didn’t have much in terms of a nightlife. So the streets were mostly empty. Sure there were a few people here and there. She passed an ally where a couple were having sex, and she passed a mugging as well on the way to the dungeon. She didn’t even bother with the first, but with the second she may have warped the mugger into a jail cell minus his clothes. As for the injured man that he was mugging, she gave him some basic first aid. All without stepping off the path to her destination.

When she approached the dungeon a young guild official tried to stop her from entering, but a few words were all it took to get passed. She then took her time leisurely walking down the halls. None of the demons dared attack her, and the traps and defenses recognized her as friendly which allowed her to walk straight to the tenth floor, where the gate home rested. She knew that she still needed to talk with Umeko her new paladin, but that could wait until tomorrow. Right now she just needed to get home and put Ren to bed.

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